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8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 1/1#
Gayatris and Other Mantras for
$his inc%&des prayers and !ayatri antras to 'ishn&( )akshi( *arayana(
Ganesh( +hi,a( -&r!a( .raha( +aras,ati( /&,era( and others( the Maha
Mrity&n0aya Mantra( antras
for the we%%-1ein! of society( antras to the p%anets( and for each day of the week for
1enefits and
Gayatris to )ord +ri /rishna( for spirit&a% s&ccess:
A& -e,kinandanaye 'idahe
'as&da,aye -hi-ahi
$anno /rishnah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri /rishna( 1e%o,ed son of -e,aki and
'as&de,a. May that )ord
/rishna of dark cop%e4ion( who stea%s the heart( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
O -haodharaya 'idhahe
6&kani 'a%%a1hay -heeahe
$anno /rishna 2rachodayath
$rans%ation: O( )et e editate on the God whose 1e%%y was tied 1y a rope( Oh(
consort of
6&khani( !i,e e hi!her inte%%ect( and %et God /rishna i%%&inate y ind.
O Go,indaya 'idhahe
Gopi 'a%%a1haya -heeahe
$anno /rishna 2rachodayath
A%so this one to offer o1eisances to )ord 'as&de,a( the +&pree 2erson( for
re7&estin! that 8e
re,ea% the s&pree spirit&a% tr&th to &s:
O nao 1ha!a,ate ,as&deya
$rans%ation: O( )et e editate on the !od who takes care of a%% 1ein!s( Oh(
dar%in! of a%% !opis(
!i,e e hi!her inte%%ect( and %et God /rishna i%%&inate y ind.
$o 6adha( for increasin! o&r de,otion and di,ine %o,e:
A& 'rash1han&0aye 'idahe
/rishnapriyaye -hi-Mahi
$anno 6adha 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri 6adha( the 1e%o,ed of +ri /rishna( the
da&!hter of
'risha1han&. May that 6adha -e,i inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
$o 'ishn&( for we%fare:
A& *arayanaye 'idahe
'as&da,aye -hiahi
$anno 'ishn& 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri *arayana( the )ord who dwe%%s in a%% 1ein!s(
and is known as
the +o,erei!n of the wor%d. May that +ri 'ishn& inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
$o Goddess )akshi( for increasin! wea%th( %&4&ries( prootion( stat&s:
A& Maha%akshaye 'idahe
'ishn&priyaye -hiahi
$anno )akshih 2rachodayat
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 2/1#
+ii%ar Gayatris for )akshi are:
O Maha%akshyai cha ,idahe
'ishn& patnyai cha dhiahi
$anno )akshihi prachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the Great Goddess +ri )akshi( the consort of
+ri Maha 'ishn&.
May that eff&%!ent Maha )akshi -e,i inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
O Mahade,yaicha 'idhahe
'ishn& 2athniyaicha -heeahe
$hanno )akshi 2rachodayath
$rans%ation: 9O( )et e editate on the !reatest !oddess( Oh( wife of )ord 'ishn&(
!i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( And %et Goddess )akshi i%%&inate y ind.9
Another to Goddess )akshi. $his antra is said to !et siddha or perfection after
chantin! it
108 ties a day for 11 days. $his antra is ne,er fai%in! for one who seeks s&ccess
in 1&siness and
financia% prosperity( or who faces 1arriers in 1&siness !rowth( or other o1stac%es to
prosperity. $his
antra is ,ery dear to Goddess )akshi( who to%d 'asistha that( 9: a ,ery p%eased
1y this antra
and if any person recites this antra e,en once( : wi%% esta1%ish yse%f in his hoe.9
:t is:
O +hree 8ree /%ee +hree
Maa Mandire $ishtha-$ishtha +waha
Another antra to )akshi. +hrin! is the seed. ;apa is 100(000 ties after which
one !ets
the 1%essin!s of peace and prosperity:
A& +hrin! 8rin! /%een! Maha )akshaye *aaha( A&.
$he +hri Rig Veda Maha )akshi -e,i Mantra is:
O +hri 8ri +hri
/aa%e /aa%a%aye
2raseedha 2raseedha
+hri 8ri +hri O
+hri Maha%akshi -e,yai naaha
$he +hri +o&1a!ya Maha%akshi Mantra is:
O +hri 8ri /%i Ai
/aa%a 'asinyai +waha
Another to )akshi is:
+ar,a an!a%a an!a%ye
si,e sar,ardha sadhike
saranye traya1ake de,i
narayani naost&te
Another traditiona% antra to )akshi is:
O sree hree k%ee
kaa%e kaa%a%aye
prasida prasida
sree hree k%ee
sri aha %akshyi naaha
$rans%ation: <nder%yin! ,i1ration of a%% creation( a1&ndance p%ease( cherishin! yo&r
%ot&s feet( 1e
p%eased Great )akshi Goddess( : 1ow to =o&.
