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Given the context of health representing a global priority, the European Union has suggested
to all the member states the implementation of a new series of public policies for this area of
interest. The European union spends over 5 millions Euros annually on activities designed to
improve sanitary security, to promote a good condition of health, to reduce ine!ualities and to
provide more information and awareness regarding health issues. "#$ %urthermore, funds are
allocated towards the promotion of healthy eating habits, of moderate alcohol consumption, of a
healthy lifestyle and ageing process& towards the fight against tobacco and drugs consumption, and
the prevention of ma'or diseases and illnesses.(
*ublic health is of ma'or importance to the European Union, who wants to unite local as well as
national initiatives in order to implement *an+European mechanisms to define the best practices
within the health department.
Thereby, ,omania adopts public policies and social+mar-eting instruments to approach and resolve
the issue of irrational eating habits, the excessive alcohol consumption, the sedentary lifestyle, and
the associated health problems.
The concept of social+mar-eting is used in order to define the right branches of mar-eting to use in
resolving social as well as health issues, or .the selling of social causes(.
The foremost aim of
social mar-eting is .the well+being of a society(. %urthermore, it follows .a logically planned
process that involves the analysis of the target group and the mar-et section, the establishment of
ob'ectives and the identification of strategies and tactics(
, similar to commercial mar-eting. This
complex process places the consumer in the centre of the strategy in the attempt of eliminating the
barriers encountered with changes in behaviour. 1n the other hand, motivating people into changing
their behaviour is not as simple as convincing them to change their preferred brands of soap or
Therefore, a campaign dedicated to the promotion of health or a public regulation must
be accompanied by a series of steps designed to change behaviours.
This research analyses 3 the method ,omania uses, via the 4ational 5udiovisual 6ouncil7s
underta-ing, in order to put the EU public health norms into practice& as well as 3 the impact it has
on ,omanians.
This action ta-es place because the European Union points that .the audiovisual mass+media can
http899europa.eu9pol9health9index:ro.htm, ultima accesare ;n data de )).<. /), ora /080)&
*hilip =otler, Gerald >altman , Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change, Journal of Marketing, ?ol.
05, 4o. 0 "@ul., )<A)$, p. 0+)/
B. Cac%adyen, C. Dtead, G. Eastings, 5 Dynopsis of Docial Car-eting, Fnstitute for Docial Car-eting, )<<<,
disponibil online la, ultima accesare ;n data de A.<. /)).
4edra =line Geinreich. Hands-On Social Marketing, Bondra, Dage *ublications Fnc, )<<<, p.<.
have an important contribution in informing the consumers and in educating them regarding the
area of healthy nutrition(.
The 4ational 5udiovisual 6ouncil "456$ 3 public interest guarantor and sole authority of
the audiovisual regulation department 3 applies social+mar-eting concepts such as *D5 "*ublic
Dervices 5nnouncement$. Therefore, congruent with the no.H52 + /<
Deptember /A decree "to
modify the no.!" - #
April $%%& 'ecree concerning the Audio(isual-content )egulations*
considering the no.+ -
,e-ruary $%%" .uropean Parliament )esolution$, in regard with ./he
promotion of a healthy diet and acti(e lifestyle: a .uropean dimensioning for pre(enting e0tra-
1eight* o-esity and chronic diseases(., the 4ational 5udiovisual 6ouncil "456$ adopts the no.)HA +
5pril /I Jecree concerning the 5udiovisual+content ,egulations, published in Conitorul
1ficial al ,omaniei "The 1fficial GaKette of ,omania$, *art F, no.00H9)2.2./I.
