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You are concerned over the implications and long-term health effects of the haze. Write an article to the local
newspaper expressing your concern based on all the notes below.
the reasons behind the haze
role of government and society
steps that can be taken
give relevant examples of:
- health complications
- measures
- roles of government and individuals
When writing the article you should remember:
- to lay out the letter carefully
- to use paragraphs
- that you letter is to the press
Haze: A Danger t Hea!t"
The haze is a constant phenomenon faced by Malaysia and her neihbourin countries! The haze is basically
pollution of atmosphere" #hich is cloed #ith pollutants and other substances from forest fires!
The haze is a direct effect of forest fire in $alimantan and other parts of Indonesia due to slash and burn
method of farmin! The Indonesian authorities appear to ha%e no po#er to control farmers from practisin such
methods! The haze is further #orsened by open burnin practised by most Malaysians! &pen-field burnin of rice
stra# by the rice planters and open burnin of dried lea%es and arbae done by the public are a fe# e'amples that
done by Malaysian! Many are inorant of the health effects of open burnin!
(urin the haze" hospitals and clinic often report a dramatic increase in respiratory problems" lun infections
and asthma attac)! The Air *ollution Inde' +A*I, usually indicates the hazardous and danerous le%els of pollution
durin this period! The haze has lon-term side effects! *roloned inhalation of polluted air #ill result in serious lun
infection #hich particularly affects the elderly!
The o%ernment must play its role to reduce the haze treat! It has to cooperate #ith the Indonesian authorities
to stamp out forest fires! The culprits must be brouht to -ustice" either throuh healthy fine or prison sentence!
Constant %iilance #ould ensure the perpetrators do not repeat their offence!
The o%ernment should also raise the public a#areness of the daners of forest fire! Continuous campain
of the cause" solutions and steps-need-to-be-ta)en to reduce the haze need to be promoted throuh all types of
social media li)e tele%ision" radio" ne#spaper and e%en %ia internet! The authorities should also pro%ide assistance to
farmers and introduce more sophisticated forest clearin methods!
In Malaysia" strict la#s must be imposed to penalise those #ho practise open burnin! &n-oin campains
on the daners of open burnin should be intensified! Indi%iduals too ha%e a role to play! They must participate in
e%ery campain and stop burnin! .tudents can ad%ise their parents not to practice open burnin!
E%ery indi%idual has to remember that #e do not o#n the #orld" but instead #e lent it from our future
enerations! /e must protect our #orld so that our randchildren #oulh ha%e a healthy earth to li%e!
Ahmad 0arun bin 0ashim
.eremban" 1eeri .embilan
234 #ords
ARTICLE: Article for .chool Maazine 5 1e#sletter
In spite of governments clear call to students to study !nglish well" many students still show very little interest in
studying the language. #s $hairperson of the !nglish %anguage &ociety" you are going to try to persuade the
students to study the language by writing an article in the school newsletter. In the article you have to tell the
students the importance of studying the language. Your article is given in the point form below:
will help you to further your studies
will help you to get a 'ob
will help you in your 'ob
will help you in your travels
will help you to en'oy many interesting programmes in television
will help you to appreciate many of the worlds most beautiful literary works
T"e I#$rtan%e & St'()*ng Eng!*+"

It is a bi concerned for teenaers no#adays as they are una#are of the importance of Enlish lanuae as
they tend to inore to learn the lanuae! .tudents6 attitude to#ards the lanuae is also crucial to ma)e sure that
these teenaers can face the future #orld better by learnin Enlish lanuae as it is an international lanuae!
Althouh the o%ernment has repeatedly told us of the importance of Enlish" many students are still not
bothered about studyin it seriously! There is also a campain that still on to ma)e all the Malaysian becomes a
better Enlish learner" #hich is 7Enhance *roficiency in 8ahasa Malaysia" .trenthen the Enlish6! Enlish is the
most important and the most useful lanuae in the #orld today! There are many reasons #hy you should study the
lanuae properly!
First and foremost" Enlish #ill definitely help you a lot #hen you #ant to further studies! Almost all boo)s at
uni%ersity are #ritten in Enlish in all sub-ects! *lus" it is a compulsory for any candidate to pass Enlish #ith credit
before enterin any uni%ersities! .o" if you are poor in Enlish" you #ill blo# you chance for better education or
#orse" you are oin to ha%e a bi problem studyin at uni%ersity!
