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RAIGARH(C.G.) PIN 496001
Project submitted by :-
Suhail ahmad mansoori
Students of 7
Semester of B.E. in MECHA!CA" E#!EE$!#
#.H.$A!S%! C%""E#E %& E#!EE$!#
C$P& #A'E %.() H!#A $%A*)A#P+$-,-
(An autonomous institute under the UGC act 1956)
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I think I have accomplished what I set out to do.
Im thankful to those persons who have
contributed a great amount of time, talent and
efort to make this project an utter success.
Im grateful to for their overwhelming support
that has been rendered to us in due course of
our project.
Im also grateful to my parents, who have been
always a great support for us. Not to mention
about the blessings of almighty God, while we
are amidst to our project.
y thanks and appreciation goes to all those
people who are directly or indirectly associated
with this project.
-S!"#$ A!%"& M"'())*#
- 6 -
Certi.cate of 'rainin/
This is to certify that
student Mr. / Ms Suhail Ahmad Mansoori
of G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering
has undergone training in our company
from -!/"/#!!to -#/"/#!!.His
conduct during the training $as good.

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%r/ani0ational %1er1ie2
Boiler e3ciency
'he Measurement of Boiler E3ciency: Standards
!he "irect ethod
o #eat Input
o #eat $utput
!he Indirect ethod
'y4es of "osses
"ry %lue Gas &oss
&oss due to 'vaporation of #
$ formed
due to #
in %uel
&oss due to oisture present in %uel
&oss due to oisture present in )ir
&oss due to Incomplete *ombustion
+adiation , *onvection &oss
&oss due to -nburnt %ly )sh
&oss due to -nburnt .ottom )sh
Input /heet
*alculation /heet
$utput /heet
Coolin/ to2er e3ciency
- 6 -
A boiler is an enclosed 'essel that pro'ides a means for com(ustion
heat to (e transferred into $ater until it (ecomes heated $ater or
steam. The hot $ater or steam under pressure is then usa(le for
transferring the heat to a process. )ater is a useful and cheap
medium for transferring heat to a process. )hen $ater is (oiled into
steam its 'olume increases a(out !*" times* producing a force that
is almost as e+plosi'e as gunpo$der. This causes the (oiler to (e
e+tremely dangerous e,uipment that must (e treated $ith utmost
care. The process of heating a li,uid until it reaches its gaseous state
is called e'aporation. Heat is transferred from one (ody to another (y
means of -!. radiation* $hich is the transfer of heat from a hot (ody to
a cold (ody $ithout a con'eying medium* -#. con'ection* the transfer
of heat (y a con'eying medium* such as air or $ater and -/.
conduction* transfer of heat (y actual physical contact* molecule to
The heating surface is any part of the (oiler metal that has hot
gases of com(ustion on one side and $ater on the other. Any part of
the (oiler metal that actually contri(utes to ma0ing steam is heating
surface. The amount of heating surface of a (oiler is e+pressed in
s,uare meters. The larger the heating surface a (oiler has* the more
- 6 -
e1cient it (ecomes. The ,uantity of the steam produced is indicated
in tons of $ater e'aporated to steam per hour.
A (oiler is an important part of any thermal po$er plant. The
(oiler used in the 5ojobera Po2er Plant is the $ater tu(e (oiler. The
2o3o(era %lant $or0s on the modi4ed form of the $an6ine Cycle.
5oiling and su(se,uent steam generation is the (asic function of the
(oiler. The proper functioning of the (oiler is possi(le $ith the help of
a furnace* (oiler drum* $ater $alls* super heaters* reheater*
economiser* do$n comers* draft system 6 necessary control 'al'es.
Steam generator is radiant reheat* $et (ottom* natural circulation*
single drum* direct corner 4red* tilting (urners* (alanced draft* top
supported type (oiler.
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Boiler Phase Capacity
in TPH
Year of
1. AFBC-1 Ph-1 165 2
2. AFBC-2 165 2
!. AFBC-! Ph-2 165 2"
". AFBC-" 165 2"
5. #H$B-1 Ph-! 5% 25
6. #H$B-2 5% 25
%. #H$B-! 5% 25
&. #H$B-" 5% 25
- 6 -
- 6 -
5SP" P%7E$ P"A'
- 6 -
The role of e1ciency monitoring lies in ma+imi7ing
generation from the thermal po$er plants. 8t enhances energy
e1ciency of the po$er plant. 8n order to 0eep ma+imum output from a
gi'en input* the units must run at the ma+imum possi(le e1ciency.