The following will be substituted for the article )0H, paragraph "5$8 ."5$ 3 Fn order to insure the
education of the citiKens regarding health and healthy nutrition, broadcasters shall communicate the
following warning messages8
a$ .%or a healthy lifestyle, eat fruits and vegetables every day.(
b$ .%or a healthy lifestyle, exercise for at least 0 minutes every day.(
c$ .%or a healthy lifestyle, drin- at least / litres of li!uids every day.(
d$ .%or a healthy lifestyle, have the main meals of the day.(
e$ .%or your own health, avoid the excess of salt, sugar and fats.(, to which the following is
f$ .Excessive consumption of alcohol is extremely harmful to your health.(
5ll of the previous, regulated by the 456, are communicated as it follows8 ) 3 The warning
messages in paragraph "5$, letters a$ 3 d$ are to be announced alternatively throughout the day, from
I5C to )*C, one message per hour, inserted at the end of each commercials brea-. / 3 The
warning message in paragraph "5$, letter e$ is to be announced at the end of every commercials
brea- within children programmes.(
This case study is based on the hypotheses that the 456 messages promoting a healthy lifestyle
have had an impact on the sub'ects targeted, and managed to change their unhealthy behaviour.
Therefore, the aim of this research is to examine and observe whether this method has had an
impact on the ,omanian population.
Ft is focused on two components8 a !ualitative one 3 the content analysis, and a !uantitative one 3
the sociological in!uiry. This study aims at evaluating the impact the public policies in the health
department, dictated by the European Union and applied by the 456 via the ,omanian Television
JeciKia 645 nr. H52 din /< septembrie /< pentru modificarea JeciKiei nr. )HA din 0 aprilie /I privind 6odul de
reglementare a conLinutului audioviKual&
5nexa+JeciKia 645 nr. H52 din /< septembrie /<pentru modificarea JeciKiei nr. )HA din 0 aprilie /I privind
6odul de reglementare a conLinutului audioviKual&
6hannels 3 has had.
The two components, the !uantitative and !ualitative, will be used hand in hand in order to provide
more consistent results. 5t the same time, by using this techni!ue, the principle of multiple sources
within studies will be respected.
This study represents the evaluation of the impact the 456 campaign regarding a healthy lifestyle
has. This campaign is one of the public polices ,omania applies under the directions given by the
European Union, and it uses social+mar-eting instruments in order to change the unhealthy
behaviour of the population, and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
Literature review
The national specialised literature only provides a limited number of studies on health
promotion and social+mar-eting.
Fn ,omania, the first descriptive study on health has been carried out in /5, but was limited to the
Transylvanian region only.
Fts results showed that the infrastructure re!uired to run such pro'ects is
not developed well enough which leads to limited opportunities for educational pro'ects.
5 study developed in /I aims at identifying a general profile for young smo-ers, analysing
individual, social, cultural factors as well as legal contexts, and offers a series of recommendations
for the development of programmes designed to reduce the number of smo-ers.
5nother study,
/I as well, follows the preventive behaviour ,omanians have when it comes to nutrition.
4one of them, though, explores the method by which such processes are being implemented locally
or what the facilitative or dissonant factors would be when promoting health.
The data concerning the individuals and the institutions that initiate such programmes is limited,
and so is the data concerning their development.
1ne of the institutions with an important role in carrying out the programmes dedicated to
promoting health, regardless of the stream it uses 3 is mass+media.
Fnternational specialised literature offers multiple examples of campaigns and programmes within
the public health sector that used mass+media, and had more or less satisfactory results. The
campaign dedicated to lowering hypertension
, health amongst adolescents
, feeding infants
Doya Grier, 6arol 5. Mryant. .Docial Car-eting in *ublic Eealth(, Annual )e(ie1 of Pu-lic Health, /5, /I80)<.0<
Bucia C. Botrean, 6armen Fonu , Eein de ?ries. .Tobacco Use 5mong ,omanian Nouth(, Dalud *ublica Cex, /I,
vol. 2H, Dupplemento )8 )A+))/&
Jan 5. *etrovici, 6hristopher ,itson. .%actors Fnfluencing 6onsumer Jietary Eealth *reventative Mehaviors(, MC6
*ublic Eealth /I, I8///&
,obert @. *etrella et. all. Fmpact of a Docial Car-eting Cedia 6ampaign on *ublic 5wareness on
Eypertension(,American Journal of Hypertension, /5, )H8/A+/A5.