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$he +ri Maha%akshi M&%a Mantra:
O sri hri k%i hri sri
aha%akshayai naaha
$o )ord 6aa( for sec&rity and stat&s:
A& -asharathaye 'idahe
+ita .a%%a1haye -hiahi
$anno 6aah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the di,ine son of /in! -asharatha. May that +ri
6aa( 1e%o,ed
h&s1and of +ita -e,i( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$o +riati +ita( for increasin! power to work on onese%f( penance( and to%erance:
A& ;anaknandiniye 'idahe
.h&i0ayai -hiahi
$anno +ita 2rachodayat
$o )ord *arayana( to increase adinistrati,e power:
A& *arayanaya 'idahe
'as&de,aya -hiahi
$anno *arayanah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the Great )ord *arayana who per,ades a%%
creation. May that
!%orio&s Maha 'ishn&( who appeared on ?arth as the adora1%e +ri /rishna( son of
'as&de,a( inspire
and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
'enkateswara Gayatri Mantra:
*irna0anaya 'idahe
*irapasaya -heeahe
$hanno +rini,asa 2rachodayath
$rans%ation: O( )et e editate on the !od who is eterna% tr&th( Oh( God who does
not ha,e
attachents( !i,e e hi!her inte%%ect( and %et God +rini,asa i%%&inate y ind.
$o )ord *arasiha( to increase o&r a1i%ity to he%p others:
A& <!ranarsin!haye 'idahe
'a0ranakhaye -hi-Mahi
$anno *arsin!ha 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the fierce and terri1%e for of )ord *arasiha(
the ha%f-an and
ha%f-%ion for. May that !reat God( with nai%s hard and stron! as diaonds( inspire
and i%%&ine o&r
ind and &nderstandin!.5
A sii%ar *arasiha Gayatri is:
O *arasihaya ,idahe
'a0ra nakhaya dhiahi
$anno *arasiha prachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri *arasiha( who incarnated as ha%f-an and
ha%f-%ion. May
that )ord with adaantine c%aws inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$o 8asa( for increasin! power of discriination:
A& 2arahasaye 'idahe
Mahahasaye -hiahi
$anno 8asah 2rachodayat
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$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri 8asa -e,a( the !%orio&s( p&re white di,ine
swan of
s&pree discriination. May that !reat )ord in the for of a swan( who e4ep%ifies
1%issf&% se%f-rea%i@ed so&%s( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$o 8aya!ri,a( to increase co&ra!e and reo,e fear:
A& 'anishwaraye 'idahe
8aya!ri,aye -hiahi
$anno 8aya!ri,ah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the !%orio&s )ord 8aya!ri,a( who is the
e1odient of +ri Maha
'ishn&. May that !reat 'a!ishwara( the )ord of +peech( and consort of 'a!ishwari(
+aras,ati -e,i(
the Goddess of /now%ed!e and +peech( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
$o )ord +hi,a( for easin! pro1%es( and !i,in! peace A prosperity:
A& 2anch,aktraye 'idahe
Mahade,aye -hiahi
$anno 6&dra 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the !reat )ord with fi,e faces. May that fierce
6&dra inspire and
i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
O $at 2&r&shaya 'idhahe
Mahade,aya -heeahe
$hanno 6&dra 2rachodayath
3O. )et e editate on the !reat 2&r&sha( Oh( !reatest God( !i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( and %et God
6&dra i%%&inate y ind.5
$o Goddess -&r!a( for ,ictory o,er o1stac%es( pains A eneies:
A& Giri0aye cha 'idahe
+hi,a 2riyaye cha -hiahi
$anno -&r!a 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on Giri0a -e,i( -a&!hter of the Mo&ntain. May that
1e%o,ed of )ord
+hi,a inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
O /athyayanaya 'idhahe
/anya /&ari cha -heeahe
$hanno -&r!aya 2rachodayat
3O. )et e editate on the !oddess who is da&!hter of /athyayana( Oh( aiden
Goddess( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect( and %et Goddess -&r!a i%%&inate y ind.5
$o Ganesh( for reo,in! o1stac%es:
A& ?ikdantaya ,idahe
'akrat&naye -hiahi
$anno .&ddhih 2racodayat
Another Ganesh Gayatri sii%ar to this is:
A& ?ka dantaya ,idahe
'akra t&ndaya dhiahi
$anno dantih prachodayat
$rans%ation: 9O. )et &s editate on +ri Ganesh( the %ord with one t&sk. May that
!reat %ord with
c&r,ed e%ephant tr&nk inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.9
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$o .raha( for increasin! prod&cti,ity:
A& 2areshwaraye 'idahe
2aratatt,aye -hiahi
$anno .raha 2rachodayat
Another sii%ar Gayatri for .raha is:
A& chat&r &khaya ,idahe
8asar&dhaya dhiahi
$anno 1raha prachodayat
$rans%ation: 3)et &s editate on the !%orio&s %ord with fo&r di,ine faces( who is
seated on a p&re white
swan. May that !reat .raha( Breator of the <ni,erse( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind
A%so to .raha is:
O 'edathanaya ,idahe(
8iranya Gar1haya -heeahi(
$hanno .raha prachodayath
3O( )et e editate on the God who is the so&% of 'edas( Oh God( who ho%ds the
entire wor%d within
yo&( !i,e e hi!her inte%%ect( and %et the )ord .raha i%%&inate y ind.5
$o Goddess +araswati( for eory( wisdo( know%ed!e( and creati,ity:
A& +araswateye cha 'idahe
.rahap&triye cha -hiahi
$anno +araswati 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri +araswati -e,i. May that !%orio&s consort of
)ord .raha
inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
O 'akde,iyai cha 'idhahe
'irin0i 2athniyai cha -heeahe
$anno 'ani 2rachodayath
3O( )et e editate on the !oddess of speech( Oh( wife of )ord .raha( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect(
and %et Goddess 'ani i%%&inate y ind.5
$o :ndra( for sec&rity in a!!ression or war:
A& +ahasra-*etraye 'idahe
'a0ra hastraye -hiahi
$anno :ndrah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on :ndira( the )ord with a tho&sand eyes. May that
!reat God who
ho%ds the in,inci1%e th&nder1o%t in his hand inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
$he -e,endra C:ndraD Gayatri:
O +ahasra nethraye'idhahe
'a0ra hasthaya -heeahe
$anno :ndra 2rachodayath
3O( )et e editate on the tho&sand eyed one( Oh( )ord with 'a0ra as weapon(
!i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( And %et :ndra i%%&inate y ind.5
$o 8an&an( for %o,e of se%f%ess ser,ice
A& An0aneyaye 'idahe
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Maha1a%aye -hiahi
$anno 8an&an 2rachodayat
Another sii%ar Gayatri for 8an&an is:
A& an0ani s&taya cha ,idahe
'ay& p&traya cha dhiahi
$anno ar&tih prachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri 8an&an( whose other is An0ani -e,i.
May that s&pree%y
1ra,e and stron! Mar&ti( son of the Eind !od( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
$o =aa the %ord of death( for freedo fro the fear of death:
A& +&rya-2&traye 'idahe
Mahaka%aye -hiahi
$anno =aah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the !reat son of the s&n !od. May that =aa
-e,a( the %ord of
tie( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$o 'ar&na( for increase of %o,e 1etween an A woan:
A& ;a%1i1aye 'idahe
*i%a 2&r&shaye -hiahi
$anno 'ar&nah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the !reat )ord 'ar&ana. A%% the waters in the
wor%d are 8is
ref%ection. May that !%orio&s 'ar&na -e,a( whose for is a 1ea&tif&% %&ino&s 1%&e(
inspire and
i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$o A!ni the fire deity( to pro,ide ,ita%ity and o0as to the 1ody A ind:
A& Maha0wa%aye 'idahe
A!nide,aye -hiahi
$anno A!nih 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the !reat God of fire in the for of 1%a@in!
f%aes. May that
radiant A!ni -e,a inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$wo additiona% antras to A!ni:
O an!ii%e p&rohitayya0nasya de,arit,i0a
8otara ratnadhataa harih o harih o
3: !%orify A!ni( the hi!h priest of the Ca!nihotraD sacrifice( the di,ine( the inisterin!
priest( who offers
o1%ations Cto the !odsD( and is the possessor of !reat wea%th. O( !%ories to 8ari.5
A!na ayahi ,itaye
Grinano ha,yadataye
*ohota satsi 1arhishi
8arih o harih o
32%ease coe oh A!ni( the %&ino&s( per,adin! and !i,er of en0oya1%e o10ects. $ho&
art worthy of
adoration( present in the wor%d and o&r se%f( %ike a 8ota CpriestD in the rit&a%. O(
!%ories to 8ari.5
$he +&1rahaanya Gayatri Mantra:
O $at 2&r&shaya 'idhahe
Maha +enaya -heeahe
$anno +han&!a 2rachodayath
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3O. )et e editate on that !reat a%e( Oh( coander in chief( !i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( And %et
the si4 faced one i%%&inate y ind.5
$o 2rith,i( for sta1i%ity( patience( cooperation:
A& 2rith,ide,aye cha 'idahe
