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Spiders in roofs, 557
Spikes, -i-iCa
Spiii.i ; of the Roman circus, 240
; feU'-adjustiiifi:, 2261
Spinkwell quarrv, 16C6y
Spiral stairs. 2808
1000 et seq. Construction of, p. 1003.
In spec, 22S46. Of iron,
p. 1005. Of zinc,
2224A. With open tracery,
p. 1005. Of
wood, at Breslnu,579. Of stone, at Thomar,
ti07. At S^ilisbury,
p. 1052
; thickness of
stone, it). Lofty,' in Belgium, 5G0, Of
lirick, jb. Gothic, wrought into Italian
ari'liiteeture, 484
Spires, or Speyer ; cathedral, 287
Splays, ramps, and chases
; iu spec, 22826
Split oak -for pales, 21256
Splitting slates, 2211c/
Sprinkler, automatic, 297h*
Square; bricklayer's, 1890. Bricklnj-er's large,
ib. Glazier's, 2:^26. Joiner's, 2118. Mitre,
use of, in proportion,
p. 1005 et seg.,
p. i008 et seq. And triangles, systems of,
Squnres, &c Tables of, 2297p, 2297A
Squaring the rail of stairs, 2187. Dimensions,
p. 1001
Stability ; of piers or points of support, 15G3
of buildings, 1583e et seq. In a roof, 20350.
Source of fitness, 2500. Dependent on laws
of gravitation, 2501
Stable ; and fittings, 2255/. In spec, 2-826,
2285/*, 228()a. Su] ply of water to, 2223i.
Mason's work in, in spec, 2284<i
Stacking timber, 1730 et seq.
of the Greek gymnasium, 175
Stafford, Duke of Buckingham; his palaces,
Staffordshire file, 1908c
St.iges of mouldings, p. 979
Stained glass, 22316
Stains for wood, 2276e. In spec, 2290a
Staircases, 279(3 et seq. Designing of, impoi'-
tant, 2797. Light in, 2798. Of the Greeks
and Romans, 2799. Few remains of, at
Pompeii, 2800. Of the Trinii^ de' Monti
and Araceli, 2802. Palladio's rules for
forming, 2803, 2804. Various sorts, 2805.
Winding or spiral, 2806. Palladio's rules
for, 2806, 2807. Spiral, with solifl newel,
2808. Spiral, with open newel, 2809. El-
liptical, with open newel, 2810. Elliptical,
with solid newel, 2811. Easiness of ascent
in, 2813. Blondei's rule, 2814. How
measured, 2357
Stairs ; iron circular, 2255. Back and prin-
cipal of stone, in spec. 2284c. Of wood, in
spec, 2285c, 2285cZ

stone, 1926 et seq. With solid or open

newel, 1926. Geometrical, 19271929.
Landings, half paces and quarter paces of,
19-.'9. Thickness of steps, 1928. Rules for
risers and treads, 2 1772179. Carriage, &c.
of. 2026. Deal, in spec, 2285e, 2293c
Stall board ; in spec, 2285e. In stables, in
spec, 2285A. Dressings, in spec, 2285A
Stalls ;
in churches, 2192a. At Winchester
cathedral, p.
984. At Selby, p.
985. At Lan-
caster, ib. In Henry VU.'s chapel,
St:iniford, Lincolnshire
pan chial church,
421. All Saints church, yorch, p.
Stamped or incised plaster, 2245a
; to windows, 2229c. Strength of,
I I63\i et seq. In spec, 2286a
Stanelitl'e stone, 1666
Standard; of deals, 1729
Stanford's joint for drains, 188Sa
Staplehurst Kent ; churcli door, 2145a
Starston, Norfolk
; church, 2052r
Stassins, Jan ; architect, 559
of the Greek gvmnas'um, 175
Statues, 2773 et seq. Founding of, 2266.
King William IV., 16716. At Portsmouth
Aberdeen, &c., 1671/. See
Steam; in warming, 22796, 2>79/
Steel, 16.331635, 1764, 1769 et seq. Shearing
of, 1631s. Plates, strength of, 1630/-.
Columns, 2255. Ornament, 2255o
Steel decking for floors, 190.'i/>
Steely iron, or semi-steel, 1769(Z, 1773
Steenhoukebelde, Thiery de ;
architect, 559
Steening wells, 1829. In spec, 22826
Steeple ; octagonal, in Spain, 590. Of zinc,
2224^. See
; churcli, 567
Sieinbach, Erwin and Johann von ; arclii' ects,
Stellar form cf vaulting, 1499^ et seq., 2002w
Stench trap
; to drain,
In spec, 2288a
; to flashing, 221 1
Steps, 2180a. And risers, to proportion, 2177,
2178a. Of slate, 2211 (/. Of black marble,
1683. Arches to carry, in spec, 2282a. To
chancel, in spec, 228'4c
Stereotomy. See
Stevens, John ; architect, 561
Stewing stoves, in spec, 22826
Stevvkley, or Stukely, Buckinghamshire
church, 389
Steyning, Sussex
parochial church, 398.
Proportion of, p. 1018. Cap aud base of
p. 1020
Steyning or steening Wells, 1829
; in moulded work, 2105
Stickles, Robert ; architect, 440
C. L. ; writer, p. 1009, p.
Stiffness ; in a beam, 1628u, 1630/t. Of bodies,
Stirling, Morries; improvements in iron, 1628
Stirrup irons, in spec, 2286
Stock and bit, 2107
; bricks, 1820, 1822. Locks, 22G1
Stoke-Pogis hou-e, Buckinghamshire, 446
; early working of, 10. QuaiTied and
worked with skill by the Egyptians, 7't.
For Cologne cathedral, 573, 574. In Si>aiiish
churches, 585. In spec, 228 1 et seq.
ICoG et seq. Freestone, 1637. Limestones
and sandstones, ib. Requisite ([ualities,
1639. Re|ort on selecting stone for tlu
new Houses of Parliament, 16411665.
List of sandstone, limestone, magiiesiaii
limestone, and oolitic stone quarries in the
provinces, 1664, 1665. List of liuildings of
462465. List of buildings of
limestone, p.
465168. List of buildings
of magnesian limestone, n. 468170. Ana-
Ivsis of sixteen different, srrts of stone,
l"'666. Crushing weights, 15001.")02, 150-'/i.
1582. Table of weights, 1666(/, 16666,
Stones used in the metropolis. 16(>6c. Var-
ious stones used, ICitiGd
1()6666. Quarrying,
1666cc. French building stones, 1666/iA.
Kentish ragstone, 1666(6/
decay of, 1610, 1667 et seq. Effects of
wind, ::un, heat aud cold, 1667/ Dres.-ings,

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