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1. A program which helps to create written document and lets you go back and make
corrections as necessary
a. Home row keys
b. Tool bar
c. Folder
d. Word processor
Correct Answer: Word Processor
Explanations: Obvious. Home row keys is a row of a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, ;, keys in keyboard.
Tool bar is a set of tools to perform a task with one click and folder is location where fles are
2. Graphics for word processor
a. Peripheral
b. Clip art
c. Highlight
d. Execute
Correct Answer: b. Clip art
Explanation: Obvious. Peripheral is surrounding. In computer, peripherals mean the I/O
devices surrounding CPU box. Highlight is focusing and execute is to run.
3. What type of software is used for creating letters papers and other documents?
a. Database
b. Word Processor
c. Spreadsheet
d. Operating Program
Correct Answer: b. Word Processor
Explanation: Obvious
4. What does the Ctrl + I shortcut key accomplish in Ms-Word?
a. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
b. It adds a line break to the document
c. It makes the selected text bold
d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.
Correct Answer: d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.
Explanation: For option a shortcut key is Ctrl + dot; for option b, Shift + Return; for option c,
Ctrl + b.
5. What is the fle extension of Ms-Word document?
a. Dot
b. Doc
c. Dom
d. Txt
Correct Answer: b. Doc
Explanation: dot is document template, dom extension does not exist and txt is for plain text
fles not word document.
6. In H2O the fgure 2 is appeared lowered. Which efect has been applied?
a. Superscript
b. Lowered
c. Subscript
d. Laid down
Correct Answer: c. Subscript
Explanation: Lower and laid down efects does not exist in Ms-Word. Superscript will raise
character above.
7. Why are headers and footers used in document?
a. To enhance the overall appearance of the document
b. To mark the starting and ending of a page
c. To make large document more readable
d. To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed
Correct Answer: d. To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is
Explanation: Obvious
8. Which of the following shortcut key is used to check spelling?
a. F1
b. F2
c. F7
d. F9
Correct Answer: c. F7
Obvious: F1 is used to display help, F2 is used to move text and F9 is used to update felds
in document.
9. What does Ctrl + B shortcut accomplish in Ms-Word?
a. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
b. It adds a line break to the document
c. It makes the selected text bold
d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text.
Correct Answer: c. It makes the selected text bold
Explanation: Obvious
10. What is the minimum number of rows and columns that a word table can have?
a. Zero
b. 2 rows and 1 column
c. 2 rows and 2 column
d. 1 row and 1 column
Correct Answer: d. 1 row and 1 column
Explanation: Obvious
1. What is the Thesaurus used for?
a.Spelling options
b.Grammar options
c.Synonyms and Antonyms
d.Opposite Words
2. What is the function of Drop Cap?
a.It does not allow capital letters to be used in the documents.
b.It does not allow capital letters to be used in the documents apart from the frst letter
of every sentence.
c.It lets you begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter.
d.It automatically starts all paragraphs and sentences with capital letters.
3. How can you insert a sound fle in your word document?
a.From Insert -> Object menu option
b.From Insert -> Sound menu option
c.From Insert ->File menu option
d.By right clicking the document and choosing 'Add Sound' option
4. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify an name for future
reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?
a.To quickly jump to a specifc location in the document
b.To add hyper links in a web page
c.To add anchors in a web page
d.To mark the ending of a page of document
5. What are sections used for in a word document?
a.To divide the document into parts so that each part may be independently printed
when the print command is given.
b.To divide the document into parts so as to allow certain parts of the document to
display data from a table.
c.To divide the document into parts so as to allow certain parts of the document to
display data from the Internet.
d.To vary the layout of a document within a page or between pages by dividing the
document into parts, and then allow formating of each part the way you want.
6. What process should be used to recall a document saved previously?
7. Desktop publishing is a more sophisticated form of which of the following types of
c.Word processing
8. What print command should be selected to print frst 5 pages of document?
a.Print preview
b.Page setup
c.Print all
9. Which word processing utility could you use to fnd the synonym of a word?
a.Spell checker
d.Grammar checker
10. A word processor would most likely be used to do which of the following?
a.Keep an account of money spent
b.Do a computer search in media center
c.Maintain an inventory
d.Type a biography
1. What is the Thesaurus used for?
c. Synonyms and Antonyms
Thesaurus is a tool application in MS-Word that lets you look for antonym or synonym
words of selected word.
2. What is the function of Drop Cap?
c. It lets you begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter.
Drop cap is the frst character or word of a paragraph that is large, dropped below the
current line. This is used for designing a paragraph.
3. How can you insert a sound fle in your word document?
a. From Insert -> Object menu option
We choose Object from Insert menu to insert whether sound or video that are not
created from MS-Word application.
4. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify an name for future
reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?
a. To quickly jump to a specifc location in the document
You can mark a location in document and save it with a name so that you can make a
quick jumps to that location later on. Bookmarks are used in creating hyperlinks in
5. What are sections used for in a word document?
