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10 big beauty tips for your big day

1. If your dress is strapless or of-the-shoulder make sure your skin is

perfect - its on show!
Body scrubs are great at refning the skin, so get scrubbing. If you need a little
extra help use foundation - its not just for the face. Shimmer creams look brilliant
on the neck, dcolletage and shoulders too. !lle "ac#herson Soft Shimmer Body
$ream, %&.&', or Soap ( )lory !asy )listening *ry +il Body )loss, %', are both
super sexy,
2. aterproof mascara rules!
In-est in a good .aterproof mascara because, lets face it, its going to be an
emotional day and you dont .ant to ruin your make up, Some of the best are
$larins /onder /aterproof "ascara, %01, and 2ancome 2!xtreme /aterproof
"ascara, %0&.'3.
!. "ook after your feet
4o matter ho. much you lo-e your .edding shoes if your feet arent in tip top
condition you may end up in pain. 5eep your feet soft .ith a foot cream, such as
!6' 7oot and 8eel $ream, %9.&&, and make sure you dont ha-e cracked heels or
blisters by using a foot fle once a .eek.
#. $ind the right hairspray for you
8airsprays can -ary .ildly and .hate-er is best for you .ill depend on your type
of hairstyle. Buy a couple of -arieties and experiment .ith .hat .orks best, or get
your hairdresser to recommend the right one for your style.
%. &ont kiss of your lippy
:oure going to be doing lots of kissing so in-est in a long-lasting lipstick or lip
gloss. ;heres loads of choice no. and they .ont dry out your lips, check out the
range from !stee 2auder and "ax 7actor.
'. (ractice makes perfect
It sounds ob-ious, but youd be surprised ho. many brides dont ha-e a practice
run .ith their hair and make-up before the big day. ;ries as many looks as you
.ant and .ear them for a .hole day to see ho. they last and .hether you think
they suit you. <nd dont forget to take pictures of your hair and make-up so you
and your hair=make-up artist kno. .hat look you .ant for your .edding.
). *eep some emergency products to hand
+f course youre going to be too busy to stop e-ery fe. hours for a hair and
make-up retouch but you .ill ha-e f-e mins to reapply lipstick, curl your lashes or
sprit> your hair. "ake sure your bridesmaid has a fe. products in her bag,
including the nail polish that youre .earing just in case you chip a nail.
+. (erfume head-to-toe
< .edding day is a long day and no matter ho. much perfume you use, by the
middle of the day itll probably ha-e .orn o?. So layer your fragrance by using the
matching body lotions, soaps and hair sprays. <nd ne-er spray your perfume onto
your dress as some scents can stain delicate materials.
,. "ook after your skin
If you can start ha-ing facials for about three months beforehand then all the
better but .ere not going to pretend that facials are another expense that .e can
all a?ord - especially if youre sa-ing for a .edding. So, instead drink lots of
.ater, it really .ill make a di?erence. "oisturise e-ery morning and night .ith a
light moisturiser. If you get any breakouts dont s@uee>e, Ase a spot product that
contains salicylic acid, such as $lini@ues <nti-Blemish Solutions $lear Blemish
)el, %0B, or ;he Body Shop tea tree oil products - both .ork a treat on spots. Ase
a face mask and a face scrub once a .eek - but be gentle - in a just a fe. .eeks
youll ha-e gorgeous skin.
10. -ay cheese
:oure going to be smiling a lot so make sure your teeth look pearly .hite. If you
are happy to spend bet.een %C33 - %C333 then you could ha-e a smile makeo-er,
.hich in-ol-es teeth .hitening and straightening or contouring. If you dont .ant
to spend a lot of money, then start by using a good teeth .hitening kit at least a
month before the .edding. /e like Dapid /hite Bright 5it, %B&.&&.

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