The second reason #hy you ha%e to study Enlish #ell is that it #ill help you to et a -ob! /hen you o for a
-ob inter%ie#" the inter%ie#er #ill surely tal) to you in Enlish! The first impression you should i%e in order to success
and ha%e the -ob is" to respond in Enlish fluently! 9our chances of ettin the -ob are %ery slim if you stutter #hile
A ood command in of Enlish #ill also help you reatly in your -ob! If the company you #or) is acti%ely
in%ol%ed in international trade" you ha%e to spea) to prospecti%e customers in Enlish! Miscommunication miht
occur if your Enlish is bad! And this #ill put your company at ris) and you #ill li)ely be dismissed if this happen!
:ood Enlish #ill also help you a lot #hen you tra%el! E%ery country in the #orld studies Enlish! E%en the
roadside stall-holders in China spea) fairly ood Enlish; At least some of the people you meet on your tra%els in
other countries can understand Enlish! The lanuae is certainly practical #hen you are lost in your trip!
Communication problem #ill not happen if you can con%erse #ell in Enlish! Ine%itably" Enlish is one of the
lanuaes used in any airport in the #orld in ma)in announcement! $no#in Enlish #ell" therefore" ma)e tra%ellin
o%erseas easier!
8esides all these" entertainment is one of the ma-or ad%antaes you #ill e'perience if you ood in Enlish!
9ou #ill en-oy tele%ision6s best prorammes! /e must admit that many of the best prorammes are produced by the
Americans and 8ritish companies! 0ih self-confidence influenced by the prorammes #ill indirect inculcate in
yourself #hen you are fluent in the lanuae! <uality time is #orthily spent if you understand and en-oy the
8ased from all the abo%e elaboration" I hope that students #ill see the importance and realise ho#
importance the lanuae is for their o#n future! Althouh it is a second lanuae in our country" it is no# a main
lanuae all o%er the #orld!
4== #ords
DIRECTED: ARTICLE 5 RE*&RT: 1e#spaper Article 5 Report
(here has been an attempted robbery in your area. #s a newspaper reporter" you have been assigned to write a
report of the incident for publication in a local newspaper. )sing the notes below" write out your report.
couple * taking a walk
two men approached them
ordered couple to give 'ewellery
a struggle * husband in'ured
one neighbour * taking a dog for a walk
heard shouts * went to investigate
robbers saw dog * fled
couple made police report
C'$!e F*!+ R,,er) Atte#$t
*>LA> *I1A1:" Thu ? An elderly businessman and his #ife foiled a robbery attempt by t#o men armed #ith a
scre#dri%er and a )nife! The %ictims #ere reported safe from any bad in-ury!
Tan Ah /o)" @A and his #ife #ere ta)in a mornin #al) near their home in 0elen 0eihts yesterday #hen
t#o men on a motorcycle stopped them under the prete't of as)in for directions! As Mr! Tan #as i%in directions"
one of the robbers pointed a )nife at him and ordered them to )eep Buiet! 0e then relie%ed Mrs! Tan of her -e#ellery
and instructed Mr! Tan to hand o%er his rin and #atch! /hen he refused" a strule ensued! Mean#hile" his
accomplice rabbed a helmet and hit Mr! Tan on the head #ith it! &n seein this" his #ife started screamin!
&ne of their neihbours" R! .ubramaniam" #ho #as ta)in his do for a #al)" heard the screams and #hen to
in%estiate! &n seein .ubramaniam and his do" the robbers fled! CI #as ta)in my do for a #al) #hen I heard
someone shoutin for help! $no#in that somethin #as #ron" I ran there as fast as I could! 8efore I reached the
scene" the robbers fled on a motorbi)e! They #ere probably afraid of my Rott#eiler!D
Mr! Tan" #ho suffered a small cut on his head" #as i%en outpatient treatment at a pri%ate clinic! 0e said that
it #as a horrified e'perience as he ne%er e'pected the t#o men #ould attac) his #ife and him! 0e thouht that they
#ere lost and needed help! 0e also mentioned that the uard #ho in chare no#adays easily allo#ed the straners
to enter their residents! .tate CI( Chief .upt 0arun (in ad%ised him and the people to be more careful in i%in help
to straners! The uard also must be stricter in lettin people from enterin any residents #ithout proper permission!