=elly Badin BOEngle et. all. .The mass media are an important context for adolescentsO sexual behavior(, Journal
ofAdolescent Health, /I, 0H8)HI3)</&
=atherine 5. %oss, Mrian G. Douthwell. .Fnfant feeding and the media8 the relationship between *arents7
CagaKinecontent and breastfeeding, )<A/3/(, 2nternational 3reastfeeding Journal, /I, )8)&
lowering the number of smo-ers
, are such campaigns, and so are the campaigns dedicated to
raising awareness on the implications of chic-en pox during the )As, or healthy eating habits in
the )Hs in the UD5.
Fn ,omania, mass+media is an essential element in how ,omanians perceive reality and it benefits
of an impressive degree of trust from most of the population.
5ll the same, the relationship or the interaction method between the institutions involved in public
health and the mass+media in ,omania, remain un-nown. The lac- of the aforementioned
information obstructs the ac-nowledgement and understanding of the phenomena and the
evaluation of the programmes.
5s a result, this is the area of interest chosen for this study, given the fact that the daily 456
messages regarding a healthy lifestyle are broadcast both on television as well as radio, but there are
no statistics on their impact on ,omanians.
The ob'ectives, the !uestions and the hypotheses of this research study follow two categories of
respondents, one from the rural environment, one from the urban environment, as well as a special
"third $ category of respondents who filled in the online !uestionnaire.

The Objectives of this study are as follows:
). Fdentifying the level of familiarity the sub'ects of the study have with the 456 messages
regarding a healthy lifestyle.
/. Fdentifying the environment these messages impact the most.
0. Fdentifying the level of success these messages had in changing the behaviour of the
The questions incorporated in this study are:
). 5re the 456 messages regarding a healthy lifestyle -nown by the population targeted by
this studyP
/. Eave the 456 messages regarding a healthy lifestyle had a greater impact on the sub'ects in
rural areas or on the sub'ects in urban areasP
0. Eave the 456 messages modified the behaviour of the sub'ectsP
This study is based on the hypotheses that the 456 messages regarding a healthy lifestyle have had
4iederdeppe @, %iore C6, Ma-er TM, Dmith DD. .Dmo-ing+cessation media campaigns and their
effectiveness among socioeconomically advantaged and disadvantaged populations(, American Journal of
Pu-lic Health, /H, <H"5$8<)I+/2&
Deth C. 4oar. .5 )+Near ,etrospective of ,esearch in Eealth Cass Cedia 6ampaigns8 Ghere Jo Ge
Go %rom EereP(, Journal of Health Communication: 2nternational Perspecti(es, /I, ))")$8/)+2/.
an impact on the targeted sub'ects, and have managed to change their unhealthy behavioural habits.
This research has two components, a$ a !ualitative one 3 content analysis of the commercials brea-s
within two of the national television channels8 ,ealitatea T? and 5ntena 0, examining their
compliance with the dictated hourly intervals, and the adverts and commercials preceding the *D5s
re!uired by the 456& b$ a !uantitative one 3 a sociological in!uiry, via a sociological tool8 the
!uestionnaire. These two components will be used hand in hand in order to provide more consistent
results. 5t the same time, by using this method, the principle of multiple sources within studies will
be respected.
The statistics sector of this study aims at highlighting the relationship between the 456 messages
and the impact they had on the population.
%or the !uantitative side of the study, ) !uestionnaires have been used across 6lu' 6ounty, both
in rural as well as urban areas. This way, a representative test specimen has been met. Fn addition to
this, it has been decided to get national monitoring as well, by using the !uestionnaire online, in the
social media, on blogs, and had )) respondents.
The analysed time+frame was8
%ebruary + /5
Cay /))8 the social in!uiry too- place8 the !uestionnaires being filled
in by the mar-et researchers.
