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NOTE: The adjusted
jurisdictional amount is
based on Sec. 5 of R.A.
769! this "ear bein# the $
5%"ear &eriod mentioned
. Actions in'ol'in# &ersonal &ro&ert"! (hose 'alue does NOT
e)ceed *+,,!,,, or in -etro -anila the amount does NOT
e)ceed *.,,!,,,
$. /emand for -one" NOT e)ceedin# *+,,!,,, or in -etro
-anila *.,,!,,,
NOTE: E)clusi'e of interest! dama#es of (hate'er 0ind!
attorne"1s fees! liti#ation e)&enses! and costs 23ode:4/A5E36!
the amount of (hich must be s&ecificall" alle#ed but the
filin# fees thereon shall be &aid.
+. *robate &roceedin#s 2testate or intestate6 (here the #ross
'alue of the estate does NOT e)ceed *+,,!,,, or in -etro
-anila the 'alue does NOT e)ceed *.,,!,,,
.. Actions in'ol'in# title to or &ossession of real &ro&ert"! or an"
interest therein (here the assessed 'alue does NOT e)ceed
*$,!,,, or in -etro -anila *5,!,,,.
5. *ro'isional remedies in &rinci&al actions (7in their
6. 4nclusion and e)clusion of 'oters 28* 99! Sec.+96
7. Admiralt" and maritime cases (here demand or claim /OES
NOT E:3EE/ *+,,!,,, or in -etro -anila *.,,!,,,.
NOTE: E)clusi'e of interest! dama#es of (hate'er 0ind!
attorne"1s fees! liti#ation e)&enses! and costs 23ode:4/A5E36!
the amount of (hich must be s&ecificall" alle#ed but the
filin# fees thereon shall be &aid.
. Action is inca&able of &ecuniar" estimation.
$. Title to or &ossession of real &ro&ert" or an" interest
therein! the assessed 'alue E:3EE/S *$,!,,, or *5,!,,, in
-etro -anila
+. Admiralt" and maritime cases (here demand or claim
E:3EE/S *+,,!,,, or *.,,!,,, in -etro -anila
.. -atters of *robate 2testate ; intestate6 (here #ross 'alue
of estate E:3EE/S *+,,!,,, or *.,,!,,, in -etro -anila
5. <amil" 3ourts no( ha'e e)clusi'e ori#inal jurisdiction 2RA
9+696 o'er:
Petitions for:
a. =uardianshi&! custod" of children! habeas cor&us in
relation to the latter>
b. *etitions for ado&tion of children and the re'ocation
c. Annulment and declaration of nullit" of marria#e!
matter relatin# to marital status and &ro&ert" relatin#
to husband ; (ife or those li'in# to#ether under
different status or a#reement>
d. Su&&ort and7or ac0no(led#ment>
e. Summar" judicial &roceedin#s under the <amil" 3ode>
f. /eclaration of Status of children! 'oluntar"
commitment of children! matter relatin# to &arental
authorit" and other cases co#ni?able under */ 6,+! EO
56 2series of 9966 and other related la(s>
#. @iolations of RA 76,! other(ise 0no(n as the AS&ecial
*rotection of 3hildren A#ainst 3hild Abuse! E)&loitation
and /iscrimination ActB as amended b" RA 7659> and
h. 3ases of domestic 'iolence a#ainst (omen and children

