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Valuation of property, p. 1094 et seq.
Valve Avater dosets, 22206
to cisterns, 2"223s
Vanbrug^, Sir John
architect, herald, and
dramatist. 491497
Van Hecke's ventilation, 2278A, 22782
Vanes ;
in spec, 228Grt
Variety, desire for
cause of decoration, 2515
Varnish; in paint, 2271c
Varnishing; 2274, 22766. To clean, 2276c.
In spec.'; 2290a.
Vasquez, M. ; architect, 605
Vaucelles ;
church spire,
Vault, U99p. Of stone, in India, 1903*. For
covering apartments, how arranged, 2849.
Its weight and thrust, 2852. Springing of,
28492854. In Gothic architecture, terms
em]iloyed in, 1499i'. Different species of,
1499w et seq. Prepared for, betbre piers
were set cut, p.
Vaulting, cylindrical ; how to regulate cais-
sons in, 2002 et seq. Compound and groined,
144414.56. Coved, 14(i4 1477. Spheri-
cal, 14781493. Intersecting, 1944 cl seq.
Roofing over, 20'.2/
examples of, 1499A. Solid throughout,
at rackington church, 525. At King's
College chapel, p. 1047, p.
1048. At IJath
abbey church, p.
1052. In cloisters at
Gloucester, ib. In east aisle of I'eterl)orough
cathedral, ib. At St. George's chapel,
Windsor, iJ>. Thickness of stone in, ili. In
chapter-hou'^o, at Wells,
p. 1026. To
porches, p. 998, p. 999
shafts and ribs, p. 980 ct seq^
Velarium ; of the amphitheatre, 229
A'elletri ;
campanile, 625
Velocity ; of a tailing body, 1630o
Vendome ; abbaye de la Trinite, tower,
Veneers; gluing together in joinery, 2200
windows, 2756. Frames, in spec
2285<Z. Mosaic, 223 le, 2231/*. Filters and
tanks, 222oc el seq.
Gothic architecture, COS. Details,
filter, 2222c
school of Italian architecture; its cha-
racter, .349, 356, 463, 461
Venice ;
church of San Marco, 284, 307. La
Caritti, arcades at, 2655, 2656. San Fantino,
and pal. Cornari, 351. San Salvadore,
Sai ti Giovanni e Paolo, 613. Madonna del
<^rto, ib. Sta Maria Gloriosa <^k Frari, i//.
Of the Kedentore, 354. San Zaccaria and
San Salvatore, proportion of,
1013. Kialto
bridge, 356. St. Mark's library, 357, 2910.
Sala del Consiylio of ducal palace, 618.
Piazza S. Marco, 355. C'a Contarini Fasan,
610. Pal. Grimani, 350.
Vi nter ;
of an aqueduct, 225
Vent'lated skting, 2 1 Or, 2210/
Ventilation; of sewer-, 18876. Of drains,
]S8Ht. Of hospitals, 2975r. Of rooms,
3035. Of buildings, 2278 el seq. Assists
warming, 2279rt. To gas burners, 2278.
To drains, 2z2i}h, 222o/n. At theatres,
297 1/i
Ventilator^, 2278/3. Of glass, 2231a. Of per-
forated zinc, 2224/. Air bricks, in spc,
2286. Tobin's, 2278s. Table of cube feet
of air through a ventilator, 2278s
Vercelli ;
monastery of San Andrea, 611.
Hospital, ib. Chur.h, ib.
Verde Antica and Verde di Corsica marble,
Vergeli^ stone,
p. 1004
Church of Sta Anastasi.a, 624. San
Bernardino, ib. San Fermo Maggiore, 616.
San Pietro, door, 2143c. Anipliitheatrf,
228. Pill. Pompei. 3.")0.
Porta del I'ailio,
ib. Porta Tsuova, ib. Theatre, 29
arched titwr at war ofKce, 19036
Versed sine; of an arc, 1040
Verueal ; cathedral, masons' marks, 3226.
Cistercian abbey, 587, 592
Vesica Piscis; use of.
p. 1007, p. 1009, p.
1010, p. 1014. p. 1043
Vesinet, near St. Germain; church, 190."^/)
Vespasian ; temple to, a t Home, 209, 213, 260,
2 ;2, 2547
Vesta; temple at Rome, 214, 2547
Vestibulum; of a Roman house, 244
church, 534. Doorway, 539
Viaduct ; at Cuencj'a, 598
; chapel of castle.
Vibration; afl'e -ting iron, 1779a
glazier's, 2228
Vicenza; cathedral, 621. Arcades, 2641, 266.'?.
IJa lust rules at Cliiericato jialace, 2(i98. At
Porti pal., ib. Pal. Thienne ; window,
2769. Arcades, 2()56. Theatre, 2948
Victrria stone, 1667z
Vieille Montague zinc works, 1792, 1795,
Vienna ; cathedral, .567. St. Stephen's, .576
p. 1005; choir,
p. 100:!; luiiporlinn,
{). loll. St. Maurice, 532. Stables, venti-
lation, 2278ii
Vignola. See
site on which it can be designed. 2999,
300O. Those of Rome, 345. Of the 1,'onians,
very extensive, 184. Of Cicero, 243. Of
Lucullus and of I'ollio, ib.
sanitary specification for, 22946
Villnge hos| itals, 2975A
Villaneuva, Raltasar, ile ;
architect, 371
; abbcv, 555
Villeis, .St. Paul
lintel to door, 192,5A
Vinceiines ; castle of. 31
Vine, The, 11,'impshiie; jyorfico at, 465
Viiitiniiglia ; cathedral, i!08
Viseu ; tower of Don Duarte, 607
Viterlio; the palazzetto, 614. Fountain, i6.
Vitruviiis Pollio, Marcus; architect, manu-
scripts of, 32(). His precept.s on the Doric
order, 2610. Work appeared,
10."t7; and
work cited in the midd'e ages, p. 1013
Vittoria, Alessandro; architect, 356
Volterra ;
walls of, 179
Volute ; of the Ionic order, 151. Method of
describing, 192,'i6, 2576
Vomitoria ;
of the amphitheatre, 229
Voussoir, or keystone, 1943c
General ; house for, 510
Wages of workmen, 315
Waghemnkere, Dominique de : architect, 563
Waiblingen ; outer church, 580
Wainscot, 1689,212.56. In spec, 22856, 228."r.
How mea.'ured, 2354
Waketield, Yorkshire ;
chapel on the bridge,
421. Parochial church, if>.
Wj les ;
cirly buildings in, 387
Walker's system of hot-water block.", 3057
Walkington, Yorkshire; church, propcrtion

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