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Oracle BI Server Architecture

Oracle BI Server is a core component of Oracle Business Intelligence that processes

user requests and queries underlying data sources.
The BI server is simply a query engine that converts the logical requests to a physical SQL
statement in order to execute it in the data sources.
These optimized queries are generated ased on the usiness rules that are de!ned in the
BI server repository.
The Oracle BI Server maintains the logical data model and provides client access to
this model through O"B#.
The Oracle BI Server uses the metadata in the Oracle BI repository to perform the
follo$ing t$o tas%s&
Interpret Logical SQL queries and $rite corresponding physical queries
against the appropriate data sources
Transform and comine the physical result sets and perform !nal calculations
The Oracle BI Server connects to the underlying data sources through either O"B#
or through native '(Is) such as O#I for Oracle "ataase.
Oracle BI Repository
'n Oracle BI repository has the follo$ing layers&
Physical layer. This layer de!nes the o*ects and relationships that the
Oracle BI Server needs to $rite native queries against each physical data
source. +ou create this layer y importing tales) cues) and ,at !les from
your data sources.
Separating the logical ehavior of the application from the physical model
provides the aility to federate multiple physical sources to the same logical
o*ect) enaling aggregate navigation and partitioning) as $ell as dimension
conformance and isolation from changes in the physical sources. This
separation also enales the creation of portale BI 'pplications.
Business Model and Mapping layer. This layer de!nes the usiness or
logical model of the data and speci!es the mapping et$een the usiness
model and the physical schemas. This layer determines the analytic ehavior
seen y users) and de!nes the superset of o*ects and relationships availale
to users. It also hides the complexity of the source data models.
-ach column in the usiness model maps to one or more columns in the
(hysical layer. 't run time) the Oracle BI Server evaluates Logical SQL
requests against the usiness model) and then uses the mappings to
determine the est set of physical tales) !les) and cues for generating the
necessary physical queries. The mappings often contain calculations and
transformations) and might comine multiple physical tales.
Presentation layer. This layer provides a $ay to present customized)
secure) role.ased vie$s of a usiness model to users. It adds a level of
astraction over the Business /odel and /apping layer and provides the vie$
of the data seen y users uilding requests in (resentation Services and
other clients.
+ou can create multiple su*ect areas in the (resentation layer that map to a
single usiness model) e0ectively rea%ing up the usiness model into
manageale pieces.

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