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Remote Method Invocation

Introduction to Distributed Computing with RMI

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) technology, first introduced in JDK 1.1, elevates
networ !rogramming to a higher !lane. "lthough RMI is relatively easy to use, it is a
remara#ly !owerful technology and e$!oses the average Java develo!er to an entirely
new !aradigm%%the world of distri#uted o#&ect com!uting.
'his course !rovides you with an in%de!th introduction to this versatile technology. RMI
has evolved considera#ly since JDK 1.1, and has #een significantly u!graded under the
Java ( )DK. *here a!!lica#le, the differences #etween the two releases will #e
" !rimary goal for the RMI designers was to allow !rogrammers to develo! distri#uted
Java !rograms with the same synta$ and semantics used for non%distri#uted !rograms. 'o
do this, they had to carefully ma! how Java classes and o#&ects wor in a single Java
+irtual Machine
(J+M) to a new model of how classes and o#&ects would wor in a
distri#uted (multi!le J+M) com!uting environment.
'his section introduces the RMI architecture from the !ers!ective of the distri#uted or
remote Java o#&ects, and e$!lores their differences through the #ehavior of local Java
o#&ects. 'he RMI architecture defines how o#&ects #ehave, how and when e$ce!tions can
occur, how memory is managed, and how !arameters are !assed to, and returned from,
remote methods.
Comparison of Distributed and Nondistributed Java Programs
'he RMI architects tried to mae the use of distri#uted Java o#&ects similar to using local
Java o#&ects. *hile they succeeded, some im!ortant differences are listed in the ta#le
Do not worry if you do not understand all of the difference. 'hey will #ecome clear as
you e$!lore the RMI architecture. ,ou can use this ta#le as a reference as you learn a#out
-ocal .#&ect Remote .#&ect
.#&ect Definition " local o#&ect is defined
#y a Java class.
" remote o#&ect/s e$!orted #ehavior is
defined #y an interface that must e$tend the
Remote interface.
" local o#&ect is
im!lemented #y its Java
" remote o#&ect/s #ehavior is e$ecuted #y a
Java class that im!lements the remote
.#&ect 0reation " new instance of a local
o#&ect is created #y the
new o!erator.
" new instance of a remote o#&ect is created
on the host com!uter with the new o!erator.
" client cannot directly create a new remote
o#&ect (unless using Java ( Remote .#&ect
.#&ect "ccess " local o#&ect is accessed
directly via an o#&ect
reference varia#le.
" remote o#&ect is accessed via an o#&ect
reference varia#le which !oints to a !ro$y
stu# im!lementation of the remote interface.
References In a single J+M, an o#&ect
reference !oints directly
at an o#&ect in the hea!.
" 1remote reference1 is a !ointer to a !ro$y
o#&ect (a 1stu#1) in the local hea!. 'hat stu#
contains information that allows it to
connect to a remote o#&ect, which contains
the im!lementation of the methods.
In a single J+M, an o#&ect
is considered 1alive1 if
there is at least one
reference to it.
In a distri#uted environment, remote J+Ms
may crash, and networ connections may #e
lost. " remote o#&ect is considered to have
an active remote reference to it if it has #een
accessed within a certain time !eriod (the
lease !eriod). If all remote references have
#een e$!licitly dro!!ed, or if all remote
references have e$!ired leases, then a
remote o#&ect is availa#le for distri#uted
gar#age collection.
2inali3ation If an o#&ect im!lements
the finali3e() method, it is
called #efore an o#&ect is
reclaimed #y the gar#age
If a remote o#&ect im!lements the
4nreferenced interface, the unreferenced
method of that interface is called when all
remote references have #een dro!!ed.
*hen all local references
to an o#&ect have #een
dro!!ed, an o#&ect
#ecomes a candidate for
gar#age collection.
'he distri#uted gar#age collector wors with
the local gar#age collector. If there are no
remote references and all local references to
a remote o#&ect have #een dro!!ed, then it
#ecomes a candidate for gar#age collection
through the normal means.
6$ce!tions 6$ce!tions are either
Runtime e$ce!tions or
6$ce!tions. 'he Java
com!iler forces a !rogram
to handle all 6$ce!tions.
RMI forces !rograms to deal with any
!ossi#le Remote6$ce!tion o#&ects that may
#e thrown. 'his was done to ensure the
ro#ustness of distri#uted a!!lications.
Java RMI Architecture
'he design goal for the RMI architecture was to create a Java distri#uted o#&ect model
that integrates naturally into the Java !rogramming language and the local o#&ect model.
RMI architects have succeeded7 creating a system that e$tends the safety and ro#ustness
of the Java architecture to the distri#uted com!uting world.
Interfaces !he "eart of RMI
'he RMI architecture is #ased on one im!ortant !rinci!le8 the definition of #ehavior and
the im!lementation of that #ehavior are se!arate conce!ts. RMI allows the code that
defines the #ehavior and the code that im!lements the #ehavior to remain se!arate and to
run on se!arate J+Ms.
'his fits nicely with the needs of a distri#uted system where clients are concerned a#out
the definition of a service and servers are focused on !roviding the service.
)!ecifically, in RMI, the definition of a remote service is coded using a Java interface.
'he im!lementation of the remote service is coded in a class. 'herefore, the ey to
understanding RMI is to remem#er that interfaces define behavior and classes define
*hile the following diagram illustrates this se!aration,
remem#er that a Java interface does not contain e$ecuta#le code. RMI su!!orts two
classes that im!lement the same interface. 'he first class is the im!lementation of the
#ehavior, and it runs on the server. 'he second class acts as a !ro$y for the remote service
and it runs on the client. 'his is shown in the following diagram.
" client !rogram maes method calls on the !ro$y o#&ect, RMI sends the re:uest to the
remote J+M, and forwards it to the im!lementation. "ny return values !rovided #y the
im!lementation are sent #ac to the !ro$y and then to the client/s !rogram.
RMI Architecture #a$ers
*ith an understanding of the high%level RMI architecture, tae a loo under the covers to
see its im!lementation.
'he RMI im!lementation is essentially #uilt from three a#straction layers. 'he first is the
)tu# and )eleton layer, which lies &ust #eneath the view of the develo!er. 'his layer
interce!ts method calls made #y the client to the interface reference varia#le and redirects
these calls to a remote RMI service.
'he ne$t layer is the Remote Reference -ayer. 'his layer understands how to inter!ret
and manage references made from clients to the remote service o#&ects. In JDK 1.1, this
layer connects clients to remote service o#&ects that are running and e$!orted on a server.
'he connection is a one%to%one (unicast) lin. In the Java ( )DK, this layer was enhanced
to su!!ort the activation of dormant remote service o#&ects via Remote Object Activation.
'he trans!ort layer is #ased on '0;<I; connections #etween machines in a networ. It
!rovides #asic connectivity, as well as some firewall !enetration strategies.
=y using a layered architecture each of the layers could #e enhanced or re!laced without
affecting the rest of the system. 2or e$am!le, the trans!ort layer could #e re!laced #y a
4D;<I; layer without affecting the u!!er layers.
%tub and %&eleton #a$er
'he stu# and seleton layer of RMI lie &ust #eneath the view of the Java develo!er. In this
