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THERMAL POWER PLANTS Vol. III - Steam Turbine Impulse an Rea!

tion "lain#
- R.A. $%aplin
En!'!lopeia o( Li(e Support S'stems
R.A. Chaplin
Department of Chemical Enineerin! Uni"er#it$ of Ne% Br&n#%ic'! Cana(a
Steam T&r+ine#! T&r+ine Bla(e#! ,elocit$ Diaram#! Imp&l#e! Reaction!
Stae#! Efficienc$.
-. T&r+ine Cla##ification
-.-. Bla(e Profile#
-... Imp&l#e an( Reaction
.. ,elocit$ Diaram#
..-. General Relation#hip#
.... Moment&m Principle
....-. Imp&l#e Bla(in
...... Reaction Bla(in
../. Bla(e Efficienc$
..0. Ener$ Principle
..0.-. Imp&l#e Bla(in
..0... Reaction Bla(in
..1. Imp&l#e Bla(in
..2. Reaction Bla(in
..3. 4hirl ,elocit$
/. Stae De#in
/.- N&m+er of Stae#
/.-.- Imp&l#e Bla(in
/.-... Reaction Bla(in
/.-./ Imp&l#e Bla(in
/.-.0. Reaction Bla(in
/... Stae Efficienc$
Bioraphical S'etch
T&r+ine +la(e#! an( hence t&r+ine# ha"in the#e t$pe# of +la(e#! are cla##ifie( a# imp&l#e
or reaction. 4hen mo"in +la(e# are (ri"en entirel$ +$ the impact of an e5ternal 6et
impinin &pon them! the$ are 'no%n a# imp&l#e +la(e#. 4hen the fl&i( in the mo"in
+la(e# accelerate# an( lea"e# the +la(e# at a hiher "elocit$ than %hen it entere( them! it
impart# a 6et reaction to th
e +la(e# ma'in the#e reaction +la(e#. 4ith reaction +la(e# there i# ho%e"er al%a$#
#ome imp&l#e effect a# the fl&i( enter# the mo"in +la(e# #o #&ch +la(e# ha"e onl$ a
(eree of reaction %hich i# commonl$ 17 percent. Con(ition# in t&r+ine +la(e# can +e
con"eni entl$ "i#&ali8e( an( anal$8e( +$ (ra%in "ector (iaram# of the fl&i( "elocitie#.
S&ch "elocit$ (iaram# corre#pon(in to the inlet an( o&tlet of the mo"in +la(e# #ho%
clearl$ ho% the fl&i( 'inetic ener$ ha# chane( %ithin the +la(e#. 9rom thi# chane the
ener$ tran#ferre( to the +la(e# can +e (e(&ce(. E##entiall$ the lo## in 'inetic ener$ of
the fl&i( i# e:&i"alent to the tran#fer of ener$ to the +la(e#. There are ho%e"er limit# to
the amo&nt of ener$ that can +e tran#ferre(. The fl&i( m&#t flo% a%a$ from the +la(e#
%ith a certain "elocit$ to ma'e %a$ for more fl&i( #o the +la(e efficienc$ can ne"er +e
-77 percent. 9&rthermore there i# al%a$# #ome fl&i( frictional lo## in the +la(e# #o the
#tae efficienc$ can ne"er +e -77 percent. Ne"erthele## mo(ern #team t&r+ine# are "er$
efficient an( operate %ith internal efficiencie# %ithin the rane of ;7 percent to <7
percent (epen(in &pon the #team con(ition#.
-. T&r+ine Cla##ification
-.-. Bla(e Profile#
A# mentione( in the intro(&ctor$ re"ie%! Par#on# (e"elope( a #team t&r+ine +a#e( on
the reaction principle %hile (e La"al (e"el
ope( one +a#e( on the imp&l#e principle.
Since then t&r+ine# +a#e( on the#e principl
e# ha"e e"ol"e( in parallel an( in fact
mere( to #ome (eree. O&t%ar(l$ t&r+ine# of +oth t$pe# appear i(entical an(! in
(e#cri+in (ifferent t&r+ine confi&ration#! it %a# not nece##ar$ to (i#tin&i#h +et%een
the t%o. E"en %hen (i#a##em+le( it i# not ea#$ at fir#t #iht to #a$ %hich i# %hich. The
main (ifference in fact i# in the fi5e( an( mo"in +la(e profile#. The#e profile# (etermine
the (irection an( "elocit$ of the #team %hich in t&rn o"ern# the mo(e of ener$ tran#fer
from the #team to the +la(e#! namel$ imp&l#e or reaction. T&r+ine# are
th&# cla##ifie( a# +ein either imp&l#e or reaction. 9rom a practical point of "ie%! thi#
o"ern# the n&m+er of #tae# in a t&r+ine an( the ma5im&m #team "elocitie#. The#e
parameter# re#pecti"el$ ha"e a #liht effect on the capital co#t an( efficienc$ of the
machine. 4ith thi# in min(! the principle# of imp&l#e an( reaction nee( to +e clarifie(.
-... Imp&l#e an( Reaction
Go"anni (e Branca=# t&r+ine! ill&#trate( in 9i&re -! operate# on the imp&l#e principle. In
thi# machine the #team i##&e# from a no88le at hih #pee( an( impine# &pon a #erie# of
+la(e# %hich are (ri"en an( #o pro(&ce %or'. The 'inetic ener$ of the fl&i( #tream i#
tran#ferre( to the rotatin %heel +$ moment&m tran#fer %ithin the +la(e#. The Pelton
%heel &#in %ater operate# on the #ame principle. >ero of Ale5an(ria=# t&r+ine! #ho%n in
9i&re .! operate# on the reaction principle. Steam i##&in from the no88le# at hih
"elocit$ create# a reaction in the oppo#ite (irection. Thi# reaction (ri"e# the %heel an(
the ener$ of the fl&i( i# tran#ferre( to the rotatin %heel. The common ar(en rotar$
la%n #prin'ler operate# on the #ame principle &#in %ater. 4hen the principle# are
tran#late( to lare machine# the ma## flo%# +ecome "er$ lare relati"e to the machine
it#elf an( the imp&l#e an( reaction effect# are "er$ #tron. The mo(ern #pace roc'et
operate# p&rel$ on the reaction principle +&t it enerate# it# %or'in fl&i( on +oar( +$
+&rnin f&el. In other machine#! %hich operate on the reaction principle +&t recei"e the
%or'in fl&i( from a fi5e( e5ternal #o&rce! pro"i#ion
9OR 9URT>ER PLEASE SEE * http*??%%%.(
Steam T&r+ine Imp&l#e an( Reaction Bla(in @ R.A. Chaplin

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