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2.5 Courses Description

2.5.1 Undergraduate Program

GD 10T1 Concepts of Technology / GIS Technology (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
This course is aims to enriched the perspective of the students. The history and the long
development of science and technology is given. The development of science and technology is
based on the creativity of the mankind. The mankind has to survive for their own sake to have a
better living in the future. That development was also supported by the high intelectruality of the
human being concerning, the system, the modeling. The implementation of science and
technology in developing the industry is also introduced. At the end of the course, students are
expected to understand the philosophy behing\d the long development of technology.

Related Courses

1. Saswinadi, S., Menerawang Masa Depan Ilmu, Teknik dan Seni Dalam Budaya Masyarakat
Bangsa Indonesia, Penerbit ITB, 1990.
2. Anonim, Manusia, Teknologi dan Lingkungan: Kemampuan dan Pengembangannya, 1996.

GD 1111 Introduction to Geodesy and Geomatics (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Introduction to Geodesy and Geomatic. Coordinate System 2 D: On the Flat earth (Cartesian), on
the Sphere (geographic astronomy coordinate), on the ellipsoid (geodetic coordinate).
Coordinates System 3 D in earth space: Cartesian, geodetic coordinates. Outer space object
positioning in horizon coordinates system. Fundamental of Adjusment, and an introduction to
data base system. Digital map as spatial data base. Geographic Information System. Spatial data
infrastructure. Spatial data acquisition using remote sensing system (RS and Photogrametry)

Related Courses


GD 1231 Introduction to Spatial Data Programming (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
This lecture gives the knowledge about fundamental of Computer, concept, techniques, and
language program application.

Related Courses

1. AHO, Hopcroft, Ullman, Data structures and Algorithm, Prentice Hall, 1987
2. Englander, I.R.V., The Architecture of Computer, Hardware and System Software, 1996
3. Tanebaum, Modern Operating System, Prentice Hall, 1996
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GD 2111 Basic Computation of Geodesy I (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Matrix and vector space, numerical solution of linear equation system, linearization, linear model
application in positioning techniques.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Co-requisited

1. Howard Anton, Aljabar Linear Elementer, Penerbit Erlangga, 1987
2. G. Strang & K. Borre : Linear Algebra, Geodesy & GPS, Cambridge-Wellesley Press, 1997
3. S.C. Chapra & R.P. Canale : Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,

GD 2131 Cartography (Mandatory, 3 credits)
Course Description
The topic will describe all of subjects related to map making and the basics of cartographic
process, including cartographic systems, design, technology, and management.

Related Courses
1. GD1231 - Introduction to Spatial Data Programming, Prerequisited.

GD 2132 Database System (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
The topic gives the student knowledge and experience about database system, database design,
and an it applications related to the spatial database development.

Related Courses
1. GD1231 Introduction to Spatial Data Programming, Prerequisited
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GD 2133 Geography I (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
This lecture aims to give the knowledge about the concept of earth dynamic and the
representation of the earth information related to spatial aspects.

Related Courses
1. GD1111 Introdution to Geodetisy and Geomatics, Co-requisited
2. GD2131 Cartography, Co-requisited
3. GD2132 Database system, Co-requisited
4. GD2151 Surveying I, Co-requisited

1. Strahler, Arthur N., Physical Geography , Wolf, P, 2000, Photogrammetry, John Wiley and
Sons, 1975
2. de Blij, H.J., Physical Geography of the Global Environment, John Wiley and Sons, 1996
3. Strahler, Alan H., Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley and Sons, 1992
4. Press, Frank, Understanding Earth, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1994
5. Robinson H., Arthur, Element of Cartography, , John Wiley and Sons, 1995
6. B.J. Knapp, Element of Geographical Hydrology, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1979

GD 2141 Land Administration 1 (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers concept of land as a resource, land administration and management, cadastre
concept, legal cadastre, fiscal cadastre, multipurpose cadastre, cadastral survey and mapping, land

Related Courses
GD2151 Surveying I, Co-requisited

1. Zevenbergen, Jaap. System of Land Registration: Aspects and Effects, ITC Enschede
Netherland, 2002
2. Dale, Peter F., John D. McLaughlin. Land Administration, Oxford University Press, 1998
3. Kaufmann, Jurg., Daniel Steudler Cadastre 2014: a vision for future cadastral system, FIG,

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GD 2151 Surveying I (Mandatory, 4 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers materials about surveying methodes and techniques. Methode aspects consist
of surveying knowledge, principle and elements of surveying. Technological aspects consist of
the surveying instrument development and its principle.