layer, RMI uses the ;ro$y design !attern as descri#ed in the #oo, Design Patterns #y
5amma, >elm, Johnson and +lissides. In the ;ro$y !attern, an o#&ect in one conte$t is
re!resented #y another (the !ro$y) in a se!arate conte$t. 'he !ro$y nows how to
forward method calls #etween the !artici!ating o#&ects. 'he following class diagram
illustrates the ;ro$y !attern.
In RMI/s use of the ;ro$y !attern, the stu# class !lays the role of the !ro$y, and the
remote service im!lementation class !lays the role of the Real)u#&ect.
" seleton is a hel!er class that is generated for RMI to use. 'he seleton understands
how to communicate with the stu# across the RMI lin. 'he seleton carries on a
conversation with the stu#7 it reads the !arameters for the method call from the lin,
maes the call to the remote service im!lementation o#&ect, acce!ts the return value, and
then writes the return value #ac to the stu#.
In the Java ( )DK im!lementation of RMI, the new wire !rotocol has made seleton
classes o#solete. RMI uses reflection to mae the connection to the remote service o#&ect.
,ou only have to worry a#out seleton classes and o#&ects in JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.1
com!ati#le system im!lementations.
Remote Reference #a$er
'he Remote Reference -ayers defines and su!!orts the invocation semantics of the RMI
connection. 'his layer !rovides a RemoteRef o#&ect that re!resents the lin to the remote
service im!lementation o#&ect.
'he stu# o#&ects use the invoe() method in RemoteRef to forward the method call. 'he
RemoteRef o#&ect understands the invocation semantics for remote services.
'he JDK 1.1 im!lementation of RMI !rovides only one way for clients to connect to
remote service im!lementations8 a unicast, !oint%to%!oint connection. =efore a client can
use a remote service, the remote service must #e instantiated on the server and e$!orted
to the RMI system. (If it is the !rimary service, it must also #e named and registered in
the RMI Registry).
'he Java ( )DK im!lementation of RMI adds a new semantic for the client%server
connection. In this version, RMI su!!orts activata#le remote o#&ects. *hen a method call
is made to the !ro$y for an activata#le o#&ect, RMI determines if the remote service
im!lementation o#&ect is dormant. If it is dormant, RMI will instantiate the o#&ect and
restore its state from a dis file. .nce an activata#le o#&ect is in memory, it #ehaves &ust
lie JDK 1.1 remote service im!lementation o#&ects.
.ther ty!es of connection semantics are !ossi#le. 2or e$am!le, with multicast, a single
!ro$y could send a method re:uest to multi!le im!lementations simultaneously and
acce!t the first re!ly (this im!roves res!onse time and !ossi#ly im!roves availa#ility). In
the future, )un may add additional invocation semantics to RMI.
!ransport #a$er
'he 'rans!ort -ayer maes the connection #etween J+Ms. "ll connections are stream%
#ased networ connections that use '0;<I;.
6ven if two J+Ms are running on the same !hysical com!uter, they connect through their
host com!uter/s '0;<I; networ !rotocol stac. ('his is why you must have an
o!erational '0;<I; configuration on your com!uter to run the 6$ercises in this course).
'he following diagram shows the unfettered use of '0;<I; connections #etween J+Ms.
"s you now, '0;<I; !rovides a !ersistent, stream%#ased connection #etween two
machines #ased on an I; address and !ort num#er at each end. 4sually a DA) name is
used instead of an I; address7 this means you could tal a#out a '0;<I; connection
#etween flica.magelang.com89?@( and rosa.&guru.com8??9(. In the current release of
RMI, '0;<I; connections are used as the foundation for all machine%to%machine
.n to! of '0;<I;, RMI uses a wire level !rotocol called Java Remote Method ;rotocol
(JRM;). JRM; is a !ro!rietary, stream%#ased !rotocol that is only !artially s!ecified is
now in two versions. 'he first version was released with the JDK 1.1 version of RMI and
re:uired the use of )eleton classes on the server. 'he second version was released with
the Java ( )DK. It has #een o!timi3ed for !erformance and does not re:uire seleton
classes. (Aote that some alternate im!lementations, such as =6" *e#logic and Ain&aRMI
do not use JRM;, #ut instead use their own wire level !rotocol. .#&ect)!ace/s +oyager
does recogni3e JRM; and will intero!erate with RMI at the wire level.) )ome other
changes with the Java ( )DK are that RMI service interfaces are not re:uired to e$tend
from &ava.rmi.Remote and their service methods do not necessarily throw
)un and I=M have &ointly wored on the ne$t version of RMI, called RMI%II.;, which
will #e availa#le with Java ( )DK +ersion 1.9. 'he interesting thing a#out RMI%II.; is
that instead of using JRM;, it will use the .#&ect Management 5rou! (.M5) Internet
Inter%.R= ;rotocol, II.;, to communicate #etween clients and servers.
'he .M5 is a grou! of more than CDD mem#ers that defines a vendor%neutral, distri#uted
o#&ect architecture called 0ommon .#&ect Re:uest =roer "rchitecture (0.R=").
0.R=" .#&ect Re:uest =roer (.R=) clients and servers communicate with each other
using II.;. *ith the ado!tion of the .#&ects%#y%+alue e$tension to 0.R=" and the Java
-anguage to ID- Ma!!ing !ro!osal, the ground wor was set for direct RMI to 0.R="
integration. 'his new RMI%II.; im!lementation su!!orts most of the RMI feature set,
e$ce!t for8
'he D50 interfaces
'he RMI trans!ort layer is designed to mae a connection #etween clients and server,
even in the face of networing o#stacles.
*hile the trans!ort layer !refers to use multi!le '0;<I; connections, some networ
configurations only allow a single '0;<I; connection #etween a client and server (some
#rowsers restrict a!!lets to a single networ connection #ac to their hosting server).
In this case, the trans!ort layer multi!le$es multi!le virtual connections within a single
'0;<I; connection.
Naming Remote 'b(ects
During the !resentation of the RMI "rchitecture, one :uestion has #een re!eatedly
!ost!oned8 1>ow does a client find an RMI remote serviceE 1 Aow you/ll find the answer
to that :uestion. 0lients find remote services #y using a naming or directory service. 'his
may seem lie circular logic. >ow can a client locate a service #y using a serviceE In fact,
that is e$actly the case. " naming or directory service is run on a well%nown host and
!ort num#er.
(Well-known meaning everyone in an organi3ation nowing what it is).
RMI can use many different directory services, including the Java Aaming and Directory
Interface (JADI). RMI itself includes a sim!le service called the RMI Registry,
rmiregistry. 'he RMI Registry runs on each machine that hosts remote service o#&ects
and acce!ts :ueries for services, #y default on !ort 1DFF.
.n a host machine, a server !rogram creates a remote service #y first creating a local
o#&ect that im!lements that service. Ae$t, it e$!orts that o#&ect to RMI. *hen the o#&ect
is e$!orted, RMI creates a listening service that waits for clients to connect and re:uest
the service. "fter e$!orting, the server registers the o#&ect in the RMI Registry under a
!u#lic name.
.n the client side, the RMI Registry is accessed through the static class Aaming. It
!rovides the method loou!() that a client uses to :uery a registry. 'he method loou!()
acce!ts a 4R- that s!ecifies the server host name and the name of the desired service.
'he method returns a remote reference to the service o#&ect. 'he 4R- taes the form8

