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Wear 248 (2001) 3847

A unied theory of wear for ultra-high moleular weight

!olyethylene in multi-diretional "liding
A# Wang
$try%er &owmedia '"teoni"( 3)* +eteran" ,l-d#( .utherford( /0 07070( 1$A
.eei-ed 22 $e!tem2er 1***3 reei-ed in re-i"ed form 2* Augu"t 20003 ae!ted 2* Augu"t 2000
A theoretial wear model 2a"ed on the effeti-e fritional wor% one!t wa" de-elo!ed for ultra-high moleular weight !olyethylene in
lu2riated multi-diretional "liding# 4he model a""ume" the ourrene of !referential moleular alignment in the !rini!al diretion of
"liding and ru!ture or "!litting of the oriented moleule" in the !er!endiular diretion a""oiated with "eondary "liding# 4he model unie"
the effet" of interfaial frition( ro""lin% den"ity and ro""-"hear angle in a "im!le e5uation and !ro-ide" a theoretial e6!lanation for
the effet" of ro""lin%ing and multi-diretional motion on the wear of 1&7W89 in total hi! and total %nee re!laement"# 96!erimental
re"ult" orrelating eah of the three -aria2le" to the wear rate of 1&7W89 in a hi! :oint "imulator and a multi-diretional motion wear
te"t mahine -eried the general -alidity of the model# ; 2001 9l"e-ier $iene ,#+# All right" re"er-ed#
<eyword"= 1&7W893 Wear3 >ro""-lin%ing3 >ro""-"hear3 4otal :oint re!laement
1# ?ntrodution
1ltra-high moleular weight !olyethylene (1&7W89)
ha" 2een u"ed a" a ma:or 2earing "urfae in 2oth total hi!
and total %nee :oint !ro"the"e" "ine the early 1*@0"# 'w-
ing to it" e6traordinarily high moleular weight( 1&7W89
!o""e""e" "u!erior mehanial toughne"" and wear re"i"-
tane o-er mo"t other !olymer"# A" an aeta2ular om!o-
nent in total hi! re!laement( 1&7W89 wear" at an annual
rate of a!!ro6imately 0#1 mmAyear or 80 mm3 Ayear again"t
a 32 mm femoral head B14C# 4hi" re!re"ent" a 30-fold re-
dution in wear rate om!ared to a 84D9 "o%et that wa"
r"t introdued 2y >harnley in the late 1*)0" B)(@C# 4y!ial
aeta2ular om!onent" ha-e a minimum thi%ne"" E@ mm#
At a wear rate of 0#1 mmAyear( it would ta%e at lea"t @0 year"
to wear through# ?ndeed( the wear-through of 1&7W89
"o%et" ha" 2een e6tremely rare in linial !ratie# &ow-
e-er( it wa" di"o-ered reently that wear de2ri" !rodued
from 1&7W89 au"e" ad-er"e ti""ue 2iologial re"!on"e"
whih re"ult in gradual 2one a2"or!tion or o"teoly"i" B7*C#
A linial on"e5uene of de2ri"-indued o"teoly"i" i" loo"-
ening of the !ro"the"i" and di"omfort to the !atient whih
e-entually lead to re-i"ion "urgery# 4herefore( to en"ure the
long-term "ue"" of the !ro"the"i"( the 5uantity and the
4el#= F1-201-)07-7@@23 fa6= F1-201-)07-7@81#
9-mail addre""= awangGhowo"t#om (A# Wang)#

rate of 1&7W89 wear de2ri" generated in -i-o mu"t 2e

.eent linial "tudie" of the wear de2ri" retrie-ed from
!eri!ro"theti ti""ue" re-ealed that the o-erwhelming ma:or-
ity of the wear !artile" i" miron or "u2miron in "iHe and
2rou" or !artiulate in "ha!e B1014C# Although the !arti-
ulate de2ri" i" more num2erou" in 5uantity than the 2rou"
de2ri"( the latter aount" for a ma:ority of the -olume of
!artile"# A num2er of de"ri!ti-e wear mehani"m" ha-e
2een !ro!o"ed to e6!lain the mor!hologial nature of the
2rou" wear de2ri" B1)17C# 4he"e inlude adhe"i-e( a2ra-
"i-e and fatigue wear mehani"m"# &owe-er( there ha" 2een
no 5uantitati-e attem!t to orrelate the wear rate to either
e6trin"i or intrin"i material -aria2le"#
A ma:or 2rea%-through in the under"tanding of the wear
mehami"m" for 1&7W89 i" the di"o-ery of the im!or-
tane of multi-diretional motion in the !roe"" of wear
de2ri" generation B1820C# Iinear-tra%ing motion either
unidiretional or rei!roating !rodue" an e6tremely "mall
wear rate in 1&7W89 whih i" ty!ially twothree order"
of magnitude le"" than the a-erage wear rate o2"er-ed lin-
ially B1822C# Wear rate" !rodued 2y multi-diretional
motion hi! :oint "imulator"( on the other hand( ha-e on-
"i"tently mathed the a-erage linial wear rate" B1822C#
?t wa" !ro!o"ed 2y a num2er of re"earher" that the
motion-de!endent 2eha-ior of 1&7W89 wear i" attri2uted
to the uni5ue moleular "truture of 1&7W89 who"e
moleule" orient !referentially in the diretion of "liding
0043-1@48A01AJ "ee front matter ; 2001 9l"e-ier $iene ,#+# All right" re"er-ed#