3 /)
Cay /) for the online !uestionnaires published on 0 blogs, Twitter and
The content analysis has been carried out by recording the programmes on ,ealitatea T?
and 5ntena 0, over a period of two wee-s, one wee- each as it follows8
@anuary + 0
@anuary /))&
@anuary + A
%ebruary /)), respectively.
5s a conse!uence, the data collected via the social in!uiry will be referred to a time+frame of )A
wee-s, and the data collected via the content analysis will be referred to a time+frame of two wee-s.
Ft has to be specified that the reason behind carrying out the content analysis "as the main research
method$ was to determine the fre!uency and the regularity of the messages, which has helped with
the tool used in the social in!uiry.
%urthermore, an important element of this study is the pilot study carried out between the 2
Jecember /) using a test specimen of 0 sub'ects. Jue to this it has been possible to develop
the !uestionnaire and focus on the evaluation of the impact the 456 messages regarding a healthy
lifestyle broadcast on the small screen.
Method I: Content analysis
Throughout this research study, content analysis is used in order to analyse the 456 *D5s
broadcast by the T? channels, examining the fre!uency, the regularity and the preceding adverts
and commercials, within the context that the *D5s are to be broadcast at the end of each
commercials brea-.
6ontent analysis, by definition, is .a research techni!ue whose purpose is to ob'ectively,
systemically and !uantitatively describe the manifested content of communication.(
The content analysis7 objectives of this research study are8
). Fdentifying the compliance with the regulations imposed by the 456, no.H50 decree respectively,
according to which the messages regarding a healthy lifestyle must be broadcast at the end of each
commercials brea-.
/. Fdentifying the amount of *D5s imposed by the 456 regarding a healthy lifestyle are broadcast
within a day.
0. Fdentifying which of the six messages regarding a healthy lifestyle is broadcast more than the
2. Fdentifying the amount of *D5s broadcast per hour.
5. Fdentifying any possible connections between the last advert of the commercials brea- and the
chosen *D5 broadcast.
Therefore, 00I hours have been recorded, between /2
@anuary + A
%ebruary /)), which consist
of the programmes broadcast by two television channels8 ,ealitatea T? and 5ntena 0. The aim was
to examine the approach on the policies imposed by the EU for the health sector, applied in
,omania by the 456 via television channels.
The theoretical sapling of the sources:
The television channels ,ealitatea T? and 5ntena 0 have been chosen due to their meeting the
re!uired criteria for the completion of the study8
Ead to be a national television channel&
Ead to be a channel that displays the time.
The sampling of the analysis units8
Mlac-, @ames 5. i 6hampion, Jean@., Cethods and Fssues in Docial ,esearch. 4ew Nor-, @hon Eiley Q
Dons, Fnc, )<A<, p. /52&
6onsidering the fact that this part of the study has been carried out in a time+frame of two wee-s
")2 days$, from /2
@anuary + A
%ebruary /)), the entire set of programmes broadcast have been
recorded, from which the commercials brea-s have later been extracted. Therefore, the analysis
units are represented by the two television channels, the 00I recorded broadcast hours, )2< *D5s
!ata collection protocol:
Categories and encoding:
The analysed variables have been divided in six sections8
F. Television channel: + the channel they have been recorded on.
FF. !ay: the day of the wee- in which the recorded television channel has broadcast or not the
4567s *D5s.
FFF. !ate: the date the programmes have been recorded, or the date the 456 message has been
recorded, respectively. The date will be within the /2
@anuary + A
%ebruary /)) time+
F?. "our: the exact time of the day that one of the 456 messages has been broadcast by one of
the two television channels.
?. #receding advert: the last advert in the commercial brea-. The advert directly preceding
the *D5 regarding a healthy lifestyle.
?F. #S$: *ublic Dervice 5nnouncement8 one of the six 456 messages.
Method II: Sociological inquiry:
The !uestionnaire applied consisted of 05 !uestions8 closed format, open format, leading format,
li-ert format, most of them being dichotomous. The !uestionnaire has been structured on
introductory !uestions, leading !uestions, buying propensity !uestions, concluding with
identification !uestions.