where the hostIname is a name recogni3ed on the local area networ (-"A) or a DA)
name on the Internet. 'he nameIserviceI!ort only needs to #e s!ecified only if the
naming service is running on a different !ort to the default 1DFF.
)sing RMI
It is now time to #uild a woring RMI system and get hands%on e$!erience. In this
section, you will #uild a sim!le remote calculator service and use it from a client
" woring RMI system is com!osed of several !arts.
Interface definitions for the remote services
Im!lementations of the remote services
)tu# and )eleton files
" server to host the remote services
"n RMI Aaming service that allows clients to find the remote services
" class file !rovider (an >''; or 2'; server)
" client !rogram that needs the remote services
In the ne$t sections, you will #uild a sim!le RMI system in a ste!%#y%ste! fashion. ,ou
are encouraged to create a fresh su#directory on your com!uter and create these files as
you read the te$t.
'o sim!lify things, you will use a single directory for the client and server code. =y
running the client and the server out of the same directory, you will not have to set u! an
>''; or 2'; server to !rovide the class files. (Details a#out how to use >''; and 2';
servers as class file !roviders will #e covered in the section on Distri#uting and Installing
RMI )oftware)
"ssuming that the RMI system is already designed, you tae the following ste!s to #uild
a system8
1. *rite and com!ile Java code for interfaces
(. *rite and com!ile Java code for im!lementation classes
9. 5enerate )tu# and )eleton class files from the im!lementation classes
?. *rite Java code for a remote service host !rogram
@. Develo! Java code for RMI client !rogram
B. Install and run RMI system
*+ Interfaces
'he first ste! is to write and com!ile the Java code for the service interface. 'he
0alculator interface defines all of the remote features offered #y the service8

