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r>onK I.
all tliat the stiidi-nt c:in desire. Tlu- Hotel d.-
BourgtiKroiikl', in tlie riacc de la Piicelle,
about tlic same a."c as
tlie I'alais de Justice
we have just described, or perliaps
three or four years la'er in the finisli-
ing. In some res))ects it is inore
elabnate in the oriuunents and tlie
abundance of sculpture. The entire
front is divided into bays by slendr
buttresses or pilasters, the spaces
between them being filled with bassi-
every inch of space, ind.ed,
in the building has been ornanuntcd.
'I'liis building still remains in a most
degraded condition.
55;5. The table of styles given at
the commencement of the preceding
section applies to the ])rogress of
art in this portion of the history.
The first a))pearance of the jjointed
aieh is fixed in the first quarter of the
I'ith century, by Scliayes, UArchltec-
tiiie tn lielffirpie,
1850-53, who notices
that the semicircular arch did not
disappear until the middle of tlie
1 3il), and that only ecclesiastical edi-
fices can be adduced as examples of
the sti/le de transition. Tiie choir
aisles were continued round tl e
chevet, in the churches of Sie. Gu-
dule at Bruxelles, St. Quentin at
'J'ournai, and I'ainele at Audenaerde,
while Notre Dame de la Cbapelle
The division of the doorway by a i)ost
and the introduction, in Flanders, of
at Bruxellcs exhibits annulated rilis to (he vaulting,
is due to this period
as are gargoyles in decoration
554. The chief structures are the tower of St. I'ierre at Yi>res; St. Sauveur at Bruges,
lllfi-27, tlie earliest piece of media3val brickwork in Belgium; St. Nicolas, and St. Jac(|ues,
at Gand or Ghent
the abbey cliurch at Afflighem, ] 122-44
and the Cbapelle du Saint-
Sang at Bruges, 1150, despite the de-
corations added since the 15tli cen-
tiir\, and the reconstructed
1824, being one chapel over iinotlier
fiQ 248. ), with apeculinrly shajjcd
toucr wliicli is also double, one
poition being ciiciilar in jilan iipoii
a coibel, the other being square
in plan at base and attached to it.
Piolnbly St. Quentin at Toiiinai,
and St. Martin at Saint Trond, are
litLi. It is remarkable that the
bl mk arcade formed by crossed
se iii(ireular arches does not occur
in Belgium.
555. ."Amongst the chief struc-
tures in the fti/le de hansitinn which
ere erected during the 13tli cen-
tury, are Notre Dame at Kure-
monde, 1218-24, which resembles the churcli of the Apostles at Cologne, and is the
first instance of a true cup. )la in Belgium; the cliurch at Lisseweghe, about 1250; and
the Abbey at Villers, which, ahhoiigh in ru'ns, is a perfect type of the style in the choir
and transe/its. and moreover retains more of the dejjcndent original buildings than any
other establishment in the country; the brewery dates 1197, and the church about
the triforium range of windows to the choir are superposed circles, an idea
repeated in the end walls of the tiansepts; the three-aisled nave has a third triforium
a'ld is the most perfect type of tlie early part of the sti/le oi/iial jiriiiiaiie existing in
Bj^iuin, except that of Ste. Pamele ; the Hying buttresses are remarkable works; the
cloister belongs to the 14tli and i5th centuries. The ci.evet, 1220, of Ste. Gudule, anJ i

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