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for one more day

by Mitch Albom

Introducing for one more day

Before you begin for one more day, have students brainstorm about the meaning behind the title, and
what value they place on one day, 24 hours, or 1,440 minutes in their own lives. Students should read
the end papers, front and back inside flaps, which will give them a synopsis of for one more day.

Ask your students if they have ever read another book by Mitch Albom, and if they did were there
common themes and tones that ran through them?

Ask your students if they ever wished they could have more time with someone that they cared about
that is no longer living?

Students should think about if they have ever wished for something and then were sorry when it
actually came true; their expectations may not have been congruent with reality?

This story takes place in the 1950’s. It is important to pay close attention to the values of that time
period and how it affects the point of view of Chick/Charley who is telling his life story.

What connotations (emotional connections) do divorce, alcoholism, nostalgia, redemption, and

appreciation bring to mind? What do you think about when you hear or read the phrases “the power of
love,” and “life and death”?

Figurative language is embedded in this narrative fiction book. To increase comprehension and
appreciation of this story, it would be advantageous to understand types of figurative expressions as
idioms, metaphors, smiles, and aphorisms. As you read for one more day try to identify those words
or phrases in the story.

Visual imagery is key to absorbing the essence of this story. Throughout the book encourage students
to picture what they are reading (like an ongoing movie) involving the emotions, behaviors, and
conversations of the characters.

There are vignettes throughout for one more day titled Times My Mother Stood Up for Me and
Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother. While reading each one think about the relationship and
communication between Chick/Charley, his mother Pauline/Posey and how the narrative structure
directs you to respond in a sad, angry, sympathetic, suspicious, happy, positive, or negative way.

*Note- for one more day is the book that was chosen college-wide by Metropolitan Community
College to be the book of choice for the 2007-2008 school year. Metro Community College has a
college-wide book club, Metro Reads. Every student, staff, and faculty member is encouraged to read
this heartwarming and insightful story and become part of the Metro family learning community.
Instructors might be using for one more day in their classes, and there will be activities related to this
book throughout the year.
Main Characters

Leonard “Len” (Chick’s/Charley’s father)

Pauline “Posey” (Chick’s/Charley’s mother)
Charley “Chick” Benetto (son of Len and Posey) (Catherine’s husband) (brother of Roberta)
Roberta (daughter of Len and Posey) (Chick’s/Charley’s sister)
Catherine Benetto (Chick’s/Charley’s wife) (mother of Maria)
Maria (daughter of Chick/Charley’s and Catherine)
Gianna (“the Italian woman”)
Miss Thelma (hair and make-up appointment with Posey)
Rose Templeton (hair and make-up appointment with Posey)


What does a ghost story mean to you? Think about the denotative and connotative representation of
those two words. Why did the foreword state, “But every family is a ghost story.”?

What does Mitch Albom mean as he informs the reader that Maria Benetto is narrating this story in
Charles’ Benetto’s (Chick Benetto’s) voice?


Chick’s Story

Page 3 What do you think Chick meant when he said, “People figure I crossed the line.”?

Page 3 What emotions do you feel when Chick explains, “Looking back, I began to unravel the day
my mother died, around ten years ago.”?

Page 4 Why does Chick say, “one day can bend your life, and that day seemed to bend mine
inexorably downward.”? Does this statement give the impression that he is the type of
person that takes control of his life or life takes control of him?

Page 4 How does Chick’s wish as a child for his mother to leave him alone tie into the old saying,
“Be careful what you wish for.”? Chick then says, “But then she did. She died.”

Page 4 What does Chick mean when he says, “I began to drift, as if my roots had been pulled, as if I
were floating down some side branch of a river.”? What is he trying to say about his life?

Page 5 Chick went through a traumatic series of events involving drinking. Explain the cause and
effect relationships that took place. Do you think Chick realized his behavior was causing
the chain of events were occurring at that time? Why or why not?

Page 5 Chick stated the aphorism, “When you’re rotten about yourself, you become rotten to
everyone else, even those you love.” Do you think Chick realized this when the original
incidents occurred? Why or why not?

Page 6 Why does Chick share his thought, “Maybe you figure men like me who play in a World
Series would never sink as low as suicide because they always have, at the very least, that
‘dream came true’ thing.”? What has he learned about dreams that come true?