8??= $ 0 0 4 3 - 1 @ 4 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 ) 2 2 - @
A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847 3*
a-erage ro""-"etional width of
1&7W89 2ril" (mm)
%wear fator (mm3 A/m)
llength of the 2ril (mm)
I"liding di"tane !er yle (m)
a-erage moleular weight 2etween7
ro""-lin%" (gAmole)
ritial moleular weight70
2etween ro""-lin%" (gAmole)
8normal load (/)
5tangential fore a!!lied to a
2ril (/)
Ktangential load (/)
$"well ratio
ttime (")
-linear -eloity -etor (mA")
molar -olume of 6ylene (m3 Amole)+l
+-olume lo"" !er yle (mm3 Ayle)
Wtotal fritional wor% !er yle (/m)
W6 total fritional wor% relea"ed in the
!rini!al "liding diretion !er
yle (/m)
Wy total fritional wor% relea"ed in the
"eondary "liding diretion !er
yle (/m)
ro""-lin% den"ity (moleAg)L
ritial ro""-lin% den"ity (moleAg)L0
Mree% letter"
Nma6imum ro""-"hear angle (radian)
O!olyethylene6ylene interation !arameter
>> 2ond energy (0oule)P
Qoefient of frition
ritial oefient of fritionQ0
Rro""-"hear angle 2etween an
in"tantaneou" -eloity -etor and the
!rini!al "liding diretion
Sangular -eloity (radianA")
B18(1*(23C# ?n linear-tra%ing motion( moleular orienta-
tion lead" to "train-hardening of the wear "urfae whih
re"ult" in an inrea"ing wear re"i"tane a" "liding !roeed"#
?n multi-diretional motion( the 1&7W89 wear "urfae
e6!eriene" 2oth "hear and ten"ile "tre""e" in multi!le di-
retion"# $trengthening in one !artiular diretion re"ult" in
wea%ening in a !er!endiular diretion T a !henomenon
that wa" often o2"er-ed in oriented linear !olymer" B1*(24C#
.eent om!uter "imulation of the human :oint %inemati"
ha" indeed indiated that "tre""e" e6!eriened 2y the "ur-
fae in 2oth the hi! and the %nee :oint are multi-diretional
4he di"o-ery of the ad-er"e effet of moleular orien-
tation in multi-diretional "liding ha" re"ulted in the de-el-
o!ment of u"ing ro""lin%ing a" a mean" to im!ro-e the
wear re"i"tane of 1&7W89 B2@30C# >ro""lin%ing ma%e"
the 1&7W89 more i"otro!i# Dir"t( ro""lin%ing retard"
hain mo2ility and hene redue" the degree of moleular
orientation during "liding# $eond( ro""lin%ing inrea"e"
the den"ity of the >> hemial 2ond" 2etween ad:aent
moleular hain" and hene ma%e" it more difult to "!lit
one moleule from another# .eent hi! :oint "imulator "tud-
ie" ha-e indeed demon"trated that ro""lin%ed 1&7W89
!o""e""ed far "u!erior wear re"i"tane than non-ro""lin%ed
linear 1&7W89 B2@30C#
4he !re"ent "tudy loo%" at the ani"otro!i wear 2eha-ior
of 1&7W89 from a theoretial !oint of -iew# 4he !hy"i-
al !roe"" of wear de2ri" generation wa" on"idered a" a
intermoleular "!litting !henomenon# 4he 1&7W89 wear
"urfae wa" treated a" an om!o"ite "truture on"i"ting of
num2erou" miro-2ril" oriented in the !rini!al "liding di-
retion# A wear !artile i" !rodued a" a 2ril i" "e!arated
from it" neigh2our" 2y tearing ru!ture in the "eondary
"liding diretion# A 5uantitati-e model wa" then de-elo!ed#
4hree "e!arate model e6!eriment" were onduted under
lu2riated multi-diretional "liding ondition" to -erify the
-alidity of the theory#
2# 4heory
Dig# 1(a) "how" "hematially the ontat 2etween a
"mooth deforma2le 1&7W89 "urfae and a "mooth rigid
"urfae under a normal load 8 # .elati-e motion 2etween
the"e two "urfae" i" on"idered in "uh a way that at any
gi-en moment the -eloity -etor - rotate" at an angular
-eloity of S in the 6y !lane( Dig# 1(2)# Uenoting R a" the
angle 2etween the -eloity -etor - and the 6-a6i" at time
t( N a" the ma6imum angle of the u!!er e6treme !o"ition of
the -eloity -etor and VN a" the lower e6treme !o"ition
of the -eloity -etor( then the -eloity -etor rotate" from
0W to N and then re-er"e" to VN and then re-er"e" again
2a% to 0W to om!lete a motion yle# A" the -eloity
Dig# 1# (a) >ontat 2etween two "olid "urfae" under a normal load 8 (
and (2) rotation of the -eloity -etor - in the LX !lane during a motion
40 A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847
-etor hange" it" diretion on"tantly( the tangential fore
K will hange it" diretion al"o# Dor "im!liity( a""uming
that the normal load i" on"tant( then the total fritional
wor% relea"ed !er yle i" gi-en 2y the following e5uation=
(K-) dt Y 4
Q8 -
dR Y
where Q i" the oefient of frition# 4he total fritional