d. To vary the layout of a document within a page or between pages by dividing the
document into parts, and then allow formating of each part the way you want.
Sections are logical division of a document that share common layout. You need to
create new section when you need to create diferent layout in same document such
as diferent sets of headers and footers, diferent page number format, diferent
column formats and so on.
6. What process should be used to recall a document saved previously?
c. Open
To retrieve a document that was saved previously we use Open command. This will
load the document from disk into Word Application, ready to be edited, formatted or
7. Desktop publishing is a more sophisticated form of which of the following types of
c. Word processing
Word-processing is the process of creating document such as letters, reports, thesis,
books and so on. But still the more advanced and sophisticated form of
wordprocessing is desktop publishing which further deals with publishing tasks such
as pagination, paper layout and many more.
8. What print command should be selected to print frst 5 pages of document?
d. From___To___
Print dialog box provides diferent options to suite your printing needs. To print frst 5
pages of your document you can choose From 1 to 5 in the print dialog box.
9. Which word processing utility could you use to fnd the synonym of a word?
b. Thesarus
Whether you need to look for synonym or antonym of a word you will use Thesaurus.
10. A word processor would most likely be used to do which of the following?
d. Type a biography
Among the given options, typing a biography needs a word processor.
1. WordStar, Word Perfect and Professional Write all are Word Processors run in DOS
2. Which of the following application is not included in Ofce Package?
c.Word Perfect
d.Power Point
3. For which of the following task MS Word is not best suited?
a.Writing Thesis with 100s of pages
b.Automatically formatting pre-written document
c.Creating Slides to show in a workshop or seminar
d.Combine main document and data source to send letters too many recipients.
4. Which of the following is not the feature of MS-Word?
a.Margins and page length can be adjusted as desired
b.Spelling can be checked and modifed through the spell check facility
c.Provides tools such as data consolidation, goal seek, scenario etc.
d.Multiple document/fles can be merged
5. Macros are?
a.Small add-on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them.
b.Programming language that you can use to customize MS-Word.
c.Large tools in Word such as Mail Merge.
d.Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA.
6. What process should be used to recall a document saved previously?
7. Which of the following bar is not available in MS-Word?
b.Formula Bar
c.Status Bar
d.Menu Bar
8. While working in Ms-Word you have to work with
a.Mouse only
b.Keyboard Only
c.Both Mouse and Keyboard
9. In Ms- Word every command is available in?
10. Menu Item in dim color (gray) indicate that the menu is?
a.Unavailable for current context
b.Not much required menu
c.Toggle Menu
d.Over Used Menu
Answers and Explanations
Question Number 1
a. True
Question Number 2
C. Word Perfect
Microsoft Word is included in Ofce Package but not Word Perfect.
Question Number 3
C. Creating Slides to show in a workshop or seminar
Ofce Package has PowerPoint for creating presentations. MS-Word is not good enough for
creating presentations.
Question Number 4
C. Provides tools such as data consolidation, goal seek, scenario etc.
These tools are available in Excel for managing and analyzing data. They are not available in
Question Number 5
D. Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA
We can create macro once and use it whenever needed for the repetitive type of tasks.
Macros are stored in VBA language and can be edited if needed.
Question Number 6
C. Open
Open command retrieves the stored document previously.
Question Number 7
B. Formula Bar
Formula Bar is available in Excel and not in Word. Word is not good enough to apply formula
or performing calculations.
Question Number 8
C. Both Mouse and Keyboard
Without keyboard, it would be difcult to enter text for document. We use mouse to give
commands by clicking on the menu items or tool buttons.
Question Number 9
D. Menu
All the commands in MS-Word are available in Menu. Most frequently used commands are
available in toolbars too but all commands are in Menu.
Question Number 10
A. Unavailable for current context
Gray colored menu or dimmed menu indicate that they are inactive and not available in
current context.
Question 1:
Which view in MS-Word can't display graphics?
a. Normal View
b. Page Layout View
c. Print Preview
d. None of these
Question 2:
If you need to edit header or footer of a document which menu should you access?
a. Insert
b. Edit
c. View
d. Tools
Question 3:
Which menu should you access to create new footnotes?
a. Insert
b. Edit
c. View
d. Tools
Question 4:
Text in a cell of a table in Word needed to be printed vertical, how can you perform this?
a. Click the free rotate button on drawing toolbar and rotate it to make vertical.
b. Select Flip Vertical from Draw Menu.
c. Choose Text Direction from Format Menu
d. None of these
Question 5:
Background color or picture applied from Format >> Background is not printed
a. True
b. False
Question 6:
Using View option you can perform editing functions such as cut, copy, paste, fnd and
replace etc
a. True
b. False
Question 7:
Using the Edit option you can switch over from Normal mode to Out line mode
a. True
b. False
Question 8:
Using Insert menu you can insert various objects such as page numbers, footnotes, picture
frames etc
a. True
b. False
Question 9:
Using Tools menu you can access to various utilities of word such as spell check, macros
and mail merge etc
a. True
b. False
Question 10:
Window menu allows you to work with two documents simultaneously
a. True
b. False
Answers and Explanations
1. a. Normal View
2. c. View
3. a. Insert
4. c. Choose Text Direction from Format Menu
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. True
1. All formla in Ex!el start wit"
a. #
$. %
!. &
d. -
Corre!t Answer' !