Page 6 How does Chick describe the final episode that brought his suicidal goals to the surface?
What does he mean when he explained, “What finished me, what pushed me over the edge,
strange as it sounds, was my daughter’s wedding.”? How did you feel when you read this

Page 7 Explain the comment, “This time, my little girl would not take my hand and comfort me; she
belonged to someone else.” How does the power between Chick and Maria and the
complexity of this father/daughter relationship become evident as Chick says “I was not
being asked. I was being notified.”?

Page 7 Do you agree or disagree with Chick’s daughter’s not to invite her father to the wedding?
Why or why not?

Chick Tries to End It All

Page 8 What is this poem trying to say? “Why couldst thou not remain at school?” What school is
Charles Hanson Towne referring to? Why do you think Chick had this poem with his

Page 9 How does Chick’s point of view about his job reflect his self-concept, and how does his
self -concept reflect how he looks at his job? How does he look at the world?

Page 10 “At that moment, I felt lonelier than I’d ever felt before, and that loneliness seemed to squat
in my lungs and crush all but my most minimal breathing.” What is Chick trying to say?
Is Chick’s reaction about what is right or what is appropriate?

Page 11 Why do you think Chick wanted to go home to Pepperville Beach where he grew up? What
do you think returning home meant for Chick?

Page 11 What do you predict will happen as a result of his decision? How do you interpret the
euphemistic phrase “preparing for the journey” and reference to this as a “good-bye trip”?
Do these statements have negative or positive connotations? Why or why not?

Page 12 Chick’s birth certificate represents life. Why would that be displayed?

Page 13 What can you infer about Chick’s state of mind? Why do you think he might be trying to
justify his alcoholism?

Page 14 Visualize the chain of events that occurred. What emotions do you feel as Chick analyzes
the accident, “…I must have been thrown from the vehicle before its final impact.”?

Page 15 How does your perspective about death influence your reaction to Chick’s statement “When
you want to die, you are spared.”? How would cultural perspectives pertaining to death
affect peoples’ reactions to this comment?
Page 15 What consciousness is evident by Chick’s concern where the driver was and was he alive?
Does his personal acceptance of his lack of courage allow for acceptance of his decision?
Why do you think he heard “crickets laughing”?

Page 16 How does death defy Chick? Why is Chick thinking about Maria at this crossroad
Page 17 of life and death?


Chick’s Mom

Page 21 Do you agree or disagree with the statement Chick’s father declared, “‘You can be a
mama’s boy or a daddy’s boy. But you can’t be both.’”? Why do you think Chick’s father
made that ultimatum? What connotations do you have about a mama’s boy and daddy’s
boy? How is Chick’s father using language and ownership of Chick’s self-concept as

Page 21 What do you glean from Chick’s comment that his father threw hardballs “…even the ones
that stung my hands so badly I thought I would scream.” What insight does this give you
about Chick’s emotional relationship with his father?

Page 22 What inferences relating to the mood of the dialogue enabled you to conclude that Chick’s
mom was dealing with a serious emotional situation?

Page 23 What does Chick’s comment, “I was a mama’s day from that day on” mean to him? Was
this decision on a literal level or figurative level or both?

Page 24 How does the vision of his mother communicate that her life is on the forefront of Chick’s
thoughts? What emotions does Chick experience?

How Mother Met Father

Page 26 In what way is Chick’s mother conveying her values, attitude, and feelings towards Chick
Page 27 by writing him notes?

Page 27 What does Chick’s mother mean when she says to her son, “‘You can’t lose your mother,
Charley.’”? Think about the connection to the overall theme of for one more day.

Page 28 Chick describes the scene how his parents met; Len was throwing a baseball with his friend
and when Posey went to retrieve it, they bumped heads. “‘And we never stopped,’ she
would say” gives what clues about their relationship? What does this symbolize?

Page 28 In what ways are Leonard’s attitudes and feelings revealed when he told Posey that “‘he’d
like to ‘kill more of the enemy than anyone in our town.’”? Note: (Keep in mind that
Chick’s father was shipped overseas to Italy. There are important connections later in this

Page 29 What affect does Leonard portray when he proposed to Posey in a letter by writing “‘Be my
Page 29 Visualize what Posey looks like. Visualize what Len looks like. What physical
Page 30 characteristics allude to their personalities?

Page 30 How did Chick’s description of one parent leaning toward him and the other leaning away
give figurative and literal meaning to understanding his relationship with them?