%o$er plant performance at 'arious steps helps in impro'ing the
po$er generation capacity.
8t is usual for the 5oiler manufacturer to pro'e to the purchaser
that the 5oiler* after commissioning* can achie'e its rated output and
stated e1ciency9 this is an :acceptance; test and is carried out 'ery
formally as legal matters may (e in'ol'ed if the 5oiler does not meet*
$ithin stated limits* its guaranteed output and e1ciency. <nce the
5oiler has (een accepted* its e1ciency -and output. may (e
in=uenced (y 'arious factors such as malad3ustment of the controls*
fouling* or a change from speci4ed operating conditions. 5oth
ma+imum output capa(ility and e1ciency should therefore continue
to (e measured during its $or0ing life* or at least those factors $hich
a>ect e1ciency* mainly e+it gas composition and temperature* should
(e. 8t is the purpose of this pro3ect to e+plain ho$ e1ciency can (e
.$I&'+ '%%I*I'N*0 is de4ned as the heat added to $or0 in
=uid e+pressed as a percentage of heat in the fuel (eing (urnt. The
thermal e1ciency of a (oiler is the ratio of usual energy output to the
energy input. 5y far the greatest component of the latter is the energy
in the fuel9 that supplied as po$er to the au+iliaries (eing negligi(le in
comparison. E1ciency is e+pressed as the percentage of the energy
input $hich appears as useful output* and is al$ays less than !?9
@-A?* (ased on the gross calori4c 'alue -GCB.* is typical of modern
plant. 5oiler e1ciency depends solely on the (oilers a(ility to (urn the
fuel and transfer the resulting heat to $ater and steam.
The di>erence (et$een energy input and output is the sum of
the 'arious energy losses from the (oiler. These areC
1) Dry fue gas loss.
2) Evaporation of water formed due to hydrogen in fuel.
3) Moisture present in fuel.
4) Moisture present in air.
5) n!omplete !om"ustion.
#) $adiation and %onve!tion losses.
- 6 -
&) 'oss due to un"urnt fy ash.
() 'oss due to un"urnt "ottom ash.
The e1ciency of a (oiler can therefore (e e+pressed alternati'ely
as !? minus the sum of the losses e+pressed as a percentage of
the input energy.
'HE MEAS+$EME' %& B%!"E$
E&&!C!EC8 : S'A*A$*S
The t$o de4nitions of e1ciency gi'en a(o'e lead to t$o methods
of measuring itC
!. 5y measuring input and output -this is called the D"irect
#. 5y measuring indi'idual losses* totaling them and deducting the
sum from !?. -this is called the DIndirect ethodE* (ut the
terms :losses method; and :e)!ien!y "y di*eren!e; are also
8deally* (oth methods should (e used* one as a chec0 upon the
other* and a complete heat (alance o(tained. There $ill (e a
di>erence (et$een the results o(tained from each* this di>erence
(eing due to human and instrumental errors. Testing (y (oth methods
is rarely done* ho$e'er* the costs of doing so (eing prohi(iti'e
compared $ith the (ene4ts o(tained. Ha'ing o(tained t$o 'alues for
e1ciency* the ,uestion $ould arise $hich one should (e accepted in
case of dispute.
8t is no$ generally accepted that the indirect method is the
simpler to carry out and yields the more accurate results. 8t also
identi4es the loss areas $hich need attention should a shortfall in
e1ciency (elo$ the e+pected 'alue occur. The reason for greater
accuracy of the indirect method is really ,uite simple. )hereas the
direct method needs to measure the output* $hich is around @? of
the input* the indirect method only measures #? of the input. A !?
error in the direct method therefore gi'es an error of .@ e1ciency
points* $hereas a similar error in the indirect method only gi'es an
error of .# e1ciency points. The full analysis of the pro(a(ility of
errors occurring is much more comple+ than this* (ut the (asic
principle is similar.
