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Spring 2010
MGT502- Organizational Bea!io"r #Se$$ion - %&
Ti'e( )0 'in
Mar*$( +)
St",ent In-o
/enter( O01ST
E2a'.ate( 03 A"g 2010
For Tea4er5$ 6$e Onl7
1 2 : % 5 + ; 3 Total
8 No9 ) 10 11 12 1: 1% 15 1+
8 No9 1; 13 1) 20 21 22 2: 2%
8 No9 25 2+ 2; 23 2) :0 :1 :2
8 No9 :: :% :5 :+ :; :3 :) %0
8 No9 %1 %2 %: %% %5 %+ %; %3
8 No9 %) 50 51 52 5:

8"e$tion No( 1 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Ali usually goes for shopping, calls friends to come over, or arranges a party. He
looks for meaning outside of himself. We can say that he is:
< E2tro!ert
Open to eperience

8"e$tion No( 2 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

!c"lelland#s theory of needs concentrates on $hich three needs%
&o$er, acceptance and confirmation
Affiliation, control and reali'ation
Achievement, reali'ation and acceptance
< A4ie!e'ent= po>er an, a--iliation

8"e$tion No( : # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

According to !c"lelland, individuals $ho have a desire to ecel and to succeed
are high in ((((((((((((((need.
< A4ie!e'ent

8"e$tion No( % # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is the most likely eplanation for the higher a)sentee rate
of $omen in the $orkplace%
Women tend to have more illnesses that keep them from $ork than do
< Tra,itionall7= >o'en a!e a, te re$pon$i?ilit7 o- 4aring -or o'e
an, -a'il7
Women tend to )e less satisfied $ith their *o)s than men
Women tend to $ork in *o)s that have less flei)le schedules than men do

8"e$tion No( 5 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is one advantage of varia)le pay plans to management%
+hey turn fied la)or costs into varia)le la)or costs
< Te7 t"rn lo> pro,"4er$ into ig pro,"4er$
+hey turn slo$ employees into fast employees
+hey turn high fied costs into lo$ fied costs

8"e$tion No( + # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is an eample of a piece,rate plan%
-tock options
.s/0 for each unit produced
< 0ro,"4ti!it7 ?on"$

8"e$tion No( ; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing statement )est defines leadership%
Implementing the strategy provided )y management
1east concerned in )ringing organi'ational change
"oordinating and handling day,to,day pro)lems
< Te a?ilit7 to in-l"en4e a gro"p in goal a4ie!e'ent

8"e$tion No( 3 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing are mem)ers of an organi'ation $ith authority to influence
other mem)ers to achieve organi'ational goals%
< For'al lea,er$
Informal leaders

8"e$tion No( ) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he most fragile relationships are contained in $hich of the follo$ing types of
< .eterren4e

8"e$tion No( 10 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is least likely to create dependency%
-carcity of resources
4on su)stituta)ility
< 0o>er legiti'a47
-upply and demand

8"e$tion No( 11 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he interactionist vie$ of conflict proposes that functional conflict is:
< Ne4e$$ar7 -or e--e4ti!e gro"p per-or'an4e
An indication of the group maturity level
Al$ays focused around relationships
!ake group mem)ers static and apathetic

8"e$tion No( 12 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

In assessing intentions, cooperativeness is the degree to $hich:
66666666One party attempts to satisfy the other#s concerns
@@@@@@@<@One part7 atte'pt$ to re$ol!e 4on-li4t
666666667oth parties $ork to$ard a common goal
66666666One party can empathi'e $ith the other

8"e$tion No( 1: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he focus of relationships in distri)utive )argaining is:
66666666+he long term
@@@@@@@<@Te $ort ter'

8"e$tion No( 1% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is NOT a common success criteria for any organi'ational
666666668ecentrali'ed reporting
@@@@@@@<@Aig re$i,"al 'a$$
66666666&ermanent monitoring
66666666.apid response

8"e$tion No( 15 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he flatten organi'ations are considered to )e:
@@@@@@@<@S'all an, narro> $pan$ o- 4ontrol
666666661arge and $ide spans of control
66666666+ight control and strict discipline
66666666!ore focused epertise on a given area

8"e$tion No( 1+ # Mar*$( 1 & ttp(BB!"$t",ent$9ning94o' - 0lea$e 4oo$e

9ou have eliminated hori'ontal, vertical, and eternal )arriers $ithin your
organi'ation. 9ou are operating as a5an:
7oundaryless organi'ation
Organi'ational pyramid
< Matri2 organization
:irtual organi'ation

8"e$tion No( 1; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the given options is the epansion of *o) content to include a $ider
variety of the tasks and to increase the $orkers; responsi)ility for checking
<uality and direction for the method%
< Co? enlarge'ent
=o) rotation
=o) enrichment
=o) reengineering

8"e$tion No( 13 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing factors influence the O7 in glo)al organi'ations%
"ustomers and $ork force
1anguage and communication styles
8ifferences in pay scales
< All o- te -a4tor$ in-l"en4e9