(. )o !an se a fn!tion to !om$ine text from two !ells into one !ell. *t +o !an se
an operator to do t"e same t"in,. W"i!" operator is t"at-
a. . /ampersand0
$. & /e1al si,n0
!. /spa!e0
d. All of t"e a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

3. 4wo !ommon wild!ard !"ara!ters t"at Ex!el re!o,ni5es are
a. 6 and -
$. 7 and 8
!. 9 and :
d. % and -
Corre!t Answer' a

;. 4"e di2ide s+m$ol is
a. :
$. D
!. <
d. 0
Corre!t Answer' a

=. 4"e mltipli!ation arit"meti! operator is represented $+ w"i!" of t"e followin,
a. 9
$. 6
!. :
d. X
Corre!t Answer' $

>. 4o add two !ells /A1 and A(0 to,et"er +o se t"e followin, formla
a. &A1 % A(
$. &Add/A1%A(0
!. &to,et"er/A1'A(0
d. A1 pls A(
Corre!t Answer' a

?. 4o ma@e a nm$er in !ell C1 1A# smaller t"an t"e nm$er in C3 +o enter
a. &C361.1A
$. %C3611A
!. &C3#1A
d. &C36.BA
Corre!t Answer' d

C. On an ex!el s"eet t"e a!ti2e !ell in indi!ated $+ D
a. A dar@ wide $oarder
$. A dotted $order
!. A $lin@in, $order
d. Eone of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

B. On an Ex!el s"eet t"e a!ti2e !ell in indi!ated $+
a. A dar@ wide $order
$. A dotted $order
!. A $lin@in, $order
d. Eone of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

1A. Fsin, t"e G11 s"ort!t @e+ to !reate a !"art on !"art s"eet !reates
a. A defalt !"art
$. A (-dimensional !olmn !"art
!. A (-dimensional $ar !"art
d. A 3-dimensional line !"art
Corre!t Answer' $

11. )o !an print
a. A ran,e of !ells $+ ran,e name
$. An entire wor@s"eet
!. A sin,le wor@s"eet
d. All of t"e a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' d

1(. )o !an !reate onl+ a "ori5ontal pa,e $rea@ $+ first sele!tin,
a. A row $elow t"e row w"ere +o want t"e pa,e $rea@ to o!!re
$. A !ell in row 1
!. A !ell in !olmn A
d. a and !
Corre!t Answer' d

13. )o !an !reate "+perlin@s from t"e Ex!el wor@$oo@ to
a. A we$pa,e on !ompan+ internet
$. A we$ pa,e on t"e internet
!. Ot"er Offi!e B? appli!ation do!ments
d. All
Corre!t Answer' d

1;. 4"e !ell referen!e fro a ran,e of !ells t"at starts in !ell *1 and ,oes o2er to !olmn H
and down to row 1A isDD
a. *1-H1A
$. *1.H1A
!. *1IH1A
d. *1'H1A
Corre!t Answer' d

1=. 4"e ad2anta,e of sin, a spreads"eet is'
a. !al!lations !an $e done atomati!all+.
$. !"an,in, data atomati!all+ pdates !al!lations
!. more flexi$ilit+
d. all of t"e a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' d

1>. 4"e interse!tion of a row and !olmn is !alled '
a. data
$. a field.
!. a !ell
d. an e1ation.
Corre!t Answer' !

