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# DOB should be given in the followin format 1 2 2000
proc age {arg1 arg2 arg3} {
set !arg3"
set i 0"
while {! # 2012} {
set $e%pr ! & 1'
incr i
set ( $e%pr !arg2 ) 1'
puts *!i +ears !( months !arg1 da+s*
#age 1 2 2000
set core,area $get,attribute $get,core,area' area'
set mac,area 0
set std,cel,area 0
foreach,in,collection m $all,macro,cells' {
set am $get,attr $get,cells !m' area'
set mac,area $e%pr !mac,area & !am'
foreach,in,collection s $get,cells )hierarchical )filter {is,hierarchical -- false ..
is,hard,macro--false .. is,ph+sical,onl+--false}' {
set as $get,attr $get,cells !s' area'
set std,cel,area $e%pr !std,cel,area & !as'
set format/tr {011s011s011s}
set format2al {01132f01132f01130f}
puts $format !format/tr core,area mac,area std,cel,area'
puts $format !format/tr !core,area !mac,area !std,cel,area'
set util $e%pr 4!mac,area & !std,cel,area56!core,area'
set std,util $e%pr 4!std,cel,area564!core,area)!mac,area5'
set nd2a $get,attr $get,lib,cell um70np(ldst,ff1p21vn70c6/89,:D2,/,1' area'
set gates $e%pr 4!std,cel,area564!nd2a5'
puts **
puts $format !format/tr *;til* */td cel util* *:o of gates*'
puts $format !format2al !util !std,util !gates'
proc cell {args} {
puts *<eference name - $get,attri !args ref,name'*"
puts *:umber of pins - $get,attri !args number,of,pins'*"
puts *=rea - $get,attri !args area'*"
puts *Bbo% - $get,attri !args bbo%'*"
puts *>he pins are ?*
set e $get,pins )of,obects !args'"
foreach,in,collection f !e {
puts $get,attri !f pin,t+pe'
#cell #cell,name@
proc age {args} {
parse,proc,arguments )args !args results
if {$info e%ist results4)da+5'} {
set a * varriable a is !results4)da+5 *
printvar !a
if {$info e%ist results4)month5'} {
set a * varriable a is !results4)month5 *
printvar !a
if {$info e%ist results4)+ear5'} {
set a * varriable a is !results4)+ear5 *
printvar !a
if {$info e%ist results4)+ears5'} {
set a * =ge in +ears is !resulsts4)+ears5 *
printvar !a
set ans $e%pr !var1 & !var2 '
printvar !ans
if {$info e%ist results4)month5'} {
set a * substraction is !resulsts4)sub5 *
printvar !a
set ans $e%pr !var1 ) !var2 '
printvar !ans
if {$info e%ist results4)mul5'} {
set a * multiplication is !resulsts4)mul5 *
printvar !a
set ans $e%pr !var1 A !var2 '
printvar !ans
define,proc,attributes func )info *Berforms an opperation based on input arguments* C
)define,args {
{)verbose *Denerate verbose output* ** boolean optional} C
{)add * performs addition if set true ? default true* string } C
{)sub * performs addition if set true ? default false* string } C
{)mul * performs addition if set true ? default false* string} C
{)var1 * varriable a value * int} C
{)var2 * varriable b value * int} C
func )var1 3 )var2 7
##>o Eind the no of lines in a file4reports ol+ continouus lines without blan( lines53
proc file,info {args} {
set fileid $open *!args* r'
set i 0"
while {!i # !i&1} {
set a $gets !fileid'
#puts !a
if {!a -- **} {
brea( }
incr i
set ( $e%ec ls )l *!args*'"
set l $linde% !( 0'"
set m $linde% !( 7'"
puts *:umber of lines - !i*"
puts *Bermissions - !l*"
puts *Eile siFe - !m*"
# file,info #absolute path fr file@
# >o get the number of instances of the cell inthe design
set args #cell name@"
redirect )file a {report,design )ph+sical}"
set b !a"
set c $lsearch !b !args'"
set d $linde% !b $e%pr !c & 2''"
puts !d"
file delete a"
redirect )variable a {report,cloc(,tree )summar+ }"
set b !a"
set c $get,cloc(s'"
foreach,in,collection d !c {
set m $get,attri !d full,name'"
set e $lsearch !b !m'"
if {!e -- )1} {
puts *Gloc( !m is for e%ternal refrenceCn*"
} else {
set f $linde% !b $e%pr !e & 1''"
puts *:umber of sin(s for !m - !fCn*"

#>o get the number of ma%,transH ma%,cap . ma%,fanout violations
redirect )variable a {report,constraint )ma%,transition )all,violators }"
set b !a"
set c $lsearch !b *>otal*'"
if {!c -- )1} {
puts *Ia% >ransition violations - 0 *"
} else {
set d $linde% !b $e%pr !c & 1''"
puts * Ia% >ransition violations - !d*"
redirect )variable e {report,constraint )ma%,capacitance )all,violators }"
set f !e"
set g $lsearch !f *>otal*'"
if {!g -- )1} {
puts *Ia% Gapacitance violations - 0 *"
} else {
set h $linde% !f $e%pr !g & 1''"
puts * Ia% Gapacitance violations - !h*"
redirect )variable i {report,constraint )ma%,fanout )all,violators }"
set !i"
set ( $lsearch ! *>otal*'"
if {!( -- )1} {
puts *Ia% Eanout violations - 0 *"
} else {
set l $linde% ! $e%pr !( & 1''"
puts * Ia% Eanout violations - !l*"
proc optimiFe {args} {
set a $get,attri $get,timing,paths )group !args' slac('
puts !a"
#threshold considered slac( )1
if {!a # )1} {
puts *Bath)group !args reJuires further optimiFation*"
} else {
puts *Bath)group !args does not reJuire further optimiFation*
# optimiFe #path)group@
proc ports {args} {
set a $get,ports )filter *Kdirection -- !args*'"
set i 0"
foreach,in,collection b !a {
puts $get,attri !b full,name'"
set i $e%pr !i & 1'"
puts *:umber of !args ports - !i*"
#ports #direction@

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