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Readme for GOOSE Inspector versions

Version from 04.07.2011

English Version
It is recommended to use the latest version of v
Please uninstall all older versions before installation and use of a new version.
Hardware requirements:
1 USB ort !v1.0 to v".0#
$00%B dis& sace
'00%B ()%
1 networ& interface !*thernet +),- ./P0IP#
v can be installed under the followin1 suorted 2S:
3indows 4P includin1 SP3
3indows 5ista Business !3" Bit#
3indows 6 Ultimate !3"07$ Bit#
GOOSE Inspector version (released 04.07.2011)
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" ,one
#!g $%es o version
" Bu189 at disla: of ;22S* tar1ets.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 17.0&.2011)
.his version relaces the version 1.3.".0 and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" ,one
#!g $%es o version
" Bu189 at assi1nation of ;22S* to alications.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 0'.0&.2011)
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" /I< 8les can be oened now.
#!g $%es o version
" /orrect use of <2.S<2 within =/<)s.
" I/<s with ;22S* without <ataset can be oened now.
" %issin1 data of ;22S* with =/< 89ed.
" Bu1 89 for data t:e matchin1 between S/< and recorded data.
" I*< 5iewer does no lon1er chan1e setu of shown elements.
" Handlin1 error of S)% window 89ed.
" .ar1ets of Siemens device will be detected comletel: now.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 13.01.2011)
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" .he csv 8le e9ort of ;22S* %onitor and Siemens )lication %onitor meets now %icrosoft 2>ce
" )roval of 3indows 5ista Business !3" Bit#.
" )roval of 3indows 6 Ultimate !3"07$ Bit#.
#!g $%es o version
" .he sortin1 within the Siemens )lication %onitor will be reset b: selectin1 another ;22S*.
" Unnecessar: double elements within Siemens )lication %onitor !Source ? .ar1et# removed.
" .he tool ti for the tree within S)% shows a1ain more details.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 01.12.2010)
.his version relaces the version 1.".0.1 and all older versions.
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Readme for GOOSE Inspector versions
Version from 04.07.2011
Enhanced !nctions o version
" .he Siemens )lication %onitor can onl: be oened if at least one Siemens device is included in
the con81uration 8le.
" ;22S* without Siemens alication are now laced into 1enerated alications with a matchin1
)I< !)lication I<#. .he 1enerated alications are named: @)I< as decimal number@
" .he icon @;22S* without alication@ does not e9ist an: lon1er.
" SIP(2.*/A is now identi8ed via con81uration 8le.
" 2nl: ;22S* from SIP(2.*/A are detected as fault: if a corresondin1 Siemens alication is
" 2nl: int)ddr from SIP(2.*/A are chec&ed and used to determine the si1nal tar1ets.
" Seed otimiBation of the Siemens )lication %onitor.
" .he si1nal lists elements are now sorted b: name before e9ort.
" .he si1nal list elements are now searated b: double quote.
#!g $%es o version
" 3ron1 .00.1 times in the S)% after loadin1 a l17 8le.
" ./P0IP ac&ets with siBe 0 !not art of standard# are not recorded an: lon1er.
" .he list of unde8ned ;22S* is now cleared with @(eset /ounter@.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 22.11.2010)
.his version relaces the version 1.".0.0 and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" ,o one
#!g $%es o version
" 3ron1 osition of the ro1ram icon in the start menu of non ;erman oeratin1 s:stems.
" .he automatic lin& between the ro1ram and scd and icd 8les has been removed in the setu
GOOSE Inspector version (released 01.07.2010)
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" 2utut line is now bold in =ile 5iew
" U.=?C Suort for S/<?=iles
" Better readable =ont
" ,ot :et o>ciall: released function: Pro1ram wor&s with all versions of %icrosoft 3indows 4P-
5ista and 6 with 3" bit and 7$ bit.
#!g $%es o version
" Bu189 in double messa1e !S,%P#
GOOSE Inspector version (released 01.03.2010)
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" S,%P?)1ent inte1rated. See manual and 37;i.mib for more information.
" S,.P /lient functionalit: inte1rated. .ime is s:nchroniBed once while 1oin1 online and ever: 10
minutes afterwards.