wor% relea"ed in the y diretion i" gi-en 2y
Wy Y
$ine moleular elongation lead" to "trengthening( ru!ture
in the elongation diretion i" unli%ely# &ene( W6 may 2e
on"idered Zineffeti-e[ a" far a" wear i" onerned# ?n the
tran"-er"e diretion( on the other hand( the ru!ture "trength
derea"e" a" the moleule" elongate# 4herefore( Wy may
2e on"idered Zeffeti-e[ in !roduing wear#
4hen( the total -olume of wear de2ri" !rodued !er yle
i" gi-en a" the Zeffeti-e wor%[ di-ided 2y the "!ei wor%
re5uired to !rodue a unit -olume of wear de2ri"( i#e#
+ Y%
Wy"in 2N2Q8-d
(\w)A(\+ )SL P2
"in 2NN2Q8-d
] 1V]Y%
(K "in R)(- "in R) dt
(Q8- "in2 R)
"in 2N
4he total fritional wor% relea"ed in the 6 diretion i"
"in 2N2Q8-
where % i" a !ro!ortionality on"tant# $ine (4NAS) Y t(
where t i" the time re5uired to om!lete a motion yle( then
95# (@) an 2e rewritten a"
+ Y%
"in 2NQ8d(-t)
] 1V
2L P2N
Iet u" then on"ider the interation 2etween a "tre"" -etor
5 and a oriented 1&7W89 2ril of length l and diameter
d (Dig# 2)# ?n order for the 2ril to 2eome a loo"e wear
!artile( it mu"t 2e "e!arated from it" neigh2our" through
ten"ile ru!ture in the 6H !lane and "hear ru!ture in the 6y
!lane# 4he energy or wor% re5uired to "e!arate thi" 2ril
from it" neigh2our" i" gi-en 2y
\w Y 2(dlL P )
$ine (-t) Y I( where I i" the a-erage linear "liding di"tane
tra-elled !er motion yle( then 95# (7) 2eome"
+ Y%
"in 2NQ8dI
] 1V
2L P2N
4he wear fator % whih i" dened a" the -olume lo"" !er
unit "liding di"tane !er unit load( i#e# % Y + A(8I)( i"(
therefore( gi-en 2y
"in 2NQd
] 1V
2L P2N
where L i" the >> 2ond den"ity (num2er of 2ond" !er
area) and P the >> 2ond energy#$ine the -olume of the
2ril \+ i" ld2 ( the wor% re5uired to !rodue a unit -olume
of de2ri" i" gi-en 2y
2dlL P2L P\w
Iet u" a""ume that W6 ontri2ute" to the elongation of the
2ril" while Wy ontri2ute" to the ru!ture of the 2ril"#
95# (*) re!re"ent" the wear rate !er unit "liding di"tane !er
unit load a" a funtion of the material !ro!ertie" (L P )( the
lu2riation ondition" Q( the degree of the ro""-!ath motion
(1V"in 2NA2N) and the ro""-"etional width of the 2ril" d#
At N Y ^A2 Y *0W ( i#e# at the ma6imum angle of
Zro""-"hear[( the wear fator % o2tain" it" ma6imum -alue
a" re!re"ented 2y the following e5uation
%ma6 Y %^A2 Y %
2L P (10)
4herefore( 95# (*) an al"o 2e written a"
%N Y %^A2 1 V
"in 2N
3# 96!eriment"
3#1# 7odel 96!eriment 1= % -er"u" Q
&emi"!herial "o%et" of -ariou" diameter" were ma-
hined from e6truded M1.10)0 1&7W89 rod (8oly&i
$olidur( Dort Wayne( ?/) with an a-erage moleular weight
Dig# 2# An inter-2ril ru!ture model of an oriented 1&7W89 "urfae 2y
an off-a6i" fore -etor 5#
A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847 41
Dig# 3# $hemati illu"tration of the hi! :oint "imulator#
of a!!ro6imately @ million# 4he"e "o%et" ha-e the follow-
ing diameter"= 32#0)( 32#))( 33#0)( 33#))( 34#0)( 3)#0) and
3@#0) mm# 8oli"hed >o>r femoral head" with a ommon
diameter of 32#00 mm and a enter-line a-erage roughne""
of 0#01) mm (.a ) were u"ed a" an artiulating ounterfae
again"t the 1&7W89 "o%et" in 2oth a frition "imulator
B31C and a wear "imulator B1*C# ?n the frition "imulator( the
femoral head o"illate" in"ide the "o%et a2out the load a6i"
at 30W A"# A on"tant load of 2000 / wa" a!!lied# A diluted
al!ha-fration "erum ()0_ "erum F )0_ deioniHed water)
wa" u"ed a" a lu2riant# Dritional fore wa" mea"ured -ia
a tor5ue ell# 4he fritional te"t wa" run for 3000 yle"#
Uuring the initial )00 yle"( the fritional fore "howed
large `utation"# After )00 yle"( it reahed a "teady "tate#
4herefore( only the "teady-"tate -alue" were re!orted here#
4wo "am!le" of eah "iHe were mea"ured# ?n the wear "im-
ulator( the femoral head mo-e" in"ide the "o%et at a 2ia6ial
ro%ing motion of a23W ( whih ga-e an a-erage linear
"liding di"tane of 33 mm aording to an earlier om!uter
"imulation B1*C#7eanwhile( a !hy"iologial load with 24)0
/ ma6imum and )0 / minimum (a-erage load= 12)0 /)
wa" a!!lied# 7otion and loading were "ynhroniHed at
1 &H# 4he om2ination of the 2ia6ial ro%ing motion and
!hy"iologial loading !rodued a multi-diretional "urfae
"hear "tre"" !attern at the artiulating interfae# Dig# 3 "how"
a "hemati of the wear "imulator while Dig# 4 "how" a