0e added that the suspects" aed bet#een E4 and 2A" #ere belie%ed to be illeal immirants! 0e said there
had been similar incident last #ee) #hen t#o men approached a factory #or)er #ho #as on her #ay home after
#or)! The duo then relie%ed her old chain and cash! 0e ad%ised the residents to be alert and reports to police any
suspicious-loo)in characters lur)in in their area!
2FA #ords
DIRECTED: RE*&RT ? *olice Report
You witnessed an accident. (he police officer has asked you to make a report. )se the points given below:
- when the event happened
- where the event took place
- how it happened
- description of the vehicles
- step taken
To: .ereant Razali $amrin
From: Gulia .elamat
(ate: 3
.eptember EAHH
Report of the accident on Galan E5H=
&n 3
.eptember EAHH at HA!2A a!m!" I #as #al)in alone Galan E5H= #hich is ne't to the children6s
playround! As I #as about to cross the road to enter the par)" I sa# a car dri%in s#iftly do#n Galan =5H=! It #as a
0onda Ci%ic #ith the number plate 8E0 IHHA! Another car" a Toyota Jios H!4 #ith plate number /0M =@43 came out
of Galan =5H= as #ell! The 0onda Ci%ic #as dri%in too fast that ma)e it did not ha%e time to a%oid collision!
The accident caused a loud crash! The 0onda Ci%ic hit the Toyota Jios on the dri%er6s door! The door could
not be opened and the dri%er had to et out from the passener6s door! The dri%er of the Toyota Jios #as luc)y as he
sur%i%ed #ith no physical in-uries! 8oth air bas popped up #hen they collided to each other! They both #ere
fortunate as their car #as not badly damaed and dented!
The Toyota Jios6s #indscreen #as shattered to pieces! The 0onda Ci%ic6s headliht and sinal liht #ere
smashed! There #as plenty of lass on the road! The t#o dri%ers startled to arue! The dri%er of the 0onda City #as
a #oman! They blamed each other and the arument stopped #hen her mobile phone ran! Most of the passerby
slo#ed do#n their %ehicle to #atch the accident! .ome pedestrian came by and offered help!
As it happened" I ran into my house #hich is close by! I called the nearest police station and in ten minutes"
a police car dro%e up! I told the police officer I had #itnessed the accident and offered to come out to the station to
i%e a statement! The cars #ere to#ed to the side of the road first" and then #ere brouht to the police station before
to #or)shop! *ictures #ere ta)en for insurance claim!
In my opinion" the dri%er of the 0onda City is to blame for the accident! .he #as dri%in too fast and did not
pay any attention to %ehicles comin out from the side road! The dri%er of the Toyota Jios should ha%e stopped at the
Gulia .elamat
244 #ords
DIRECTED: RE*&RT ? 8oo) Report
#s a class pro'ect" you have been asked to write a book report. You decide to write a report of a book you have 'ust
)se the following notes in your report:
- author
- title
- setting
- synopsis
- main characters
- themes
- response
CThe .tory of My LifeD is an autobioraphy #ritten by 0elen $eller! It tells us ho# 0elen $eller" #ho #as
deaf" blind and mute" defied the odds to become one of the most celebrated personalities in the #orld! The story #as
set in Alabama in HII3!
In the first half of the boo)" 0elen $eller #rites about ho# she #as a&&!*%te( #ith scarlet fe%er #hile she #as
still a baby and ho# illness left her deaf" blind and mute! The story outlines the frustration 0elen $eller e'perienced
as a child ? alone in a dar) and silent #orld ? unable to communicate #ith anybody! The author then oes on to say
ho# her life chaned #ith the arri%al of her ne#-employed teacher and nanny" Anne Mansfield .ulli%an!
The second part of the boo) relates ho# 0elen $eller studied the deaf and dumb lanuae and learnt ho# to
#rite usin 8raille and then #ent to collee and raduated! The story oes on to say ho# she spent the rest of her
life helpin the deaf and dumb all o%er the #orld!
I en-oyed readin e%ery pae of the boo)! I found some sections of the boo)" especially those that deal #ith
the early part of her life" $*gnant and touchin! It made me realize ho# difficult life must be for the handicapped! It
also made me realize ho# fortunate I #as! It has made me more sympathetic to#ards the $!*g"t of those #ho are
less fortunate than I am" especially the handicapped #ho has i%en up hope in the face of misfortune" and the
se%erely handicapped #ho ha%e lost the #ill to li%e!