8"e$tion No( 1) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

A manger is helping his su)ordinates to eplore, and possi)ly resolve, personal
pro)lems. What is he doing%
< /o"n$eling

8"e$tion No( 20 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

All of the follo$ing include )ehavioral symptoms of stress EX/E0T(
< Ba, 'oo,$
7eing irrita)le

8"e$tion No( 21 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

1earning ho$ to )e a )etter listener and ho$ to )e a more effective team player
is eample of $hich training%
&ro)lem solving
< Interper$onal

8"e$tion No( 22 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing statement is true regarding a dominant culture%
+he sum of an organi'ation#s su)cultures
8efined )y the leader of an organi'ation
< S7non7'o"$ >it an organizationD$ 4"lt"re
1ikely to )e a $eak culture of an organi'ation

8"e$tion No( 2: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

A strong culture can act as a su)stitute for $hich of the follo$ing%
< Organizational r"le$

8"e$tion No( 2% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

All of the follo$ing are eamples of material sym)ols EX/E0T(
>se of the company *et
< Ne> e'plo7ee orientation$
1uury cars for eecutives
&rivate parking spots

8"e$tion No( 25 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

1ooking for )etter $ay to stay is called:
< Rea4ti!e 4ange
Anticipatory change
.adical "hange
Incremental "hange

8"e$tion No( 2+ # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is5are considered necessary for the development of
< All o- te gi!en option$

8"e$tion No( 2; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

&roductivity, *o) satisfaction and turnover are (((((((.
!oderating varia)les
< .epen,ent !aria?le$
Independent varia)les
"ontinuous varia)les

8"e$tion No( 23 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he relatively sta)le set of psychological attri)utes that distinguishes one person
from another is called (((((((.
< 0er$onalit7

8"e$tion No( 2) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is true for the people $ho adopt a thinking style )ased on
logics and rationality%
+hey process information serially
+hey perceive things as a $hole
+hey perceive things on the )asis of past eperiences
< Teir ,e4i$ion$ ,epen, "pon $it"ation

8"e$tion No( :0 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+eams are very useful in $hich of the follo$ing situations%
+he $ork to )e performed is very )asic
< Te ta$*$ are interrelate,
4o one $ants to )e accounta)le
+he group is homogeneous

8"e$tion No( :1 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing sho$s all people, positions, reporting relationships, and
lines of formal communication in the organi'ation%
O)*ectives chart
< Organizational 4art
&osition chart
&ert chart

8"e$tion No( :2 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he internal operations of an organi'ation provide the frame$ork for $hich
type?s@ of departmentali'ation%
< F"n4tion an, pro4e$$
2unction and market
&roduct and customer
Aeographical and customer

8"e$tion No( :: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing departmentali'ation is similar to functional
departmentali'ation ecept that the focus is much more on specific *o)s grouped
according to activity%
< 0ro4e$$ ,epart'entalization
&roduct departmentali'ation
Aeographic departmentali'ation
"ustomer departmentali'ation

8"e$tion No( :% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Organi'ational culture includes all of the follo$ing EX/E0T:
A )asis on individual perceptions
2eelings that characteri'e life in the organi'ation
< Gain $aring plan
.eference to current situations in an organi'ation

8"e$tion No( :5 # Mar*$( 1 & ttp(BB!"$t",ent$9ning94o' - 0lea$e 4oo$e

Which of the follo$ing is the organi'ational source of resistance to change%
2ear of unkno$n
Economic threat
< Ne> $o4ial relation$ip
+hreatened po$er

8"e$tion No( :+ # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is the process of planned change and improvement of the
organi'ation through application of kno$ledge of the )ehavioral science%
Organi'ational culture
Organi'ational theory
Organi'ational "hange
< Organizational .e!elop'ent

8"e$tion No( :; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is the process in $hich data is gathered, analy'ed,
summari'ed and returned to those $ho generated them%
&rocess "onsultation
< S"r!e7 -ee,?a4*
Inter,group development
-ensitivity +raining

8"e$tion No( :3 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

&+"1 has contracted $ith different recruiting agencies to provide human
resource for its call centers. It is an eample of $hich of the follo$ing%
Off shoring
< O"t$o"r4ing
=o) migration

8"e$tion No( :) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

>sman and A$ais are procurement engineers in A7" "orporation. 7oth have
same eperience and education. +he responsi)ilities of )oth are same. 7ut
>sman is earning more )ecause of the personal relationships $ith their )oss.
Which of the follo$ing may )e the reason of organi'ational stress for A$ais%
< Salar7

8"e$tion No( %0 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+oday the $orld is facing severe type of recession. 8ue to $hich organi'ations
have to do$nsi'e. +his do$nsi'ing is causing $hich of the follo$ing
organi'ational stress for employees%
< Se4"rit7

8"e$tion No( %1 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

All of the follo$ing are the key components of performance management cycle
< 0lanning

8"e$tion No( %2 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

=o) rotation, understudy assignments, apprenticeship and formal mentoring
programs are eamples of $hich of the follo$ing%
< On te Eo? training
Off the *o) training
-imulation training
:esti)ule training