di"tri2ution of the normaliHed "urfae "hear "tre"" -etor" at
the headA"o%et interfae during a loading yle B1*C# 4he
"hear "tre"" -etor wa" "een to hange it" magnitude and di-
retion on"tantly during the loading yle# 4he ma6imum
angle of Zro""-"hear[ wa" *0W # 4he wear "imulator te"t
wa" run under the "ame lu2riation ondition a" the frition
te"t# 4he te"t wa" run for 2 million yle"# 4wo "am!le" of
eah "iHe were te"ted# Weight lo"" of eah "o%et wa" mea-
"ured at e-ery 0#) million yle inter-al"( whih wa" then
on-erted to -olume lo"" (mm3 ) 2y di-iding 2y the material
den"ity (0#*33 gAm3 )# +olumetri wear rate wa" dened a"
-olume lo"" !er motion yle whih wa" o2tained 2y linear
regre""ion# $ine the a-erage load and "liding di"tane !er
Dig# 4# /ormaliHed "urfae "hear "tre"" -etor di"tri2ution" at the headAu! artiulating interfae during a loadAmotion yle for the hi! :oint wear "imulator#
42 A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847
Dig# )# >oefient of frition and wear fator a" a funtion of the headAu! radial learane#
motion yle were 12)0 / and 0#033 m( re"!eti-ely( the
wear fator % (unit= mm3 A/m) an 2e alulated from the
-olumetri wear rate 2y the following e5uation
Y(mm3 A/m)
-alue of oefient of frition 2elow whih ru!ture 2etween
2ril" would not our# 4o 2etter re`et the e6!erimental
re"ult"( 95# (*) may 2e modied a" follow"
"in 2Nd(Q V Q0 )
] 1V
2L P2N
Dig# ) "how" the oefient of frition and the wear fator
a" a funtion of the 2allA"o%et radial learane# ,oth Q and
% derea"ed a" learane inrea"ed# Dig# @ "how" a !lot of %
a" a funtion of Q( whih wa" "een to inrea"e linearly with
inrea"ing Q# &owe-er( the 2e"t-t "traight line of the data
(. 2 Y 0#*0) doe" not go through the origin a" indiated 2y
95"# (*) and (10)# .ather it inter"et" with the horiHontal a6i"
at Q Y Q0 Y 0#04# 4hi" "ugge"t" that there e6i"t" a ritial
3#2# 7odel 96!eriment 2= % -er"u" 7
1&7W89 (M1.40)0) 2ar" were irradiated with -ray" at
3#0( 4#0( )#0( 7#)( 10#0 and 1)#0 7rad"# Dollowing irradiation(
the 2ar" were annealed at 130W > to eliminate all remaining
free radial"# &emi"!herial "o%et" with a ommon dia-
meter of 32#0) mm were then mahined from the"e 2ar"# 4he
Dig# @# Wear fator -"# oefient of frition#
A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847 43
Dig# 7# >ro""lin% den"ity and wear fator -"# radiation do"e#
"ame hi! wear "imulator wa" u"ed to te"t the"e "o%et"# 4he
"ame te"t ondition" and !rotool" a" in 7odel 96!eriment
1 were u"ed in the !re"ent te"t# ?n addition( the ro""lin%
den"ity of the material" wa" mea"ured -ia the "well-ratio
method aording to A$47 U27@)# 4he following e5uation
wa" u"ed to alulate the ro""lin% den"ity B30(32C
1ln(1 V $ V1 ) F $ V1 F O $ V2
7+l $ V1A3
where L i" the ro""lin% den"ity (moleAg)( 7 the a-er-
age moleular weight 2etween ro""lin%" (gAmole)( +l i"
the molar -olume of 6ylene (13@ m3 Amole) B33C( O the
6ylene!olyethylene interation !arameter (O Y 0#33 F
0#))A$) B34C and $ i" the "well ratio# Dor 2oth the wear te"t
and "well-ratio mea"urement( three "!eimen" from eah
material were u"ed#
Dig# 7 "how" the wear fator % and the ro""lin% den"ity
L a" a funtion of the radiation do"e# While % derea"ed
"igniantly with inrea"ing the radiation do"e( L inrea"ed
a" the do"e inrea"ed# Dig# 8 "how" % a" a funtion of 1AL (or
7 )# A linear relation"hi! 2etween % and 7 wa" o2tained#
&owe-er( the 2e"t-t line of the data (. 2 Y 0#*4) doe"
not go through the origin a" 7 a!!roahe" Hero# 4he line
inter"et" with the horiHontal a6i" at 7 Y 1AL Y 1AL0 Y
Dig# 8# Wear fator -"# moleular weight 2etween ro""lin%"#
44 A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847
Dig# *# $hemati of the loadingAmotion onguration of the 2ia6ial
line-ontat wear te"ter#
Dig# 11# Wear fator -"# ma6imum ro""-"hear angle#
42)0 gAmole# 4hi" im!lie" that there e6i"t" a ritial -alue
of the ro""lin% den"ity a2o-e whih ru!ture 2etween 2ril"
annot our#
3#3# 7odel 96!eriment 3= % -er"u" N
?n thi" e6!eriment( a ring-on-2lo% wear te"ter wa" u"ed
to -erify the relation"hi! 2etween the wear fator % and the
ma6imum ro""-"hear angle N# .etangular 2lo%" with di-
men"ion" of 12#) mm ] 12#) mm]10 mm were mahined
from a M1.10)0 rod# 4he"e "!eimen" were irradiated at
