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Evolution of Mobile connectivity

Mobile connectivity has is connecting 4 billion users, either via mobile and network operator or
mobile and hotspots or mobile and GPS satellite or mobile to device (such as PC, cars, etc. or
mobile to mobile connectivity. !t"s this mobile connectivity that enables you to stay connected with
#riends and #amily, research in#ormation on the web, share or e$change media with world around
you, track you locations and #ind directions to your destinations. %elow are the some o# the
technologies that the mobile industry has seen over the last #ew years.
1. 2G, 3G and 4G
&hese are the various technologies that allow your mobile device to send or receive data to'#rom the
nearest cell phone tower o# your carrier. %asically (G) here, represents (generation). &he #irst
among them was *G (*
generation. *G was the #irst technology which introduced signals to be
transmitted in digital #ormat, it greatly improved the call +uality and allowed #or transmission o#
comple$ data, thus ushering in the era o# internet on your mobile devices.
&he ,
Generation aka ,G, changed the ball game completely. -ata transmission speeds now
ranged between ,.4/bps to *Mbps. &his meant that, video calls could now be made through
mobile devices, heavier #iles could be downloaded and uploaded, high de#inition videos could be
watched and a lot more.
Generation (4G data networks was a 0ump #urther ahead. -ata transmission speeds now range
between 122Mbps to 1Gbps. &hus allowing not only video calls, but also con#erence calls. !nternet
browsing, downloading and uploading can be done at speeds #aster than be#ore.
*. 3i45i
!n the case o# 3i45i connectivity, the transmission o# data take place between your mobile and a
local wireless network. &he range o# connectivity in this case, is limited to either a home, o##ice,
building, co##ee shop, etc. 6lso, the access to 3i45i hotpots can be limited or le#t open. &o e$change
data with a 3i45i network, you mobile device needs to have a 3i45i hardware installed.
,. 7S%
7S% connectivity enables you to trans#er or store data #rom your laptop or PC to a mobile or vice4
versa. &ethering your laptop or PC to your mobile via a 7S% connection, enables you to access the
internet on your laptop or PC, i# such a provision is available on your mobile device.
4. %luetooth
%luetooth, has been there around since 1884. !t"s another wireless technology that enables two
bluetooth enabled devices within a short range to connect with each other and trans#er data. %ut as
compared to 3i45i and other wireless technologies, it"s comparatively slower and is slowly being
replaced by other similar technologies such as 3i45i -irect and 95C.
:. 95C
95C i.e. 9ear 5ield Communication, is another short range wireless technology. !t allows
communication between two devices at much #aster speeds as compared to %luetooth. %ut one has
to keep in mind that, the range #or 95C is much shorter then %luetooth"s. !nadvertently, providing
additional security in crowded places.
;. GPS
Global Positioning System (GPS receivers, enables us to determine our e$act location in terms o#
longitude and latitude. GPS is commercially used in navigation systems in cars and mobile devices.
&he GPS receiver triangulates it"s position with the help o# three global positioning satellites, and
has an accuracy o# 124122m.

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