The story is %ery touchin and informati%e! It arouses the feelins of the readers! I admire 0elen $eller for her
determination and dilience! I appreciate the $a*n+ta-*ng efforts ta)en by the teacher! The boo) has a ood moral
lesson for all! It sho#s the triumph of the human spirit in the face of *n(#*ta,!e obstacles! It ma)es us #onder
#hether 0elen $eller #as -ust another %ictim of fate or #hether her birth has a special sinificance! /as 0elen $eller
fortunate or unfortunateK 0elen $eller #as unfortunate to ha%e suffered the cruel t#ist of fate but the #orld is
fortunate to ha%e had a person li)e her! 0er life shinin e'ample to pro%e the a(age" C#here there is a #ill" there is a
2I2 #ords
DIRECTED: RE*&RT ? Report to *rincipal
You are very disappointed by the conditions and services provided by your school canteen. You decide to write a
report to inform your school principal about the poor conditions and services of the canteen. (hese would include:
insufficient table and benches
food and drinks not covered
too little food counters
dirty and clogged drains * smelly
food * expensive and lacks variety
inade+uate food * late comers have nothing to buy" to eat
cold food * not fresh
rude canteen workers
To : Mr! 0asnan bin Galal"
The *rincipal"
.e)olah Menenah $ebansaan *ermata
From : Mali) bin Abdul
(ate : E= March EAHH
Report about the .chool Canteen
I am #ritin this report is to dra# your attention reardin the school canteen! Many of the students of
.e)olah Menenah $ebansaan *ermata are unhappy about the conditions at the school canteen! There #ere lots
of complaints reardin this issue!
In the first place" there are insufficient tables and benches! &ur school has a student population of
o%er H AAA! There is only one period of recess time for all forms! More than FA per cent of the students o to the
canteen durin recess to buy food and drin)s! >nfortunately" there are only about t#enty-fi%e tables and fifty benches
#hich can accommodate less than half the number of students! As a result" many students ha%e to stand #hile
The food sold at the canteen not only e'pensi%e but lac)s of %ariety! The menu is the same e%ery day! For the
past fi%e years" e%er since the present canteen manaement too) o%er" students o bac) to the same food!
The hyiene and preparation of food lea%e a lot to be desired! The food and drin)s are not co%ered! They #ay
canteen attendants dress spea) %olume about hyiene! /ith their lac)adaisical attitude" the food they sell #ould one
#ay or the other become contaminated!
My fourth complaint about the canteen pertains to the etiBuette of the canteen #or)ers! They are rude and
arroant! They often shout at students! The students are al#ays on the recei%in end of their bad moods!
/e hope that conditions at the canteen #ill impro%e! The canteen should pro%ide better amenities! There
should also be a different menu e%eryday so that students #ill not ha%e to taste the same food day in and day out!
Cleanliness should be i%en top priority!
/e hope that you #ill loo) into our complaints and ta)e steps to remedy the situation! The students are
prepared to boycott the canteen if their complaints o unheeded!
Reported by:
Mali) bin! Mohd Galil
2H= #ords
DIRECTED: F&RMAL LETTER: Letter of Complaint
Ra-u a5l Linam"
HE2 A" Loron 8ahaia"
Taman .entosa"
A3E2H 8andar 8aru .entol"
The *resident"
8andar 8aru .entol Council"
$omple)s >tama"
A3EAA 8andar 8aru .entol H@ G>1E EAHH
(ear .ir"
>ncollected Rubbish and Cloed (rains
I am #ritin this letter is to attract your attention to the abo%e title! As the representati%e of the community" I am
callin to tell you that the 2AA odd residents li%in in Taman .entosa are e'tremely unhappy about the lac)adaisical
attitude of the local to#n council to#ards the uncollected rubbish and cloed drains in our area!
E! The rubbish in our area has not been collected for more than a #ee)! The rubbish is supposed to be collected
on alternate days but this has not been the case! The to#n council #or)ers collect the rubbish accordin to their o#n
#hims and fancies! The uncollected arbae has attracted not only flies and mosBuitoes but also #ild dos #hich
had attac)ed the residents on se%eral occasions! These stray animals also scatter the rubbish and ma)e the roads
dirty and smelly! As a result" residents ha%e to bear the discomfort of stench from the arbae and ris) their health!