Therefore, the !uestions provided in the !uestionnaire and the afferent answers will provide the
base for analysing the sub'ects7 behaviour in relation with the audiovisual mass+media, the eating
habits and behaviour, the 456 messages regarding a healthy lifestyle, and their impact on the
public opinion.
Ft has to be highlighted that the structure of the !uestionnaire has been decided on after using the
social in!uiry as a research method on the pilot study. Therefore, this !uestionnaire is significantly
different than the one applied in the starting point of this research study.
The !uestionnaire applied in this research study is bro-en down into three modules8
). Jefining the behaviour of the sub'ects and their lifestyle. "!uestions )+<$
/. The impact the 456 messages had. "!uestions /+02$
0. Fnformation concerning the responding sub'ects.
The sociological in!uiry tool has been applied by two mar-et researchers and published on three
blogs " , , $ and on the social networ-s8
%aceboo- and Twitter.
Fn addition, between the /5
%ebruary and /5
Cay /)), ) !uestionnaires have been filled in
by the mar-et researchers across 6lu' 6ounty both in the rural as well as urban areas. Metween the
Cay and /)
of Cay, )) people have filled in the online !uestionnaires published on the three
blogs. The online !uestionnaire has been made possible by using eDurveys software
, which has
offered it better mobility as well as better data collection via virtual environment. Ft has also
facilitated the accessibility to analysing the results.
). Fdentifying the sub'ects7 behaviour in relation with watching T? programmes and in relation
with the hour+range, the reasons for watching certain T? programmes, and other activities
carried out within that time+frame.
/. Fdentifying the sub'ects7 opinion on whether television influences them to adopt a healthier
0. Fdentifying the sub'ects7 opinion on their own lifestyle.
2. Fdentifying the sub'ects7 level of familiarity with the 456 messages.
5. Fdentifying the level to which this messages have accomplished their purpose of changing
the interviewed population7s unhealthy behaviour.
I. Fdentifying the population7s opinion on 456 campaign approach by broadcasting these
messages at the end of every commercials brea-.
A. Fdentifying the environment the 456 campaign had more impact on8 rural or urban.
The sampling method used in carrying out this study was the aleatory one. The procedure used was
the randomised numbers table, realiKed by using the ,esearch ,andomiKer software.
The !uestionnaire has been filled in by the mar-et researchers from the /5
%ebruary to /5
from Conday to %riday, between 2*C and A*C. The sub'ects have been contacted over the
telephone, being chosen from the *agini 5urii "Nellow *ages$ telephone directory, ,omtelecom
4ational land+line 3 since access to this database was granted. Jue to the expectancy of having
http899www.esurveys.com9, ultima accesare ;n data de /A.5. /)), ora )/802&
http899www.randomiKer.org9, ultima accesare ;n data de /H.5./)/
) respondents, the total number of subscribers to the ,omtelecom 4etwor- 3 on the /5
%ebruary, has been introduced into the randomiKing software8 )A.5H< subscribers in 6lu' 6ounty of
which 5IH<0 from the urban areas and 5I<I from the rural areas. Ta-ing in account the experience
other researchers had when carrying out in!uiries over the telephone, on a local or national level, it
has been decided to randomly generate 2 telephone numbers, which have later been contacted.
Therefore, the total number of people declining the participation in this study has not influenced the
representative !uality of the final specimen. 5 set of numbers has been generated that corresponded
to every number in the *agini 5urii 3 ,omtelecom directory.
My the /5
of Cay /)), 5I/ respondents from the urban areas and 20H respondents from the rural
areas have been contacted. To reach the target number of ) respondents, 0I2H people in 6lu'
6ounty have been contacted. The data collected after running these interviews is analysed
throughout this study.