" *rror?+o1 and *vent?+o1 for lon1?term records established.
" It is ossible to disable ;22S*?Parameter?/hec&s now. .his is useful for correct wor&in1 S:stems
with unchan1eable mismatch of )I<.
" %ultile ;22S* errors and warnin1s are disla:ed now.
" <isla: of matchin1 between data and con81uration 8le.
" Slit of S)% and S/< 5iewer.
" ,etwor& driver imrovements.
" +oss of ac&a1es is disla:ed now.
" ;eneral imrovements.
#!g $%es o version
" Some small bu1 89es
GOOSE Inspector version (released 01.03.2010)
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" *nhancements for scd from <I;SI $.C3
Copyri!t "ert!o#d "oeser Inenie$r%&ro ' (((.i%) pae 2 from 4
Readme for GOOSE Inspector versions
Version from 04.07.2011
#!g $%es o version
" ,o one
GOOSE Inspector version (released 04.0(.200()
.his version relaces the version 1.0.0.C and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" Better installation routine for 4%+?librar:.
#!g $%es o version
" *rroneous outut of ne1ative enumeration corrected.
GOOSE Inspector version 1.0.0.' (released 14.07.200()
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version 1.0.0.'
" ,o one
#!g $%es o version 1.0.0.'
" Inaccurate S/< caused se1fault. =i9ed.
" S)% I*< %enu is saved correct now.
" =/<) without <),ame now wor&s in sdo.sdo structures.
GOOSE Inspector version 1.0.0.& (released 0(.0&.200()
.his version relaces the version 1.0.0.$ and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version 1.0.0.&
" ,o one
#!g $%es o version 1.0.0.&
" Useless column in S)% ta&en awa:.
" )I< 0 is shown correct now.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 2(.04.200()
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" I/< with (eort without <ataSet can be imorted now.
" U./ .ime shows /loc& =ailure and /loc& not s:nchroniBed now.
#!g $%es o version
" ,o one
GOOSE Inspector version (released 22.04.200()
.his version relaces the version and all older versions.
Enhanced !nctions o version
" S:stem default lan1ua1e I< is incororated now.
#!g $%es o version
" .he time until missin1 messa1e for a ;22S* is now correct !at least "9.)+ D '00ms#.
" Bu1 89 at the tree view of the S)% for correct status of alication and station.
" .he ;22S* 2E0*rror 8eld does show the ri1ht status after deletin1 the +o1 8le.
GOOSE Inspector version (released 07.04.200()
.his version is the 8rst o>cial version of ;22S* Insector.
)!nctions o version
.he monitor ro1ram allows :ou to listen to I*/ 71C'0 substation automation rotocol ac&ets via
the networ&.
It is connected to the networ& via the networ& interface of :our P/.
.he I*/ 71C'0 ac&ets are decoded !e9cet ;S* and S5#- chec&ed- disla:ed- 8ltered if required-
saved in the +o1.l17 circular buFer 8le and rinted if required.
=urthermore- the ro1ram monitors the ;22S* transmission via the networ& and disla:s the current
status in a comrehensive overview table in the ;22S* %onitor.
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Readme for GOOSE Inspector versions
Version from 04.07.2011
.he imort of a con81uration 8le !S/<0I/<# e9tends the volume of data disla:ed in the <etailed
5iew accordin1l:. In addition- various views of the data structure of the I*<s- ;22S* messa1es-
inuts und reorts are available when loadin1 a con81uration 8le.
2erators of Siemens s:stems will be able to bene8t from a articularl: well arran1ed reresentation
in the Siemens )lication %onitor !hereinafter referred to as the GS)%H#. .o simlif: oeration- the
S)% rovides the same t:e of reresentations as conventional con81uration ro1rams. .his view
shows the current status of alications and ;22S* via icons hi1hli1hted in tra>c?li1ht colours.
=urthermore- the S)% allows the e9ort of a si1nal list which rovides a clear overview of the source
and tar1et of a connection. .he user has the otion of creatin1 a si1nal list for the s:stematic
chec&in1 and documentation of si1nals ste b: ste.
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