3#0 7rad" and then annealed at 130W ># 4he ring wa" made
of >o>r alloy with the dimen"ion" of 7) mm diameter and
2)#4 mm wide# 4he irular "urfae of the ring wa" highly
!oli"hed (.a = 0#02) m)# 4he 1&7W89 2lo% wa" loaded
again"t the >o>r ring at a on"tant load of 1120 /# 4he ring
o"illated again"t the 2lo% at a30W while the 2lo% o"il-
lated a2out the load a6i" at 0( a7#)W and a1)W ( re"!eti-ely#
4herefore( the ma6imum angle" of ro""-"hear (N) "imulated
here were 0( 7#)W and 1)W ( re"!eti-ely# 4he a-erage linear
"liding di"tane wa" 7* mm# Dig# * "how" a "hemati of the
2ia6ial ring-on-2lo% wear te"ter# Dig# 10 "how" the "urfae
"hear "tre"" -etor di"tri2ution during a motion yle# 4he
te"t wa" al"o run for 2 million yle" under "erum lu2ria-
tion# 4hree "!eimen" were u"ed for eah te"t ondition"#
Dig# 11 "how" the wear fator a" a funtion of ma6imum
ro""-!ath angle# Dor om!ari"on( the wear fator %^A2 a"
o2tained from the hi! "imulator te"t in whih N Y *0W wa"
al"o inluded in Dig# 11# With the %^A2 %nown( the theoretial
relation"hi! 2etween %N and N a" "hown in 95# (11) ould
2e alulated and wa" !lotted in Dig# 11# 4he e6!erimental
wear fator % inrea"ed dramatially with inrea"ing N a"
!redited 2y the theory# Drom N Y 0 to 7#)W ( % inrea"ed
2y an order of magnitude3 from 7#) to 1)W ( % inrea"ed 2y a
fator of 33 from 1) to *0W ( % inrea"ed 2y another order of
magnitude# 4herefore( the theoretial relation"hi! 2etween
% and N wa" -eried 2y 7odel 96!eriment 3#
4# Ui"u""ion
4he !re"ent "tudy re!re"ent" a r"t attem!t to 5uantify
the "igniane of multi-diretional motion on the wear rate
of 1&7W89# ,y on"idering the ani"otro!y of 1&7W89
moleule" in re"!on"e to a rotating "hear "tre"" -etor( a
wear theory wa" de-elo!ed and "ue""fully e6!lained a
num2er of reent di"o-erie" in the wear of 1&7W89
!ro"theti 2earing "urfae"# Dir"t of all( the theory re-ealed
the fundamental im!ortane of the "eondary motion of the
human :oint" in the wear of 1&7W89# Dor the hi! :oint(
the "eondary motion i" the a2dutionAaddution3 for the
%nee :oint( it i" internalAe6ternal rotation# 4hi" "eondary
motion mu"t 2e "imulated in a wear te"t in addition to the
!rini!le motion# $eond( the theory e6!lained the riti-
al role of ro""lin%ing in the wear of 1&7W89# 4hird(
the theory indiated that ontat "tre"" !er "e i" not the
dominant fator in 1&7W89 wear# ?n fat( inrea"ing the
ontat "tre"" at the e6!en"e of ontat area under a gi-en
load redued the oefient of frition and the wear rate#
4he e6!erimental re"ult" indiate that there may e6i"t
a thre"hold e6!erimental ondition (e6trin"i -aria2le")
for a gi-en 1&7W89 and a thre"hold ro""lin% den"ity
Dig# 10# Ui"tri2ution of "urfae "hear "tre"" -etor" during a motion yle
for the 2ia6ial wear te"ter#
A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847 4)
(intrin"i -aria2le) under a gi-en te"t ondition to initiate
or "ur!re"" wear de2ri" formation# Dor a non-ro""lin%ed
1&7W89( the oefient of frition mu"t e6eed 0#04 in
order to !rodue wear# ?t "hould 2e noted here that the o-
efient of frition reorded here wa" under the ondition"
of linear "liding# ?n multi-diretional motion( the oefient
of frition may 2e different a" re!orted 2y ,ri"oe and $to-
lar"%i B3)(3@C under dry "liding# 4herefore( the a""um!tion
made in 95# (2) that the oefient of frition i" the "ame
along and aro"" the diretion of 2ril orientation may not
2e aurate# 1nder the e6!erimental ondition" u"ed in
the hi! "imulator te"t( the ro""lin% den"ity mu"t e6eed
0#0002) moleAg (7 c 42)0 gAmole) in order to redue the
wear rate to a non-mea"ura2le -alue# 4a%ing the"e thre"hold
ondition" into on"ideration( the theoretial model may 2e
2etter written a" follow"
"in 2Nd(Q V Q0 )
] (7 V 70 ) ] 1 V
d(Q V Q0 )
] 1V
"in 2N
where 7 i" the a-erage moleular weight 2etween
ro""lin%" and 70 the ritial a-erage moleular weight 2e-
tween ro""lin%"# ?n a 2ia6ial !in-on-di"% "tudy( 7uratoglu
et al# found that the wear rate of ro""lin%ed 1&7W89
inrea"ed linearly with 7 B30C# 4he"e author" al"o o2-
tained a thre"hold -alue of a!!ro6imately 4)00 gAmole for
7 for ZHero[ wear rate# 4he"e nding" !ro-ided further
e6!erimental "u!!ort for 95# (1@)#
Aording to the theory outlined in 95"# (*)( (1)) and
(1@)( the wear fator % "hould inrea"e with inrea"ing the
