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Specific Heat Ratio

Abrenica, Mark; Chan, Benson; Madlansacay, Darren; Tabago, Joel

I. Abstract
In this study, the specific heat ratio is determined experimentally. The data
needed in computing the specific heat ratio were obtained from the setup containing
Vernier LabQuest with gas pressure sensor and Pasco heat engine apparatus. The
researchers then plotted the inverse of Period squared (
) against the inverse of the
height of piston (
) where they obtained the equation of the best fit line which is used
in calculating the specific heat ratio. The researchers obtained a value of 2.4 for specific
heat ratio which has percent deviation of 71% from the theoretical value of 1.4.

II. Introduction

The amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature of a
substance by one degree Celsius is referred to as the property called specific heat. For
an ideal diatomic gas asserting translational and rotational degrees of freedom, two
modes of specific heat are identified. Deriving from the first law of thermodynamics
given a constant pressure process (c
) and using the ideal gas law, we get the equation
= c
+ R. Knowing that the specific heat at constant volume c
= (5/2)R , where R is
the universal gas constant, we get the value of c
to be (7/2)R. Getting the ratio ( c
/ c
will equate to a value of 1.4 denoted by .
This experiment aims to determine experimentally through the use of the
thermodynamic method designed by German physicist Dr. Eduard Ruchardt. A piston is
tapped, causing it to undergo a change in displacement y pointing downwards. The
piston will oscillate at a certain period returning it to its original position. The period is
theoretically dependent on the specific heat ratio given by a certain equation. It is also
assumed that with the very minor changes in volume, no heat is handed over or
absorbed by the gas characterizing an adiabatic process, Q=0. Getting the
summation of forces and accounting damping processes, the equation can be
expressed as:

1 = (P
A+mg) - b


Where: T is the period in seconds
A as the cross sectional area of the piston
Yo is the height of the piston
Patm is atmospheric pressure
is the specific heat ratio
b is the y intercept of the regression line

Using the data that will be collected, the plot T
vs y
will be graphed. Using the
method of linear regression, a linear regression line will be collected. Using the slope,
the will be computed using the equation above.

III. Methodology
The experiment requires the use of a Pasco heat engine apparatus, as well as
a Vernier LabQuest unit with a gas pressure sensor.
To start with, set the data collection settings in the LabQuest. In the Sensors
Menu, click Data Collection. Set duration to 5 seconds and sampling rate to 500 per
second. After doing this, connect the gas pressure sensor to the LabQuest. Set the first
initial height (0.075m) for the platform on the heat engine apparatus, and then connect
the heat engine to the LabQuest. Close the unused port and make sure there is no air
Trial 1 2 3 4 5
Initial Height 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095
Start collecting data, and then gently tap the platform to provide the initial
displacement. A damped oscillation will be observed in the Pressure vs Time (PvT)
graph. Isolate the oscillation by zooming in. Measure the time interval between peaks to
determine the period of oscillation. Record all measurements. Repeat this process four
more times using the data in the table above as the initial heights.
IV. Results and Discussion

The inverse of Period squared (

is plotted against the inverse of the height

of piston (

as shown in figure 1. As the height of the piston increases, the period

also increases as shown in table 1. In the same way, as the inverse of Period squared
increases, the inverse of the height of piston also increases. Using the equation;

and the slope of the determined best fit line of the graph, y = 149.18x - 883.95, which
is 149.18, the specific heat ratio () would be calculated as 2.4. The theoretical value of
is 1.4 which gives a percent deviation of 71.43%. The percent deviation can be
accounted for human error due to the gathering the data of the Period using a Vernier
Lab quest.

Figure 1: Plot of Period squared (

against the inverse of the height of piston (

y = 0.75x + 0.25
R = 0.75
0 2 4 6

Table1: Height of the piston and its corresponding period
Height of Piston
Period (s)
0.075 0.030
0.080 0.032
0.085 0.034
0.090 0.036
0.095 0.038

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