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Physics Lab 4 Report

Centripetal Acceleration
Group members: Jaijai,June,Mook P. ,Pan 10-2
Collect force, velocity, and radius data for a mass undergoing uniform circular motion.
naly!e t"e force vs. velocity gra#"s.
$etermine t"e relations"i# %et&een force, mass, velocity, and radius for an o%ject
undergoing uniform circular motion.
'se t"is relations"i# and (e&ton second la& to determine an e)#ression for
centri#etal acceleration.
- *a%+uest
- ,ernier Centri#etal -orce ##aratus
- ,ernier P"otogate
- masses
- ,ernier $ual-.ange -orce /ensor
PART1 ORC! "#$ "!LOC%T&
1. ttac" a $ual-.ange -orce /ensor and a ,ernier P"otogate to t"e ,ernier
-orce ##aratus 0C-1, as s"o&n in -igure 1.
2. Connect t"e force sensor and t"e #"otogate to *a%+uest.
2. /etu# data collection.
a. 3a# Mode. 3"e default P"otogate Mode4Motion &orks for t"is e)#eriment.
/elect t"e 'ser defined %utton. 3"e distance to %e entered is 1510 of t"e
circumference of t"e mass #at". 6ecause t"e radius in #art 1 is 10 cm, t"is
value s"ould %e 0.0728 m.
%. 3o control &"en data collection sto#s, ta# t"e o#tion la%eled it" t"e /to#
%uttonin t"e field la%eled nd data collection.3a# 9:.
c. -rom t"e ;ra#" menu select ;ra#" 1. C"ange t"e a)es of t"e gra#" so t"at it
s"o&s force vs. velocity.
d. 3a# t"e Meter ta%.
<. $etermine t"e mass of t"e sliding mass carriage. dd mass to %ot" t"e sliding and
fi)ed mass carriages as directed %y your instructor. 3"e mass of t"e sliding and fi)ed
carriages s"ould %e t"e same so t"at t"e %eam is %alanced. .ecord t"e total mass of
t"e sliding carriage and e)tra mass.
=. Position t"e fi)ed carriage so t"at its center is 10 cm from t"e a)is of rotation. djust
t"e #osition of t"e force sensor on t"e rail so t"at, &"en t"e line is tensed, t"e center of
t"e sliding mass carriage is also at 10 cm.
7. >ero t"e force sensor.
?. /#in t"e %eam %y t&isting t"e knurled s#indle of t"e C- &it" your fingers. @"en t"e
force reac"es 2 (, %egin collecting data. *et data collection continue for 20-<0 s. @"en
you sto# data collection, use t"e friction %et&een your "and and t"e knurled s#indle to
sto# t"e %eam.
8. Af your gra#" of force vs. velocity is not linear, create a alculated columnt"at &ill
ena%le you to o%tain a linear gra#" 0lineari!ed gra#" - vs. v2.1 Bour instructor &ill
e)#lain ste# %y ste# "o& to do t"is if you cannot do it %y yourself.
PART ' %("!#T%GAT%(G T)! !!CT O MA## A(* RA*%+#
@"en a Cuantity 0in t"is case, force1 is a function of more t"an one varia%le, it
is usually t"e case t"at t"e slo#e of t"e gra#" is related to t"e #arameters "eld
constant during t"e e)#eriment. D)amine t"e units of t"e slo#e of your gra#" of vs.
@rite an e)#ression involving mass and radius t"at "as t"e same units as t"at of your
slo#e. /u%stitute t"e kno&n values of t"ese #arametersE "o& closely does t"e value of
t"is e)#ression agree &it" t"at of your slo#e4 Predict t"e effect of dou%ling t"e mass
on t"e value of t"e slo#e. @"at effect &ould dou%ling t"e radius "ave on t"e slo#e4
Bou can test your conclusions %y varying first t"e mass and t"en t"e radius as follo&s.
1. C"ange t"e mass on %ot" t"e fi)ed and sliding carriages and record t"e value of t"e
total mass of t"e sliding carriage and any e)tra masses.
2. .e-!ero t"e force sensor, t"en s#in t"e %eam as you did %efore. 9nce t"e force
reac"es = (, %egin collecting data. @"en you sto# data collection, sto# t"e %eam as
you did in Part 1.
2. C"ange t"e system mass again and record t"e value of t"e total mass of t"e sliding
carriage and any e)tra masses, t"en re#eat /te# 2.
<. .eturn t"e mass on %ot" t"e fi)ed and sliding carriages to t"e original value used in
Part 1. $ecrease t"e radius of %ot" t"e sliding and fi)ed mass carriage %y 2-2 cm.