- 6 -
)here thermal testing is conducted for contractual purposes* it is
essential that the agreed standard (e implemented rigorously and
properly $itnessed9 $here routine tests are in'ol'ed the re,uirements
are less stringent (ut in his o$n interests the (oiler user is ad'ised to
ensure that accurate instruments in good $or0ing conditions are used
in accordance $ith the method descri(ed in the Standards.
Heat inputC-
5oth heat input and heat output must (e measured. The
measurement of heat input re,uires 0no$ledge of the calori4c 'alue of
the fuel and its =o$ rate in terms of mass or 'olume* according to the
nature of the fuel. )ith natural gas the process is simpleC a gas meter
of the type appro'ed for the sale of gas is used and the measured
'olume is corrected for temperature and pressure. A sample of gas
can (e o(tained for calori4c 'alue determination* (ut it is usually
accepta(le to use the calori4c 'alue declared (y the gas suppliers. 8t
is strongly ad'ised that appro'ed gas meters (e permanently installed
in e'ery (oiler house using this fuel.
<il can (e dealt $ith in the same $ay* (ut it is rather more
di1cult. Hea'y fuel oil is 'ery 'iscous* and this property 'aries sharply
$ith temperature. The meter* $hich is usually installed on the
com(ustion appliance* should (e regarded as a rough indicator only
and* for test purposes* a meter cali(rated for the particular oil to (e
used and o'er a realistic range of temperature should (e installed.
E'en (etter is the use of an accurately cali(rated day tan0.
The accurate measurement of the =o$ of coal or other solid fuel
is 'ery di1cult* there is no short cut* measurement must (e (y mass*
$hich means that (ul0y apparatus must (e set up on the (oiler-house
=oor* and the coal manhandled. Samples must (e ta0en and (agged
throughout the test* the (ags sealed and sent to the la(oratory for the
analysis and calori4c 'alue determination. 8n some more recent (oiler
houses* the pro(lem has (een alle'iated (y mounting the hoppers
o'er the (oilers on cali(rated load cells* (ut these are as yet
Continuous coal =o$ measurement for the assessment of fuel
consumption and (oiler e1ciency during normal operation of sto0er-
4red (oilers is achie'ed $ith a reasona(le degree of accuracy (y
continuous measurement of fuel (ed depth and grate speed. These
- 6 -
factors* together $ith the 0no$n $idth of the grate* ena(le the
'olume of the coal used to (e continuously calculated (y a
microprocessor. The fuel (ul0 density is input to the microprocessor
using information o(tained from measurements of the density of
samples ta0en at inter'als. The microprocessor can then indicate and
record the ongoing fuel consumption in suita(le units.
Heat outputC-
There are se'eral methods $hich can (e used for measuring heat
output. )ith steam (oilers* an installed steam meter can (e used to
measure =o$ rate* (ut this must (e correct for temperature and
pressure. 8n earlier years* this approach $as not fa'oured due to the
change in accuracy of ori4ce or 'enturi meters $ith =o$ rate. 8t is no$
more 'ia(le $ith modern =o$ meters of the 'aria(le- ori4ce or 'orte+-
shedding types. 8t is not usually easy to install a meter specially for a
test* as (ends in pipes can a>ect its accuracy. The alternati'e $ith
small (oilers is to measure feed $ater* and this can (e done (y
pre'iously cali(rating the feed tan0 using $eighed increments of
$ater to 4ll the tan0 from a mar0ed lo$ le'el to a mar0ed high le'el*
and operating the tan0 (et$een these limits. The num(ers of 4lls are
counted and* 4nally* the intermediate position is interpolated $hen
the test ends. )here feed$ater is measured* ho$e'er* it is important
to allo$ for (oiler (lo$do$n and* $ith saturated steam (oilers* steam
$etness. Gormally* this latter should not e+ceed a(out #? of the
output* (ut it can (e much more than this if $ater conditions are lia(le
to cause foaming.