!u#lic interface 0alculator
e$tends &ava.rmi.Remote M
!u#lic long add(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7

!u#lic long su#(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7

!u#lic long mul(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7

!u#lic long div(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7
Aotice this interface e$tends Remote, and each method signature declares that it
may throw a Remote6$ce!tion o#&ect.
0o!y this file to your directory and com!ile it with the Java com!iler8
J&avac 0alculator.&ava
,+ Implementation
Ae$t, you write the im!lementation for the remote service. 'his is the
0alculatorIm!l class8

!u#lic class 0alculatorIm!l
im!lements 0alculator M

<< Im!lementations must have an
<<e$!licit constructor
<< in order to declare the
<<Remote6$ce!tion e$ce!tion
!u#lic 0alculatorIm!l()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion M

!u#lic long add(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion M
return a O #7

!u#lic long su#(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion M
return a % #7

!u#lic long mul(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion M
return a P #7

!u#lic long div(long a, long #)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion M
return a < #7
"gain, co!y this code into your directory and com!ile it.
'he im!lementation class uses 4nicastRemote.#&ect to lin into the RMI system.
In the e$am!le the im!lementation class directly e$tends 4nicastRemote.#&ect.
'his is not a re:uirement. " class that does not e$tend 4nicastRemote.#&ect may
use its e$!ort.#&ect() method to #e lined into RMI.
*hen a class e$tends 4nicastRemote.#&ect, it must !rovide a constructor that
declares that it may throw a Remote6$ce!tion o#&ect. *hen this constructor calls
su!er(), it activates code in 4nicastRemote.#&ect that !erforms the RMI lining
and remote o#&ect initiali3ation.
-+ %tubs and %&eletons
,ou ne$t use the RMI com!iler, rmic, to generate the stu# and seleton files. 'he
com!iler runs on the remote service implementation class file.
Jrmic 0alculatorIm!l
'ry this in your directory. "fter you run rmic you should find the file
0alculatorI)tu#.class and, if you are running the Java ( )DK,
.!tions for the JDK 1.1 version of the RMI com!iler, rmic, are8

4sage8 rmic Ho!tionsJ Hclass namesJ

where Ho!tionsJ includes8
%ee! Do not delete intermediate
generated source files
%ee!generated (same as 1%ee!1)
%g 5enerate de#ugging info
%de!end Recom!ile out%of%date
files recursively
%nowarn 5enerate no warnings
%ver#ose .ut!ut messages a#out
what the com!iler is doing
%class!ath H!athJ )!ecify where
to find in!ut source
and class files
%d HdirectoryJ )!ecify where to
!lace generated class files
%JHruntime flagJ ;ass argument
to the &ava inter!reter
'he Java ( !latform version of rmic add three new o!tions8

%v1.1 0reate stu#s<seletons
for JDK 1.1 stu#
!rotocol version
%vcom!at (default)
0reate stu#s<seletons com!ati#le
with #oth JDK 1.1 and Java (
stu# !rotocol versions
%v1.( 0reate stu#s for Java ( stu# !rotocol
version only
.+ "ost %erver
Remote RMI services must #e hosted in a server !rocess. 'he class
0alculator)erver is a very sim!le server that !rovides the #are essentials for

im!ort &ava.rmi.Aaming7
!u#lic class 0alculator)erver M
!u#lic 0alculator)erver() M
try M
0alculator c Q new 0alculatorIm!l()7<<localhost81DFF<0alculator)ervice1, c)7
N catch (6$ce!tion e) M
)ystem.out.!rintln(1'rou#le8 1 O e)7
!u#lic static void main()tring argsKL) M
new 0alculator)erver()7
/+ Client
'he source code for the client follows8

im!ort &ava.rmi.Aaming7
im!ort &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7
im!ort &$ce!tion7
im!ort &ava.rmi.Aot=ound6$ce!tion7

!u#lic class 0alculator0lient M

!u#lic static void main()tringKL args) M
try M
0alculator c Q (0alculator)
)ystem.out.!rintln(, 9) )7
)ystem.out.!rintln( c.add(?, @) )7
)ystem.out.!rintln( c.mul(9, B) )7
)ystem.out.!rintln( c.div(F, 9) )7
catch (Malformed4R-6$ce!tion murle) M
catch (Remote6$ce!tion re) M
catch (Aot=ound6$ce!tion n#e) M
catch (
ae) M
0+ Running the RMI %$stem
,ou are now ready to run the systemR ,ou need to start three consoles, one for the
server, one for the client, and one for the RMIRegistry.
)tart with the Registry. ,ou must #e in the directory that contains the classes you
have written. 2rom there, enter the following8
If all goes well, the registry will start running and you can switch to the ne$t
In the second console start the server hosting the 0alculator)ervice, and enter the
J&ava 0alculator)erver
It will start, load the im!lementation into memory and wait for a client
In the last console, start the client !rogram.
J&ava 0alculator0lient
If all goes well you will see the following out!ut8

