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1hese lnsLrucLlons wlll demonsLraLe how Lo lnsLall, seLup, and use Lhe 8lL1orrenL flle sharlng
proLocol cllenL u1orrenL Lo download and upload daLa from/Lo oLher users. 8lL1orrenL has become one
of Lhe mosL popular flle sharlng proLocols used for daLa Lransferrlng, accounLlng for over 33 of lnLerneL
Lrafflc Loday. CurrenLly, u1orrenL ls Lhe mosL used cllenL program LhaL lmplemenLs Lhe proLocol slnce lL ls
relaLlvely easy Lo use, uses very llLLle compuLer resources, and ls very effecLlve. 1hls gulde ls wrlLLen for
anyone wanLlng Lo geL sLarLed uslng u1orrenL Lo share and download flles, and assumes you know how
Lo use your compuLer and lLs CperaLlng sysLem.

u1orrenL 1.8.2 lnsLallaLlon llle
1o JowolooJ qo to. !""#$%%&&&'(")**+,"'-).
lnLerneL ConnecLlon

lnsLalllng and seLLlng up Lhe u1orrenL CllenL
uownloadlng llles
uploadlng llles
2-66-% ."&6'7
A user wlLh a compleLe copy of Lhe flle(s) LhaL offers lL for download. 1he more seeders Lhere
are Lhe beLLer Lhe chances of geLLlng a hlgher connecLlon speed

A user LhaL does noL have a compleLe copy of Lhe flle(s), buL only parLs of lL. A leecher
downloads from a seeder, and mosL of Lhe Llme also uploads Lo oLher leechers/peers as well

A program LhaL enables flle sharlng vla Lhe 8lL1orrenL proLocol

A server LhaL keeps Lrack of whlch seeds and peers are connecLed Lo each oLher sharlng daLa,
and whaL daLa pleces Lhey have. CllenLs reporL lnformaLlon Lo Lhe Lracker perlodlcally, and ln
reLurn recelve lnformaLlon abouL oLher cllenLs Lo whlch Lhey can connecL.

/!8*+ :8"6)
A number LhaL compares Lhe amounL of daLa you have uploaded Lo Lhe amounL of daLa
downloaded for a parLlcular LorrenL.
9%',:33$%# :%+ ;",,$%# *< ,1" *.-&&"%, 23$"%,

ln Lhls secLlon we wlll lnsLall Lhe u1orrenL cllenL and go Lhrough Lhe lnlLlal seL-up. We wlll ad[usL Lhe
seLLlngs Lo obLaln opLlmal connecLlon speed and rellablllLy. 8efore we begln, make sure you have
downloaded Lhe u1orrenL lnsLallaLlon llle, lf you haven'L Lhen go Lo Lhe prevlous page and read Lhe

1. llnd and open Lhe u1orrenL 1.8.2 lnsLallaLlon flle and cllck on 9%',:33.

2. 8un Lhe u1orrenL cllenL program.

Slnce Lhls ls Lhe flrsL Llme you are runnlng Lhe program, a Speed gulde" wlndow wlll appear
where you can conflgure essenLlal connecLlon seLLlngs.

3. Cllck Lhe 4*% ;<""+ ."'," buLLon.

?ou wlll be redlrecLed Lo a webslLe where you can measure your download/upload speed.

4. SelecL your connecLlon speed from Lhe drop down menu as shown below:

3. Choose a porL number beLween 49312 and 63333 and cllck on Lhe ."', $= >-&, $' ?-&@:&+"+
>&-<"&30" buLLon Lo LesL Lhe connecLlon.

9= 0-* :&" C-%%"C,$%# *'$%# : &-*,"&D 6:E" '*&" ,1" <-&, 0-* '"3"C,"+ $'
=-&@:&+"+ <&-<"&30 ,- :F-$+ C-%%"C,$F$,0 <&-/3"6'G .- +- ,1$' 0-* 6$#1,
%""+ ,- &"="& ,- 0-*& &-*,"& 6:%*:3G

?ou wlll agaln be redlrecLed Lo a webslLe. 1hls Llme lL wlll Lell you know wheLher you are able Lo
connecL properly Lhrough Lhe chosen porL. lf everyLhlng ls flne, you should see Lhe followlng
message ln your browser wlndow:

9= ,1" @"/'$," +$'<3:0' : C-%%"C,$-% "&&-& 0-* 6$#1, %""+ ,- C-%=$#*&"
0-*& ?$&"@:33 ,- :33-@ *.-&&"%, ,- C-%%"C, ,1&-*#1 ,1" C1-'"% <-&,G 9=
0-* +-%H, 1:F" : =$&"@:33 6:E" '*&" 0-* &":+ ,1" <&"F$-*' A8.BG

6. Cllck on I'" ;"3"C,"+ ;",,$%#' Lo accepL Lhe currenL conflguraLlon.

7. Cllck on 8<,$-%' on Lhe menu bar and selecL >&"="&"%C"'. ?ou should now see Lhe references
wlndow as shown on Lhe followlng page.

8. SelecL Lhe )"%"&:3 1ab and cllck on Lhe J''-C$:," @$,1 G,-&&"%, =$3"'" buLLon LhaL appears, as
show below.

1hls wlll make all .LorrenL flles open wlLh u1orrenL auLomaLlcally.

