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CEC Palace

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CEC Palace
Palatul CEC
General information
Architectural style eclectic
Town or city Bucharest
Country Romania
Coordinates 44.4320N 2.0!"#
Construction started $th of %une, &$!'
Completed &!00
Client (.#.(. )Romanian* Casa de Economii i Consemnaiuni+
Design and construction
Architect ,aul -uttereau )pro.ect+, /on 0ocolescu )construction+
1he CEC Palace )Romanian* Palatul C.E.C.+ in Bucharest, Romania, 2uilt in &!00 and situated on
(alea 3ictoriei opposite the National 4useum of Romanian 5istory, is the head6uarters of the
national sa7in8s 2ank C.E.C., no9adays called (#( Bank.
& 5istory
2 :rchitecture
3 0ee also
4 References
" #;ternal links
Before the construction of the palace, the location 9as occupied 2y the ruins of a monastery )Saint
John the Great+ and an ad.oinin8 inn. 1he &th<century church 9as reno7ated 2y (onstantin
Br=nco7eanu durin8 &'02 < &'03, 2ut later deteriorated and 9as demolished in &$'".
1he palace 9as 2uilt as a ne9 head6uarters for Romania>s oldest 2ank, the pu2lic sa7in8s institution
Casa de Depuneri, Consemna iuni i Economie , later kno9n as C.E.C. )Romanian* Casa de
Economii i Consemna iuni +. 1he land 9as 2ou8ht and the 2uildin8 constructed 9ith the
institution>s o9n funds. Work started on %une $, &$!' and 9as completed in &!00. 1he pro.ect 9as
desi8ned 2y the architect ,aul -uttereau, a 8raduate of the ?cole nationale sup@rieure des Beau;<
:rts in ,arisA construction 9as super7ised 2y the Romanian architect /on 0ocolescu.
:fter &0 years of ser7ice, the 2uildin8 9as deemed no lon8er fit for modern 2ankin8 and 9as
therefore sold for B&'.'$' million to the municipality of Bucharest to 2e used as a museum.
:lthou8h no lon8er open to (#( clients, the 2ank continues to rent the 2uildin8 as its head6uarters
until a suita2le replacement is found or 2uilt.
/n 200!, it 9as the 7enue for the 0th 2irthday cele2rations of ,rincess 4ar8arita of Romania.C&D
Built in eclectic style, the palace is topped 2y a 8lass and metal dome. 1he entrance features an arch
supported 2y t9o pairs of columns in composite style. 1he four corners are decorated 9ith 8a2les
and coats of arms and endin8 in Renaissance domes.

See also
Eist of palaces
&. 4onarchists 2lo8 http*!F04Fcro9n<princess<mar8arita<
0il7ia (olfescu, Bucure ti - ghid turistic, istoric, artistic , ed. 3remea, 200
Gan Berindei, 0e2astian Bonifaciu < Bucure ti Ghid turistic , #d. 0port<1urism,
Bucure ti,&!$0
External lins
4ap of 5istorical 4onuments in Bucharest
Palaces and castles in Romania
/ulia 5asdeu
4o8o oaia
,alace of %ustice )Bucharest+
,alace of the ,arliament
,alace of the ,atriarchate
,eli or
1elephone ,alace
,alace of (ulture )/a i+
RoIno7anu ,alace
Transyl#ania $ %anat
BJnffy )Bon ida+
BJnffy )(lu.<Napoca+
Baro6ue ,alace
4a8na (uria
,alace of %ustice )(lu.<Napoca+
,refecture ,alace
R= no7
,alaces in Bucharest
(ommercial 2uildin8s completed in &!00
5istoric monuments in Bucharest
(alea 3ictoriei
1his pa8e 9as last modified on :pril 20&4 at 0!*"!.

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