Page 30 How does Chick’s comment, “They were a blend of backgrounds and cultures, but if my
family was a democracy, my father’s vote counted twice.” represent his interpretation of
power in his family?

Page 31 Chick’s future as a major league baseball player were wrapped around his father’s
expectations. What evidence does Chick share to support his perspective?

Page 31 Chick’s literal interpretation, “When they referred to church as ‘God’s house,’ I worried
that the Lord did not appreciate my spikes digging into his floors.” brought a sense of
innocent humor to his interpretation. What was seven-year old Chick thinking?

Page 31 Compare and contrast Chick’s father’s expectation for his future as a baseball player and
Page 32 Chick’s mother’s educational expectations for his future. How do you think it affects his
values and expectations of himself?

Page 32 What subliminal message was Chick’s father sending out when Chick looked towards his
mother when he was up to bat and his father said, “‘Eyes on the ball, Chick! There’s
nothing up there that’s gonna help you!’”? What does this tell you about Posey and Len’s

Page 33 Evaluate Chick’s relationship with his mother. What do you think about her character?
How might people from other cultures evaluate her as a mother observing her personality,
behavior, and appearance?

Page 33 Think about Chick’s aphoristic theory combined with the simile, “Kids chase the love that
eludes them, and for me, that was my father’s love. He kept it tucked away, like papers in
a briefcase. And I kept trying to get in there.” What is Chick trying to say about his
father’s ability to express love and affection?

Times My Mother Stood Up for Me

Page 35 What message was Chick’s mom sending to him with her interaction with the dog? Do you
think his mother’s attitude about “who’s boss” crossed over to their home life?

Chick Returns to His Old House

Page 36 Think about the symbolism of the creation of Pepperville Beach and the dialogue that took
place, “‘Hey, you wanna go to the beach…--because we knew we weren’t fooling
anybody.’” What do you think about Chick’s family? Were there unspoken feelings and
behaviors that manifested themselves in unhealthy ways?

Page 37 How do you judge Chick’s character? How does his fugitive self-analysis connect with the
life he had been leading before the accident?
Page 38 What did you predict was going to happen as Chick discovered the house seemed lived in?
How would you interpret the ease of Chick’s mother’s voice asking if it was Charley?

Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 39 As Chick recalls the mummy costume his mom created that turned into a mortifying
Page 40 moment, what do you think about his reaction to his mother?

Page 42 Why do you think that Posey only calls her son Charley and not Chick?

Page 42 What attitudes, emotions, and feelings between Charley and his mother are being

Times My Mother Stood Up for Me

Page 43 Compare the responses from Chick’s mother and father involving his echo inquiry. Why
Page 44 do you think Chick remembered this incident so vividly?

The Melody Changes

Page 45 Why do you think Chick’s mom loved the song, “This Could Be the Start of Something

Page 45 What does Chick mean when he says that his mom played this record when his dad was
“still in the picture”? Have you ever ceased from an activity or goal because some
unforeseen event disrupted your ambition or desire?

Page 45 What words give clues that this story is taking place in another time period? How might
Page 46 this scene look differently today?

The Encounter Inside the House

Page 48 What did Charley and Roberta’s mom convey when she burst out laughing at her daughter’s
inquiry to finish carving their names? Chick noted that his father “blew a gasket.” How do
the reactions of Chick’s mom and dad reflect their personalities and values?

Page 49 When Chick expressed “When I lacked even the self-respect to keep myself alive, she
dabbed my cuts and I fell back into being a son;…” elicited what kind of emotions about
his needs as a human being? Do you think his mom’s nursing efforts projected
unconditional love? Why or why not?

Page 50 “When death takes your mother, it steals that word forever.” What did Chick mean by that
comment? How did this make you feel? Do you think the depth of his emotional
connection and love for his mom left a permanent void in his life?

Times My Mother Stood Up for Me

Page 52 Visualize the interaction of Chick’s mom and the librarian. How do you interpret her
support and confidence in Chick and her personal strength as a person?
Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 53 What values resurface about Len’s relationship with Posey and his desire for Chick to
Page 54 be a “daddy’s boy”? Do you think he subconsciously tries to build himself up by using
power to control his family?

A Fresh Start

Page 55 “So can you stay all day?” What do you predict this inquiry means at the forefront of
Chick’s subconscious in terms of his relationship with his mom?