8"e$tion No( %: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Emotional Intelligence is important for $hich of the follo$ing positions%
8aily $age $orker
< Manager

8"e$tion No( %% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing can )e considered a method of social learning%
&urchase invoices
< TF 4o''er4ial
Work !anual

8"e$tion No( %5 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he administration of a "ollege recommended Ayesha to )e the mem)er of
college honor society for her ecellent effort. Administration ehi)ited $hich of
the follo$ing po$er over Ayesha%
< 0er$onal

8"e$tion No( %+ # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

4aveed is relatively ne$ employee and $ants to make sure that he makes a
good impression on his co$orkers and supervisor. He agrees $ith the
supervisor#s opinion most of the time and is al$ays doing nice things for him.
4aveed is attempting to use:
&olitical )ehavior
"onflict management
2astidious )ehavior
< I'pre$$ion 'anage'ent

8"e$tion No( %; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

In contrasting organi'ational culture $ith *o) satisfaction, organi'ational culture is
a descriptive term, $hile *o) satisfaction is a ((((( term.
< Rea4ti!e

8"e$tion No( %3 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

!r. Ali is a marketing manager of A7" "orporation. He asked !.. >sman, sales
manager, to help him in a pro*ect and promised him that he $ill help him $hen he
$ould need $ithout )ringing it into the notice of their supervisors. 7oth of them
are involved in $hich of the follo$ing type of politics%
!anaging impression
"ontrolling information
< /"lti!ating net>or*$
"reating o)ligation

8"e$tion No( %) # Mar*$( : &

Ho$ strong organi'ational cultures have great influence on the )ehavior of its
Organi'ational cultures are learnt )y stories, rituals, and hand)ook. 7ut the
intensity of the culture and the degree to follo$ it )y employees depends upon
the employee stage of satisfaction to the organi'ation.
4ormally satisfied employees try to follo$ and adopt organi'ational culture on
them. 7ut unsatisfied employees try to avoid as on $here they can.
A strong organi'ational culture means every employee should follo$ and if not,
negative reinforcement, or punishment $ill )e applied upon him. -ome
organi'ations don#t compromise on <uality, customer satisfaction.
With this degree of ho$ strong the organi'ational culture is employees have to
follo$ it, other$ise they are ready for the reaction from the organi'ation.

8"e$tion No( 50 # Mar*$( : &

Ho$ I-O has impacted organi'ational )ehavior%
&roducts or services all over the $orld have some properties attached to them.
+he satisfaction they provide, against the resources paid, is called <uality of the
product. I-O tried to put some )asic properties of the product, )y $hich $e can
understand that the product, $ill provide the )enefit at least the level of the
<uality prescri)ed.
+he organi'ations $hich follo$ the standards provide )y the I-O for their product
and services are glo)ally accepted. -o in the current situation if any organi'ation
$ould like to introduce their product glo)ally they have to follo$ some rules and
regulation prescri)ed )y I-O.
Buality can )e achieved )y applying some strict rules in the transformation
process of the organi'ation. And to follo$ these rules is the responsi)ility for
everyone in the organi'ation.
Ed$erd 8eming introduced the +B! ?+otal Buality !anagement@ concept at
organi'ational level. +his <uality management are the steps )y follo$ing an
organi'ation produce <uality products, and keep survival in the competitive $orld.

8"e$tion No( 51 # Mar*$( 5 &

8iscuss some of the important steps that management takes to revie$ the
performance of employees%
+o measure the employee performance, mostly organi'ations use confidential
report ?".@ and appraisal form. 4ormally this ". or appraisal form filled )y the
immediate supervisor. +he performance depends upon, A)ility, Attitude, and
-upervisor has to *udge the personal traits, 1earning a)ility, -trength, and
response of the employee. And ho$ much the employee is loyal to the

8"e$tion No( 52 # Mar*$( 5 &

8o you think structured intervie$ reduces )iases as compared to unstructured
-tructured intervie$s can definitely reduced )iases, $hich is a normal human
fault occurs during intervie$s.
An unstructured intervie$ can not measure the candidate a)ility to *o) fit,
interpersonal skills, and )ehavior.
Intervie$er can make the follo$ing mistake.
-elective perception: A)ility he is searching in the candidate can not )e find in
half an hour or one hour.
Halo effect: Intervie$er can like or dislike any one thing of the candidate and the
intervie$ee can )e re*ected or accepted through it.
-tereotyping: +he intervie$er can have the earlier kno$ledge a)out the group
the intervie$ee )elongs to.
&ro*ection: He epected $hat is he in his mind a)out the candidate

8"e$tion No( 5: # Mar*$( 5 &

8ifferentiate )et$een *o) description and *o) specification.
=o) description means ho$ the task divided in *o)s, this $ill ans$er, What to do,
ho$ to do. A complete set of series documented form is a *o) description.
While =o) specification means $hat are the minimum <ualification and
eperience, certification re<uired to do this type of *o).

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