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IQUetseq. Of brick, m spec, 2282c,
22936. With concrete
cores, in spec, 2284.
Hollow, aud ties, 1902c
Wall plates
2009. In spec, 2285(T.
How measured, 2333. Gothic,
p. 986
at St. Filippo Neri, Naples, 1535. St.
Giuseppe and St. Domenico, Palermo, 1535.
Of two hundred and eighty buildings in
France and Italj', 1537. In private houses,
1538. Inlargcbuildings,
1539, 1510. Rules
and examples for, 15421554.
for thickness of, in houses of many stories,
1560. In ordinary houses,
1557. In double houses, 1558. Of the Hotel
A'eiidome, 1560. Of a house for the Brothers
Mocenigo, 1562. Pressure of earth again-t,
and rules for finding thickness, 15841592.
Thickness of, 1900rf. Pressure or force of
wind against, 1592a et seq.
of brick
; mode of measuring, 2306
2308. Should be gradually carried up,
1891. Precepts to be observed respecting,
and piers, 1500 et seq. Thickness pro-
portioned to height, 1502. Stability and
resistance, 15001502. Stability of^ 1503

1517. Mode in which forces act on, 1505

1509. Enclosing spaces of different

forms, 15121617. Method of enclosing a
given area in a regular polygon, 1518
1 52S.
Thickness, to acquire stability, 1 525.
Exterior wall of San Stefano Rotondo, 1528.
Thickness, in buildings not vaulted, 1529
1554. Kept together by roof;;, 15321541.
Examp'es of, 1535 et seq. Rules for, 1542,
1543. Examples of, 15441562
Walnut, 1703
Walsinghara, Alan de ;
architect, 319
Walsoken, Norfolk
bands to shafts in church,
p. 989
Walter, of Coventry
architect, 395
Walthani, Essex
; abbe}', 339
Wanstead hou-e ; Essex, 446, 504
Wantage, Berkshire
bench end, p. 986
Wappenbury, Warwickshire; proportion of
church, p.
Ward of hospital, 2975c. Sepnration of,
2975d. Circular and rectangular, 2975t
2975/. For dormitories of an infirmary,
Warden, p. 1045
Wardour stone, 1666g'
Ware, Isaac
architect, his Complete Body
Architecture, 525
Samuel ; his tract on Vaults and Bridges,
1499x et seq. On Theatres, 1499(7
Warehouse ; valuation of, p. 1097. Posts, in
spec, 22856. Floors, in spec, 22856
Warkworth, Northumberland ;
castle, 398
Warming, 221bg, 2076b. Of buildings, 2279
et seq.
Warnimgton, Northamptonshire ;
groined ceiling, 20235-. Tower and spire,
Warsaw ;
theatre, 2971
Warwick; Beauchamp chapel, parapet,
983. Castle, 414, 418, 423. Sessions house.
Washers, 1631 w
Wash-out water closets, 2220rf
Waste ;
in dilapidations, p. 1099
pipe to cistern, 22236
Wastes to bath, sink, &c., 2223^
Water supply, 2218 et seq., 2223/. To Rome.
To industrial dwellings, 3018
et seq. In spec, 2288. Waste preventers or
2223/, 18886. Cisterns and
tanks, 22226
Water, qualities of, 2222/. To soften, 2222^.
Supply for daily use 2223. For mortar,
18o3. Wei-ht of, 1592a. Weight and
quantity, 2223i. Condensed, in spec,
2293^. Effectof lead on, 1785a. Effect of
copper on, 17896
bar to casement,
21656, 2255rf, 2259
closets, 2220 et seq. In spec, 2285(7,
2288. Apparatus, 2220 et seq.
glass, 1667*, imjq. Pipes, 1699, 2223n
of iron, 2223^. Trunks, in spec, 22856
joint hinges
in sjiec,
2285(7, 2285nt
; concrete for, 18626
used in Egyptian ornament, 87
Waterloo bridge,
Watson's double current ventilator, 2278o
Wavj' ornament, 397
Wax and resin paint, 227.3/

Wear and tear; in dilapidations,
p. 1099 et
Weather bar
Water bar." Boarding
in spec, 22856. Tiles, 19076
Weathering course,
p. 981
Web or rib of a plate girder, 1629c
Webb, John
architect, 464, 465
Wedge, 13211323, 1631i/. For underpin-
ning, in spec, 2286
Weeks and Co. ; warming and ventilating,
; of materials used in covering
buildings, 20406. Of brickwork. &c, 2305
et seq. Of building stones, 1666a, 16666.
Allowed on a floor, 1618. See the various
materials. Crushinir, &c., 1500 et seq.
and measures
; French, 1369
churcli, 579
Peter von
architect, 579
Welded wrought-iron tubes, 222oq
Welding; iron, 1760, 1764a. Ofa flitch, 22o5a.
By hvciraulic pressure, ib. By a gas appa-
ra'tus^ 22036
Weldon stone,
p. 1045
Well. 1829. To dig first, 1882. Sinking,
2218a, 2218;. In spec, 2281, 22826
Wellingham, Cambridgeshire ; church porch,
p. 998
Wellingtonia, fir, 1726
Wells, Somersetshire ; cathedral, 398, 406,
421. Founders and dimensions, 434. Pro-
portion of, p. 1024. Cha))ter-house, 149966,
p. 1025, p.
Welsbach gas light, 2264c
groins, 2058. Lumps, 1826. Rag
slates, 1802, 22116
Wenham gas light, 2264e
Wenlock, Sliropshire ; choir, 398
Werfen ; church of St. John, 579
West AValton church, Norfolk ; tower, 398
Westminster abbey church, 389, 406, p.
Founders and dimensions, p. 195. Propor-
tion of, p.
1016. Assimilating work,
968. Apse, p. 1007. Piers, p. 976. Corbel,
p. 981. Windows in cloister, p.
Circular window,
1 94. Henry Vlltli's
chapel, 440, 628, 605, 1499A, p.
971 et seq.,
p. 1054 et seq. Vaulting, 2002u ct seq.
Miserere, p. 985
Palace. Painted chamber, window
p. 989. St. Stephen's chapel. 421, p.

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