2! /e are also disappointed #ith the to#n council #or)ers for not clearin the cloed drains #hich are filled
#ith rubbish! The drains #ould usually o%erflo# #hen there is hea%y rain and the rubbish #ould then flo# into the
compounds of our houses! 8esides" puttin up #ith the unbearable stench emitted from them" the residents ha%e to
spend hours cleanin their compounds of rotten %eetables" food lefto%ers and other rubbish!
=! (ue to denue outbrea) recently" #e are really concerned about the residents6 health especially the children!
Foin ser%ice also #as not done accordinly to the schedule! The foin authority only did their -ob #hene%er a
case of denue aroused! They e%en foin the neihbourhood late at niht that caused us to lea%e the residents!
They need to consider the residents #ho ha%e babies and also to those #ho need to #a)e up early in the mornin for
#or)! The foin also caused the people to ha%e breathin problem #hen #e #ere not told the e'act time of
4! /e ha%e made numerous appeals to the Municipal Council to loo) into our complaints but to no a%ail! /e
ha%e been puttin up #ith this predicament for more than a #ee)! /e hope the health authorities #ould do
somethin to chec) these health hazards!
Than) you!
9ours faithfully"
+RAG> a5l MA1IAM,
2FA #ords
DIRECTED: FORMAL LETTER: Letter of Application
You came across the following advertisement for the post Accounts Assistant Clerk.
Write a letter of application together with curriculum vitae to the manager.
In your letter, include the following:
- your curriculum vitae
- the reasons for your interest in the jo
- your aility to work independently
- pursuing a degree in Accountancy
!o rememer to:
- use the formal letter
- use all the points given
- elaorate each points given
Chong Mei Lin,
40, Jalan Templer,
Taman Hati er!ih,
"# 000 $erem%an,
&egeri $em%ilan
The Manager,
Lim an( $on! Man)fact)ring $(n* h(*,
Lot +,-, .nter!tate .n()!trial Area,
"# 00+ &ilai,
&egeri $em%ilan +/ J0L1 ,0+0
2ear $ir 3 Ma(am,
Application for the 4o!t of Acco)nt! A!!i!tant
. 5i!h to appl6 for the po!t of Acco)nt! A!!i!tant a! a(7erti!e( in The &e5 $trait Time! (ate( +8
,* . ha7e the nece!!ar6 9)alification! a! !tate( in m6 c)rric)l)m 7itae 5hich i! attache( to thi! letter*
. ha7e e:perience 5or;ing in %oth foo( man)fact)ring an( al!o a)to man)fact)ring fiel(!* . am c)rrentl6
5or;ing in La<at .ce Cream $(n* h(* in capacit6 of an Acco)nt! A!!i!tant an( ha7e %een here !ince
Jan)ar6 ,00/* efore thi!, . 5a! 5or;ing in TFR A)to Enterpri!e a! an Acco)nt! cler;* $ince m6 pre!ent
po!ition offer! little pro!pect for career a(7ancement, . 5o)l( li;e to %e attache( to a fairl6 large
organi!ation !)ch a! 6o)r!*
-* . 5o)l( li;e to 5or; in &ilai a! . inten( to f)rther m6 !t)(ie! an( get profe!!ional 9)alification* .
ha7e regi!tere( 5ith a college in &ilai to (o ACCA on part-time %a!i!* =ith thi! high a((itional e()cation
le7el an( ;no5le(ge, . can perform %etter in appl6ing the acco)nt! ;no5le(ge in the f)t)re >o%*
4* . can a!!)re 6o) that . am capa%le per!on 5ho can 5or; in(epen(entl6* . am a%le to han(le f)ll
!et! of acco)nt!, )p to three !et! at a time* . am intere!te( in 5or;ing 5ith a compan6 li;e 6o)r! a! . feel .
can gro5 5ell 5ith the compan6* . am a team pla6er, a(apt ea!il6 to an6 5or;ing en7ironment! an( can
5or; 5ith people from all 5or;! of life*
8* . 5a! acti7e in e:tra-c)rric)lar acti7itie! an( 5a! con!i(ere( a! re!pon!i%le an( (e(icate( 5or;er*
. le( an( organi!e( man6 acti7itie! for the !chool cl)%! !o . am confi(ent that . can %e an a!!et to 6o)r
compan6 in thi! capacit6* F)rthermore, i ha7e a goo( comman( of Engli!h*
#* .n 7ie5 of m6 9)alification an( e:perience, . 5o)l( e:pect a !alar6 more than RM , 000* An(
!ince . ha7e m6 o5n car, . 5o)l( ha7e no pro%lem! tra7elling o)t!tation !ho)l( the >o% re9)ire*
"* . loo; for5ar( to hearing from 6o) an( . am f)ll6 prepare( to atten( an inter7ie5 at an6 time
con7enient to 6o)*
Than; 6o)*
1o)r! faithf)ll6,
?RAJ0 a3l MA&.AM@
-8/ 5or(!
