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Microsoft Certifed Technology Specialist (MCTS)
Demonstrate your specialized technical expertise with a Microsoft ertifed !echnology "pecialist #M!"$
credential. %y earning this credential& you can pro'e your ability to successfully implement& build on&
troubleshoot& and debug a particular Microsoft technology& such as a (indows operating system& Microsoft
)xchange "er'er& Microsoft "*+ "er'er& and Microsoft ,isual "tudio.
Level: -ne or more years of experience implementing& troubleshooting& and debugging a specifc
.! professional
Type: Microsoft ertifcation
!he Microsoft ertifed !echnology "pecialist #M!"$ certifcations pro'ide the foundation for Microsoft
ertifcation. !hese certifcations are designed to 'alidate your s1ills on the features and functionality of 1ey
technologies. 2ou can show your depth of 1nowledge in one specifc technology& earn multiple M!"
certifcations to show breadth across di3erent products& or build on the M!" to earn a Microsoft ertifed .!
4rofessional #M.!4$ credential.
MCTS candidate profle
M!" candidates are capable of implementing& building& troubleshooting& and debugging a particular
Microsoft technology.
hy get certifed!
)arning a Microsoft ertifcation 'alidates your pro'en experience and 1nowledge in using Microsoft products
and solutions. Designed to be rele'ant in today5s rapidly changing .! mar1etplace& Microsoft ertifcations
help you utilize e'ol'ing technologies& fne6tune your troubleshooting s1ills& and impro'e your 7ob
(hether you are new to technology& changing 7obs& or a seasoned .! professional& becoming certifed
demonstrates to customers& peers& and employers that you are committed to ad'ancing your s1ills and
ta1ing on greater challenges. .n addition& certifcation pro'ides you with access to exclusi'e Microsoft
ertifed 4rofessional #M4$ resources and benefts& including opportunities to connect with a 'ast& global
networ1 of M4s.
+earn about the benefts of certifcation
Learn a"out MCTS certifcations for:
(indows technologies
Microsoft ,isual "tudio and Microsoft .8)! /ramewor1 technologies
Microsoft "*+ "er'er technologies
Microsoft -9ce "ystem technologies #including -9ce "hare4oint "er'er and -9ce 4ro7ect "er'er$
Microsoft )xchange "er'er technology
-ther technologies
!o earn each M!" credential& you must pass the corresponding exam#s$.
Certifcation #$a% nu%"er&
indows technologies
M!": %usiness Des1top Deployment
)xam :;6<2=
M!": onnected >ome .ntegrator
)xam :;6<2?
M!": (indows )mbedded ) <.;: 0pplication De'elopment
)xam :;6?:@
M!": Microsoft (indows )mbedded "tandard 2;;A& De'elopment
)xam :;6?::
M!": (indows )ssential %usiness "er'er 2;;B& onfguration
)xam :;6<?=
M!": (indows Mobile ?.;& 0pplications
)xam :;6?=;
M!": (indows Mobile ?.;& .mplementing and Managing
)xam :;6?;;
M!": (indows "er'er 2;;C >osted )n'ironments 6 onfguration and
)xam :;6?;@
M!": (indows "er'er 2;;B 0cti'e Directory onfguration
)xam :;6<=;
M!": (indows "er'er 2;;B 8etwor1 .nfrastructure onfguration
)xam :;6<=2
M!": (indows "er'er 2;;B 0pplications .nfrastructure onfguration
)xam :;6<=C
M!": (indows "er'er ,irtualization& onfguration
)xam :;6<?2
M!": (indows "mall %usiness "er'er 2;;B& onfguration
)xam :;6<?C
Certifcation #$a% nu%"er&
M!": (indows ,ista D onfguration
)xam :;6<2;
M!": (indows : D onfguration
)xam :;6<B;
Microsoft 'isual Studio and Microsoft ()#T *ra%ewor+
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 2.; (eb 0pplications
)xam :;6?C<
)xam :;6?2B
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 2.; (indows 0pplications
)xam :;6?C<
)xam :;6?2<
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 2.; Distributed 0pplications
)xam :;6?C<
)xam :;6?2A
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 C.? 0D- .8)! 0pplications
)xam :;6?C<
)xam :;6?<@
MCTS: ()#T *ra%ewor+ ,(- AS. ()#T Applications
#$a% /01-,2
#$a% /01-23
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 C.? (indows ommunication /oundation
)xam :;6?C<
)xam :;6?;C
MCTS: ()#T *ra%ewor+ ,(- indows *or%s Applications
#$a% /01-,2
#$a% /01-0-
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 C.? (indows 4resentation /oundation 0pplications
)xam :;6?C<
)xam :;6?;2
M!": .8)! /ramewor1 C.?& (indows (or1Eow /oundation 0pplications
)xam :;6?C<
Certifcation #$a% nu%"er&
)xam :;6?;=
Microsoft S4L Server technologies
M!": Microsoft "*+ "er'er 2;;?
