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Please Contact: UAC 1

General Contractors
Telephone: (888) 817-3250
Webste: http:!!"""#1st$eneralcontractors#co%!
&aceboo': https:!!"""#(aceboo'#co%!1stGeneralContractors
September 1, 2014- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
General Cntra!trs "r#$%es &$ll be Open$n' a (e& L!at$n $n t)e Ls An'eles Area*
Get a Free Est$mate T%a+
Ls An'eles, CA- )UAC 1st General Contractors*) a Cal(orna-base+ $eneral constr,cton co%pan-
anno,nce+ to+a- the openn$ o( a ne" locaton n the .ran$e Co,nt- area o( Cal(orna# C,sto%ers can
no" $et a (ree /,ote on an- constr,cton nee+#
UAC 1st General Contractors "ll be openn$ a bran+ ne" locaton n the 0os An$eles area# C,sto%ers
can no" (n+ local* a((or+able* e1perence+* an+ lcense+ $eneral contractors n the local area# The
co%pan- o((ers (,ll $eneral contractor ser2ces ncl,+n$* bathroo% re%o+eln$* roo% a++tons* an+ other
contractor ser2ces# )We can help -o, "th -o,r ne1t constr,cton nee+# We sa2e -o, t%e an+ %one- b-
ha2n$ a tea% o( /,al(e+ contractor n -o,r area that "ll %eet -o,r nee+s an+ sa2e -o, both t%e an+
%one-*) sa-s a UAC 1st General Contractors representat2e#
&n+n$ local $eneral contractors can ta'e a lot o( t%e n researchn$ the best (t (or the 3ob# UAC 1st
General Contractors pro2+es ts c,sto%ers "th the %ost h$hl- /,al(e+ $eneral contractors "thn the
c,sto%er4s local area# )We +o all the "or' (or o,r c,sto%ers# We ha2e alrea+- researche+ each $eneral
contractor %a'n$ s,re the- "ll pro2+e h$h-/,alt- "or'* are lcense+ an+ bon+e+* an+ able to %eet the
nee+s o( o,r c,sto%ers# When a c,sto%er calls ,s* "e are then able to $2e the% a lst o( pro(essonals
that can co%plete the 3ob the- are loo'n$ (or "thn ther local area#)
).,r %sson s to pro2+e co%plete c,sto%er sats(acton an+ on-t%e* on-b,+$et co%pleton o( a "+e
2aret- o( constr,cton pro3ects# That h$h le2el o( c,sto%er sats(acton an+ co%%t%ent to /,alt- has
allo"e+ ,s to c,lt2ate an+ %antan allances "th the area4s %ost s'lle+ s,b-contractors* "ho
consstentl- s,rpass o,r clent4s e1pectatons (or pro(essonals% an+ cra(ts%anshp#)
&n+n$ local $eneral contractors n the 0os An$eles area s /,c' an+ eas- "th UAC 1st General
Contractors# The co%pan- s a (,ll-ser2ce pro2+er o( res+ental an+ co%%ercal constr,cton pro3ects#
The Cal(orna-base+ locaton "ll pro2+e a 2aret- o( these ser2ces:
General Constr,cton
5athroo% 6e%o+eln$
7tchen 6e%o+eln$
8o%e an+ 6oo% A++tons
9( -o, "o,l+ l'e to $et a %ore +etale+ 2e" on the +((erent t-pes o( re%o+eln$ 3obs* please 2st the
UAC 1st General Contractors s a +epen+able an+ h$hl- e1perence+ tea% o( $eneral contractors that
o((er a 2aret- o( ser2ces# )We are a (,ll-ser2ce constr,cton co%pan- "ho "or's har+ e2er- c,sto%er#
:electn$ a re%o+eln$ contractor (or -o,r ne1t ho%e %pro2e%ent re%o+eln$ pro3ect can be t%e
cons,%n$ an+ a bt con(,sn$ as "ell# 0et General Contractors p,t -o,r "orres to rest# .,r -ears o(
e1perence* 'no"le+$e an+ creat2t- $2e ,s the tools to plan an+ b,l+ an- o( -o,r ho%e %pro2e%ent
nee+s# &ro% c,sto% 'tchens to roo(s* o,r %sson s to pro2+e -o, "th the h$hest possble /,alt- an+
&or %ore n(or%aton on UAC 1st General Contractors an+ the ser2ces o((ere+ clc' here
UAC - 1st General Contractors 0os An$eles Co,nt-
UAC - 1st General Contractors ;ent,ra Co,nt-
UAC - 1st General Contractors .ran$e Co,nt-
UAC General Contractors on &AC<5..7=

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