Your friend in "ingapore has written to you to inform you that his cousin in #enang was down with
dengue fever. $e would like to know the situation in %alaysia as he plans to ring his family over for the
holidays in &une. Write a letter to rief him aout the current situation.
In your letter, include the following:
e'press concern over the health of your friend(s cousin
news aout the situation
steps taken authorities
present situation
!o rememer to:
use the informal letter format
use all the points given
e'pand each of the points given
write in paragraph
&o* -4, $treet of Fame,
Taman );it intang,
);it intang,
#"800 .poh,
+4 Jan)ar6 ,0++
2ear John,

Ho5 are 6o)A .Bm !orr6 to hear that 6o)r co)!in ha( (eng)e fe7er* Thi! pro%lem !eem! to ha7e
%ecome 7er6 !erio)! all of !)((en* =e al5a6! feel that the pro%lem i! not o)r concern )ntil !omeone
clo!e to )! i! affecte(*
M6 neigh%o)rB! (a)ghter 5ho 5a! in $tan(ar( # la!t 6ear co)l( not !it for 04$R e:amination
%eca)!e !he 5a! (o5n 5ith (eng)e fe7er on the e7e of the e:am* Fort)natel6, the a)thoritie! ga7e her
an e:emption !o !he i! no5 in Form One* There 5ere al!o a fe5 !t)(ent! ta;ing the e:amination in the
Accor(ing to the ne5!, !t)(ent! ma(e )p nearl6 -0 per cent of the + 800 !)!pecte( ca!e! o7er
the fir!t three 5ee;! of the 6ear* A%o)t 8- per cent of #,+ confirme( ca!e! la!t 6ear compri!e( chil(ren
an( 6o)th )n(er the age of ,4* The!e !tati!tic! are 9)ite 5orr6ing* Thi! ha! prompte( the health mini!tr6
to increa!e chec;! on ae(e! %ree(ing gro)n(! in !chool an( p)%lic area!* The con!tr)ction !ite! are
largel6 to %lame(* The pro%lem i! ma(e 5or!e %6 the rain6 !ea!on* The !tagnating 5ater attract the
mo!9)itoe! to la6 egg an( %ree(ing on the area!*
The a)thoritie! ha7e ta;en 7ario)! !tep! to control the !it)ation* Fogging ha! %een carrie( o)t in
man6 p)%lic area! an( mo!t of the ho)!ing e!tate!* Contractor! at the con!tr)ction !ite! ha7e %een
in!tr)cte( to ta;e appropriate action! an( 5arne( to clean )p* The6 co)l( %e fine( )p to RM - 000 for
%ree(ing ae(e! mo!9)itoe!* Lot of campaign! thro)gh the tele7i!ion, ra(io an( ne5!paper! 5ere ta;en
to ma;e people a5are of the i!!)e an( ta;e preca)tion rather than c)re them*
efore the long holi(a6! for the Chine!e &e5 1ear, !chool! all o7er Mala6!ia carrie( o)t a clean-
)p campaign of the !chool compo)n(* The re!i(ent!B a!!ociation in m6 ho)!ing are al!o organi!e( a
famil6 (a6 clean-)p of the ho)!ing e!tate* There 5ere h)ge pile! of r)%%i!h e!peciall6 ol( t6re! an(
container! littere( %6 the ha5;er! near the might mar;et !ite*
The !it)ation in Mala6!ia ha! impro7e( !ince the en( of Jan)ar6* There ha7e %een no report! of
ne5 ca!e! of (eng)e* $o, (onBt 5orr6* 1o) can %ring 6o)r famil6 for a holi(a6 here in J)ne* .Bm loo;ing
for5ar( to !eeing them again*
$en( m6 regar( to 6o)r mom an( (a(* 2o ta;e care*
1o)r! !incerel6,
Harun Din
-/" 5or(!
Your school is having a month)long *A $ealthy +ody Campaign(. As #resident of the $ealth Clu of your
school, you decide to give a speech on the *,ak nak Campaign( recently launched y the government.