+ahasraoortaye cha -hiahi
$anno 2rith,i 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on 2rith,i -e,i( Mother ?arth. May that Mother
2rith,i of a tho&sand
fors inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$o /a( for increase in staina( ,ita%ity( A se4&a% power:
A& /ade,aye 'idahe
2&shp,anaye -hiahi
$anno /aah 2rachodayat
$he +ri $&%asi Gayatri for c%arity in o&r de,otion and spirit&a%ity:
A& t&%asi de,yai cha ,idahe
'ishn& priyayai cha dhiahi
$anno 1rindah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on +ri $&%asi -e,i( who is ,ery dear to the heart of
)ord Maha
'ishn&. May that !%orio&s -e,i( the di,ine e1odient of the sacred t&%asi p%ant a%so
known 1y the
sweet nae of 'rinda( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
$he -e,i 'arahi Mantra:
CMantra to the consort of )ord 'araha for riddin! onese%f of ne!ati,ityD
O shree hree k%ee dh&
0waa%aa 0waa%aa
sh&%ini asya ya0aaanasya
sar,a shatroon sahara sahara
kshea %aa1ha k&r& k&r&
d&shta !raha
h& phat s,aha
$he Gar&da Gayatri Mantra:
O $hathp&r&shaya 'idhahe
+&,arna 2akshaya -heeahe
$anno Gar&da 2rachodayath
9O. )et e editate on that !reat %i,in! 1ein!( Oh( .ird with !o%den win!s( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect(
And %et the God Gar&da i%%&inate y ind9
$he +&dharshana Bhakra Gayatri Mantra:
O +&dharshanaya 'idahe
Maha ;wa%aya -heeahe
$anno Bhakra 2rachodayath
3O. )et e editate on the ho%y whee% of +&dharshana( Oh( Ehee% which has
!reat 1ri%%iance( !i,e
e hi!her inte%%ect( And %et the whee% i%%&inate y ind.5
$he Gayatri Mantra for *andi( +hi,aGs .&%% Barrier:
O $hathp&r&shaya 'idhahe
Bhakrath&ndaya -heeahe
$anno *andi 2rachodayath
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3O. )et e editate on that !reat %i,in! 1ein!( Oh( )ord of de,as( !i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( And %et
the God *andi i%%&inate y ind.5
$he Hao&s +ri Gayatri Mantra
O 1h&r 1h&,aha s,ah
tat sa,it&r ,arenya
1har!o de,asya dhiahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
CRig-veda >.#2.10D
$his +ri Gayatri is a ,ery iportant and we%% known Gayatri antra( chanted si%ent%y
in the ind( three
ties a day. :t trans%ates as: 3O( )et &s editate on that worshipa1%e eff&%!ence of
the di,ine s&n(
+a,itri( Breator of the ?arth( 8ea,en and ether( and who enth&ses o&r editation.5
Eord for word eanin! of this antra is:
O or a& - :t is the chief and the ost appropriate nae for God. $his word is
ade of the
co1ination of IaI( I&I( and II: IaI eans creator of the &ni,erse( I&I eans s&stainer
of the &ni,erse(
JI eans annihi%ation of the &ni,erse. $h&s the word Ia&I i1i1es in itse%f a%% the
chief 7&a%ities of
.h&r - $he s&1strat& of %ifeK dearer than e,en %ifeK the Gi,er and +&stainer of a%% %ife.
.h&,ah - $he destroyer of a%% kinds of iseriesK the 6eo,er of a%% sorrows.
+,ah - $he for of p%eas&re and the 1estower of p%eas&re/1%iss.
$at - $hat God
+a,it&r - $he pro!enitor of the entire wor%dK $he Breator of the <ni,erseK One who
inspires &s.
'arenaya - Eorth ac7&irin!( the s&perior ostK =o& a%one are worthy of worship.
.har!o - Of the p&re forK =o& are the %i!ht that i%%&inates &s( the Hire which 1&rns
away a%%
o&r e,i% desires.
-e,asya - Of GodK =o& are the +&pree .ein!.
-hiahi - )et &s editate &pon.
-hiyo - inte%%ect so we o,e forward( ay 1e a1%e to te%% ri!ht fro wron! and fo%%ow
the ri!ht
=o - Eho( i.e. the God referred toK =o& who ha,e a%% these 7&a%ities.
*ah - Of o&rs
2rachodayat - May inspire Cfor !ood deedsD.
Additiona% Mantras for .%essin!s
:n,ocation to Ganesh:
Ga0anana .h&t!anadise,ita
/apittha ;a1oo 2ha%char& .hakshana
<as&ta +hok,inashkaraka
*aai 'i!hneshwar 2adpanka0a
$rans%ation: 9Oh ?%ephant-faced( worshiped 1y the e4istin! 1ein!s( of a%% %i,in!
1ein!s( tastin! the
e%ephant app%e CkaithD and 0a1o%ana C0a&nD( the +on of <a( destroyer of !rief( :
1ow to the %ot&s
feet of Ganesh who is %ord of a%%.9
Ganesh Gayatri Mantras for increasin! inte%%ect:
O )a1hodaraya ,idahe
Mahodaraya deeahi
$anno danthi prachodayath
O. )et e editate on that !od with 1road pa&nch Oh( God with a 1i! 1e%%y( !i,e
e hi!her inte%%ect(
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And %et the e%ephant faced one i%%&inate y ind.