)ith hot-$ater (oilers the heat output is measured (y an
installed $ater meter* prefera(ly of the 'aria(le-ori4ce tan0. The
temperatures of the $ater entering and lea'ing the (oiler are also
re,uired. )ith lo$ temperature hot-$ater systems* of $hich there are
many* the di>erence (et$een =o$ and return $ater temperatures can
(e as little as #HC*in $hich case an error of only !HC in the
measurement of this di>erential is e,ui'alent to an error of I? in the
measurement of heat output.
According to this method the 5oiler e1ciency is e+pressed as*
- 6 -
)dvantages of direct method1
%lant people can e'aluate ,uic0ly the e1ciency of (oilers.
Re,uires fe$ parameters for computation.
Geeds fe$ instruments for monitoring.
"isadvantages of direct method1
Foes not gi'e clues to the operator as to $hy e1ciency of
system is lo$er
Foes not calculate 'arious losses accounta(le for 'arious
e1ciency le'els
The e1ciency can (e measured ,uic0ly and easily (y measuring
the losses using the principles to (e descri(ed. )here* as in an
acceptance test* the output is needed* this must (e measured as
descri(ed (y the :Heat <utput; of Firect Method or (y multiplying
input* measured as descri(ed (y the :Heat 8nput; of Firect Method* (y
the e1ciency. 8n some cases* e.g. $ith $aste-heat (oilers the input
can (e di1cult to measure* in $hich case the output must (e used
and its possi(le inaccuracies accepted. Fi'iding this (y the e1ciency
ma0es an estimate of input possi(le. This can (e 'ery useful in itself*
for instance in determining the calori4c 'alue of a $aste fuel. The
important part of the indirect method* ho$e'er* is the measurement
of the losses.
There are reference standards for 5oiler Testing at Site using
indirect method namely 5ritish Standard* 5S @JIC !A@K and LSA
Standard is ASME %TC-J-! %o$er Test Code Steam Generating Lnits;.
According to this method the 5oiler e1ciency is e+pressed as*
Boiler) !ndirect
9 ,:: ;'otal < of Boiler losses
Types of lossesC-
1) Dry fue gas loss.
2) 'oss due to evaporation of water formed due to hydrogen in fuel.
3) Moisture present in fuel.
4) Moisture present in air.
- 6 -
5) n!omplete !om"ustion.
#) $adiation and %onve!tion losses.
&) 'oss due to un"urnt fy ash.
() 'oss due to un"urnt "ottom ash.
,= *ry >ue /as loss :?
This is the heat loss from the (oiler in the dry component of gases to
the stac0. This loss in a typical e+ample can (e of the order of J.I?.
'he *ry &lue #as "oss *e4ends +4on '2o &actorsC-
- 6 -
The heat lost to the =ue gases depends upon the ,uantity of
products of com(ustion and the temperature of the gas lea'ing the
heat reco'ery e,uipment. The ,uantity of e+cess air to (e employed
to ensure complete and satisfactory com(ustion is determined from
0no$ledge of the com(ustion characteristics of the fuel and the type
of com(ustion e,uipment to (e used9 pre'ious e+perience plays an
important role in this. Typical 'alues for industrial $ater tu(e (oilers
$here 'aria(le loads are e+perienced areC
Gatural gas !?
Hea'y fuel oil !?
Coal* sto0er 4red /I-J?
Oo$er 'alues can (e used* (ut they re,uire good maintenance and
operation on the 4ring e,uipment for them to (e sustained. )hen
selecting the =ue gas temperature that is to (e achie'ed* the follo$ing
factors must (e considered.
5oiler a'aila(ility* i.e. the percentage of the annual $or0ing
hours for $hich the (oiler is a'aila(le for use.
&uel costs
Type and composition of fuel
&eed$ater temperature a'aila(le
The e>ects of these are interrelated to some e+tent. &or instance*
a (oiler gi'ing high thermal e1ciency does not necessarily gi'e a high
a'aila(ility if a lo$ =ue gas temperature is used $hich results in rapid
fouling of the heat reco'ery e,uipment.
- 6 -
Oo$-temperature corrosion has a signi4cant in=uence upon the
choice of 4nal gas temperature $hen heat reco'ery e,uipment is
included. A com(ination of a gas outlet and cold =uid inlet
temperatures must (e selected to gi'e the desired minimum tu(e
surface temperature $ithin the heat-reco'ery e,uipment.