'hat/s it7 you have created a woring RMI system. 6ven though you ran the three
consoles on the same com!uter, RMI uses your networ stac and '0;<I; to
communicate #etween the three se!arate J+Ms. 'his is a full%fledged RMI system.
1. 4M- Definition of RMI 6$am!le )ystem
(. )im!le =aning )ystem
Parameters in RMI
,ou have seen that RMI su!!orts method calls to remote o#&ects. *hen these calls
involve !assing !arameters or acce!ting a return value, how does RMI transfer these
#etween J+MsE *hat semantics are usedE Does RMI su!!ort !ass%#y%value or !ass%#y%
referenceE 'he answer de!ends on whether the !arameters are !rimitive data ty!es,
o#&ects, or remote o#&ects.
Parameters in a %ingle J3M
2irst, review how !arameters are !assed in a single J+M. 'he normal semantics for Java
technology is !ass%#y%value. *hen a !arameter is !assed to a method, the J+M maes a
co!y of the value, !laces the co!y on the stac and then e$ecutes the method. *hen the
code inside a method uses a !arameter, it accesses its stac and uses the co!y of the
!arameter. +alues returned from methods are also co!ies.
*hen a !rimitive data ty!e (#oolean, #yte, short, int, long, char, float, or dou#le) is
!assed as a !arameter to a method, the mechanics of !ass%#y%value are straightforward.
'he mechanics of !assing an o#&ect as a !arameter are more com!le$. Recall that an
o#&ect resides in hea! memory and is accessed through one or more reference varia#les.
"nd, while the following code maes it loo lie an o#&ect is !assed to the method

)tring s Q 1'est17
in the mechanics it is the reference varia#le that is !assed to the method. In the e$am!le,
a co!y of reference varia#le s is made (increasing the reference count to the )tring o#&ect
#y one) and is !laced on the stac. Inside the method, code uses the co!y of the reference
to access the o#&ect.
Aow you will see how RMI !asses !arameters and return values #etween remote J+Ms.
Primitive Parameters
*hen a !rimitive data ty!e is !assed as a !arameter to a remote method, the RMI system
!asses it #y value. RMI will mae a co!y of a !rimitive data ty!e and send it to the
remote method. If a method returns a !rimitive data ty!e, it is also returned to the calling
J+M #y value.
+alues are !assed #etween J+Ms in a standard, machine%inde!endent format. 'his allows
J+Ms running on different !latforms to communicate with each other relia#ly.
'b(ect Parameters
*hen an o#&ect is !assed to a remote method, the semantics change from the case of the
single J+M. RMI sends the o#&ect itself, not its reference, #etween J+Ms. It is the object
that is !assed #y value, not the reference to the o#&ect. )imilarly, when a remote method
returns an o#&ect, a co!y of the whole o#&ect is returned to the calling !rogram.
4nlie !rimitive data ty!es, sending an o#&ect to a remote J+M is a nontrivial tas. "
Java o#&ect can #e sim!le and self%contained, or it could refer to other Java o#&ects in
com!le$ gra!h%lie structure. =ecause different J+Ms do not share hea! memory, RMI
must send the referenced o#&ect and all o#&ects it references. (;assing large o#&ect gra!hs
can use a lot of 0;4 time and networ #andwidth.)
RMI uses a technology called Object Serialization to transform an o#&ect into a linear
format that can then #e sent over the networ wire. .#&ect seriali3ation essentially
flattens an o#&ect and any o#&ects it references. )eriali3ed o#&ects can #e de%seriali3ed in
the memory of the remote J+M and made ready for use #y a Java !rogram.
Remote 'b(ect Parameters
RMI introduces a third ty!e of !arameter to consider8 remote o#&ects. "s you have seen, a
client !rogram can o#tain a reference to a remote o#&ect through the RMI Registry
!rogram. 'here is another way in which a client can o#tain a remote reference, it can #e
returned to the client from a method call. In the following code, the =anManager service
get"ccount() method is used to o#tain a remote reference to an "ccount remote service.

=anManager #m7
"ccount a7
try M
#m Q (=anManager) Aaming.loou!(
a Q #m.get"ccount( 1&5uru1 )7
<< 0ode that uses the account
catch (Remote6$ce!tion re) M
In the im!lementation of get"ccount(), the method returns a (local) reference to the
remote service.

!u#lic "ccount
get"ccount()tring accountAame) M
<< 0ode to find the matching account
"ccountIm!l ai Q
<< return reference from search
return ai7
*hen a method returns a local reference to an e$!orted remote o#&ect, RMI does not
return that o#&ect. Instead, it su#stitutes another o#&ect (the remote !ro$y for that service)
in the return stream.
'he following diagram illustrates how RMI method calls might #e used to8
Return a remote reference from )erver to 0lient "
)end the remote reference from 0lient " to 0lient =
)end the remote reference from 0lient = #ac to )erver
Aotice that when the "ccountIm!l o#&ect is returned to 0lient ", the "ccount !ro$y
o#&ect is su#stituted. )u#se:uent method calls continue to send the reference first to
0lient = and then #ac to )erver. During this !rocess, the reference continues to refer to
one instance of the remote service.
It is !articularly interesting to note that when the reference is returned to )erver, it is not
converted into a local reference to the im!lementation o#&ect. *hile this would result in a
s!eed im!rovement, maintaining this indirection ensures that the semantics of using a
remote reference is maintained.
9. RMI ;arameters
RMI Client4side Callbac&s
In many architectures, a server may need to mae a remote call to a client. 6$am!les
include !rogress feed#ac, time tic notifications, warnings of !ro#lems, etc.
'o accom!lish this, a client must also act as an RMI server. 'here is nothing really
s!ecial a#out this as RMI wors e:ually well #etween all com!uters. >owever, it may #e
im!ractical for a client to e$tend &ava.rmi.server.4nicastRemote.#&ect. In these cases, a
remote o#&ect may !re!are itself for remote use #y calling the static method