1?. 4"ere are t"ree t+pes of data fond in a spreads"eet.
a. dataJ wordsJ nm$ers
$. e1ationsJ dataJ nm$ers
!. wordsJ nm$ersJ la$els
d. nm$ers formlasJ la$els
Corre!t Answer' d

1C. 4o sele!t a !olmn t"e easiest met"od is toDD
a. Do$le !li!@ an+ !ell in t"e !olmn
$. Dra, from t"e top !ell in t"e !olmn to t"e last !ell in t"e !olmn
!. !li!@ t"e !olmn "eadin,
d. !li!@ t"e !olmn la$el
Corre!t Answer' !

1B. Kf +o press DDJ t"e !ell a!!epts +or t+pin, as its !ontents.
a. Enter
$. Ctrl%Enter
!. 4a$
d. Knsert
Corre!t Answer' a

(A. w"i!" of t"e followin, spe!ial fn!tion @e+s allow t"e !ontent in !ell
a. es!
$. s"ift
!. retrn
d. 4a$
Corre!t Answer' !
(1. W"i!" is not an ad2anta,e of sin, !ompteri5ed spreads"eets-
a. flexi$ilit+ of mo2in, entries
$. speed of !al!lation
!. a$ilit+ of ,enerate ta$les
d. !ost of initial setp

Corre!t Answer' d

((. 4o sele!t se2eral !ells or ran,es t"at are not to!"in, ea!" ot"erJ +o wold D w"ile
a. "old down t"e Ctrl @e+
$. "old down t"e S"ift @e+
!. "old down t"e Alt @e+
d. "old down Ctrl % S"ift @e+
Corre!t Answer' a

(3. w"at is t"e AtoSmmari5e featre sed for in Word (AAA
a. Kt !reates a (=A wordJ =AA word or 1AAA word smmar+ of t"e do!ment
$. Kt adds Atomati! "eadwersJ $old and itali! !"ara!ters as well as atomati! formattin,
of t"e do!ment to ,i2e t"e loo@ of a well smmari5ed do!ment
!. it smmari5es t"e statisti!s of t"e do!ment into a report s!" as total wordsJ total
!"ara!tersJ total pa,esJ total para,rap"sJ file si5e e!s
d. Kt identifies t"e @e+ points in a do!ment for +or to s"are wit" ot"ers or 1i!@l+ s!an
Corre!t Answer' a

(;. A !ertain spreads"eet s"ows in La,e *rea@ Lre2iew t"at !ells in Rows 1-(= "a2e
w"ite $a!@,rond. 4"e !ells in row (> t"at !ontain data "a2e a dar@ ,re+ $a!@,rondJ
w"en +o !li!@ t"e Lrint $ttonD..
a. not"in, will print $e!ase some !ells wit" data "a2e $een omitted
$. onl+ t"e !ells wit" ,ra+ $a!@,rond will print
!. t"e w"ole s"eet will print
d. onl+ t"e !ells wit" w"ite $a!@,rond will print
Corre!t Answer' d

(=. A !onstant is anot"er name for t"is t+pe of data'
a. nm$er
$. e1ation
!. formla
d. des!ription
Corre!t Answer' a

(>. 4"e 2iew t"at pts a $le a $le line arond ea!" pa,e t"at wold $e printed is t"e
a. Lrint Lre2iew
$. Eormal Miew
!. La,e *rea@ Lre2iew
d. Split Miew
Corre!t Answer' !

