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244870675.xls.ms_office App4.

TDM FuncAccContr 9/20/2014

Tribon Function Description
assy.assemblyplanning Assembly, Assembly Planning
assy.pditransfer Assembly, Transfer Assembly to PDI
assy.weldplanning Assembly, Weld Planning
basic.dboraclemigration Basic, Indexed to Oracle DB Migration Utility
basic.dbutilities Basic, Databank Utilities
basic.projectcopy Basic, Project Copy
basic.projectsetup Basic, Project Setup Utility
basic.projmerge Basic, Project Merge
basic.tdmadmin Basic, TDM Administration
basic.tdmversionmgmnt Basic, TDM Version Management
cable.cabledelete Cable, Delete Cable
cable.cablewaydelete Cable, Delete Cableway
cable.defaults Cable, Change Defaults
cable.makeready Cable, Make Cable Ready
cable.pditransfer Cable, Transfer Cable to PDI
comp.create Component, Create Component
comp.delete Component, Delete Component
comp.update Component, Update Component
diag.diagramdelete Outfitting, Delete Diagram
draft.ctrlpntsactivate Drafting, Activate Control Points
draft.databankdelete Drafting, Delete on Databank
draft.defaults Drafting, Change of Defaults
draft.drwdelete Drafting, Delete Drawing
draft.drwprint Drafting, Print Drawing
draft.formdelete Drafting, Delete Drawing form
draft.formsave Drafting, Save Drawing Form
draft.revisionmgmnt Drafting, Drawing Revision Management
draft.subpictdelete Drafting, Delete Subpicture
draft.symboldelete Drafting, Delete Symbol
draft.symbolsave Drafting, Save Symbol
equip.equipdelete Equipment, Delete Equipment
equip.makeready Equipment, Make Equipment Ready
equip.pditransfer Equipment, Transfer Equipment to PDI
hull.cpaneldelete Hull, Delete Curved panel
hull.inithull Hull, Initiate Hull Standards
hull.pditransfer Hull, Transfer Parts to PDI
hull.platenesting Hull, Plate Nesting
hull.platenestingdelete Hull, Delete Nesting
hull.ppaneldelete Hull, Delete Plane panel
hull.ppanparts Hull Plane Part Generation
hull.profilenesting Hull, Profile Nesting
hull.restplatedelete Hull, Delete Rest plate
hull.rsodelete Hull, Delete RSO
mor.revisionmgmnt Model Object Revision Management
outf.modulecreate Outfitting, Create Module
outf.moduledelete Outfitting, Delete Module
outf.systemcreate Outfitting, Create System
outf.systemdelete Outfitting, Delete System
pipe.defaults Pipe, Change Defaults
pipe.pipedelete Pipe, Delete Pipe/Vent
pipe.disablespecsearch Pipe, Disable Specification Search
244870675.xls.ms_office App4. TDM FuncAccContr 9/20/2014
pipe.makeready Pipe, Make Pipe Ready
pipe.pditransfer Pipe, Transfer Pipe to PDI
pipe.release Pipe, Release Pipe
pipe.specdelete Pipe, Delete Specification
pipe.specsave Pipe, Save Specification
pipe.split Pipe, Pipe Splitting
pipe.tpcdelete Pipe, Delete Tagged Pipe Component
pipesupp.defaults Pipe Supports, Change Defaults
struct.structdelete Structure, Delete
struct.pditransfer Structure, Transfer Structure to PDI
struct.split Structure, Splitting
struct.stdstructdelete Structure, Delete Standard Structure
244870675.xls.ms_office App1. TDM Basic Attributes 9/20/2014
(status etc.)
Assembly X X X
Cable X X X
Cable penetration X X X
Cable way X X X
Cable way part - - X
Curved panel X X X
Compartment X X X
Curved panel part - - X
Diagram X X X
Drawing X X X
Drawing view - - X
Equipment X X X
Pipeline X X -
Pipe model X X X
Pipe model part - - X
Pipe spool (in model) X X -
Plane panel X X X
Plane panel part - - X
Structure X X X
Structure part - - X
System X - -
Tagged Pipe Component X X X
Vent model X X X
Vent model part - - X
Vent spool X X -
TDM data Tribon object

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