Fn addition to this, the online !uestionnaire applied from )/ to /) Cay /)), using eDurveys and
promoted on three blogs8
). , a personal website focused on advertising, social mar-eting and
public health "lin-8 http899ivanmihaela.wordpress.com9/))959)29am+nevoie+de+2+minute+
/. a blog belonging to 6hef Cr. 5drian ERdean focused on culinary recipes
as well as the promotion of a healthier lifestyle "lin-8 http899www.adihadean.ro9/))959am+
0. a blog belonging to *ersonal Trainer Cs. Danda DtRnescu "lin-8$.

To conclude, the data analysis will be conducted on results obtained from ) respondents in 6lu'
6ounty, from both urban as well as rural areas, and )) respondents contacted by distributing the
social in!uiry instrument in virtual environment, accessed from different counties in ,omania.
Content analysis:
6onse!uent to the data analysis, it can be observed that these warnings are broadcast one per hour,
but are not communicated at the end of each commercials brea- as they should be, according to the
law8 no.H52 Jecree 456. Githin the 00I recorded hours, the *D5s should have been broadcast
between the I5C 3 )*C time+frame, therefore, the analysis will be directed to a number of //2
recorded hours, //2 messages respectively. 1nly )2< 456 messages have been broadcast. A5
messages have not been broadcast, which means II.5)S. %urthermore, after analysing the data it
can be observed that the messages have also been broadcast outside the time+frame specified by
law8 before I5C as well as after )*C.
Therefore, out of the 00I analysed hours, //2 hours should have had broadcast messages within the
I5C 3 )*C time+frame, but only )0< have been broadcast, which means a I/.5S.
Fn addition, it has been observed that the messages have been broadcast mainly a minute after the
first half of the hour "minute 0)$, at minute 5<, or at o7cloc-, before the news programmes begun.
%urthermore, it can be observed that during Tuesdays and %ridays the fre!uency of the messages is
higher than in other days of the wee-.
Ft can also be observed that out of the six warning messages, the .%or your own health, avoid the
excess of salt, sugar and fats.( *D5 is the most fre!uently communicated8 /HS.
Sociological inquiry:
6onse!uent to the data analysis, it has been found that people in 6lu'+4apoca perceive television as
a means of getting information as well as relaxation means. The sub'ects tend to have a meal, do
house-eeping or surf the Fnternet at the same time as having the T? on. The respondents "2.IS$ in
the urban areas consider that television has a massive influence on lifestyle whilst only /)./S of the
respondents in the rural areas agree& /.HS of the online respondents answered the same. The
sub'ects are familiar with the warning messages, the one they -now the best being .%or your own
health, avoid the excess of salt, sugar and fats.( "as a conse!uence of it being the most fre!uent8
/HS, compared to the other messages$.
AH.IS "22/$ of the respondents in the urban areas, AA.IS "02$ of the respondents in the rural areas
and HH.)S "H<$ of the respondents in the online environment, do not consider that they have a
healthier lifestyle due to these messages. Dome of the open answers argue that .F need to find the
motivation to change my lifestyle myself, these messages don7t determine me to do it(, . F adapt my
lifestyle according to my needs and strength. These recurrent messages don7t impress me in any
way(, .Cy lifestyle is the lifestyle F want, some messages won7t influence me(, .the advert doesn7t
influence me(, .Eaving a healthy lifestyle is a personal decision(.
4onetheless, respondents say that due to this campaign, /5.5S have lowered their high salt and
sugars inta-e and in the rural areas, )H.5S have upped their li!uid inta-e. %urthermore, when they
are involved into an activity mar-ed as unhealthy and they hear these messages, 2).I5S "/02$
respondents thin- of !uitting it, 05.5S "/5$ ac-nowledge the activity is an unhealthy activity.
)A.IS "<<$ continue their activity, whilst 0S ")A$ say they do no such activities, and )./S "A$
completely !uit that activity.
The first ob'ective of this study was to identify the sub'ects7 level of familiarity with the 456
messages regarding a healthy lifestyle. My analysing the data collected, it has been found that the
targeted population ac-nowledged the 456 messages. They are broadcast between the I5C 3
)*C time+frame as well as outside the time+frame, once per hour, but it does happen that they are
not communicated after every single commercials brea-.