(?. AtoCal!late will 1i!@l+ add sele!ted !ells if +oD..
a. ri,"t !li!@ on t"e stats $ar and sele!t Sm
$. !li!@ t"e AtoCal!late $tton on t"e tool$ar
!. se t"e @e+ !om$ination Ctrl%N
d. Do$le !li!@ t"e sele!tion
Corre!t Answer' $

(C. 4"e !ell la$eled (3. =; t"e !ell la$eled G= refers to
a. row G !olmn =
$. !olmn G row =
!. fn!tion a2aila$le in !ells
d. fn!tion @e+ G;
Corre!t Answer' $

(B. w"en +o are t+pin, an e1ation into a !ell t"e first t"in, t"at mst $e entered is
a. t"e first !ell referen!ed
$. parent"esis
!. 1otation mar@s
d. an e1al si,n
Corre!t Answer' d

3A. Fsin, t"e AtoSm $tton will repla!e in t"e sele!ted !ellD.
a. t"e sm of 2ales in t"e !ellOs !olmn
$. not"in, ntil +o sele!t a ran,e of !ells
!. t"e sm of t"e !ellOs row nless +o !"an,e t"e ran,e
d. a formla w"i!" will add 2ales in t"e ran,e Ex!el ,esses +o want to add
Corre!t Answer' d
31. *oo@1 is an example of "ow D are nm$ered and named drin, ea!" wor@ session
a. A!ti2e !ell
$. Gormla $ar
!. Men $ar
d. Eame $ox
Corre!t Answer' d

3(. W"i!" of t"e followin, displa+s t"e !ontents of t"e a!ti2e !ell-
a. A!ti2e !ell
$. Gormla $ar
!. Men $ar
d. Eame $ox
Corre!t Answer' $

33. Hrap"i!s o$Pe!ts on a !"art are sed to
a. Add emp"asis to !"art data
$. Add interest to a !"art
!. Qelp explain t"e !"art data
d. aJ $J and !
Corre!t Answer' d

3;. W"at does SFMKG fn!tion do-
a. Adds p !ell 2ales $ased on a !ondition
$. Adds all t"e nm$ers in a ran,e of !ells
!. Retrns a s$total in a list or data$ase
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

3=. )o !an insert la$els for
a. All t"e data mar@ers on a !"art
$. A data series
!. A sele!ted data mar@er
d. All
Corre!t Answer' d

3>. 4a$ s!rollin, $ttons
a. Allow +o to 2iew a different wor@s"eet
$. Allow +o to 2iew additional wor@s"eet row down
!. Allow +o to 2iew additional wor@s"eet !olmns to t"e ri,"t
d. Allow +o to 2iew additional s"eet ta$s
Corre!t Answer' d

3?. All ma!ro @e+$oard s"ort!ts in!lde t"e D.. @e+
a. Alt
$. Ctrl
!. G11
d. S"ift
Corre!t Answer' a

3C. 4o open t"e Gormat Cells dialo, $oxJ press
a. Alt % 1
$. Ctrl % 1
!. Ctrl % S"ift % 1
d. G1
Corre!t Answer' $

3B. )o !an add a "+perlin@ to +or wor@s"eet $+ pressin,
a. Alt % R
$. Ctrl % Q
!. Ctrl % R
d. Ctrl % S"ift % R
Corre!t Answer' !

;A. 4o mo2e to t"e pre2ios wor@s"eetJ press
a. Alt % L,Fp
$. Ctrl % L,Fp
!. Ctrl % L,Dn
d. S"ift % 4a$
Corre!t Answer' d
;1. Late for +or in2estors meetin,- Qow !an +o 1i!@l+ appl+ professional formattin,
to +or sales fore!ast wor@s"eet-
a. Appl+ spe!ial attri$tes sin, Gormat Lainter
$. Appl+ an Ato Gormat St+le
!. Appl+ a sele!ted $a!@,rond !olor
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' $

;(. W"at ex!el featre !an +o se if +o want to wor@ wit" one re!ord at a time-
a. Ato Complete
$. Ato Gilter
!. Data Gorm
d. S$ 4otals
Corre!t Answer' !

;3. Ex!el ses t"e D. Gn!tion w"en !reatin, a data ta$le
a. A2era,e
$. Cont
!. Sm
d. 4a$le
Corre!t Answer' d

;;. )o !an !op+ !ell formats from one !ell to anot"er $+ sin, t"e
a. *a!@spa!e @e+
$. Defalt font
!. Gormat painter
d. Gormattin, tool$ar
Corre!t Answer' !
;=. 4"e a!!ontin, st+le s"ows ne,ati2e nm$ers in
a. *old
$. *ra!@ets
!. Larent"eses
d. Qotes
Corre!t Answer' !