a-erage ro""-"etional width of the 2ril d# $ine d i" a on-
"e5uene of the nal wear e-ent and annot 2e determined
theoretially without onduting a 5uantitati-e analy"i" of
the wear de2ri" it"elf( the theory remain" "emi-em!irial# ?t
may 2e argued that d "hould 2e !ro!ortional to the de!th
or thi%ne"" of the highly deformed "urfae layer during
"teady "tate "liding# A reent "tudy u"ing tran"mi""ion ele-
tron miro"o!y 2y 9didin et al# re-ealed that the de!th
of the highly oriented "urfae layer wa" muh le"" for a
highly ro""lin%ed 1&7W89 than for a non-ro""lin%ed
1&7W89 B37C# 4he"e author" then attri2uted the inrea"ed
wear re"i"tane of highly ro""lin%ed 1&7W89 to the re-
dued thi%ne"" of the oriented "urfae layer or the "o-alled
Z!la"tiity-indued damage layer[# 4he !re"ent theory "ug-
ge"t" that the redued thi%ne"" of the Zdamage layer[ i"
only !art of the e6!lanation for the o2"er-ed 2enet" of
ro""lin%ing# Another 2enet of ro""lin%ing( !erha!" a
ma:or one( ome" from the inrea"ed re"i"tane to inter-
2ril ru!ture due to inrea"ed ro""lin% den"ity# ?n other
word"( ro""lin%ing ontri2ute" to inrea"ed wear re"i"tane
in two ma:or way"= (a) inrea"ed re"i"tane to !la"ti "train
aumulation or moleular orientation( and (2) inrea"ed
re"i"tane to inter-moleular ru!ture#
A ma:or limitation of the theory i" the unertainty of
the on"tant % whih i" dened a" the fration of the total
fritional wor% in!ut in the diretion !er!endiular to the
moleular orientation diretion that goe" diretly to !rodue
a wear !artile# 4herefore( % i" alway" le"" than unity# A
ma:ority of the fritional wor% i" di""i!ated a" heat# 96!eri-
mental -aria2le" that affet the mehani"m" of heat tran"fer
from the artiulating interfae to the "urrounding en-iron-
ment may affet % # ?t i"( therefore( e6!eted that the wear
fator % may 2e affeted 2y the fre5ueny of motion( the
thermal onduti-ity of the te"t 6ture" and the om!onent"(
the e5uili2rium tem!erature of the lu2riant( and "o on#
4he theory de-elo!ed in thi" "tudy may not a!!ly to un-
lu2riated "liding ontat where !olymer tran"fer lm for-
mation !re-ail"# ?n fat( ,ri"oe and $tolar"%i o2"er-ed an
o!!o"ite effet of multi-diretional motion on the wear rate
of linear !olymer" under dry "liding ontat ondition" in
a !in-on-di"% "etu! B3)(3@C# 4hey found that an addition of
load-a6i" "!in to linear "liding atually derea"ed the wear
rate" while inrea"ing the oefient of frition for 84D9(
&U89 and 1&7W89# ?n the a2"ene of tran"fer lm for-
mation( the wear rate of the 1&7W89 i" determined 2y the
ohe"i-e energy den"ity of the moleular 2ond"# 4he meh-
ani"m of wear in the lu2riated multi-diretional "liding of
1&7W89 i" learly 2elong to the ohe"i-e wear ategory
although the wear ta%e" !lae within an e6tremely thin "ur-
fae layer# ?ntere"tingly( the ounterfae u"ed in the !re"ent
e6!eriment" wa" e6tremely "mooth (.a = 0#010#02) m)#
With "uh a "mooth ounterfae( a2ra"i-e wear wa" unli%ely
to our# 7iro-fatigue wear whih re"ult" from ela"ti
ontat of miroa"!eritie" and re"ult" in the generation of
!artiulate wear de2ri" wa" al"o unli%ely "ine the de2ri"
!rodued from the !re"ent e6!eriment" wa" mo"tly 2rou"
in "ha!e indiating e6ten"i-e !la"ti deformation of the wear
"urfae 2efore failure# 4he remaining li%ely wear meha-
ni"m wa" miro-adhe"i-e wear# &owe-er( unli%e the la""i
denition of adhe"i-e wear where wear de2ri" i" !rodued
2y "hear ru!ture of adhe"i-e :untion" B38(3*C( the "!eial
miro-adhe"i-e wear mehani"m that may a!!ly to the
urrent "ituation re5uire" "urfae ru!ture to our !rior to
"u2"urfae "hear ru!ture# 'therwi"e( the motion-de!endent
wear !henomenon ould not 2e e6!lained#
A uni5ue feature of the wear theory !ro!o"ed here i" the
one!t of the effeti-e fritional wor%# 4he theory a""umed
that only the fritional wor% relea"ed in the diretion !er-
!endiular to the !rini!al "liding diretion !artii!ate" in
the generation of wear de2ri"# ?n other word"( the fritional
wor% relea"ed in the !rini!al "liding diretion i" wa"ted and
hene ineffeti-e# 4hi" one!t i" not "o ea"y to om!rehend
"ine 2oth om!onent" of the total wor% relea"ed ha-e to
oe6i"t in order to !rodue a 2rou" wear !artile# Without
either one( the nature of "liding 2eome" linear-tra% mo-