Page 57 How does the passage about “divorcing parents” show that it is important to understand the
context of the situation in that time period and the values attached in that era? How will
perspective taking and empathy improve comprehension? How has society changed since
the 1950’s?

Page 57 What does Chick’s father mean by “buck up”? How do you think his inability to express
emotion affected him as an adult?

Page 59 How does Len’s ribbed white shirt and Posey’s shiny red dress represent them? What does
Chick mean when he says, “And when she looked happy, everyone took a backseat.”? Do
appearances always tell the whole story?

Page 59 Chick explained, “So that’s how I saw my parents. They fought, but they danced.” What is
the symbolic relationship between their appearance and movement?

Page 60 Why do you think Chick wanted to start the new school year playing baseball and Roberta
chose puppet theatre?

A Meal Together

Page 61 What does Chick mean when he talks about “shoveling food like a prisoner,” and “food
your mother makes for you… carries a certain taste of memory.”? What emotions were
tied to these statements?

Page 63 How does Posey’s note to Charley demonstrate her love for him and her constant effort to
reinforce literacy?

Chick’s Family After the Divorce

Page 64 How does the simile that Chick expressed, “Small towns are like metronomes; with the
slightest flick, the beat changes” connect to understanding life without his father as an
absent figure in his life.

Page 64 On page 58 Chick’s self-talk stated, “So no tears Chick. Not for you.” Now his mother is
refusing to seek pity. Why do you think they are reacting in similar ways?

Page 64 As Chick explained divorce wasn’t common in the 1950’s and his mom took the brunt
Page 65 of the burden; she was judged by society. What were some of the effects of not being a
Page 66 part of the social norm of that time period? What does it mean to be an insider or an
outsider in this culture?

Page 67 What connotations do the word “divorcée” bring to mind? Chick expressed his feelings,
“I’m not sure which bothered me more, being the son of this new word, or no longer being
the son of the old ones.” Based on the interactions from pages 66 and 67 what conclusions
can you draw that validate this comment?

Page 69 Chick’s intuitiveness was activated when he felt Leon and Luke were up to something?
How does their behavior reflect cultural values of society that influenced their behavior?


Page 70 Why do you think Posey chose a profession involving hair and makeup? Think about what
you know about her character up to this time? Why do you think she derives pleasure from
making people feel that they look better?

Page 70 What clues and inner thoughts remind Charley of reality? Where do you think he is in his
state of consciousness at this time?

Page 71 There are many perspectives of pain. Explain the spiritual, mental, and physical
connections of pain in Chick’s life and predict what other aspects of pain he might
experience as this narrative unfolds.

Page 72 What dialogue and behaviors of Chick’s mom support the fact that Chick and Roberta
were children that were wanted and planned for.

Page 73 Does Charley’s comment, “I should have been grateful. I should have been ashamed of
how I’d turned my back on my life.” overpower his need to escape reality through alcohol?
Why does he continue to vacillate from life to death?

Page 74 How does social justice play a part in Posey’s life after her divorce? Did her behavior
warrant the reaction she received from her friends and neighbors? What value system was
in place during the 1950’s that allowed fear, anger, and confusion to play a strong role in
that culture? How would reactions from society differ if that same situation were to
happen today? (see pages 64, 65, 66)

Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 76 Think about the cause and effect relationship of the Santa Claus encounter. Why was
Page 77 Chick’s mother playing Santa? Why did Chick want to ruin the experience for his mother
and ultimately his sister, and what effect did it have on their ability to function as a family?


Page 80 What did Rose say earlier (page 79) that reaffirms why she feels, “‘It’s nice that you spend
a day with your mother.’”
Page 81 How does Charley’s description of his mother’s professional life and her reasons for
working with patients show empathy and perspective taking on his part?

Page 81 Charley explains that he realized “home” meant “dead” as he grew older. What other
revelations came to light as he thought about his past? Think about events, vocabulary, and
interactions in your own life that have gained perspective as you have matured.

Page 82 What verbal and behavioral clues were evident that indicated Chick’s mother had some
Page 83 bad news to share?

Page 83 Compare and contrast Posey being a distraction to male doctors because she is a single
Page 84 woman and the repercussions that resulted from her complaint she made about a senior
staff member. Do you think a similar situation would have the same results today?

Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 85 Charley, by his own admission, has said he is a “mama’s boy” (p. 23). How has his identity
challenged as he sees his mother as a hypocrite? What other factors contributed to
Charley’s outburst?

Embarrassed Children

Page 87 How do the comments that Rose made give you insight into the type of person Posey was?
What comes to mind about her character working as a nurse and now as hairdresser that
makes house calls?

Page 88 What does Chick continually want to do to soothe his emotional wounds? What influence,
if any, do you think Chick’s father’s values and behaviors reflect his yearning to escape
from reality as he comes to terms that he is a lousy father?

Page 89 How do you think Charley interpreted his mother’s statement, “‘Sometimes, kids want you
to hurt the way they hurt.’”? As he analyzes his past, what brings him to understand this

Page 90 What do you think Chick’s mother meant when she says, “‘A child embarrassed by his
mother is just a child who hasn’t lived long enough.’”?

Page 90 What message does the dialogue from the phone call send to Chick? Why does Mitch
Albom capitalize this one-way conversation? Has a sense of reality kicked in?

Times My Mother Stood Up for Me

Page 91 Chick thought there was an intruder; his mom requested his baseball bat as her
Page 92 defense weapon. How could you interpret his dad as an intruder or a robber in relation to
the path he chose to live?

Page 93 Do you think Charley’s angry reaction to his mother’s denial of his father’s visit was
warranted? Do you agree or disagree with Posey’s decision not to let him in?

Times My Mother Stood Up for Me

Page 95 How do you think the dialogue of shaving lesson would have been carried out with
Page 96 Chick’s dad? Consider his personality and past opportunities sharing information with

Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 98 Issues related to Posey’s clothing have resurfaced throughout this narrative.
(the shiny red dress, Leon and Luke’s window spying, Chick sharing his distaste for her
clothing as a hairdresser). Do you think that Posey is intending to create a particular image
of herself, and is society judging her unfairly? Why or why not?

Rose Says Good-Bye

Page 99 When Rose tells Charley she is going to see her husband why did she use a euphemism
Page 100 for death? What do Posey’s visits to Rose to help her “get ready” tell you about these
women’s values and how they look at life?


Chick and College

Page 102 Chick again references one of her “outfits”. What message does Posey give about the value
of physical appearance?

Page 103 What behaviors and comments from Charley’s mom point to the direction that she
Page 104 values learning and education?

Page 105 Why do you think Charley created a “distance” from his mother as he departed for his dorm
room without her? Do you think his “mama boy” days have come to a close?

The Middle of the Day

Page 107 What is Charley’s mom trying to say to him after he tells her he split up with
Page 108 Catherine? How do you think Posey’s comment, “‘Things can be fixed.’” affects
Charley’s ability to deal with life and death?

Page 109 How does the letter Charley’s mother had written to him communicate caring,
Page 110 understanding, and unconditional love?

When Ghosts Return

Page 111 Charley created the fantasies in his mind as a means for survival. What did Charley mean
by his comment, “He was a ghost.”? Does this reference bring the same connotation to
mind as “ghost story” mentioned at the beginning of the book?
Page 112 How does the simile “As I grew, I held on to the game like a raft in the bumpy sea…”
give you a picture of Charley’s life and his perseverance with baseball?

Page 112 Why did Charley remain hopeful that he would see his father again? Did the weather
conditions of a windy and threatening rain set a symbolic stage for Chick’s encounter
with his father?

Page 114 Charley’s connection with reality continues to reoccur. What relevance does the
policeman’s inquiry, “‘CAN YOU HEAR ME, CHARLES?’” have in terms of Charley’s
life and death state of mind?

Page 115 How does the euphemism “domestic” represent Miss Thelma as a maid? In what ways
do titles define people? How did Posey’s view of hired help differ from Len’s?

Page 116 Did the name Chick affect his self-concept, taking into consideration how and why this
nickname was created? How do you think Chick saw himself as a person?

Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 119 Why does Chick say, “I am respecting the authority of my father, and this is how the world
makes sense, all of us behaving like men.”? What is he communicating to his father?

Page 121 Why do you think Miss Thelma viewed Posey as a partner? Critically think about how
cultural backgrounds, attitudes, and values could affect their relationship.

Page 122 How would you define Chick’s relationship with his father? What clues resurface that
Page 123 indicate he still defines himself as a “daddy’s boy”?