9. Those co'ered b" the Rules on Summar" *rocedure:
a. <orcible entr" and Cnla(ful /etainer 2<EC/6
o (ith jurisdiction to resol'e issue of o(nershi& to
determine ON5D the issue of &ossession!
o irres&ecti'e of the amount of dama#es or un&aid
rentals sou#ht to be reco'ered.
Ehere attorne"1s fees are a(arded! the same shall NOT
e)ceed *$,!,,,.
b. Other ci'il cases! E:3E*T &robate &roceedin#s! (here the
total amount of the &laintiff1s claim does NOT e)ceed
*,,!,,, or *$,,!,,, in -etro -anila! e)clusi'e of
interests and costs 2as amended b" A.-. No. ,$%%,9%S3!
effecti'e No'ember $5! $,,$6.
Seci!" Pro#ision!" Re$e%ies:
a. 4n cases of 'iolence amon# the famil" members li'in# in
the same domicile or household! the <amil" 3ourt ma"
issue a restrainin# order a#ainst the accused or
defendant u&on 'erified a&&lication b" the com&lainant
or the 'ictim for relief from abuse>
b. The court ma" order the tem&orar" custod" of children
in all ci'il actions for their custod"! su&&ort &endente
lite! includin# deduction from the salar"! and use of
conju#al home and other &ro&erties in all ci'il actions
for su&&ort.
6. 3ases NOT (7in e)clusi'e jurisdiction of an" court!
tribunal! &erson or bod" e)ercisin# judicial or Fuasi%judicial
7. 3i'il actions and s&ecial &roceedin#s fallin# (7in the
e)clusi'e ori#inal of Gu'enile and /omestic Relations 3ourt
and of 3ourt of A#rarian Relations as no( &ro'ided b" la(.
9. All other cases (here demand E:35CS4@E of 4/A5E3 or the
'alue of the &ro&ert" in contro'ers" E:3EE/S *$,,!,,, or
*.,,!,,, in -etro -anila
9. Cnder Sec. 5.$ of the Securities and Re#ulations 3ode to
hear and decide:
a. 3ases in'ol'in# de'ices
or schemes em&lo"ed b" or an" acts of the board of
directors! business associates! its officers or
&artnershi&! amountin# to fraud and
misre&resentation (hich ma" be detrimental to the
interest of the &ublic and7ot of the stoc0holders!
&artners! members of associations or or#ani?ations
re#istered (ith the SE3
b. 3ontro'ersies arisin# out of intra%cor&orate or
&artnershi& relations
c. 3ontro'ersies in the elections or a&&ointments of
directors! trustees! officers or mana#ers of such
cor&orations! &artnershi&s or associations
*etitions of cor&orations! &artnershi&s or associations to be
declared in the state of sus&ension of &a"ments in cases (here
the entit" &ossesses sufficient &ro&ert" to co'er all its debts
but foresees the im&ossibilit" of meetin# them (hen the" fall
due or in cases (here the entit" has no sufficient assets to
co'er its liabilities but is under the mana#ement of a
Rehabilitation Recei'er or -ana#ement 3ommittee
CONCURRENT Eith RT3 H none &it' SC H Actions affectin# ambassadors! &ublic ministers and
&it' SC !n% CA H 4ssuance of (rits of certiorari! &rohibition!
mandamus! Fuo (arranto! injunction a#ainst lo(er courts.
&it' MTC, etc. H NONE
&it' Ins(r!nce Co$$issioner H 3laims NOT e)ceedin# *,,T
DELEGATED -a" be assi#ned b" the S3 to hear
cadastral or land re#istration cases (here there is no contro'ers"
o'er the land or in case of contested lands! the 'alue does NOT
e)ceed *,,!,,,

SPECIAL *etition for Iabeas 3or&us OR a&&lication for bail in criminal
cases in the absence of all RT3 jud#es in the &ro'ince or cit"
S3 ma" desi#nate certain branches of RT3 to tr" e)clusi'el"
criminal cases! ju'enile and domestic relations cases! a#rarian
cases! urban land reform cases not fallin# (7in the jurisdiction
of an" Fuasi%judicial bod" and other s&ecial cases in the
interest of justice.

All cases decided b" the lo(er courts in their res&ecti'e
territorial jurisdiction.
EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus a#ainst:
a. 3A
b. 3O-E5E3

Actions for annulment of jud#ment of the RT3.


c. 3OA
d. Sec. of /O5E7Sandi#anba"an


NOTE: Ehile the Rules
&ro'ide for concurrent
jurisdiction amon# the RT3!
3A! and S3! the same is still
subject to the &rinci&le of
&ursuant to Sec . of Rule 65.
Eith 3ourt of A&&eals 23A6
a. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus 23*-6
a#ainst RT3>
b. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus a#ainst
the N5R3 2ho(e'er! this should be filed (ith the 3A first H
see St. -artin <uneral Iome 's. 3A! =. R. +,966
Se&tember 6! 9996
c. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus a#ainst
Fuasi%judicial a#encies 2li0e 3S3! 38AA! 3TA! etc.6
2ho(e'er! this should be filed (ith the 3A H see Section .!
Rule 656
Eith Su&reme 3ourt 2S36
a. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus 23*-6
a#ainst RT3>
b. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus
a#ainst the N5R3 2ho(e'er! this should be filed (ith
the 3A first H see St. -artin <uneral Iome 's. 3A! =. R.
+,966 Se&tember 6! 9996
c. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus
a#ainst Fuasi%judicial a#encies 2li0e 3S3! 38AA! 3TA!
etc.6 2ho(e'er! this should be filed (ith the 3A H see
Section .! Rule 656

Eith the 3A and RT3
a. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus a#ainst
inferior courts and other bodies>
b. *etitions for habeas cor&us and Fuo (arranto.

Eith RT3
Actions a#ainst ambassadors! other &ublic ministers and consuls
Eith the S3 and RT3
a. *etitions for certiorari! &rohibition or mandamus
a#ainst inferior courts and other bodies> and
b. *etitions for habeas cor&us and Fuo (arranto.
Offenses &unishable (ith im&risonment NOT
e)ceedin# si) 266 "ears irres&ecti'e of the
amount of fine! and re#ardless of other
im&osable accessor" or other &enalties!
includin# the ci'il liabilit" arisin# from such
offenses or &redicated thereon! irres&ecti'e
Offenses the im&osable &enalt"
for (hich e)ceeds 6 "ears
im&risonment and not (ithin the
e)clusi'e jurisdiction of an"
court! tribunal or bod" e)ce&t
those fallin# under the e)clusi'e
@iolations of RA +,9! RA +79
and Arts. $,%$$! R*3 (here one
or more of the &rinci&al accused
are occu&"in# the &osition
classified as #rade $7 and hi#her!
of the 3om&ensation and *osition
of 0ind! nature! 'alue or amount thereof.
Offenses in'ol'in# /A-A=E TO *RO*ERTD
throu#h 3R4-4NA5 NE=54=EN3E.
NOTE: 4n cases (here the onl" &enalt" is a fine!
the amount thereof shall determine jurisdiction.
4f the amount does NOT e)ceed *.!,,,! -T31S
ha'e jurisdiction 2Adm. 3ir. ,9%9.6
jurisdiction of the
NOTE: 4f the amount of the <4NE is
more than *.!,,, but does NOT
e)ceed *6!,,,! RT31s ha'e the
jurisdiction! includin# offenses
committed b" the &ublic officers and
em&lo"ees in relation to their office.
3lassification Act of 999 2R.A.
67596! (hether in a &ermanent!
actin# or interim ca&acit"! at the
time of commission of the