;>. )o !an se dra, and drop to em$ed ex!el wor@s"eet data in a word do!ment
a. *+ dra,,in, a ran,e of ex!el data to t"e word $tton on t"e tas@$ar w"ile pressin, t"e
Ctrl @e+
$. *+ dra,,in, a ran,e of ex!el data to t"e Word $tton on t"e tas@$ar w"ile pressin,
S"ift @e+
!. *+ displa+in, $ot" appli!ations side-$+-side and dra,,in, a sele!ted ran,e of Ex!el
data into t"e word appli!ation window w"ile pressin, t"e Ctrl @e+
d. a and !
Corre!t Answer' d

;?. A D.. is a ,rop of !ells t"at form a re!tan,le on t"e s!reen.
a. Cal!lation
$. Gormla
!. Ran,e
d. Ran,e address
Corre!t Answer' !

;C. W"at term des!ri$es explanator+ text atta!"ed to a !ell
a. Callot
$. Comment
!. Dialo,
d. Extension
Corre!t Answer' $

;B. 4"e dra, and drop met"od of !op+in, or mo2in,
a. Can $e sed $etween wor@s"eets $t not wor@$oo@s
$. Can $e sed $etween wor@$oo@s $t not wor@s"eets
!. Can $e sed $etween wor@$oo@s $t not wor@s"eets
d. Eone
Corre!t Answer' !

=A. 3-D referen!e in a formla
a. Can not $e modified
$. Onl+ appears on smmar+ wor@s"eets
!. Limits t"e formattin, options
d. Spans wor@s"eets
Corre!t Answer' d
=1. 4"e ato !al!late featre
a. Can onl+ add 2ales in a ran,e of !ells
$. Lro2ides a 1i!@ wa+ to 2iew t"e reslts of an arit"meti! operation on a ran,e of !ells
!. Atomati!all+ !reates formlas and adds t"em to a wor@s"eet
d. a and !
Corre!t Answer' $

=(. 4"e !"art wi5ard
a. Can pla!e a !"art on a new !"art s"eet or on an+ s"eet in t"e wor@$oo@
$. Can onl+ pla!e a !"art on new !"art s"eet
!. Can onl+ pla!e a !"art on a new $lan@ wor@s"eet
d. Can onl+ $e sed to !reate em$edded !"arts
Corre!t Answer' $

=3. W"at !"art o$Pe!t is "ori5ontal or 2erti!al line t"at extends a!ross t"e plot area to
ma@e it easier to read and follow t"e 2ales-
a. Cate,or+ axis
$. Data mar@er
!. Data point
d. Hridline
Corre!t Answer' d

=;. A 2ale sed in a formla t"at does not !"an,e is !alled a
a. Cell address
$. Constant
!. Gn!tion
d. Ran,e
Corre!t Answer' $

==. Sppose +o "a2e !olmns of data t"at span more t"an one printed pa,e. Qow !an
+o atomati!all+ print t"e !olmn "eadin,s on ea!" pa,e.
a. Cli!@ pa,e setp on t"e file menJ !li!@ t"e s"eet ta$J and enter t"e row t"at !ontains
t"ese !olmn "eadin,s nder print titles.
$. Cli!@ pa,e setp on t"e file menJ !li!@ t"e pa,e ta$J !li!@ t"e options $ttonJ t"en
enter +or !"oi!es.
!. Cli!@ pa,e setp on t"e finle menJ !li!@ t"e s"eet ta$J and ma@e a sele!tion nder t"e
print "eadin,.
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

=>. a fast wa+ to add p t"is !olmn of nm$er is to !li!@ in t"e !ell $elow t"e nm$ers
and t"en'
a. !li!@ s$totals on t"e data men
$. 2iew t"e sm in t"e formla $ar
!. !li!@ t"e atosm $tton on t"e standard tool$arJ t"en press enter
d. all of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' !

=?. to 2iew a !ell !omment
a. !li!@ t"e edit !omment !ommands on t"e Knsert men
$. !li!@ t"e Displa+ !omment !ommand on t"e window men
!. position t"e mose pointer o2er t"e !ell
d. !li!@ t"e !omment !ommand on t"e 2iew men
Corre!t Answer' !