Page 124 What do the figurative comments that Charley made about his mother that “she
swallowed” the reason his father left and did not take the “bait” that he and his sister
“dangled before her” reflect about her values and strength of character as a mother?

Page 126 Why would Posey say, “‘Thelma, if you ain’t above cleaning a house, why should I be?’”?
In what ways could language separate Posey from Miss Thelma? Why did Posey choose to
say “ain’t” and supercede her consistent use of proper grammar?

Page 127 What conflicting perspectives about marriage are articulated by Roberta, a fifteen-year old
young woman, and her brother Charley, a twenty-year old young man? How does their
dialogue reflect the values of that time period?

Chick Makes His Choice

Page 130 How does Charley singing “This Could Be the Start of Something Big” reflect his
connectedness to his mother? Could it be a way of “standing up for her”?

Page 130 What is the significance of Posey playing “This Could Be the Start of Something Big”
during her marriage to Len and now Charley performing this song and meeting Catherine?
Page 132 What does Charley mean, “I marched to his cadence, and I followed his command”?
Whose values are superseding his ability to clearly recognize what is right for him? How is
“seduced” used for effect as he thinks about baseball and approval from his father?

Page 133 What do you think academic success means to Posey in terms of power and oppression?

The Work You Have to Do

Page 134 Think about the transition of Posey’s status as she worked as a nurse, beautician, and
cleaning woman. What motivated her tenacity for survival?

Page 134 What dialogue indicates that Charley views his mother losing her job as an injustice?

Page 134 How do Charley and his mother differ concerning the title of a person’s chosen
Page 135 profession and the effect on ones self-concept? How does his mother’s employment history
affect his opinion of her?

Page 135 Miss Thelma shows empathy for Charley’s dislike of his job through the analogy,
Page 136 “‘Cain’t be much worse than scrubbin’ your bathub, can it.’” How does her reasoning and
values compare to Posey’s?

Page 137 What emotions are conveyed by Charley’s mom as she shares her wisdom about marriage?
Page 138 What do you think Charley’s reaction was as he read the letter?

Reaching the Top

Page 140 How does Charley’s narration of his baseball experiences evoke negative feelings?

Page 141 What does Charley mean when he said, “I was more alive in those six weeks with the
Pirates than I ever felt before or since.”? What does passion bring to his existence?

Page 141 What inferences can you make from Charley’s dialogue that give clues to the tone and
message he is sharing about his baseball career?

Page 142 How does the figurative statement that descending a mountain is more difficult than
ascending connect to Charley’s life? Explain his comment, “‘The backside of a mountain
is a fight against human nature.’” Do you agree or disagree that ascending your path of life
is easier than descending life’s journey?

Page 143 How does Charley deal with the reality that he has an exclusive baseball relationship with
his father? The following metaphor and simile, “Baseball was our common country, we
drifted like two boats with the oars pulled in.” brings what visual images to mind?

The Second Visit Ends

Page 145 How does the aphorism, “When someone is in your heart, they’re never truly gone.”
connect to Charley and his own mother in his state of consciousness at this time?

Page 146 How does the comment from Charley’s mom, “‘It’s easier to talk to the dead the closer you
get.’” send a message about his status of life at this time?

Page 146 Again, reality hits as he hears, “‘CHARLES BENETTO!’”. What does Charley mean when
he asked his mother what he should do? Do you think Charley looks at life and death with
a new perspective now?


The Sunlight Fades

Page 149 What message is underlying Charley’s thoughts when he says, “I was weakening,
withering. This day with my mother was losing its light.”? What did you predict would
happen next?

Page 149 What evidence does Charley allude to that he is between life and death?

Page 151 How does Posey’s explanation give Charley a new perspective about her decision not to
remarry? What can you infer about Posey’s nonverbal clue involving honesty when she
turns “her palms up”?

Page 152 Charley acknowledges that he still blames others for his misfortunes. How does this
excerpt relate to the passage on page 140 when he said, “It was as if the magic had washed
off me.”?

Page 153 How could Charley’s life have evolved in a different direction if his appreciation for his
mother had surfaced when she was alive? What does Charley mean by the simile
describing his mother’s reaction, “She seemed to consider the sentence, gathering my
intent, as if pulling in a fisherman’s net.”

The Day He Wanted Back

Page 154 Why did Charley emphasize that Roberta’s daughter Rosanne wore ballerina slippers?

