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(Established in 1978)

D! G! "en#ataa$an Professor and Head
General Secretary Department of Indian History
Chairperson, School of Historical Studies
Dean (Endowments)
Uniersity of !adras
"hol#appiar $ala%am
Chepau#, Chennai & '(( (()*
Phone + (,,&-).//'''
!o0ile + (/,,,/-/1))
e*mail + %oindanen#ataraman)'2%mail*com
1&' 1(' ) 17' *eb+a, -.1/
Dear Collea%ue,
!y warm %reetin%s to you*
It %ies me %reat pleasure to inite you to the ..rd 3nnual Session of the South Indian History
Con%ress to 0e held under the auspices of Department of History, Uniersity of 4erala,
"hiruananthapuram&'/) )51 durin% 1), 1' 6 17, 8e0ruary, -(1.* I am aware of the consistent
support that our mem0ers hae %ien to our or%anisation which has ena0led us to hold re%ular sessions
successfully* I hope, as the honoura0le mem0er, you will continue to e9tend your support for the
deelopment of the or%anisation*
"he followin% are the :ffice&;earers, Sectional Presidents and !em0ers of the E9ecutie
Committee at the session*
0esident 1 D! Chian2ee3i!4! Ni$al (;en%aluru)
<"a#in% char%e from Prof*;*S*Chandra0a0u=
"i5e60esidents 1 D! Aa3ind 7+$a (4uppam)
D!G! G89tha$an (Chennai)
Geneal Se5eta, 1 D! G! "en#ataa$an (Chennai)
48int Se5etaies 1 D! G! 0e$ 7+$a (4annur)
D! A! Chandase#aan (Chennai & Co&optin%)
Edit8 1 D! G! Seth+a$an (!adurai)
Teas+e 1 D! R! Abbas (!adurai)
C8ns+ltati3e C8$$ittee 1 D! D! Daniel' Conener (!arthandam)
D! S,ed A,+b Ali, !em0er (>aran%al)
D! R!C! :is8' !em0er (;erhampur)
E;e5+ti3e C8$$ittee :e$bes
!r* P* 3yyar (!adurai) Dr* G* ?ai ($irudhuna%ar)
Dr* P*S* Pradeep (Pathanamthitta) Dr* 4* !uru%aiah ("iruneleli)
Dr* G* Daya#ar (Hydera0ad) Dr* S* @a%arathnamma (;en%aluru)
Dr* S* Aaya#umar (3lappuBha) Dr* @* Shai# !asthan (;en%aluru)
Dr* !* Ca#shmanamoorthy (!adurai) Dr* P* "hia%araDan (3ruppu#ottai)
!r* 4*$* ?ama#rishna ?ao (Chennai) Dr* 4* Sriniasalu (:n%ole)
Dr*P* @aBeer ("hiruananthapuram) Dr* P* $en#atasu00iah (4uppam)
Dr* !* @aBeeer 3hmed ("iruneleli) Prof* 3* 4arunanandan (Co&optin%
!em0er, Chennai)
Se5ti8nal 0esidents
1* Political History + Dr* S* Srinath, (3ndhra Pradesh)
-* Social History + Dr* P* !ohandas (4erala)
.* Economic History + Dr* S* $ar%hese AeyaraD ("amil @adu)
,* Cultural History + Dr* Iranna Pattar (4arnata#a)
)* Historio%raphy and
!aritime History + Dr* G* Chandri#a (Pondicherry)
%85al Se5eta,
D! S+esh 4nanes9aan' 08<ess8 and Head' De=at$ent 8< Hist8,' Dean' *a5+lt, 8<
S85ial S5ien5es' Uni3esit, 8< 7eala' Thi+3anantha=+a$6(9& &81 (:8bile1 .9/>9/-8>/7) will
0e the Cocal Secretary of the ..rd 3nnual Session of the South Indian History Con%ress* "he dele%ate
fee of ?s*1,(((E& (Cocal dele%ates, ?s* 7)(E&) should 0e sent 0y Demand Draft paya0le at
"hiruananthapuram to Dr* Suresh Ananeswaran at the a0oe address* He will write to you a0out the
enue, re%istration, accommodation and matters of hospitality*
:e$beshi= and S+bs5i=ti8n
3s a national forum, the Con%ress admits as mem0ers those who are interested in Historical
Studies on South India irrespectie of any re%ional consideration* !em0ers of the followin%
cate%ories are admitted* 3nnual !em0er & ?s* -(( as 3nnual Su0scription, Cife !em0er & ?s* -(((E&
?epresentatie Institution & ?s* -,(((E& Donor & ?s* ),(((E& Patron & ?s* ),(((E& or more* Fear is
rec#oned with the calendar year i*e* Aanuary to Decem0er*
!em0ership 8ee may 0e remitted 0y a Demand Draft faourin% S8+th Indian Hist8,
C8n?ess' paya0le at Indian O3eseas @an#' :ad+ai or any ;an# at !adurai and may 0e sent to
D!R! Abbas (Teas+e' SIHC)' Assistant 08<ess8 8< Hist8,65+$ %iais8n O<<i5e' Anna$alai
Uni3esit,' DDE St+d, Cente' 1(.' N8th :asi Steet' :ad+ai 6 (-& ..1!
(!o0ile+ @o* (/,,.,5,1'))
!em0ership fee will also 0e collected at the time of the session in the Department of History,
Uniersity of 4erala, "hiruananthapuram & '/) )51*
Fou are also reGuested to inite your collea%ues and ?esearch Scholars to 0ecome mem0ers of the
