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Lesson 10

Here are some short course descriptions from the Lancaster University prospectus.
Match them with the following names of the courses.
1. Common Law
2. Criminal Law
3. European Union Law
!. European Union Law
". #oundations of English $ European Union Law
%. ntroduction to Comparative Law
&. ntroduction to Comparative Law
'. (u)lic Law
,his course provides a )road introduction to the main techni-ues. methods and sources
involved in underta/ing legal research. t provides a critical understanding of the historical
development of law. the sources of law 0including European Community Law1. the main
institutions within which the law is administered. the personnel who practise the law. the cultural
and political significance of law and legal institutions and their interpretative processes whose
wor/ings underpin the presence of law in society. ,he course covers the professional #oundation
su)2ect #oundations of European Union Law.
,his course provides an introduction to the comparative analysis of legal phenomena.
4tudents will )e introduced to the main features of different legal systems. to see how they
compare and contrast with the English legal system. Much emphasis will )e put on the European
civil law legal systems. especially in #rance and 5ermany. 4tudents will )e introduced to some
of the historical reasons for the development of legal systems. loo/ing at the divergence and
convergence of legal systems. #inally. students will )e introduced to comparative law
methodology. i.e. how does one compare legal phenomena in different systems in a meaningful
way6 7nowledge of a foreign language. though desira)le. is not essential. 8n some occasions a
foreign lawyer will give lectures on their national legal systems.
,his course is an introductory course on the law of o)ligations. t introduces students to
the underlying conceptual framewor/ and covers the )asic principles of contract and tort law. t
is designed to provide a foundation for more advanced optional courses in this area of law which
can )e ta/en in (art . ,he teaching and learning methodology involves an emphasis on
independent study and research within a conte9t of learning support teams. * significant element
of the course promotes s/ills ac-uisition. )oth generic and specifically legal. through the use of
practical seminar e9ercises. which involve case:study classes. oral presentations. mooting and
team:)ased negotiation sessions. E9tensive use is made of learning technologies such as Law
Courseware and ;;;:conferencing to support students< independent study. ,he course covers
the professional #oundation 4u)2ects 8)ligations $ 0Contract $ ,ort1.
,his course is divided into three topic areas> Constitutional Law. Civil Li)erties and
*dministrative Law. n Constitutional Law. topics covered include> the constitutional actors and
their roles. parliamentary sovereignty and the European Union and constitutional conventions. n
Civil Li)erties. students will e9amine human rights in 3ritain. with particular attention given to
the police powers. government secrecy. and censorship. ?udicial review of administrative action.
a)use of discretion and natural 2ustice are covered in (art of the course.
E. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
,his course is designed for students who want the opportunity to study in depth selected
aspects of EC Law and (olicy in a contemporary conte9t. especially the free movement of goods.
services. persons and capital@ competition law and policy and its enforcement@ the internal
mar/et. and other topics such as intellectual property law and social policy.
,his )ranch of law is largely concerned with the prevention and punishment of certain
/inds of conduct. t is a )ody of rules designed to cover activities deemed AcriminalA. ,his course
introduces students to. and conducts a )road investigation of. the )ody of rules which ma/e up
Criminal Law. However. as Criminal law is more than a )ody of rules. the course also e9amines
how the law attri)utes criminal responsi)ility from a wide perspective. (articular attention is
given to offences against persons and property. ,he course considers the nature. function and
rationale of various criminal offences and evaluates the scope for reform.
,his course offers an introduction to the history of European integration. the structure and
role of ma2or Community institutions. the sources of Community law. the relationship )etween
community law and national legal systems. and the application of Community law in the national
courts 0with particular reference to the English conte9t1.