Page 155 How do you think Maria felt as Charley reminisced about the joy he felt as her father?

Page 157 Chick had two misconceptions related to his father’s phone call, one of disappointment as
Page 158 to the reason for his call, and one of manipulation to coerce him into playing in the Old
Timers game. Do you think Chick became a “daddy’s boy” again? Why or why not?

Page 158 How is Chick/Charley’s father using language for power to manipulate him to
Page 159 making the decision to play in the Old Timers game? How is his father’s treatment of
Chick humiliating?

Page 160 Why does Charley expect Leonard to ask about Posey, keeping in mind his father’s
concern for her in the past? Why or why not do his expectations show his inability to
accept reality?

Page 160 What did Charley mean when he said, ”But my father, a thief in many ways, had robbed me
of my concentration.”? What other ways had his dad robbed him of a father/son
relationship? Do you agree or disagree that Charley is taking responsibility for his

Page 161 What was Charley trying to express when he said, “The more you defend a lie, the angrier
you become.”? How did you judge Charley’s character in this situation?

Times My Mother Stood Up for Me

Page 162 What values affected the varied reactions and perspectives of Charley, Catherine, and
Page 163 Posey as they discussed the sports bar investment? How has Posey’s power and influence
with Charley changed from the beginning of for one more day to this scene?

The Game

Page 164 How do you think Charlie internalized his father’s behavior as he dropped off the box with
his cleats without calling him or leaving a note?

Page 164 What subtle messages are relayed as Charley is instructed to enter the ballpark in the
Page 165 employee gate instead of the players’ entrance, the “two white-haired guys” continuing to
talk giving Charley a “chin nod” without stopping their conversation, and Charley’s
observation of the fabric shading from an old name where his name was now stitched?

Page 165 How does Charley identify through language the element of hierarchy that Willie
Page 166 Jackson receives? What do you think Chick’s internal reaction was to his famed status?
Page 167

Page 167 What inferences can you draw thus far from the notoriety of the Old Timers Game? Think
about the “sparse crowd,” the length of the game, and the response from the fans when
Chick’s name was called.

Page 168 Visualize the Old Timers Game. “It was like a train station in the dugout…”, and “a
powerful dance of our younger days.” What message is Charley trying to convey?

Page 170 When Charley says his hit was “…my final offering to this maddening game--” how does
his language send a subliminal message setting the stage for his mother’s death?

Chick Finds Out His Mom is Gone

Page 172 How did Charley’s comment, “Your mom. She died. They are different than other words.
They are too big to fit in your ears.” give you insight about what he was thinking? How
did his mother’s death affect his perspective of life?

Page 173 What were your feelings that were evoked from Charley’s remorseful comment, “I drove
with my shock and grief in the backseat, and my guilt in the front” develop in you? How
did this figurative language symbolize the emotions he was experiencing?
Page 173 What is Charley trying to convey when he says, “I lost both parents on the same day, one
to shame, one to shadow.”? What emotions are attached to this comment?

A Third and Final Visit

Page 174 What is Charley trying to express when he said, “And I realized when you look at your
mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”? How are his feelings
represented in this passage? Why is it important to understand the underlying meaning?

Page 175 Why would Posey ask if she was a good mother? How is Posey represented in this
passage? Do you think Len ever pondered whether he was a good father?

Page 176 How does the scene where Posey steps up behind “the woman” with their hands melting in
to one another signify their relationship with one another?

Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother

Page 177 What was the significance of Maria’s apparent disapproval of Charley tossing dirt on his
Page 178 mother’s coffin in addition to his mother’s voice saying, “‘Oh, Charley. How could you?’”

Everything Explained

Page 179 How do Posey’s values and acceptance of Len’s wife reveal her outlook about her life?

Page 179 How does Posey’s question to Charley about his dad’s current wife’s beauty reflect Posey’s

Page 180 How do you feel about Posey’s perspective and reasoning about the other woman? Do you
think Posey’s reaction was typical for this time period?

Page 182 How does the shocking knowledge that was revealed to Charley about his dad’s other son
influence his perspective of his relationship with his father?

Page 182 As Posey shares her true feelings and emotions about Len’s infidelity, how does that
Page 183 passage show that we need to understand both sides of a situation before we judge it?