8f lo$-temperature corrosion is to (e a'oided and a long life is
desired for the heat-reco'ery e,uipment* it is recommended that the
=ue gas temperature should (e less than !@HC for sulphur (earing
oils and !"HC for sulphur (earing coals. )hen using economisers it is
rarely economical to reduce the =ue gas temperature to a 'alue less
than /HC a(o'e the inlet temperature of the feed $ater.
The e+pression used to calculate dry =ue gas loss is as follo$sC
*ry &lue #as "oss @<=)
$here* m P mass of dry =ue gas formed due to (urning of ! 0g of fuel
P C<
Q S<
Q R<
in =ue gasS Q RG
in actual air
P speci4c heat capacity of =ue gas
P temperature of =ue gas at air pre-heater outlet
P am(ient temperature
GCB P gross calori4c 'alue of fuel -coal.
P mass of C<
formed due to (urning of ! 0g of fuel
P mass of S<
formed due to (urning of ! 0g of fuel
P mass of G
formed due to (urning of ! 0g of fuel
$here* E
P e+cess air supplied
$here* C P percentage of car(on in fuel
- 6 -
P percentage of hydrogen in fuel
P percentage of o+ygen in fuel
S P percentage of sulphur in fuel
A= "oss due to E1a4oration of 7ater formed
due to Hydro/en in &uel :?
Coal contains hydrogen* $hich (urns to form $ater. This loss is
the latent heat remo'ed in =ue gases (y the $ater. This loss also
accounts a lot in calculation of (oiler e1ciency* $hich cannot (e
simply ignored. This loss depends on the speci4c heat of superheated
The e+pression used to calculate loss due to e'aporation of $ater
formed due to hydrogen in fuel is as follo$sC
)here* Oatent heat corresponding to partial pressure of $ater 'apour
P I@J 0cal/0g
P 0g of hydrogen present in fuel on ! 0g (asis
P speci4c heat capacity of superheated steam
P temperature of =ue gas at air pre-heater outlet
P am(ient temperature
(= "oss due to Moisture 4resent in &uel :?
This is the loss of heat from the (oiler in the =ue gases due to
$ater 'apour $hich $as present initially as moisture in the coal (urnt.
This is such type of loss $hich cannot (e altered as the moisture
$hich is inherent inside the coal cannot (e released (y simply heating
it (y hot air from %A fan in the pul'eriser. This loss depends on the
- 6 -
speci4c heat capacity of superheated steam.
The e+pression used to calculate loss due to moisture present in fuel is
as follo$sC
)here* M P percentage of moisture in fuel
P speci4c heat capacity of superheated steam
P temperature of =ue gas at air pre-heater outlet
P am(ient temperature
B= "oss due to Moisture 4resent in Air :?
This is the loss of heat from the (oiler in the =ue gases due to
$ater 'apour $hich $as present initially as moisture in the actual air
supplied for com(ustion of fuel. This loss cannot (e ignored as the air
supplied (y %A and &F fan* e'en after getting heated in the air pre-
heater still has certain amount of moisture contained in it $hich
accounts for this type of loss. Thus it can (e said that this type of loss
depends upon the humidity factor of the supplied air.
The e+pression used to calculate loss due to moisture present in air is
as follo$sC
)here* C
P speci4c heat capacity of superheated steam
P temperature of =ue gas at air pre-heater outlet
P am(ient temperature

C= "oss due to !ncom4lete Combustion :?
This is (ecause of incomplete com(ustion of car(on* i.e. C to C<
only. Allo$ance is rarely made in the design for losses due to
incomplete com(ustion $hen 4ring natural gas and fuel oils unless the
latter ha'e high ash content. )ith solid fuels un(urnt car(on is
contained in the residuals discharged from ash and grit hoppers and
the chimney. The 'alue depends upon the com(ustion system used
and is determined from e+perience $ith the operation of (oilers under
- 6 -
similar conditions. The 'alue selected also ma0es allo$ance for the
sensi(le heat carried a$ay in the ash and grits* $here necessary.
The e+pression used to calculate loss due to incomplete com(ustion is
as follo$sC
)here* heat loss due to partial com(ustion of car(on P IKJJ
- 6 -
P car(on mono+ide formation
P C< -in ppm. + !