tion and the wear rate of the 1&7W89 2eome" negligi-
2ly "mall# 8erha!" a mehani"ti model 2a"ed on a ritial
failure riterion other than the energy riterion u"ed in thi"
"tudy would gi-e a 2etter an"wer to thi" !arado6#
4@ A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847
wear !artile" from !eri!ro"theti ti""ue"( 0# ,iomed# 7ater# .e"# 2*
(1**)) 127131#
8# >am!2ell( 8# Uoorn( D# Uorey( &#># Am"tutH( Wear and mor!hology
of ultra-high moleular weight !olyethylene wear !artile" from total
hi! re!laement"( in= 8ro# ?n"tn# 7eh# 9ngr"# 8art &= 0# 9ng# 7ed#
210 (1**@) 1@717)#
A#$# $han2hag( 0#0# 0ao2"( 4# Mlant( 0#I# Mil2ert( 0# ,la%( 0#'#
Malante( >om!o"ition and mor!hology of wear de2ri" in failed
unemented total hi! re!laement( 0# ,one and 0oint $urg# 7@-,
(1**4) @0@7#
<#0# 7arge-iiu"( 4#W# ,auer( 0#4# 77ahon( $#A# ,rown( <# 7erritt(
?"olation and harateriHation of de2ri" in mem2rane" around total
:oint !ro"the"e"( 0# ,one and 0oint $urg# 7@-A (1**4) 1@@41@7@#
0#A# $a-io( I#7# '-eram!( 0# ,la%( $iHe and "ha!e of 2iomaterial
wear de2ri"( >lin# 7ater# 1) (1**4) 10111*#
&#A# 7<ello!( 8# >am!2ell( $-&# 8ar%( 4#8# $hmalHried( 8#
Mrigori"( &#># Am"tutH( A# $armiento( 4he origin of "u2miron
!olyethylene wear de2ri" in total hi! arthro!la"ty( >lin# 'rtho!# .el#
.e"# 311 (1**)) 320#
&#0# /u"2aum( .#7# .o"e( ?# 8aul( A#7# >rognola( 9#I# .adin( Wear
mehani"m" for ultra-high moleular weight !olyethylene in the total
hi! !ro"the"e"( 0# A!!l# 8olym# $i# 23 (1*7*) 77778*#
W# .o"to%er( 9#X#$# >hao( 0#'# Malante( 4he a!!earane" of wear
on !olyethylene( 0# ,iomed# 7ater# .e"# 12 (1*78) 31733)#
A# Wang( ># $tar%( 0#&# Uum2leton( 7ehani"ti and mor!hologial
origin" of ultra-high moleular weight !olyethylene wear de2ri" in
total :oint re!laement !ro"the"e"( 8ro# ?n"tn# 7eh# 9ngr"# 8art &=
0# 9ng# 7ed# 210 (1**@) 1411))#
A# Wang( U#># $un( ,# 9dward"( 7# $o%ol( A# 9""ner( +#<# 8olineni(
># $tar%( 0#&# Uum2leton( 'rientation "oftening in the deformation
and wear of ultra-high !olyethylene( Wear 203A204 (1**7) 230
>#.# ,ragdon( U#'# 'd>onnor( 0#U# Iowen"tein( 7# 0a"ty( W#U#
$yniuta( 4he im!ortane of multidiretional motion on the wear of
!olyethylene( 8ro# ?n"tn# 7eh# 9ngr"# 8art &= 0# 9ng# 7ed# 210
(1**@) 1)71@@#
A# Wang( +#<# 8olineni( A# 9""ner( 7# $o%ol( U#># $un( ># $tar%(
0#&# Uum2leton( 4he "igniane of non-linear motion in the wear
"reening of ortho!aedi im!lant material"( 0# 4e"ting 9-al# 2) (2)
(1**7) 23*24)#
+# $ai%%o( 4# Ahlroo"( 4y!e of motion and lu2riant in wear
"imulation of !olyethylene aeta2ular u!( 8ro# ?n"tn# 7eh# 9ngr"#
8art &= 0# 9ng# 7ed# 213 (1***) 301310#
A# Wang( A# 9""ner( +#<# 8olineni( ># $tar%( 0#&# Uum2leton(
Iu2riation and wear of ultra-high moleular weight !olyethylene
in total :oint re!laement"( 4ri2ol# ?nt# 31 (1-3) (1**8) 1733#
>#># &"io( Dlow orientation and frature "trength of a model linear
hard !olymer "olid( 0# 8olym# $i# 44 (1*@0) 717*#
,#$# .amamurti( >#.# ,ragdon( U#'# 'd>onnor( 0#U# Iowen"tein(
7# 0a"ty( U#7# 9"to%( W#&# &arri"( Ioi of mo-ement of "eleted
!oint" on the femoral head during normal gait( 0# Arthro!la"ty 11 (7)
(1**@) 8)28))#
U#># $un( A# Wang( ># $tar%( 0#&# Uum2leton( 4he one!t of
"ta2iliHation in 1&7W89( in= 4ran"ation" of the )th World
,iomaterial" >ongre""( 1**@( +ol# 1( !# 1*)#
A# Wang( +#<# 8olineni( A# 9""ner( U#># $un( ># $tar%( 0#&#
Uum2leton( 9ffet of radiation do"age on the wear of "ta2iliHed
1&7W89 e-aluated 2y hi! and %nee :oint "imulator"( in=
4ran"ation" of the 23rd $oiety >ongre"" on ,iomaterial"( 1**7(
!# 3*4#
D#-W# $hen( &#A# 7<ello!( .# $alo-ey( ?m!ro-ing the re"i"tane
to wear and o6idation of aeta2ular u!" of 1&7W89 2y gamma
radiation ro""lin%ing and remelting( in= 4ran"ation" of the 23rd
$oiety >ongre"" on ,iomaterial"( 1**8( !# 3#
'#<# 7uratoglu( >#.# ,ragdon( U#'# 'd>onnor( 9#W# 7errill( 7#
0a"ty( W#&# &arri"( 9letron 2eam ro""lin%ing of 1&7W89 at room
tem!erature= a andidate 2earing material for total :oint arthro!la"ty(
)# >onlu"ion"
A theoretial wear model 2a"ed on the effeti-e fritional
wor% one!t wa" de-elo!ed for 1&7W89 under lu2riated
multi-diretional "liding ondition"# Aording to the theory(
the wear fator % i" related to the oefient of frition Q( the
ro""-lin% den"ity L ( and the ma6imum ro""-"hear angle