,his course continues an introduction to the comparative analysis of legal phenomena. n
this half:unit students will )e introduced to certain su)stantive areas of the law. especially in the
area of the law of o)ligations. 4tudents will study these areas of law in a comparative conte9t
which emphasises the role of history. European developments and the policies and principles
which underlie particular solutions to legal pro)lems. Much emphasis will )e put on the
European civil law legal systems. especially #rance and 5ermany. though reference will also )e
made to other civil law and common law 2urisdictions. 8n some occasions a foreign lawyer may
)e as/ed to give lectures on their national legal systems. 7nowledge of a foreign language.
though desira)le. is not essential. ntroduction to Comparative Law is a pre:re-uisite for this
course 0unless a student can otherwise demonstrate an ade-uate grounding in comparative law1.
,he following words from the prospectus e9cerpts a)ove have a different meaning
from Bomanian words with very similar or identical form. Can you point out their
respective meanings6 ;hat other false friends can you thin/ of6
Ato support students< independent studyA 0C1 to encourage
Acontract and tortA 0C1 crime. damage
Atopics covered includeA 0=1 themes. su)2ect
Aa)use of discretion" 0=1 attention. caution. decision. free domain
Athe scope for reformA 0#1 possi)ility
Asubstantive areasA 0H1 independent
Arationale of criminal offences A 0#1 logical. ma2or crimes
Match the following words with their definitions>
1. (rosecution
2. =efendant
3. Conviction
!. (ro)ation order
". Enactment
%. *ct
&. C(laintiff
'. n2unction
a1 * court order placing an offender under supervision instead of a sentence of imprisonment
)1 * document that sets out legal rules and has )een passed )y the (arliament
c1 * person against whom court proceedings are )rought
d1 * person applying for relief against another person in an action. suit. petition. motion.
summons or any other form of court proceedings
e1 * remedy in the form of a court order to do or not to do something
f1 *n *ct of (arliament. an order or any other piece of su)ordinate legislation. or any particular
provision contained in any of these
g1 ,he 2udgement that a person is found guilty of a crime
h1 ,he pursuit of legal proceedings. particularly criminal proceedings
C #rom year 2DDD in the U7 plaintiff has )een replaced with claimant. Plaintiff is now only used in *merican
1 H @ 2 C @ 3 5 @ ! * @ " #@ % 3 @ & = @ ' E .
,ranslate the following curriculum into English>
!LA" DE #"$%&%'(T
DE!T C)$)L * A"UL )
1. Evoarele dreptului civil
2. *plicarea legii civile Fn timp Gi spaHiu
3. nterpretarea legii civile
!. Baportul 2uridic civil
". 8)ligaHiile civile
%. Efectele actului 2uridic civil
DE!T C)$)L * A"UL ))
1. Clasificarea o)ligaHiilor civile
2. Evoarele o)ligaHiilor
3. BIspunderea civilI delictualI
!. ,ransmisiunea Gi transformarea
". 5arantarea o)ligaHiilor
DE!T !E"AL * A"UL )
1. EvoluHia dreptului penal romJn
2. (rincipiile fundamentale ale dreptului
3. Evoarele dreptului penal
!. KoHiunea Gi trIsIturile esenHiale ale
". 4ancHiuni de drept penal
%. BIspunderea penalI
DE!T !E"AL * A"UL ))
1. nfracHiuni contra statului
2. nfracHiuni contra persoanei
3. nfracHiuni de fals
!. nfracHiuni contra sInItIHii pu)lice
DE!T )"TE"A&)+"AL !UBL)C * A"UL )
1. KoHiunea Gi trIsIturile dreptului internaHional pu)lic
2. Katura 2uridicI a teritoriului de stat
3. =reptul mIrii
!. =reptul tratatelor
". BIspunderea statelor Fn dreptul internaHional
%. (rotecHia mediului Fncon2urItor Fn dreptul internaHional
DE!T )"TE"A&)+"AL !)$AT * A"UL ))
1. KoHiunea Gi domeniul dreptului internaHional privat
2. Korma conflictualI
3. *plicarea legii strIine
!. Evoarele interne Gi internaHionale ale dreptului internaHional privat
". CondiHia 2uridicI a strIinului
%. (ersoana 2uridicI Fn dreptul internaHional privat

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