+ M
+ #@
P fuel consumption in 0g/hr
-= $adiation and Con1ection "oss :?
&or a gi'en output a coal-4red (oiler $ill (e larger than one 4red
$ith gas or oil* and hence the radiation loss $ill tend to (e higher $ith
coal 4ring. 5ecause the temperature of the outer surface of a (oiler
enclosure does not reduce signi4cantly as the steam demand upon it
reduces* the heat lost from the surface $ill (e su(stantially the same
o'er the $hole load range of the (oiler. As a percentage of the heat
input to the (oiler* the radiation loss $ill therefore increase as the load
on the (oiler reduces and is usually ta0en as in'ersely proportional to
load. &or e+ample* the percentage heat loss (y radiation at I? (oiler
output $ill (e appro+imately t$ice that at !? load.
&or a gi'en fuel and method of 4ring the heat lost to radiation as
a percentage of the heat supplied in the fuel reduces as the design
output* and hence physical si7e of a (oiler* increases. This gi'es a
marginally higher e1ciency at high design outputs* all other factors
(eing e,ual. This is e+plained (y the fact that the output capa(ility of
a (oiler is appro+imately proportional to its 'olume* (ut the surface
area of the (oiler increases at a lo$er percentage rate than its
'olume* and hence the ,uantity of heat lost increases at a lo$er rate
than its output.
Go measurement of this loss of heat from (oiler is possi(le
e+cept that (y some empirical methods. Typical 'alue is of the order of
- 6 -
The e+pression used to calculate loss due to radiation and con'ection
is as follo$sC
)here* T
P (oiler surface temperature
P $ind 'elocity
P am(ient temperature
7= "oss due to +nburnt &ly Ash :?
Furing 4ring of fuel* i.e. coal in the furnace there may (e certain
reasons for incomplete com(ustion of car(on present in coal. This may
(e due to high 'alue of draught created* lac0 of su1cient air for
com(ustion* improper ignition temperature* 'ery less time of e+posure
to =ame. So some of the car(on particles present in supplied coal gets
carried a$ay $ith the =ue gas $ithout (eing properly (urnt. This
results in the presence of traces of car(on particles in the e+it =ue
gas. Fue to this car(on composition in =ue gas there is loss of calori4c
'alue of these car(on particles $hich $ould ha'e (een fully utilised if
their complete com(ustion $ould ha'e occurred ideally in the furnace.
- 6 -
5ut practically this does not happen $hich accounts for the loss in
(oiler e1ciency due to un(urnt =y ash.

D= "oss due to +nburnt Bottom Ash :?
)hen the pul'erised fuel -coal. is 4red in the furnace* all of it
does not undergo simultaneous com(ustion. Some of the coal
particles partially (urn and due to insu1cient time* temperature and
tur(ulence these settle do$n in the hopper (elo$ the furnace as
(ottom ash $hich contains a considera(le amount of un(urnt car(on
particles* $hich is actually a loss in the utili7ation of the calori4c 'alue
of the fuel -coal. supplied. Greater $ill (e the fa'oura(le ideal
conditions of com(ustion* lesser $ill (e the car(on particle;s content
in the (ottom ash and hence greater $ill (e the (oiler e1ciency.

