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1. What is Pulse Modulation and what are the types of Pulse Modulation
2. What is PPM, PWM & PAM?
3. What is Slope Overload Error?
4. Define Inter Symbol Interference
5. What is the purpose of sample and hold circuit
6. What is Nyquist Sampling rate?
7. Draw the eye pattern and mark the relative parameters.
8. Draw the Block diagram for transmitter & receiver of PAM.
9. What is Delta Modulation? Draw the block diagram for Delta Modulation.
10. What is DPCM? Draw the block diagram for DPCM.
11. What is companding? What is the need for companding?
12. Define Percentage Error.
13. Draw the block diagram simple pulse transmission.
14. Define DPCM and PCM.
15. Define Signal to Quantization noise ratio.


1. Explain the block diagram the various stages of PCM system.
2. Draw the block diagram of typical DPCM system and explain.
3. Explain the Delta Modulation with transmitter & receiver diagram and explain.
4. What causes ISI in the detection process of a baseband digital system? Explain the effects
of ISI. How ISI can be reduced.
5. Draw the eye pattern with possible parameters explained
6. What is the need for companding? Explain analog and digital companding.
7. Draw the block diagram for adaptive delta modulator and explain its operation. How is this
ADM better than DM


1. What is half duplex & full duplex & Half Duplex transmission?
2. What is meant by data communication?
3. Discuss the concept of redundancy in error detection.
4. What is the purpose of data modem?
5. What are the advantages of parallel transmission?
6. Draw the Pin Details of RS232.
7. Draw the block diagram for serial & Parallel Transmission.
8. List Standards Organizations for data communication.
9. Define Error Detection & Error Correction.
10. Define Low Speed & High Speed Modems.
11. Draw the Basic Block Diagram of DTE & DCE.
12. Draw the Electrical Characteristics of RS-232.
13. Draw the Basic Block Diagram of MODEM.


1. Explain the Error control, Error Detection, Error correction methods with Example. [10]
2. Explain the following Data communication Codes: 1.Baudot Code 2.ASCII Code
3.EBCDIC Code. 4.BAR Code. 5. Universal Product code. [10]
3. What is Modem? Explain the operation of Synchronous & Asynchronous Modems with
Neat diagram. [10]
4. With neat diagrams explain the operation of DTE & DCE.
5. Explain the PIN details and electrical characteristics of RS 232.
6. With Example define the operation of CRC Error detection.

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