O $hatp&rashaya ,idhahe
'akrath&ndaya dheeahi
$anno danthi prachodayath
3O. )et e editate on that !reat a%e( Oh( God with 1roken t&sk( !i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( And %et
the e%ephant faced one i%%&inate y ind.5
$o Ganesh for reo,in! o1stac%es( a !ood way to start any pro0ects( st&dies or
Ganapati .appa Morya
2&dhachya 'arshi )o,kar =aa
<se this to Ganesh prayer 1efore 1e!innin! any new pro0ect so ipedients ay 1e
reo,ed and yo&r endea,or ay 1e crowned with s&ccess: O !a !anapataye
$he Ganesh Maha-antra:
O !a !anapataye naaha
$he Ganesh M&%a Mantra:
O sri hri k%i !%a& !a !anapataye s,aha
O shanti shanti shantihi
O !a-!a&-!anapataye
.i!hna-1inashi ne-s,aha
Hor one who wants wea%th and prosperity( editate on the !o%den co%or of Ganesh
and say this
O )akshi Ganapataye naaha
Another to Ganesh( ;apa is 5(000 ties a day for 25 days:
O G& Ganapataye *aaha( O
A%so to Ganesh:
O !a !aneshaya naaha
O k%i !a !a !a aha!anapataye naaha
$o Ganesh for 1%essin!s for spirit&a% s&ccess:
O !anana t,a !anapati! ha,aahe ka,i ka,ina&paashra,astaa
;yeshthara0a 1rahana 1rahanaspata snah shrin,an&ti1hissida sadana
Maha!anapataye naaha
$rans%ation: O. Oh %ord of speech( we worship yo&( the %ord of the !ods( the wisest
aon! the wise(
the one ha,in! incopara1%e fae( the 1est aon! the praiseworthy( and the %ord of
the 'edic
hyns. Ehi%e %istenin! to o&r praises( coe with yo&r protectin! powers and 1e
rested in o&r
ya0nasha%a Ctep%eD. O1eisances to Maha!anapati.
A!a0ananapadarka !a0ananaaharnisha
Anekadanta 1haktanaekadanta&pasahe
$rans%ation: Ee editate( day and ni!ht( on the one-t&sked one CGaneshD who is the
s&n for the %ot&s
in the for of the face of 2ar,ati( the one with the e%ephant face and the one who is
the !i,er of p%enty
to his de,otees.
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 10/1#
+han&kha Gayatri Mantra to M&r&!an:
O $hatp&r&shaya 'idhahe
Maha +enaya -hiahi
$hannah +han&kha 2rachodhayath
$rans%ation: O( %et &s editate that +&pree %ord who is the +&pree Genera% of
the !reat -e,a
Ary( )ord +han&kha or M&r&!a. May 8e en%i!hten &s and %ead &s to 1e one with
$he fo%%owin! antra to )ord /&,era( the treas&rer of the dei!ods. $he ancient
1ooks refer
to this as the s&pree antra. )ord +hankara re,ea%ed its secret to the powerf&%
6a,ana. $hro&!h its
&se he co&%d create his !o%den capita% and co&%d attain s&pree financia%
accop%ishents. $his
antra has 1een fo&nd to 1e powerf&% eno&!h to yie%d 1eneficia% res&%ts ,ery 7&ick%y.
:t 1ecoes
siddha after chantin! it 108 ties each day for 11 days. :t is !ood for financia%
pro!ress( reo,a% of
o1stac%es( ateria% happiness( hoe ownership( rep&tation( ,ictory( %on!e,ity( etc.
O =akshaya /&1eraya 'aishra,anaya -hana--hanyadi
2ataye -hana -hanyadi +ar&ddhi Me
-ehi -apaya +waha
Another to %ord /&1era( the treas&rer of the dei!ods( for financia% assistance:
O ra0adhira0aya prasahyasahine
*ao ,ayan ,aishra,anaya k&rahe
+a e kaan kaakaaya ahya
/aesh,aro ,aishra,ano dadat&
/&1eraya ,aishra,anaya ahara0aya naaha
3Ee offer sa%&tations &nto 'aisra,ana Cthe son of 'isra,a( /&1eraD( the kin! of kin!s(
whose nat&re is
to he%p witho&t any p&rpose of his own. May 'aisra,ana( the %ord of deities( !i,e e(
the seeker of
desires( what : desire. +a%&tations &nto the !reat %ord /&1era( the son of 'isra,a.5
$o Goddess +aras,ati( it is said that after 0apa of 500(000 ties( one 1ecoes
and a%% know%ed!e is re,ea%ed. Ain! is seed of this +aras,ati antra:
O Ai +araswatye *aaha( O.
