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Final Year Project Work

WiFi RoboCam
Rajat Jain
Manan Sheth
Arun Kumar Verma
Srimukha Karantha
WiFi RoboCam is a wirelessly controlled robot. This robot uses
a wireless IP camera and is controlled with a computer and an
Arduino over WiFi. With WiFi RoBoCam it is possible to drive
around the house (or any other place with WiFi) from
anywhere on the world while sitting behind the laptop.
It sends movement commands to the WiFi shield through a
socket connection. The Arduino board will then translate
commands to an Infra-red signal which the Lego IR Receiver
picks up to control the motors. A stripped Wireless IP camera
takes care of the video stream.
The main advantages of such a robot are:
Remote monitoring / patrolling of a place
Live camera feedback of what is going on at a place
Cheap and maintenance free
Remote control from your Android or IOS smartphone
Autonomous navigation and exploration
Mapping and SLAM

In todays scenario, WiFi is available at almost all developed
locations and hence we are taking this project to build a
prototype that serves todays needs.
The robot has the following functionalities:
Controllable via internet from a browser
Precision control with adjustable motor speeds
A tillable wireless camera
Suspended bumper to protect against collisions
A rotating light to announce its presence
Large operating range through added antennas
Components to be used:
1. Wifi Router
2. Arduino mega/ Raspberry PI model B
3. Wireless IP camera
4. Motor Controllers
5. Chassis, wheels, Motors, etc.
The project is divided into four parts and each person will
accomplish his task.
Mechanical design Arun Kumar Verma
Networking- Rajat Jain
Raspberry Pi controls - Srimukha karantha
Sensors- Manan Sheth

Basic Block Diagram

Communication diagram

This diagram shows how each part communicates with the other parts.

Control panel
The control panel is an html page with a MJPEG video stream
and a Processing (Java) applet for controlling the robot. Each
button on the applet indicates a direction for travel. Using the
sliders allows the user to fine-tune the speed used for each
direction. The arrows are to be held down, the robot will stop
when the button is released. The smaller triangles are for
movement in steps and cannot be held down. The buttons in
the lower corners are for tilting the camera.

We will build a low cost prototype and demonstrate the various features of the WiFi
RoboCam and its use in real life situations.
Thank You

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