.ecord t"e value of t"e radius. djust t"e value of t"e 'ser defined distance in t"e
Mode &indo& so t"at it is 1510 of t"e circular #at" of t"e mass carriage. &arning &ill
a##ear. C"oose to discard t"e data.
=. .e-!ero t"e force sensor, t"en s#in t"e %eam as you did %efore. 9nce t"e force
reac"es = (, %egin collecting data. @"en you sto# data collection, sto# t"e %eam.
7. (o&, c"ange t"e radius so t"at it is 2 cm greater t"an your initial value. 6e sure to
adjust t"e 'ser defined distance as you did in /te# =. .ecord t"e value of t"e radius,
t"en re#eat /te# 7 and ?.
?. .e#eat ste# 8 of last section to lineari!e your last #lots. gain, create a calculated
column for . 'se t"is calculated column to #lot vs.
3"e gra#" dis#lays t"e relations"i# %et&een t"e force and calculated column &e "ave
o%tained from t"is e)#eriment.
1. ,iolet ;ra#" - t"e first run &it" 100g. of mass on eac" side.
DCuation : -orce F 2.2?) G 0.0=H
2. 6lue ;ra#" - t"e second run &it" 200g of mass on eac" side
DCuation : -orce F 2.<2) G 0.02<
2. ;reen ;ra#" - t"e t"ird run &it" 200g of mass on eac" side
DCuation : -orce F 1.<=) G 0.021
f F ma (e&tonIs 2nd la&
a F centri#etal acceleration formula
f F F centri#etal force formula
3o e)#lain t"e relations"i# %et&een mass and force of eac" gra#", 3"e slo#e are not
totally different in t"e s"a#e
3"e last gra#" &"ic" is green is t"e gra#" t"at is t"e result of t"e run t"at "ad t"e
"ig"est mass and it "ave t"e "ig"est slo#e.
3"e first gra#" &"ic" is t"e violet one "as t"e lo&est slo#e and is t"e run &it" t"e
lo&est. ccording to t"e (e&ton 2nd la&, more mass t"at means more force.
t y-a)is &"ic" is re#resent force ,3"e green gra#" "as t"e smallest value on t"e )-
a)is &"ic" is re#resent t"e velocity. 3"at %ecause of &"en mass is "ig", acceleration &ill %e
small to make t"e force value in t"e eCuation of t"e (e&ton 2nd la& 0-Fma1. @"en
acceleration is small, velocity is &ill %e small.
%out t"e radius, &e "ave no time to &ork on t"at %ecause &e didn "ave enoug"
time &"en &e did t"e e)#eriment %ut according to t"is F = mv^2/r t"at means %igger radius &ill
give us smaller force
3"e %asic la& of force is it must %e created %y mass and acceleration. s &e kno&,
acceleration 0c"ange in velocity or c"ange in s#eed1 and t"e direction t"at em%roil to t"e
centri#etal acceleration. 3"e reason is t"e s#eed al&ays c"anged &"en &e s#in C-.3"atIs
&"y it "as centri#etal acceleration.
An conclusion, @e "ave done e)#eriment %y using t"e formula 0-FmvJ21 and *a%+uest device.
@e s#in t"e *a%+uest ,ernier Centri#etal -orce ##aratus until it reac" 2(. @e "ave c"anged
t"e mass and t"e distance of eac" time. -orm t"e result, &e can conclude %y t"e relations"i#
of t"ese t"ree t"at come u#. 3"ere are mass, velocity and radius. 3"e e)#eriment t"at &e did
can #rove t"at if it "as more mass, it &ill "ave more mass %ut less velocity. 9n t"e ot"er "and,
if it "as more radius, it &ill "ave less force.
Ko&ever, t"ere &ere some error results. @"en &e s#in t"e *a%+uest ,ernier
Centri#etal -orce ##aratus, it &as error &"en &e ta# on record %utton %ecause t"e num%er
are not accurate 2(. not"er error &as &e are not comforta%le to use *a%+uest device
%ecause &e &ere confuse a%out its functions and gra#". Ko&ever, &e &ill try to learn more
a%out it and make t"e ne)t la% %etter t"an t"is time.
!,tra point-
3"e e)am#le form our e)#erience is t"e car drifting. Car drifting can o%viously found on
television #rograms or normal car racing. At is t"e good e)am#le of centri#etal force. Car
drifting moves in circle. 3"e force from t"e %ottom of a car act to t"e center of a car &"ic" is
t"e driver t"at are not flying a&ay from t"e car. s you can see in t"e #icture, t"e %ottom of a
car s#inning in circle. Af &e move t"e car faster, it &ill increase centrifugal force.

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