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St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church
Sunday 24
August Rev. Andrew Robertson
Introit :
Call to Worship:
( all) : ere we are Lord ! - We"#e come today to this worship ser#ice $or many reasons%
(LHS) we"#e come because we need to meet you&
(RHS ) we"#e come out o$ habit& or because someone made us come&
(LHS) we"#e come because we hope the music will li$t our spirits&
(RHS) we"#e come because we are hun'ry $or your word&
(LHS) we"#e come because we want to see our $riends&
(RHS) we"#e come because we want to ma(e $riends&
(LHS) we"#e come because you are the $riend we need most o$ all)
(All ) ere we are--touch each person here with your presence&
shape us into the church that you want us to be) Amen)
Hymn: * +reath o$ Li$e
, * +reath o$ Li$e& come sweepin' throu'h us& - * +reath o$ Lo#e& come breathe within us&
re#i#e your Church with li$e and power% renewin' thou'ht and will and heart%
* +reath o$ Li$e& come& cleanse& renew us& come& Lo#e o$ Christ& a$resh to win us&
and $it your Church to meet this hour) re#i#e your Church in e#ery part
. * Wind o$ /od& come bend us& brea( us& 0 1e#i#e us& Lord! is 2eal abatin'
till humbly we con$ess our need% while har#est $ields are #ast and white3
then in your tenderness rema(e us& 1e#i#e us& Lord& the world is waitin'&
re#i#e& restore% $or this we plead) equip your Church to spread the li'ht)
4li2abeth Ann ead 5,678-,9-:;
<amily =al(
May you find peace (from CD)
>ay you $ind peace
>ay you $ind hope
>ay you $ind ?oy this day
>ay you $ind lo#e
>ay you $ind rest
ere in this place to'ether
@ Fischy usic 2!!"
4#erythin' is Spiritual 5short presentation;
1eadin': 1omans ,.:,-6& >atthew ,::,--.8
ymn 7-.: Lord you ha#e come to the seashore
, Lord you ha#e come to the seashore&
@either searc hin' $or the rich nor the wise&
Aesirin' only that I should $ollow)
# $ord% with your eyes set upon me%
&ently smiling% you have spo'en my name.
All ( longed for ( have found by the water%
At your side ( will see' other shores.
. Lord& see my 'oods& my possessions%
In my boat you $ind no power& no wealth)
Will you accept& then& my nets and labour3
- Lord& ta(e my hands& and direct them)
elp me spend mysel$ in see(in' the lost&
1eturnin' lo#e $or the lo#e you 'a#e me)
0 Lord& as I dri$t on the waters&
+e the restin'-place o$ my restless heart&
>y li$e"s companion& my $riend and re$u'e)
)esareo&abarain *+,-".+,,+;
Sermon: It"s up to you now )))))))))
ymn 78.: =a(e my li$e and let it be 5*$$erin';
, =a(e my li$e& Lord& let it be
consecrated& 'lad& and $ree%
ta(e my moments and my days&
let them $low in ceaseless praise)
. =a(e my hands& and let them mo#e
at the impulse o$ your lo#e%
ta(e my $eet& that I may run
bearin' news o$ Christ your Son)
- =a(e my #oice& and let me sin'
always& only& $or my Bin'%
ta(e my intellect and use
e#ery power as you shall choose)
0 =a(e my will -- your will be done&
may my will and yours be one%
ta(e my heart -- it is your own&
it shall be your royal throne)
7 =a(e my lo#e -- my Lord& I pour
at your $eet its treasure-store%
ta(e mysel$& and I will be
all $or you& eternally)
Frances Ridley /avergal *+0-".+01,2
ymn 68C: Praise /od $rom whom all blessin's $low
Praise /od $rom whom all blessin's $low%
Praise him& all creatures here below%
Praise him abo#e& ye hea#enly host%
Praise <ather& Son and oly /host)
3homas 4en *+"-1.+1++2
ymn ,:,: * /od our help in a'es past
, * /od& our help in a'es past& 0 A thousand a'es in thy si'ht
our hope $or years to come& are li(e an e#enin' 'one%
our shelter $rom the stormy blast& short as the watch that ends the ni'ht
and our eternal home! be$ore the risin' sun)
. Under the shadow o$ thy throne& 7 =ime& li(e an e#er-rollin' stream&
thy saints ha#e dwelt secure% bears all our years away%
su$$icient is thine arm alone& they $ly $or'otten& as a dream
and our de$ence is sure) dies at the openin' day)
- +e$ore the hills in order stood& : * /od& our help in a'es past&
or earth recei#ed her $rame& our hope $or years to come&
$rom e#erlastin' thou art /od& be thou our 'uard while troubles last&
to endless years the same) and our eternal home)
(saac 5atts *+"14.+1402

)$ $icence 6o "270
Scottish Charity @o) SC886678

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