South Indian History Con%ress*
Resea5h 0a=es
Papers in all fie sessions (Political, Social, Economic, Cultural 6 Historio%raphy and
!aritime History) will 0e presented simultaneously*
Scholars are reGuested to send their papers alon% with 1(( words 30stract in duplicate to 0e
presented at the session to D! G! 0e$#+$a' (48int Se5eta, 6SIHC) ?esearch :fficer,
"he 4erala State Hi%her Education Council, P!G, "hiruananthapuram& '/) (.. on or 0efore /1st
4an+a, -.1/ and email the same to + drprem-((.-((.2yahoo*com
Papers receied on or 0efore the due date will %et precedence for presentation* !ore than one
paper 0y a mem0er shall not 0e admitted for presentation*
"he Paper should 0e neatly computed in a0out 5 pa%es dou0le spaced with end notes and two
copies of this should 0e sent*
End notes should 0e num0ered consecutiely throu%hout the paper and placed at the end*
!ost important is that the paper presenters while presentin% their papers at different sessions
should leae a soft copy in CD form with the Sectional Presidents*
:nly those papers in En?lish are considered for inclusion in the Proceedin%s $olume*
Endowment E Special Cectures
1* 08<! T!R! Ra$a5handan End89$ent %e5t+e D! Y! "ai#+ntha$
8ormer $ice H Chancellor
4a#atiya Uniersity, >aran%al
8ormer Professor 6 Head Dept* of History
:smania Uniersity, Hydera0ad
-* 08<! @!C! Ra, :e$8ial %e5t+e D! Shada#shaaia
Professor and Head
Department of History
;an%alore Uniersity, ;an%alore
.* %8,8la C8lle?e End89$ent %e5t+e D! S! Ganesha$
3ssociate Professor and Head
S*?* @aidu Colle%e
Sattur, "amil @adu
Identit, Cad
It was resoled at the E9ecutie Committee !eetin% held at "aD Connemara, Chennai on
1.*()*-((7 that the General Secretary would ta#e steps to issue the Identity Cards to Cife !em0ers
only at the session of SIHC in the followin% a%reed format*
@ame +
Desi%nation +
:fficial 3ddress +
?esidential +
Contact Phone +
!o0ile +
E mail +
Cife !em0er +
"hose who are in the receipt of this circular are reGuested to furnish details a0out them alon% with
stamp&siBe photo%raphs on the format mentioned a0oe and the same should 0e sent to D! R! Abbas'
Teas+e' South Indian History Con%ress*
Ann+al 085eedin?s "8l+$e
"he research Papers presented and recommended 0y the respectie Sectional Presidents in the
S*I*H*C will 0e considered for pu0lication in the 3nnual Proceedin%s $olume of the Con%ress* 3ll the
Cife !em0ers, Donors, Patrons and ?epresentatie Institutional !em0ers are eli%i0le to receie a
copy of the olume free of cost*
O<<i5ial @+siness S5hed+le
,*.( P*!* to )*.( P*!* Endowment E !emorial Cecture+ (@o* 1)
5*(( P*!* E9ecutie Committee !eetin%
11*(( 3*!* to (1*(( P*!* Symposium
(.*.( P*!* to (,*.( P*!* Endowment E !emorial Cecture+ (@o*-)
(,*.( P*!* Election for the :ffice 0earers and EC !em0ers
(/*.( 3*!* to 1(*.( 3*!* Endowment E !emorial Cecture+ (@o*.)
1-*(( @oon to (1*(( P*!* General ;ody !eetin%
(-*(( P*!* to .*(( P*! $aledictory 8unction
"he South Indian History Con%ress stands for the promotion of the cause of History* It
endeaours to promote studies on arious aspects of South Indian History* "herefore, I ta#e this who
are interested in the cause of History, opportunity to appeal to you in all earnestness to enlist support,
co&operation and participation of all*
I loo# forward to the pleasure of meetin% you in the Department of History, Uniersity of
4erala, "hiruananthapuram&'/) )51*
Please isit our we0site at www*southindianhistorycon%ress*or% for all details
>ith warm re%ards,
Fours Sincerely,
CHE@@3I 08<! D! G! "en#ataa$an
1-*1-*-(1- General Secretary,
South Indian History Con%ress

0inted :atte
@88# 08st
If not deliered please return to +
D! G! "en#ataa$an Secretary
South Indian History Con%ress
Professor and Head
Department of Indian History
Uniersity of !adras
"hol#appiar $ala%am
Chepau#, Chennai & '(( (()*
Phone + (:) (,,&-).//,7/
(:) (,, & -)./ /'''
(!) ( /,,,/ -/1))

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