)xam :;6=C@
M!": Microsoft "*+ "er'er 2;;? %usiness .ntelligence
)xam :;6==?
M!": "*+ "er'er 2;;B& %usiness .ntelligence De'elopment and
)xam :;6==B
M!": "*+ "er'er 2;;B& Database De'elopment
)xam :;6=CC
M!": "*+ "er'er 2;;B& .mplementation and Maintenance
)xam :;6=C2
Microsoft O5ce Syste% technologies (including O5ce Share.oint
Server and O5ce .ro6ect Server)
M!": )nterprise 4ro7ect Management with Microsoft -9ce 4ro7ect "er'er
)xam :;6<CC
M!": Microsoft -9ce ommunications "er'er 2;;:& onfguration
)xam :;6<CB
M!": Microsoft -9ce Froo'e 2;;:& onfguration
)xam :;6???
M!": Microsoft -9ce +i'e ommunications "er'er 2;;?
)xam :;62<2
M!": Microsoft -9ce 4erformance4oint "er'er 2;;:& 0pplications
)xam :;6??<
M!": Microsoft -9ce 4ro7ects 2;;:& Managing 4ro7ects
)xam :;6<C2
M!": Microsoft -9ce 4ro7ect "er'er 2;;:& onfguration
)xam :;6<CA
M!": Microsoft -9ce "hare4oint "er'er 2;;: D onfguration
)xam :;6<C;
M!": Microsoft -9ce "hare4oint "er'er 2;;: 6 0pplication De'elopment
)xam :;6?=2
M!": Microsoft -9ce ,isio 2;;:& 0pplication De'elopment
)xam :;6?=?
M!": (indows "hare4oint "er'ices C.; 6 0pplication De'elopment
)xam :;6?=@
M!": (indows "hare4oint "er'ices C.; D onfguration
)xam :;6<C@
Microsoft #$change Server technology
M!": Microsoft )xchange "er'er 2;;: 6 onfguration
)xam :;62C<
Other technologies
M!": %iz!al1 "er'er 2;;< G2& ustom 0pplications
)xam :;62=@
Certifcation #$a% nu%"er&
M!": %iz!al1 "er'er 2;;<
)xam :;62C?
M!": Designing and 4ro'iding ,olume +icensing "olutions to +arge
)xam :;6<:2
M!": Designing and 4ro'iding ,olume +icensing "olutions to "mall and
Medium -rganizations
)xam :;6<:@
M!": Microsoft Des1top -ptimization 4ac1& onfguration
)xam :;6<?<
M!": Microsoft /orefront lient and "er'er D onfguration
)xam :;6??:
M!": Microsoft .nternet "ecurity and 0cceleration #."0$ "er'er 2;;<&
)xam :;6C?@
M!": Microsoft "ystem enter onfguration Manager 2;;:&
)xam :;6=;@
M!": Microsoft "ystem enter -perations Manager 2;;:& onfguration
)xam :;6=;;
M!": Microsoft "ystem enter ,irtual Machine Manager 2;;B&
)xam :;6=;C
M!": Microsoft !eam /oundation "er'er: onfguration and De'elopment
)xam :;6?@;
M!": Microsoft ,irtual )arth <.;& 0pplication De'elopment
)xam :;6?==
HMultiple reIuired exams for a certifcation may be ta1en in any order.

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