9. SelecL Lhe K$&"C,-&$"' 1ab and puL a check nexL Lo >*, %"@ +-@%3-:+' $%" and L-F"
C-6<3","+ +-@%3-:+' ,-".

Pere you can enLer Lhe locaLlon of Lhe folder were lncompleLe flles LhaL are belng downloaded
can be Lemporarlly sLored, and where Lhe flles wlll be sLored once Lhey are compleLed.

10. SelecL Lhe !$,.-&&"%, 1ab and B%:/3" roLocol LncrypLlon as shown below.
5ome lotetoet 5etvlce ltovlJets Jetect wbeo yoo ote osloq 8lt1otteot ooJ moy block ot tbtottle
coooectloo speeJs, tbls settloq wlll belp mosk yoot coooectloos to pteveot tbls.

11. Cllck 8E Lo accepL Lhe conflguraLlon.

K-@%3-:+$%# ?$3"'

ln Lhls secLlon we wlll show how Lo download flles Lhrough Lhe 8lL1orrenL flle sharlng proLocol.

1o download flles you musL flrsL flnd and open a LorrenL flle. 1orrenL flles can usually be found on
ttocket webslLes such as mloloovo.otq and tbepltoteboy.otq. ?ou can also geL LorrenL flles from oLher
places llke forums and Lhe llke, buL Lhe maln sources are Lhe Lrackers dlrecLly. Pere we wlll vlslL
tbepltoteboy.otq Lo flnd and download our LorrenLs.

1. Co Lo Lhe webslLe &&&'"!+#6*8"+;8<')*= and search for Lhe flles you wanL Lo download. ln Lhls
example l wlll search for Lhe freeware program CCleaner.

2. SelecL from Lhe llsL of flles Lhe one you wanL, as show below.
oo most poy speclol otteotloo to tbe oombet of seeJets seeJloq tbe pottlcolot flle ooJ olso tbe
oombet of leecbets. oo wlll qet tbe best JowolooJ speeJs wbeo tbete ote mooy people seeJloq
os well os wbeo tbete ote mooy peets sloce mote people wlll be sbotloq. 5lowet coooectloos wlll
come wbeo tbete ote fewet peets ooJ seeJets. lo tbls pottlcolot webslte tbe oombet of seeJets
ooJ leecbets ote ooJet tbe colomos tltleJ /> ooJ 2> tespectlvely.

3. Cllck on K-@%3-:+ ,1$' ,-&&"%,", as shown below. Cnce lL has been downloaded lL wlll
auLomaLlcally open wlLh u1orrenL.

AnyLlme you open a LorrenL flle wlLh u1orrenL, Lhe wlndow shown below wlll appear.

4. SelecL Lhe flles you wanL Lo download by puLLlng a checkmark nexL Lo Lhelr names, or unselecL
Lhe flles you don'L wanL Lo download. When ready, cllck 8E Lo begln downloadlng Lhe flles.

8lghL cllck on Lhe name of Lhe LorrenL flle ln Lhe maln wlndow of u1orrenL and go Lo !:%+@$+,1
J33-C:,$-%" and Lhen selecL M$#1". 1hls wlll asslgn a hlgher amounL of bandwldLh for
downloadlng Lhls flle. 1hls should be done when you are noL downloadlng or uploadlng more
Lhan 3 oLher flles aL a Llme as lL Lends Lo decrease oLher connecLlon speeds.

I<3-:+$%# ?$3"'

ln Lhls secLlon we wlll show how Lo upload flles Lo oLher people by uslng Lhe u1orrenL cllenL sofLware.

8lL1orrenL ls very useful for sharlng lnformaLlon wlLh oLher people, especlally lf you lnLend Lo share large
flles, because you can share Lhe bandwldLh wlLh oLher peers LhaL wlll help you upload Lo oLhers as Lhey
download from you.

1. Cllck on ?$3" on Lhe u1orrenL menu bar and selecL 2&":," A"@ .-&&"%,NG

2. SelecL Lhe flles and dlrecLorles you wlsh Lo add Lo Lhe LorrenL flle by cllcklng on J++ ?$3"" or
J++ K$&"C,-&0" as shown below.

3. LnLer Lhe Lracker(s) you wlsh Lo use on Lhe box nexL Lo .&:CE"&'", as shown below.

ln Lhls example l used Lhe publlc tbepltoteboy,otq Lracker. ?ou can use Cooqle Lo flnd more
Lrackers or refer Lo Lhe llsL below whlch lncludes some of Lhe mosL popular ones. ?ou may use as
many Lrackers as you wanL, buL usually one ls enough.


Cllck on Lhe checkbox nexL Lo ;,:&, ;""+$%#" lf you wanL Lo sLarL seedlng Lhe flles rlghL away.
lf you are uslng a prlvaLe Lracker, Lhen puL a check nexL Lo >&$F:," .-&&"%,".

4. llnally, cllck on 2&":," :%+ ':F" :'GG" Lo save your LorrenL flle as shown below.

?ou can now send Lhls LorrenL flle Lo anyone you wanL Lo share Lhe flles wlLh or posL lL on a
forum or webslLe.

lf you checked on ;,:&, ;""+$%#" earller, Lhe LorrenL flle wlll appear on Lhe maln u1orrenL
wlndow as shown below. Pere you can see Lhe number of people downloadlng your flle.

O-* @-%H, '"" :%0-%" +-@%3-:+$%# 0-*& =$3" $= 0-* 1:F"%H, '"%, ,1"
,-&&"%, =$3" ,- :%0 -,1"& <"&'-%G

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