Another to +aras,ati for c%arity:
O Ai +hree 8ree
+araswathi -e,yai *aaha
A +aras,ati .hi0a Mantra:
O ai k%i saras,atyai naaha
$he +hi,a 2anchakshari Mantra:
O naah shi,aya
+hi,a +hakti 2anchakshari Mantra:
O hri naah shi,aya
$o +hi,a as -akshina&rti:
*idhaye sar,a,idyana 1hisha%e 1ha,aro!ina
G&ra,e sar,a%okana dkashina&rtaye naaha
$rans%ation: 3+a%&tations to -akshina&rti( the storeho&se of a%% %earnin!( the hea%er
of a%% those who
s&ffer the diseases of sasara Ccyc%es of 1irth and deathD( and the teacher of the
who%e wor%d.5
Another pop&%ar antra to -&r!a( 0apa is 500(000 ties:
O Ai 8ri /%ee Bha&ndaye 'ichchey( O.
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 11/1#
A%so: O d& -&r!aye *aaha( O.
$he +hri -&r!a Mantra is:
O 8ri -h& -&r!a -e,yai naaha
A -&r!a Gayatri:
O !iri0ayai ,idahe
shi,a priyayai dhiahi
tanno d&r!a prachodayat
A antra for /a%i( /rin! is the seed of the /a%i antra. ;apa is 500(000 for antra
O /rin! /a%ikaye *aaha( O.
+ri Mahaka%i Mantra:
O hri sri kri
paraes,ari ka%ike
hri sri kri s,aha
$he +hri Annap&rna Mantra is:
O Annap&rnayai naaha
O +adap&rnayai naaha
$he +hri Bhakra Mantra is:
O +hri Bhakra,asinyai naaha
O +hri )a%itha1ikayai naaha
$he Maha Mrity&n0aya Mantra to )ord +hi,a for reo,in! ai%ents( i%% hea%th and
O $riya1aka =a0aahe
+&!andhi 2&shti 'ardhana
<r,ar&kai,a .andhanat
Mrityor M&kshiya Maritat
$rans%ation: 3Ee worship the $hree-eyed One C)ord +hi,aD who is fra!rant and who
no&rishes we%% a%%
1ein!s( and !rants %i1eration 0&st as the c&c&1er is se,ered fro 1onda!e to the
A antra to )ord 6aa for in,okin! the hea%in! ener!y:
O apadaapa hatara
datara sar,a sapada
%oka 1hi raa shri raa
1h&yo 1h&yo naayaha
$rans%ation: O. O ost copassionate )ord 6aa.2%ease send =o& hea%in!
ener!y here to the
?arth( to the ?arth. O1eisances to =o&.5
$o )ord -han,anatari( the !reat a,atara of 'ishn& and physician of the !ods( for
hea%in! any ai%ents:
O shri dhan,atari naaha
3O. O1eisances to )ord -han,antari.5
2rayers / Mantras for the we%fare of e,eryone:
O +ar,esha +,asti .ha,at&
+ar,esha +antir .ha,at&
+ar,esha 2&rna .ha,at&
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 12/1#
+ar,esha Man!a%a .ha,at&
3May e,ery1ody ha,e prosperity. May e,ery1ody ha,e peace. May e,ery1ody ha,e
perfection. May
e,ery1ody ha,e a&spicio&sness.5
+ar,e .ha,ant& +&kinah
+ar,e +ant& *irayaah
+ar,e .hadrani 2asyant&
Ma kaschid--&kha-.ha!-.ha,et
3May a%% 1e happy. May a%% 1e free fro disa1i%ities. May a%% %ook for the !ood in
others. May none s&ffer
fro sorrows.5
O Asato Ma +at Gaaya
$aaso Ma ;yotir-Gaaya
Mrityor-Ma Marita Gaaya
3)ead &s fro the &nrea% to the rea%. )ead &s fro darkness Ci!noranceD to %i!ht.