=C. W"en +o want to insert a $lan@ em$edded ex!el o$Pe!t in w word do!ment +o !an
a. Cli!@ t"e o$Pe!t !ommand on t"e insert men
$. Cli!@ t"e offi!e lin@s $tton on t"e standard tool$ar
!. Cli!@ t"e !reate wor@s"eet $tton on t"e formattin, tool$ar
d. Cli!@ t"e import ex!el !ommand on t"e file men
Corre!t Answer' a. Cli!@ t"e o$Pe!t !ommand on t"e insert men

=B. Sa+ t"at +o want to paste a formla reslt S $t not t"e nderl+in, formla S to
anot"er !ell. Kn ex!el (AA(J +o wold !op+ t"e !ell wit" t"e formlaJ t"en pla!e t"e
insertion point in t"e !ell +o want to !op+ to w"at next-
a. Cli!@ t"e Laste $tton on t"e standard tool$ar
$. Cli!@ t"e arrow on t"e paste $tton on t"e standard tool$arJ "en !li!@ formlas
!. Cli!@ t"e arrow on t"e paste $tton on t"e standard tool$arJ t"en !li!@ 2ales.
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' !

>A. )o !an sele!t a sin,le ran,e of !ells $+
a. Cli!@in, t"e pper-left !ell in a ,rop of !ells and t"en pressin, t"e S"ift @e+ w"ile
!li!@in, t"e lower ri,"t !ell in a ,rop of !ells
$. Lressin, t"e Ctrl @e+ w"ile dra,,in, o2er t"e desired !ells
!. Lressin, t"e S"ift @e+ and an arrow @e+
d. Dra,,in, o2er t"e desired !ells
Corre!t Answer' d
>A. )o !an sele!t a sin,le ran,e of !ells $+
a. Cli!@in, t"e pper-left !ell in a ,rop of !ells and t"en pressin, t"e S"ift @e+
w"ile !li!@in, t"e lower ri,"t !ell in a ,rop of !ells
$. Lressin, t"e Ctrl @e+ w"ile dra,,in, o2er t"e desired !ells
!. Lressin, t"e S"ift @e+ and an arrow @e+
d. Dra,,in, o2er t"e desired !ells
Corre!t Answer' d

>1. W"i!" of t"ese will not sele!t all t"e !ells in a do!ment-
a. Cli!@in, t"ree times wit" t"e ri,"t mose $tton in t"e spreads"eet
$. Fsin, t"e Edit S Sele!t All men
!. Lressin, Ctrl % A on t"e @e+$oard
d. Lressin, Ctrl % A on t"e @e+$oard
Corre!t Answer' a

>(. 4"e defalt st+le for new data @e+ed in a new wor@$oo@ is
a. Comma
$. Crren!+
!. Eormal
d. Ler!ent
Corre!t Answer' !

>3. 4"e LEE fn!tion does w"at-
a. Compares t"e !ontent in two !ells
$. Conts t"e nm$ers of !"ara!ters in a !ell
!. Deletes extra spa!e in text
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' $

>;. W"i!" fn!tion !on2erts miles to @ilometersJ @ilo,rams to pondsJ and so on-
a. Con2ert
$. Lrod!t
!. C"an,e
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

>=. )o !an se t"e dra, and drop met"od to
a. Cop+ !ell !ontents
$. Delete !ells !ontents
!. Add !ell !ontents
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' a

>>. 4o $alan!e +or !"e!@$oo@ in Ex!elJ +or $est met"od is
a. Cop+ +or !"e!@ amonts into Ex!el so t"at +oOll "a2e a neat printot to wor@
$. Fse Ex!el to !"e!@ +or arit"meti!
!. Download t"e C"e!@$oo@ re,ister templates from 4emplates on Mi!rosoft
Offi!e Online
d. All of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' !

>?. W"i!" formla !an add t"e all t"e nmeri! 2ales in a ran,e of !ellsJ i,norin, t"ose
w"i!" are not nmeri!J and pla!e t"e resltin, a differen!e !ell
a. Cont
$. A2era,e
!. Sm
d. Eone of a$o2e
Corre!t Answer' !

>C. 4o name a !onstantJ +o se t"e DD dialo, $ox
a. Create names
$. Define name
!. Laste name
d. Gormat !ells
Corre!t Answer' $

>B. 4o !an!el t"e mar1eeJ press
a. Ctrl % End
$. End
!. Es!
d. S"ift % Es!
Corre!t Answer' !

?A. 4o a!!ess t"e Ho to Spe!ial featreJ +o !an press
a. Ctrl % H
$. Ctrl % O
!. Ctrl % S"ift % H
d. Ctrl % 1
Corre!t Answer' a

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