- 6 -
!P+' SHEE'
The follo$ing are the 'arious 8nput Fatas that are re,uired during
Boiler E3ciency Calculation
Ms P Mass of steam per hr. or per day (HDH
Hs P Enthalpy of steam in 0cal/ 0g C D((
H$ PEnthalpy of feed $ater in Tcal/0g C or
feed $ater tem in C
Mf P Mass of fuel per hr. or per day ,,C7
GCB P Gross Calori4c 'alue in Tcal/0g C ABB:
Air supplied per hr A:-
Mf P Mass of =ue gas -.CC
Cp P Sp. Heat of =ue gas :.A(
Tf P &lue gas tem. ,C:
Ta P Am(. Tem. B:
Cp P Sp heat of saturated steam :.BC
Humidity &actor :.:,
? C in ES% Ash (.:(
? C in A%H Ash ,.C-
? C in 5EF Ash :.C
? &i+ed C in &uel ,-
? BM in &uel ,H
M P Moisture ? C.A7
? Ash in &uel CD
? C AC
? Hydrogen ,.H(
? Gitrogen ,.7
? Sulphur in &uel ,
? <+ygen in &uel ,A
? <# in =ue gas -
Tf - Ta ,,:
ES% &lue Gas 8nlet Temp. ,-:
%ressure Frop across ES% ,C

,. *irect Method:-
E3cinecy 9 MsI@Hs-H2=JMfI#CK
Ms P Mass of steam per hr. or per day (HDH
- 6 -
As seen from the <utput sheet a(o'e* (y far the greatest heat
loss is that carried a$ay (y the =ue gases* a reduction of the =ue gas
temperature of #HC is e,ui'alent to an increase in thermal e1ciency
of appro+imately !?* e+ample an increase of e1ciency from @I? to
@"?. The ,uantity of =ue gases should (e maintained at the minimum
possi(le (y good com(ustion control and elimination of un$anted air
in4ltration through the (oiler enclosure (y good maintenance. )hen a
(oiler is 4tted $ith economisers or air heaters $hich are designed to
gi'e the selected =ue gas temperature* the (oiler $or0ing pressure
has no in=uence upon the thermal e1ciency. )hen no heat reco'ery
is included* for a gi'en heating surface and heat input to steam* a
(oiler operating at a high pressure $ill gi'e a high temperature of gas
lea'ing the con'ection heating surfaces than if it is operating at a lo$
pressure. This is due to the higher saturation temperature of the $ater
in the (oiler tu(es gi'ing a lo$er OMTF and hence lo$er heat transfers
$ithin the con'ection surfaces.
The heat loss to un(urnt com(usti(les in the ash and grit may (e
high due to either a high as content or a 'ery high carryo'er of
particulates of high car(on content into the (oiler* as e+perienced
$ith spreader sto0ers and =uidised (eds. Some reduction of this loss*
and hence impro'ement of e1ciency* can (e o(tained (y re4ring or
rein3ection of the grits from the (oiler hoppers into the furnace to (urn
o> some of the remaining car(on. T$o-stage dust collectors -in series
on the gas side. are often included in such cases* and the coarse
material from the 4rst stage only is re4red.
Complete re4ring of all the grits should not (e carried out as this
$ill increase the ,uantity of grit =o$ing across the (oiler heating
surfaces signi4cantly* hence increasing the pro(a(ility of erosion of
the tu(es. Also* $ith re4ring the grits are reduced in si7e $ith the
conse,uence that a more e1cient dust collector is re,uired or the
chimney particulate emission $ill increase.
8n the e'ent of the re,uired (oiler e1ciency (eing speci4ed in an
en,uiry to the (oiler ma0er* the design engineer has to determine the
=ue gas temperature re,uired to gi'e this e1ciency (efore the
amount of heating surface in the heat reco'ery e,uipment can (e
As the output from a (oiler reduces (elo$ the design of !? the
'alues of the losses 'ary and $ill result in a change of (oiler e1ciency.
The e>ects upon the losses of reducing (oiler output are as follo$sC
a. Lnless action is ta0en to pre'ent it for corrosion reasons* the =ue
gas temperature $ill fall* gi'ing a reduction of the dry =ue gas
and moisture losses.
- 6 -
(. The e+cess air in the com(ustion cham(er* and hence o+ygen
content in the =ue gases* $ill increase* thus increasing the dry
gas and moisture in air losses.
c. The radiation loss $ill increase as a percentage of the heat input.
d. The un(urnt com(usti(le loss may change depending upon the
fuel and 4ring system.
The cumulati'e e>ect $ill 'ary $ith (oiler si7e* fuel and 4nal gas
temperature. The trend $ill (e for the e1ciency to fall $ith reducing
load* $ith small units due to the relati'ely high radiation loss* $hereas
$ith large (oilers the e1ciency may pea0 at a load (elo$ !?
ma+imum continuous rating -MCR..
- 6 -
8GFLSTR8AO 5<8OERS Fa'id Gunn 6
Ro(ert Horton
%<)ER %OAGT 5<8OERS %. Chattopadhyay
- 6 -

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