4nicastRemote.#&ect.e$!ort.#&ect (HremoteIo#&ectJ)
?. RMI 0lient 0all#acs
Distributing and Installing RMI %oftware
RMI adds su!!ort for a Distri#uted 0lass model to the Java !latform and e$tends Java
technology/s reach to multi!le J+Ms. It should not #e a sur!rise that installing an RMI
system is more involved than setting u! a Java runtime on a single com!uter. In this
section, you will learn a#out the issues related to installing and distri#uting an RMI #ased
2or the !ur!oses of this section, it is assumed that the overall !rocess of designing a D0
system has led you to the !oint where you must consider the allocation of !rocessing to
nodes. "nd you are trying to determine how to install the system onto each node.
Distributing RMI Classes
'o run an RMI a!!lication, the su!!orting class files must #e !laced in locations that can
#e found #y the server and the clients.
2or the server, the following classes must #e availa#le to its class loader8
Remote service interface definitions
Remote service im!lementations
)eletons for the im!lementation classes (JDK 1.1 #ased servers only)
)tu#s for the im!lementation classes
"ll other server classes
2or the client, the following classes must #e availa#le to its class loader8
Remote service interface definitions
)tu#s for the remote service im!lementation classes
)erver classes for o#&ects used #y the client (such as return values)
"ll other client classes
.nce you now which files must #e on the different nodes, it is a sim!le tas to mae
sure they are availa#le to each J+M/s class loader.
Automatic Distribution of Classes
'he RMI designers e$tended the conce!t of class loading to include the loading of classes
from 2'; servers and >''; servers. 'his is a !owerful e$tension as it means that classes
can #e de!loyed in one, or only a few !laces, and all nodes in a RMI system will #e a#le
to get the !ro!er class files to o!erate.
RMI su!!orts this remote class loading through the RMI0lass-oader. If a client or server
is running an RMI system and it sees that it must load a class from a remote location, it
calls on the RMI0lass-oader to do this wor.
'he way RMI loads classes is controlled #y a num#er of !ro!erties. 'hese !ro!erties can
#e set when each J+M is run8
&ava K %DH;ro!ertyAameJQH;ro!erty+alueJ LO
'he !ro!erty &ava.rmi.server.code#ase is used to s!ecify a 4R-. 'his 4R- !oints to a
file8, ft!8, or htt!8 location that su!!lies classes for o#&ects that are sent from this J+M. If
a !rogram running in a J+M sends an o#&ect to another J+M (as the return value from a
method), that other J+M needs to load the class file for that o#&ect. *hen RMI sends the
o#&ect via seriali3ation of RMI em#eds the 4R- s!ecified #y this !arameter into the
stream, alongside of the o#&ect.
ote! R"# does not send class files along with the serialized objects$
If the remote J+M needs to load a class file for an o#&ect, it loos for the em#edded 4R-
and contacts the server at that location for the file.
*hen the !ro!erty &ava.rmi.server.use0ode#ase.nly is set to true, then the J+M will load
classes from either a location s!ecified #y the 0-"));"'> environment varia#le or the
4R- s!ecified in this !ro!erty.
=y using different com#inations of the availa#le system !ro!erties, a num#er of different
RMI system configurations can #e created.
%losed. "ll classes used #y clients and the server must #e located on the J+M and
referenced #y the 0-"));"'> environment varia#le. Ao dynamic class loading is
Server based. " client a!!let is loaded from the server/s 0.D6=")6 along with all
su!!orting classes. 'his is similar to the way a!!lets are loaded from the same >'';
server that su!!orts the a!!let/s we# !age.
%lient d&namic. 'he !rimary classes are loaded #y referencing the 0-"));"'>
environment varia#le of the J+M for the client. )u!!orting classes are loaded #y the
&ava.rmi.server.RMI0lass-oader from an >''; or 2'; server on the networ at a
location s!ecified #y the server.
Server-d&namic. 'he !rimary classes are loaded #y referencing the 0-"));"'>
environment varia#le of the J+M for the server. )u!!orting classes are loaded #y the
&ava.rmi.server.RMI0lass-oader from an >''; or 2'; server on the networ at a
location s!ecified #y the client.
'ootstrap client. In this configuration, all of the client code is loaded from an >''; or
2'; server across the networ. 'he only code residing on the client machine is a small
#ootstra! loader.
'ootstrap server. In this configuration, all of the server code is loaded from an >''; or
2'; server located on the networ. 'he only code residing on the server machine is a
small #ootstra! loader.
'he e$ercise for this section involves creating a #ootstra! client configuration. ;lease
follow the directions carefully as different files need to #e !laced and com!iled within
se!arate directories.
@. =ootstra! 6$am!le
5irewall Issues
2irewalls are inevita#ly encountered #y any networed enter!rise a!!lication that has to
o!erate #eyond the sheltering confines of an Intranet. 'y!ically, firewalls #loc all
networ traffic, with the e$ce!tion of those intended for certain 1well%nown1 !orts.
)ince the RMI trans!ort layer o!ens dynamic socet connections #etween the client and
the server to facilitate communication, the JRM; traffic is ty!ically #loced #y most
firewall im!lementations. =ut lucily, the RMI designers had antici!ated this !ro#lem,
and a solution is !rovided #y the RMI trans!ort layer itself. 'o get across firewalls, RMI
maes use of >''; tunneling #y enca!sulating the RMI calls within an >''; ;.)'
Aow, e$amine how >''; tunneling of RMI traffic wors #y taing a closer loo at the
!ossi#le scenarios8 the RMI client, the server, or #oth can #e o!erating from #ehind a
firewall. 'he following diagram shows the scenario where an RMI client located #ehind a
firewall communicates with an e$ternal server.
In the a#ove scenario, when the trans!ort layer tries to esta#lish a connection with the
server, it is #loced #y the firewall. *hen this ha!!ens, the RMI trans!ort layer
automatically retries #y enca!sulating the JRM; call data within an >''; ;.)' re:uest.
'he >''; ;.)' header for the call is in the form8