Page 183 As Charley graphically pictures the scenes as his mother unravels the actual events that
Page 184 took place, what do you think his emotional reactions were? How do you think Len’s
betrayal reflects the cultural values of society?

Page 183 What was the overriding factor that influenced Posey’s decision to tell Len to leave and
Page 184 end her marriage?

Page 184 What strong message was conveyed as Charley expressed, “And I realized that, on the list
of Times My Mother Stood Up for Me, this would have to go at the top.”?

Page 185 How does Charley’s regrets about his relationship with Maria reflect his true feelings?
Page 185 How does Charley use his inability to take responsibility for the misfortune he created to
justify his drinking? How does his self-concept contribute to his downfall?

Page 186 Why do you think Charley asked his mother if she hated the Italian woman? How did
Posey come to terms about judging the Italian woman’s character?

Page 186 How do you think Charley personally connected to the comment, “‘Secrets, Charley,” my
mother whispered. “They’ll tear you apart.’”?

Page 186 What did Charley’s mom mean when she told him, “‘You have to go now.’”? How do you
think Charley internalized her command?

Page 187 How does Posey’s devotion to her son, as he comes to terms with his life, give him hope
Page 188 and the will to live?

Page 189 How does this graphic give a visual perspective of for one more day considering the
feelings, emotions, and dialogue taking place between these main characters?

Posey Italian woman



Chick Finishes His Story

Page 191 How does Mitch Album’s chosen tone of the passage when his mom said for Charley to
forgive himself send a message about survival and love?

Page 191 Charley’s ultimate survival was in question throughout for one more day. Think about what
factors determined his fate and if his will to live played a part in his survival.

Chick’s Final Thoughts

Page 193 There is a saying, “Time is the most important thing to spend on your children.” How does
this quote reflect Charley’s relationship with his mother and his spiritual and emotional
relationship with her?

Page 194 For One More Day was told from Charley’s point of view. How did Charley’s
explanations help you understand his perspective, values, insights, and inner thoughts?


Page 195 Maria concluded this story with her voice after the death of her father. How do her words
Page 196 give another perspective about Charley’s life as well as her own? In what ways were
Page 197 attitudes, feelings, and trust communicated in this excerpt?
Page 197 Why do you think Mitch Albom chose to conclude this story with the phrase stated by
Maria, “And if my father said it, I believe it.”? Chick expressed the same sentiment about
his mother on page 33. How do familial connections bring closure to for one more day?

Additional Critical Questions to Consider

Why do you think for one more day was written in narrative form?

Do you think there was an additional purpose(s) for Mitch Albom to write for one more day other than
narrating a story? Think about informing, describing, persuading, and entertaining.

How did Mitch Albom use the characters to define each other?

Why do you think Maria Benetto (Lang) wanted to interview her father (Chick Benetto)?

Do you think Charley’s mother wanted to spend one more day with him as much as he wanted to
spend that day with her? Why or why not?

Why did Charley experience difficulty from oppressing himself throughout his life?

How does Charley deal with defeat and rejection in his professional as well as his personal life?

How does Mitch Albom incorporate the five senses into this story to create a reality all of its own?

What could have changed for Charley that would make him see his life differently?

Why is a person’s character so important to society?

How does Chick/Charley’s life connect to your own life? What issues of social justice or critical
consciousness made this fictional life story relevant to you?

How did for one more day emphasize the importance of understanding before we judge?

How can for one more day serve as a “wake up call” in your own life?

What kind of audience do you think Mitch Albom had in mind when he wrote for one more day?

The following song titled “One More Day” by Diamond Rio brings a voice to for one more day. On
this website the lyrics are sung which brings these words from
the heart to life. As an oral reading experience, to reinforce the spirit of this book, students could
present (read or sing) this poem to the class in groups (as a choral reading activity) or individually.


Johnson, H. & Freedman, L. (2005). Developing critical awareness at the middle level: Using texts as tools for critique
and pleasure. Delaware: International Reading Association.

One More Day

Last night I had a crazy dream

A wish was granted just for me

It could be for anything

I didn't ask for money

Or a mansion in Malibu

I simply wished, for one more day with you

One more day

One more time

One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied

But then again

I know what it would do

Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl

Then I'd unplug the telephone

And keep the TV off

I'd hold you every second

Say a million I love you's

That's what I'd do, with one more day with you

Leave me wishing still, for one more day

Leave me wishing still, for one more day

By: Diamond Rio

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