N 2y the following e5uation
d(Q V Q0 )
"in 2N
] 1V
where % i" a on"tant( d the diameter of the 2ril"( m0 the
ritial oefient of frition for initiating "urfae failure
and L0 the ritial ro""-lin% den"ity for "ur!re""ing "urfae
?n a hi! :oint "imulator te"t( the wear rate and the o-
efient of frition of 1&7W89 aeta2ular om!onent"
derea"ed with inrea"ing the headAu! learane# 4he wear
rate wa" "hown to inrea"e linearly with inrea"ing the
oefient of frition#
.adiation ro""lin%ing "igniantly derea"ed the wear
rate of 1&7W89 a" "hown 2y the hi! "imulator re"ult# 4he
wear rate wa" "een to inrea"e linearly with inrea"ing the
a-erage moleular weight 2etween ro""lin%"#
4he wear rate of 1&7W89 inrea"ed dramatially with
inrea"ing the ma6imum ro""-"hear angle# 4he wear fator
% inrea"ed 2y three order" of magnitude a" the ma6imum
ro""-"hear angle inrea"ed from 0 to *0o #
B1C 0# Ii-ermore( U# ?l"tru!( ,# 7orrey( 9ffet of femoral head "iHe on
wear of the !olyethylene aeta2ular om!onent( 0# ,one 0oint $urg#
72A (4) (1**0) )18)28#
B2C 7#0# Mrifth( 7#<# $eiden"tein( U# William"( 0# >harnley( $o%et
wear in >harnley low frition arthro!la"ty of the hi!( >lin#
'rtho!# .el# .e"# 137 (1*78) 3747#
B3C .#7# &all( $#8# 1n"worth( ,#7# Wro2lew"%i( Wear in retrie-ed
>harnley aeta2ular "o%et"( 8ro# ?n"tn# 7eh# 9ngr"# 8art &= 0#
9ng# 7ed# 210 (1**@) 1*7207#
B4C &# 'oni"hi( 9# 4"u:i( X#X# <im( .etrie-ed total hi! !ro"the"e"# 8art
?# 4he effet" of u! thi%ne""( head "iHe and fu"ion defet" on wear(
0# 7ater# $i= 7ater# 7ed# * (1**8) 3*4401#
B)C 0# >harnley( A# <amangar( 4he o!timum "iHe of !ro"theti head" in
relation to the wear of !la"ti "o%et" in total re!laement of the
hi!( 7ed# ,iol# 9ng# 7 (1*@8) 313*#
B@C 0# >harnley( e# >u!i( 4he nine and ten year re"ult" of the low-frition
arthro!la"ty of the hi!( >lin# 'rtho!# .el# .e"# *) (1*73) *2)#
B7C &#># Am"tutH( 8# >am!2ell( /# <o""o-"%y( ?#># >lar%e( 7ehani"m"
and linial "igniane of wear de2ri"-indued o"teoly"i"( >lin#
'rtho!# .el# .e"# 27@ (1**2) 718#
B8C W#&# &arri"( 4he !ro2lem i" o"teoly"i"( >lin# 'rtho!# .el# .e"# 311
(1**)) 4@)3#
B*C 4#8# $hmalHried( I#7# <wong( 7# 0a"ty( et al#( 4he mehani"m
of loo"ening of emented aeta2ular om!onent" in total hi!
arthro!la"ty= analy"i" of "!eimen" retrie-ed at auto!"y( >lin#
'rtho!# .el# .e"# 274 (1**2) @078#
B10C 8# >am!2ell( $# 7a( ,# Xeom( &#A# 7<ello!( 4# $hmalHried( &#>#
Am"tutH( ?"olation of !redominantly "u2miron-"iHed 1&7W89
A# Wang A Wear 248 (2001) 3847
in= 4ran"ation" of the 23rd $oiety >ongre"" on ,iomaterial"( 1**7(
!# 74#
'#<# 7uratoglu( >#.# ,ragdon( U#'# 'd>onnor( W#&# 0a"ty 7(
.# Mul( D# 7Marry( 1nied wear model for highly ro""lin%ed
ultra-high moleular weight !olyethylene" (1&7W89)( ,iomaterial"
20 (1***) 14@31470#
.#W# <lein( A# Wang( 0#&# Uum2leton( 9ffet of ontat "tre"" and
other -aria2le" on 1&7W89 fritionAwear in total hi! re!laement(
in= 4ran"ation" of the 2)th $oiety >ongre"" on ,iomaterial"( 1***(
!# 17*#
7#A# Ilorente( 0#9# 7ar%( 7odel networ%" of end-lin%ed
!oly(dimethyl"io6ane) hain"# ,# /etwor%" ha-ing ro""-lin%" of -ery
high funtionality( 7aromoleule" 13 (1*80) @81@8)#
U#0# Ui:%"tra( W# &oog"teen( A#0# 8enning"( >ro""-lin%ing of ultra-
high moleular weight !olyethylene 2y eletron 2eam irradiation(
8olymer 30 (1*8*) 8@@873#
B34C A#/# Ment( +#+# +i%roy( 9la"ti 2eha-iour( 2irefringene( and
"welling of amor!hou" !olyethylene networ%"( 0# 8olym# $i# 8art
A-2 ) (1*@7) 47@1#
B3)C ,#0# ,ri"oe( 4#A# $tolar"%i( >om2ined rotating and linear motion
effet" on the wear of !olymer"( /ature (Iondon) 281 (1*7*) 2)1
B3@C ,#0# ,ri"oe( 4#A# $tolar"%i( 4ran"fer wear of !olymer" during om-
2ined linear motion and load a6i" "!in( Wear 104 (1*8)) 121137#
B37C A# 9didin( >#W# 8ruitt I( U#0# >rane( U# .o2ert"( $#7# <urtH(
8la"tiity-indued damage layer i" a !reur"or to wear in radiation-
ro""lin%ed 1&7W89 aeta2ular om!onent" for total hi!
re!laement( 0# Arthro!la"ty 14 ()) (1***) @1@@27#
B38C 0#<# Iana"ter( ,a"i mehani"m" of frition and wear of !olymer"(
8la"ti" and 8olymer" (1*73) 2*730@#
B3*C >#7# 8ooley( U# 4a2or( Drition and moleular "truture= the 2eha-ior
of "ome thermo!la"ti"( 8ro# .# $o# Iondon 32*A (1*72) 2)12)8#

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