If a client is #ehind a firewall, it is im!ortant that you also set the system !ro!erty
htt!.!ro$y>ost a!!ro!riately. )ince almost all firewalls recogni3e the >''; !rotocol, the
s!ecified !ro$y server should #e a#le to forward the call directly to the !ort on which the
remote server is listening on the outside. .nce the >'';%enca!sulated JRM; data is
received at the server, it is automatically decoded and dis!atched #y the RMI trans!ort
layer. 'he re!ly is then sent #ac to client as >'';%enca!sulated data.
'he following diagram shows the scenario when #oth the RMI client and server are
#ehind firewalls, or when the client !ro$y server can forward data only to the well%nown
>''; !ort CD at the server.
In this case, the RMI trans!ort layer uses one additional level of indirectionR 'his is
#ecause the client can no longer send the >'';%enca!sulated JRM; calls to ar#itrary
!orts as the server is also #ehind a firewall. Instead, the RMI trans!ort layer !laces JRM;
call inside the >''; !acets and send those !acets to !ort CD of the server. 'he >'';
;.)' header is now in the form

'his causes the e$ecution of the 05I scri!t, &ava%rmi.cgi, which in turn invoes a local
J+M, un#undles the >''; !acet, and forwards the call to the server !rocess on the
designated !ort. RMI JRM;%#ased re!lies from the server are sent #ac as >''; R6;-,
!acets to the originating client !ort where RMI again un#undles the information and
sends it to the a!!ro!riate RMI stu#.
.f course, for this to wor, the &ava%rmi.cgi scri!t, which is included within the standard
JDK 1.1 or Java ( !latform distri#ution, must #e !reconfigured with the !ath of the Java
inter!reter and located within the we# server/s cgi%#in directory. It is also e:ually
im!ortant for the RMI server to s!ecify the host/s fully%:ualified domain name via a
system !ro!erty u!on startu! to avoid any DA) resolution !ro#lems, as8

Aote8 Rather than maing use of 05I scri!t for the call forwarding, it is more efficient to
use a servlet im!lementation of the same. ,ou should #e a#le to o#tain the servlet/s
source code from )un/s RMI 2"S.
It should #e noted that notwithstanding the #uilt%in mechanism for overcoming firewalls,
RMI suffers a significant !erformance degradation im!osed #y >''; tunneling. 'here
are other disadvantages to using >''; tunneling too. 2or instance, your RMI a!!lication
will no longer #e a#le to multi!le$ JRM; calls on a single connection, since it would now
follow a discrete re:uest<res!onse !rotocol. "dditionally, using the &ava%rmi.cgi scri!t
e$!oses a fairly large security loo!hole on your server machine, as now, the scri!t can
redirect any incoming re:uest to any !ort, com!letely #y!assing your firewalling
mechanism. Develo!ers should also note that using >''; tunneling !recludes RMI
a!!lications from using call#acs, which in itself could #e a ma&or design constraint.
0onse:uently, if a client detects a firewall, it can always disa#le the default >'';
tunneling feature #y setting the !ro!erty8
Distributed Garbage Collection
.ne of the &oys of !rogramming for the Java !latform is not worrying a#out memory
allocation. 'he J+M has an automatic gar#age collector that will reclaim the memory
from any o#&ect that has #een discarded #y the running !rogram.
.ne of the design o#&ectives for RMI was seamless integration into the Java
!rogramming language, which includes gar#age collection. Designing an efficient single%
machine gar#age collector is hard7 designing a distri#uted gar#age collector is very hard.
'he RMI system !rovides a reference counting distri#uted gar#age collection algorithm
#ased on Modula%9/s Aetwor .#&ects. 'his system wors #y having the server ee!
trac of which clients have re:uested access to remote o#&ects running on the server.
*hen a reference is made, the server mars the o#&ect as 1dirty1 and when a client dro!s
the reference, it is mared as #eing 1clean.1
'he interface to the D50 (distri#uted gar#age collector) is hidden in the stu#s and
seletons layer. >owever, a remote o#&ect can im!lement the
&ava.rmi.server.4nreferenced interface and get a notification via the unreferenced method
when there are no longer any clients holding a live reference.
In addition to the reference counting mechanism, a live client reference has a lease with a
s!ecified time. If a client does not refresh the connection to the remote o#&ect #efore the
lease term e$!ires, the reference is considered to #e dead and the remote o#&ect may #e
gar#age collected. 'he lease time is controlled #y the system !ro!erty
& 'he value is in milliseconds and defaults to 1D minutes.
=ecause of these gar#age collection semantics, a client must #e !re!ared to deal with
remote o#&ects that have 1disa!!eared.1
In the following e$ercise, you will have the o!!ortunity to e$!eriment with the
distri#uted gar#age collector.
B. Distri#uted 5ar#age 0ollection
%eriali6ing Remote 'b(ects
*hen designing a system using RMI, there are times when you would lie to have the
fle$i#ility to control where a remote o#&ect runs. 'oday, when a remote o#&ect is #rought
to life on a !articular J+M, it will remain on that J+M. ,ou cannot 1send1 the remote
o#&ect to another machine for e$ecution at a new location. RMI maes it difficult to have
the o!tion of running a service locally or remotely.
'he very reason RMI maes it easy to #uild some distri#uted a!!lication can mae it
difficult to move o#&ects #etween J+Ms. *hen you declare that an o#&ect im!lements the
&ava.rmi.Remote interface, RMI will !revent it from #eing seriali3ed and sent #etween
J+Ms as a !arameter. Instead of sending the im!lementation class for a &ava.rmi.Remote
interface, RMI su#stitutes the stu# class. =ecause this su#stitution occurs in the RMI
internal code, one cannot interce!t this o!eration.
'here are two different ways to solve this !ro#lem. 'he first involves manually
seriali3ing the remote o#&ect and sending it to the other J+M. 'o do this, there are two
strategies. 'he first strategy is to create an .#&ectIn!ut)tream and .#&ect.ut!ut)tream
connection #etween the two J+Ms. *ith this, you can e$!licitly write the remote o#&ect
to the stream. 'he second way is to seriali3e the o#&ect into a #yte array and send the #yte
array as the return value to an RMI method call. =oth of these techni:ues re:uire that you
code at a level #elow RMI and this can lead to e$tra coding and maintenance
In a second strategy, you can use a delegation !attern. In this !attern, you !lace the core
functionality into a class that8
Does not im!lement &ava.rmi.Remote
Does im!lement &
'hen you #uild a remote interface that declares remote access to the functionality. *hen
you create an im!lementation of the remote interface, instead of reim!lementing the
functionality, you allow the remote im!lementation to defer, or delegate, to an instance of
the local version.
Aow loo at the #uilding #locs of this !attern. Aote that this is a very sim!le e$am!le. "
real%world e$am!le would have a significant num#er of local fields and methods.