)ead &s fro death
to e,er%astin! iorta%ity.5
Mantras for the 2%anets
C<sed when certain p%anets need to 1e stren!thened in o&r astro%o!ica% chart( or for
$o the +&n:
;apa k&s&a-sankarsha kashyapeya aha-dy&ti
tao-ri sar,a-papa-!hna pranato Jsi di,akara
3)et &s chant the !%ories of the +&n !od( whose 1ea&ty ri,a%s that of a f%ower. : 1ow
to hi( the !reat%y
eff&%!ence son of /ashyapa( who is the eney of darkness and destroyer of a%% sins.5
$o +&rya the s&n deity( for freedo fro disease:
A& .haskaraye 'idahe
-i,akraraye -hiahi
$anno +&ryah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the shinin! +&n !od who !i,es %i!ht to the
who%e wor%d. May that
-i,akara( the radiant %ord who is the ca&se of day( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and
A%so these fo%%owin! antras:
O +&ryaye *aah
A& .haskaraye 'idahe
-i,akraraye -heeahi
$anno +&ryah 2rachodayat
O Aswadwa0aya 'idhahe
2asa 8asthaya -heeahe
$hanno +&rya 2rachodayath
3O( )et e editate on the !od who has a horse f%a!( Oh( God who ho%ds the rope(
!i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( and %et +&n God i%%&inate y ind.5
$o the Moon:
dadhi-shankha-t&shara1ha kshirodarna,a-sa1ha,a
naai shashina soa sa1hor &k&ta-1h&shana
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 1>/1#
3: offer y o1eisances to the Moon !od( whose cop%e4ion rese1%es c&rds( the
whiteness of conch
she%%s( and snow. 8e is the r&%in! deity of the soa-rasa 1orn fro the Ocean of
Mi%k( and he ser,es
as the ornaent on top of the head of )ord +ha1h&.5
$o Bhandra( the oon deity( for s&1d&in! an4iety and worries:
A& /shirp&traye 'idahe
Arittatt,aye -hiahi
$anno Bhandrah 2rachodayat
$rans%ation: 3O. )et &s editate on the !%orio&s son of i%k( the !%owin! Moon. May
that Bhandra(
the essence of nectar( inspire and i%%&ine o&r ind and &nderstandin!.5
O 2adadwa0aya 'idhahe
8ea roopaya -heeahe
$hanno Bhandra 2rachodayath
3O. )et e editate on God who has %ot&s in his f%a!( Oh( God of !o%den co%or(
!i,e e hi!her
inte%%ect( And %et oon God i%%&inate y ind.5
$o 'en&s C+h&kraD for creati,ity and s&ccess in s&ch thin!s as tradin! in the
daityana paraa !&r&
1har!a,a pranaay aha
3: offer y o1eisances to the descendant of .hri!& M&ni C'en&sD( whose cop%e4ion
is white %ike a
pond co,ered with ice. 8e is the s&pree spirit&a% aster of the deoniac eneies
of the dei!ods(
and has spoken to the a%% the re,ered script&res.5
O aswadhwa0aaya ,idahae
dhan&r hastaaya dheeahi
tanno sh&kra prachodayaat
3O. )et e editate on hi who has horse in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has a 1ow in his
hand( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect( And %et +h&kra i%%&inate y ind.5
$o Mars CAn!aarakaD:
dharani-!ar1ha-sa1h&ti ,idy&t-kanti-saapra1ha
k&ara shakti-hasta cha an!a%a pranaay aha
3: offer y o1eisances to +ri Man!a%a( !od of the p%anet Mars( who was 1orn fro
the wo1 of the
earth !oddess. 8is 1ri%%iant eff&%!ence is %ike that of %i!htenin!( and he appears as a
yo&th carryin! a
spear in his hand.5
O ,eeradhwa0aaya ,idahae
,i!hna hastaaya dheeahi
tanno 1ho&a prachodayaat
3O. )et e editate on hi who has hero in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has power to
so%,e pro1%es(
!i,e e hi!her inte%%ect( And %et the son of earth God i%%&inate y ind.5
$o Merc&ry C.&dhaD:
priyan!a,a-!&%ikashya r&pena pratia1ada
sa&ya sa&ya-!&nopeta ta 1&dha pranaay aha
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3: 1ow down to .&ddha( !od of the p%anet Merc&ry( whose face is %ike a fra!rant
!%o1e of the priyan!&
her1 and whose 1ea&ty atches that of a %ot&s f%ower. 8e is ost !ent%e( possessin!
a%% attracti,e
O !a0adhwa0aaya ,idahae
s&kha hastaaya dheeahi
tanno 1&dha prachodayaat
3O. )et e editate on hi who has e%ephant in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has power to
!rant p%eas&re(
!i,e e hi!her inte%%ect( And %et .&dha i%%&inate y ind.5
$o ;&piter CG&r&D:
de,ana cha rishina cha !&r& kanchana-sanni1ha
1&ddhi-1h&ta tri-%okesha ta naai 1rihaspati
3: 1ow down to .rihaspati( !od of the p%anet ;&piter. 8e is the spirit&a% aster of a%%
the dei!ods and
sa!es. 8is cop%e4ion is !o%den( and he is f&%% of inte%%i!ence. 8e is the contro%%in!
%ord of a%% three
O ,risha1adhwa0aaya ,idahae
kr&ni hastaaya dheeahi
tanno !&r& prachodayaat
O( )et e editate on hi who has 1&%% in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has power to !et
thin!s done( !i,e
e hi!her inte%%ect( And %et G&r& i%%&inate y ind.