Offenses committed b":
&ublic officers7em&lo"ees:
occu&"in# &ositions 8E5OE salar" #rade
$7 as enumerated b" RA 6759 or 8E5OE
*N* su&erintendent>
in relation to their office! includin#
=O331s and>
b" &ri'ate indi'iduals char#ed as co%
&rinci&als! accom&lices! or accessories!
&unishable b" im&risonment NOT e)ceedin#
si) 266 "ears.
<amil" 3ourt % 3riminal cases (here
one or more of the accused is
belo( ei#hteen 296 "ears of a#e
but not less than nine 296 "ears of
a#e! or>
(here one of the 'ictims is a
minor at the time of the
commission of the offense!
subject to sus&ension of
sentence! if the minor is found
#uilt"! &ursuant to *residential
/ecree No. 6,+! other(ise 0no(n
as the 3hild and Douth Eelfare
Other offenses or felonies (hether
sim&le or com&le)ed (ith other
crimes committed
b" &ublic officials and em&lo"ees:
occu&"in# &ositions classified
as salar" #rade $7 and hi#her
in relation to their office>
b" &ri'ate indi'iduals char#ed as
co%&rinci&als! accom&lices! or
accessories! &unishable b"
im&risonment e)ceedin# 6 "ears
and7or *6!,,, fine.

Those co'ered b" the Rules on Summar"
a. @iolations of traffic la(s! rules and
b. @iolations of the rental la(>
c. @iolations of munici&al or cit"
d. @iolations of 8* $$! other(ise
0no(n as 8ouncin# 3hec0s 5a(
2A.-. No. ,,%%,%S3! effecti'e
A&ril 5! $,,+6>
e. All other criminal cases (here the &enalt"
is im&risonment not e)ceedin# 6 months

3i'il and criminal cases filed &ursuant
to and in connection (ith E)ecuti'e
Order Nos. ! $! .! and .a 2filed b"

and7or * !,,, fine irres&ecti'e of other
&enalties or ci'il liabilities arisin#
therefrom and in offenses in'ol'in#
dama#e to &ro&ert" throu#h criminal
ne#li#ence (here the im&osable fine is
not e)ceedin# *,!,,,.

O'er &etitions for the issuance of the
(rits of mandamus! &rohibition!
certiorari! habeas cor&us! injunction
and other ancillar" (rits and
&rocesses in aid of its a&&ellate
jurisdiction: *RO@4/E/! that the
jurisdiction o'er these &etitions shall
not be e)clusi'e of the Su&reme

All cases decided b" the -T31s in
their res&ecti'e territorial
A&&eals from the final jud#ments!
resolutions or orders of re#ular courts
(here all the accused are occu&"in#
&ositions lo(er than salar" #rade $7
or not other(ise co'ered b" the
&recedin# enumeration.
*etition for certiorari! &rohibition and mandamus a#ainst 3ourt
of A&&eals and Sandi#anba"an.
Actions for annulment of jud#ment of the Re#ional Trial
CONCURRENT Eith the 3A: &etitions for certiorari! &rohibition and mandamus
a#ainst the RT31s.
Eith the S3: &etitions for certiorari! &rohibition and
mandamus a#ainst the RT31s.
Eith the 3A and RT3 : &etitions for certiorari! &rohibition and
mandamus a#ainst the -T31s.
Eith the S3 and RT3 : &etitions for certiorari! &rohibition and
mandamus a#ainst the -T31s.
8" a&&eal : 8" a&&eal:
APPELLATE <rom the RT3 in all criminal cases in'ol'in# offenses from (hich
the &enalt" is reclusion &er&etua or life im&risonment and those
in'ol'in# other offenses! (hich althou#h not so &unished arose out
of the same occurrence or (hich ma" ha'e been committed b" the
accused on the same occasion.
Automatic re'ie( in criminal cases (here the death &enalt" is
<rom the RT3 in cases commenced therein! e)ce&t those a&&ealable
to the Su&reme 3ourt or the Sandi#anba"an.
8" &etition for re'ie( on certiorari:
<rom the 3A
<rom the Sandi#anba"an
<rom the RT3 (here onl" an error or Fuestion of la( is
8" &etition for re'ie(:
<rom the RT3 in cases a&&ealed thereto from lo(er courts and not
a&&ealable to the Sandi#anba"an.

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