<< ;lace functionality in a local o#&ect
!u#lic class -ocalModel
im!lements &
!u#lic )tring get+ersionAum#er()
return 1+ersion 1.D17
Ae$t, you declare an &ava.rmi.Remote interface that defines the same functionality8

interface RemoteModelRef
e$tends &ava.rmi.Remote
)tring get+ersionAum#er()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7
'he im!lementation of the remote service acce!ts a reference to the -ocalModel and
delegates the real wor to that o#&ect8

!u#lic class RemoteModelIm!l
im!lements RemoteModelRef
-ocalModel lm7

!u#lic RemoteModelIm!l (-ocalModel lm)
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion
this.lm Q lm7

<< Delegate to the local
<<model im!lementation
!u#lic )tring get+ersionAum#er()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion
return lm.get+ersionAum#er()7
2inally, you define a remote service that !rovides access to clients. 'his is done with a
&ava.r mi.Remote interface and an im!lementation8

interface RemoteModelMgr e$tends &ava.rmi.Remote
RemoteModelRef getRemoteModelRef()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7

-ocalModel get-ocalModel()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion7

!u#lic class RemoteModelMgrIm!l
im!lements RemoteModelMgr
-ocalModel lm7
RemoteModelIm!l rmIm!l7

!u#lic RemoteModelMgrIm!l()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion

!u#lic RemoteModelRef getRemoteModelRef()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion
<< -a3y instantiation of delgatee
if (null QQ lm)
lm Q new -ocalModel()7

<< -a3y instantiation of
<<Remote Interface *ra!!er
if (null QQ rmIm!l)
rmIm!l Q new RemoteModelIm!l (lm)7

return ((RemoteModelRef) rmIm!l)7

!u#lic -ocalModel get-ocalModel()
throws &ava.rmi.Remote6$ce!tion
<< Return a reference to the
<<same -ocalModel
<< that e$ists as the delagetee
<<of the RMI remote
<< o#&ect wra!!er

<< -a3y instantiation of delgatee
if (null QQ lm)
lm Q new -ocalModel()7

return lm7
G. )eriali3ing Remote .#&ects8 )erver
C. )eriali3ing Remote .#&ects8 0lient
Mobile Agent Architectures
'he solution to the mo#ile com!uting agent using RMI is, at #est, a wor%around. .ther
distri#uted Java architectures have #een designed to address this issue and others. 'hese
are collectively called mobile agent architect(res. )ome e$am!les are I=M/s "glets
"rchitecture and .#&ect)!ace/s +oyager )ystem. 'hese systems are s!ecifically designed
to allow and su!!ort the movement of Java o#&ects #etween J+Ms, carrying their data
along with their e$ecution instructions.
Alternate Implementations
'his module has covered the RMI architecture and )un/s im!lementation. 'here are other
im!lementations availa#le, including8
" free im!lementation #uilt at the 4niversity of 0alifornia, =ereley. Ain&a
su!!orts the JDK 1.1 version of RMI, with e$tensions.
=6" *e#logic )erver
=6" *e#logic )erver is a high !erformance, secure "!!lication )erver that
su!!orts RMI, Microsoft 0.M, 0.R=", and 6J= (6nter!rise Java=eans), and
other services.
.#&ect)!ace/s +oyager !roduct trans!arently su!!orts RMI along with a
!ro!rietary D.M, 0.R=", 6J=, Microsoft/s D0.M, and transaction services.

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