$o +at&rn or +hani:
ni%an0ana-saa1hasa ra,i-p&tra yaa!ra0a
chaya-artanda-sa1h&ta ta naai shanaishcharan
3: 1ow down to s%ow o,in! +at&rn( whose cop%e4ion is dark 1%&e %ike ni%an0ana
ointent. $he e%der
1rother of )ord =aara0a( he is 1orn fro the +&n-!od and his wife Bhaya.5
$he +hani Gayatri Mantra:
O +anaischaraya ,idhahe
+ooryap&traya dhiahi
tanno anda prachodayat
+anishwara C+at&rnD Gayatri Mantra:
O kaakadhwa0aaya ,idahae
khad!a hastaaya dheeahi
tanno andah prachodayaat
9O( )et e editate on hi who has crow in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has a sword in
his hand( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect( And %et +aneeswara i%%&inate y ind.9
+hani -hyan Mantra:
*i%an0ana saa1hasa ra,ip&tra yaa!ra0a
chaya artanda sa1h&ta ta naai shaishchara
9: 1ow to )ord +hani( who is 1%ack in co%o&r and son of +&n and 1orn to Bhaya and
1rother of =aa (
who o,es ,ery s%ow%y.9
$o 6ah&:
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 15/1#
ardha-kaya ahi-,irya chandraditya-,iardana
sihika-!ar1ha-sa1h&ta ta rah& pranaay aha
3: offer y o1eisances to 6ah&( 1orn fro the wo1 of +ihika( who was on%y ha%f a
1ody yet
possesses !reat power( 1ein! a1%e to s&1d&e the +&n and Moon.5
6ah& Gayatri Mantra:
O +ookdantaya 'idahe(
<!raroopaya -hiahi(
$anno 6ah& 2rachodayat
o naakadhwa0aaya ,idahae
pada hastaaya dheeahi
tanno raah& prachodayaat
O( )et e editate on hi who has snake in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has a %ot&s in
his hand( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect( And %et 6ah& i%%&inate y ind.
$o /et&:
ra&dra ra&drataka !hora
ta ket& pranaay aha
3: offer y o1eisances to the ,io%ent and fearsoe /et&( who is endowed with the
potency of )ord
+hi,a. 6ese1%in! in his cop%e4ion the f%ower of a pa%asa p%ant( he ser,es as the
head of the stars
and p%anets.5
o aswadhwa0aaya ,idahae
soo%a hastaaya dheeahi
tanno ket& prachodayaat
O( )et e editate on hi who has horse in his f%a!( Oh( 8e who has a trident in
his hand( !i,e e
hi!her inte%%ect( And %et /eth& i%%&inate y ind.
$he *a,a!raha +totra
COne antra for co&nteractin! a%% i%% effects fro any of the p%anets and ipro,e the
positi,e ener!y 1y
fa,ora1%e p%anetary positions.D
Aaro!ya pradadath&no -inakara / Bhandro yasho nira%a
.hooi .hoois&tha +&dhaash& $hanaya / 2ra0ya G&r&r !o&ra,a
/a,ya koa%a 'a!,i%a saath&%a / Mandho &da sar,ada
6ah&r 1ah& 1a%a ,irodha shaana / /eth&r k&%asonnayathi
After chantin! this s%oka for 1 0r 8 /1#/#4/108 ties chant the fo%%owin! for 8 ties:
O *a,a!rahaya *aaha
Mantras for ?ach -ay of the Eeek
Hor +&nday:
O nao *arayanaya
6e,erence to *arayana C'ishn&D 1rin!s %o,e( prosperity( power( and !%ory.
8/25/2014 Gayatri and Other Mantras for Assistance!ayatri"and"other"antras"for" 1#/1#
Hor Monday:
O naah +hi,aya
6e,erence to +hi,a( destroys ne!ati,e tendencies and effects. Gi,es freedo fro
attachents that
1ind one to ateria% conscio&sness.
Hor $&esday:
O +ri +&1ra&nyaya *aah
6e,erence to +&1ra&nya( +hi,aIs son( !i,es s&ccess( dri,es away e,i% inf%&ences(
!i,es spirit&a%
,ictory and in 1att%e.
Hor Eednesday:
O nao .ha!a,ate 'as&de,aya
6e,erence to )ord /rishna( the a%%-per,adin! -i,ine )ord. Gi,es s&ccess in a%%
acti,ities and offers
di,ine %o,e( and eases a tro&1%ed ind.
Hor $h&rsday:
O nao .ha!a,ate +hi,anandaya
6e,erence to the !&r& who can !i,e !reat power and 1%iss of en%i!htenent to yo&.
Hor Hriday:
O +ri Maha )akshiyai *aah
6e,erence to )akshi( 1estows prosperity( tr&thf&%ness( non,io%ence( h&i%ity(
&nderstandin!( and spirit&a% wisdo.
Hor +at&rday:
O +ri 8an&ate *aah
6e,erence to 8an&an( in,okes &n1o&nded %o,e for )ord 6aa( !i,es stren!th(
s&ccess in
de,otiona% acti,ities( re,ea%s the power of the so&% that can tri&ph o,er ad,ersities
for attainin!
hi!hest rea%i@ations.
$he hi!hest spirit&a% antra for a%% p&rposes:
8are /rishna( 8are /rishna( /rishna /rishna( 8are 8are
8are 6aa( 8are 6aa( 6aa 6aa( 8are 8are.
M$hese prayers are a,ai%a1%e at www.stephen-knapp.coN
M 8oe N M.ack to 2rayer .ook pa!eN M .ack N M *e4t N

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