Tak Nak Campaign
A 7er6 goo( morning to o)r (ear 4rincipal, Mr* Ha!nan %in Jaafar, teacher! an( !t)(ent!*
Recentl6, o)r former 4rime Mini!ter, T)n A%()llah Ahma( a(a5i la)nche( an anti-!mo;ing
campaign calle( CTa; &a;D* 1o) can no5 !ee thi! !hort an( rh6ming catch phra!e CTa; &a;D e7er65here
E on %ill%oar(!, po!ter!, TF a(!, an( !ometime! . e7en hear it on the ra(io* Tho)gh !ome people ha7e
critici!e( o)r go7ernment for !etting a!i(e a !taggering !)m of RM+00 million o7er # 6ear! for the
campaign, it i! nothing compare( to the h)ge amo)nt! that to%acco companie! !pen( to promote
)t in thi! 5ar again!t !mo;ing, mone6 (efinitel6 tal;!G it i! nece!!ar6 for the Ta; &a; Campaign
to con!tanl6 remin( )! of the ha<ar( of !mo;ing %eca)!e a%o)t 80 Mala6!ian teenager! light )p for the
fir!t time e7er6 (a6* .n fact, !ome of the!e 6o)th progre!! !tea(il6 from thi! to reg)lar )!e, 5ith a((iction
ra;ing hol( 5ithin a fe5 6ear!* An( thi! i! (e!pite the 5arning on e7er6 pac; of cigarette! that !tate!
)ne9)i7ocall6 C$mo;ing i! (angero)! to 6o)r healthD*
=hat can the Ta; &a; Campaign (o to com%at thi!A Their aggre!!i7e a(7erti!ing create! me(ia
a5arene!! among the p)%lic, e!peciall6 among the fa!hiona%le 6o)ng cro5(, that !mo;er! ha7e
6ello5e( teeth an( !)ffer from !hortne!! of %reath an( tell! them that it i! not cool to !mo;e* .t i! al!o not
re!pon!i%le of them to affect non-!mo;er! 5ith !econ(-han( !mo;e*
Al!o, there i! a !)cce!!ion of infomercial! on TF an( in the paper! !ho5ing the (e%ilitating effect!
of to%acco a((iction on the %o(6 an( gr)e!ome !tati!tic! of !mo;e-relate( (eath!* =e are no5 familiar
5ith the graphic pict)re! of (amage( l)ng! on %ill%oar(! 5hich !ho)l( !care people into not !mo;ing*
Thi! 5or;!, a! . ;no5 !ome of m6 frien(! are 9)itting no5, or tr6ing to re()ce the n)m%er of cigarette!
the6 !mo;e per 5ee;*
Ho5e7er, . feel an6 anti-!mo;ing campaign i! more effecti7e if other people an( organi!ation! are
acti7el6 in7ol7e( too* 1e!, the fir!t !tep ha! %een ta;en %6 the top, %)t !a( to !a6, man6 of o)r politician!
!mo;e them!el7e!* &earer to home, !o (o !ome of o)r parent! an( teacher!*
The!e a()lt! ha7e to %e goo( role mo(el! %6 not !mo;ing them!el7e!* .f the6 (o !mo;e, the6
!ho)l( tell their chil(ren an( !t)(ent! that the6 regret that the6 e7er !tarte(, an( then ta;e !tep! to 9)it
!mo;ing a! !oon a! po!!i%le* The6 m)!t practi!e 5hat the6 preach*
On a more po!iti7e note, . commen( the Mala6!ia Amate)r Athletic 0nion for it! <ero-tolerance of
!mo;ing %eca)!e the6 ;no5 that !mo;ing an( health >)!t (o not mi:* Ho5 can o)r !port!men e:cel if
the6 cannot !top !mo;ing*
2ear teacher! an( !t)(ent!, than; 6o) for 6o)r attention* Let me en( m6 !peech %6 reiterating
that !mo;ing i! a %a( ha%it, !o ma;e Ta; &a; 6o)r mantra* .f 6o) ha7e !tarte( !mo;ing, !a6 Ta; &a; an(
9)itH An( if 6o) ha7enBt !tarte( !mo;ing, !a6 ;no5 that !mo;ing not onl6 (amage! 6o)r health %)t 6o) are
al!o literall6 %)rning 6o)r mone6*
80, 5or(!

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