The second ob'ective of the study was to identify the environment these messages have the most
impact on. Ft has been found that they do not have a significant impact on neither urban nor rural
areas. 5n interesting aspect has been noticed as being the impact on the online respondents. They
have expressed their opinion completely voluntarily and given the context of the !uestionnaires
being published on websites dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles, the respondents seem to
show a higher level of concern and care towards their own health.
The results show that the 456 *D5s have managed to change the behaviour of the targeted
sub'ects of this study, as they admit, to a .more or less( level. The issue of excess salt and sugars
consumption, as well as the low li!uid inta-e issue, seem to have been solved by this campaign.
The *D5s manage, whilst being broadcast, to determine the population to set goals for themselves,
such as !uitting the excess consumption of salt, sugars, fats, alcohol 3 or at least managed to ma-e
the population realise when they are involved into unhealthy activities.
Therefore, the results of this study show that the campaign has managed to raise awareness on what
the healthy behaviours are, that the population should ta-e in account and adopt. This way, the
hypotheses has been confirmed.
Eighlighting the fact that although this study had a pilot, and the specimen that the sociological
in!uiry has been applied to has been of ) respondents "and )) online respondents$, and mixed
research methods have been used, it does represent a starting point towards a more ample research.
Fn conclusion, mass+media, by being omnipresent and always ascending, has the possibility
of influencing, directing and orientating the public opinion, determining how people thin- and what
they thin-. This study has highlighted these aspects and the effects mass+media has on people.
Moo-sQ 5rticles
). 5nexa+JeciKia 645 nr. H52 din /< septembrie /<pentru modificarea JeciKiei nr. )HA din
0 aprilie /I privind 6odul de reglementare a conLinutului audioviKual&
/. Mlac-, @ames 5. i 6hampion, Jean@., Cethods and Fssues in Docial ,esearch. 4ew Nor-,
@hon Eiley QDons, Fnc, )<A<&
0. Jan 5. *etrovici, 6hristopher ,itson. .%actors Fnfluencing 6onsumer Jietary Eealth
*reventative Mehaviors(, MC6 *ublic Eealth /I, I8///&
2. JeciKia 645 nr. H52 din /< septembrie /< pentru modificarea JeciKiei nr. )HA din 0
aprilie /I privind 6odul de reglementare a conLinutului audioviKual&
5. =atherine 5. %oss, Mrian G. Douthwell. .Fnfant feeding and the media8 the relationship
between *arents(
I. =elly Badin BOEngle et. all. .The mass media are an important context for adolescentsO
sexual behavior(, Journal ofAdolescent Health, /I&
A. B. Cac%adyen, C. Dtead, G. Eastings, 5 Dynopsis of Docial Car-eting, Fnstitute for Docial
Car-eting, )<<<, disponibil online
la, ultima accesare ;n data de
A.<. /)).
H. Bucia C. Botrean, 6armen Fonu , Eein de ?ries. .Tobacco Use 5mong ,omanian Nouth(,
Dalud *ublica Cex, /I, vol. 2H, Dupplemento&
<. CagaKinecontent and breastfeeding, )<A/3/(, 2nternational 3reastfeeding Journal,
/I, )8)&
). 4edra =line Geinreich. Hands-On Social Marketing, Bondra, Dage *ublications Fnc, )<<<&
)). 4iederdeppe @, %iore C6, Ma-er TM, Dmith DD. .Dmo-ing+cessation media campaigns and
their effectiveness among socioeconomically advantaged and disadvantaged populations(,
American Journal of Pu-lic Health, /H&
)/. *hilip =otler, Gerald >altman , Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social
Change, Journal of Marketing, ?ol. 05, 4o. 0 "@ul., )<A)$&
)0. ,obert @. *etrella et. all. Fmpact of a Docial Car-eting Cedia 6ampaign on *ublic
5wareness on Eypertension(,American Journal of Hypertension, /5&
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