Related Courses
1. GD2111, Co-requisited
2. GD2133 Geography I, Co-requisited

1. Cormack, Surveying.
2. Wilson, Land Surveying, 1971
3. Laurila, Somin. Electronic Surveying & Navigation.

GD 2211 Basic Computation of Geodesy II (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Ellipsoidal geometry, coordinate and reference systems, data reductions, geodetic positioning,
map projections, coordinate and datum transformations.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Co-requisited
3. GD2251 Surveying II, Co-requisited

1. R.H. Rapp : Geometric Geodesy (Part I), Lecture Notes, Dept. of Geodetic Sciences and
Surveying, The Ohio State University, 1989
2. Strang G. & Borre K. : Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1997
3. Umaryono P. : Hitung dan Proyeksi Geodesi, Diktat Kuliah, Departemen Teknik Geodesi
ITB, 2000
4. Vanicek P. & Krakiwsky E. : Geodesy : The Concepts, North-Holland Publishing Company,

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GD 2212 Adjustment I (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Statistic, definition of geodesy and geomatic, statistic for geodesy and geomatic engineering,
definition of measurement and observation, data observation, types of errors and stochastic, data
distribution, histogram, probability, measure of distribution, equation of the gaussian normal
curve, least square principle, chi-square distribution, t distribution, F distribution, elementary of
the statistical test principle.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisted

1. Widyo Nugroho SULASDI, Statistika untuk Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika.
2. Cooper, M.A.R., Fundamtentals of Survey Measurement and Analysis.
3. Amadi Pasaribu, Pengantar Statistka.

GD 2213 Satellite Geodesy (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
The proposed materials are the fundamental of satellite geodesy that consist of the following
topics: coordinate system, time system, orbit system, signal propagation system and application
of satellite geodesy.

Related Courses
1. GD1111 Introduction to Geodesy and Geomatics, Prerequisited
2. GD2111 Mathematical Geodesy I, Prerequisted
3. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited

1. Abidin, H.Z.,Geodesi satelit. PT. Pradnya Paramitha, Jakarta. ISBN 979-408-462-X
2. Seeber, G.., Satellite Geodesy, Foundation, Methods and Applications, Walter de Gruyter,

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GD 2241 Land Administration II (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers land reform, land information management, introduction to land information
system, introduction to land economics, property valuation and taxation, land consolidation, land
administration system comparison.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2251 Surveying II, Co-requisited.

1. Zevenbergen, Jaap. System of Land Registration: Aspects and Effects, ITC Enschede
Netherland, 2002
2. Dale, Peter F., John D. McLaughlin. Land Administration, Oxford University Press, 1998
3. Kaufmann, Jurg., Daniel Steudler. Cadastre 2014: a vision for future cadastral system, FIG,

GD 2251 Surveying II (Mandatory, 4 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers methodes and techniques of large-scale topographical map creation process.

Related Courses
1. GD2133 Geography I, Prohibited
2. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited

1. Cormack, Surveying.
2. Wilson. Land Surveying, 1971
3. Laurila, Somin. Electronic Surveying & Navigation.

GD 3111 Adjustment II (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Definition of adjustment theory, mathematical and functional models, linier and non-linier
models, approximation and estimation, linearization, variance-covariance matrix, observation
weight matrix, variance-covariance law, least square adjustment with condition, least square
adjustment with parameters, least square adjustment with combination, principle of ellips error.

Related Courses

1. E.M. Mikhail, Observation and least squares
2. Cooper, M.A.R., Fundamental of Survey Measurement and Analysis.
3. E.M. Mikhail, G. Gracie, Analysis and Adjustment of Survey Measurement
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GD 3121 Hydrography I (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Introduction, mathematical model of positioning, optical positioning, radio wave propagation,
radio positioning, satellite positioning, acoustic positioning, autonomous positioning, marine
navigation and nautical science.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited

1. Bowditch,American Practical Navigator, Defense Mapping Agency
Hydrographic/Topographic Center, USA
2. Thomson,Introduction to Hydrographic Surveying, UNB
3. Blair,Seamanship, Cornel Maritime Press

GD 3131 Photogrammetry I (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
This course covers the history of photogrammetry, basic concept of photogrammetry, aerial photo
restitution, aerial triangulation, photogrammetric instruments, aerial photography and
photogrammetric project planning.The objective of this course is to give the student a basic
knowledge on the principles of data capture and photogrammetric mapping from aerial

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I , Prerequisited
2. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
3. GD3111 Adjustment II, Co-requisited

1. Mikhail, Edward M, Bethel, James S., McGlone J.Chr, Introduction to Modern
Photogrammetry, John Wiley & Son, 2001
2. Schenk, Toni, Digital Photogrammetry, TerraScience, Ohio, 1999
3. Zhizhuo, Wang, Principles of Photogrammetry, Press of Wuhan TU of Survey & Mapping,
Beijing, 1990
4. Lecture Note material.

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GD 3132 Remote Sensing I (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course description
This lecture provides knowledge and science of remote sensing technology, its development and
applications in general.

Related Courses
1. GD1231 Introduction to Spatial Data Programming, Prerequisited
2. GD3132 Remote Sensing II, Prohibited
3. GD4132 Geographical Information System I, Prohibited

1. Lillesand and Kiefer, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 4
edition, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., pp. 710, 1998
2. Sabins, F., Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation, 3
edition, Freeman and
Company, New York, pp. 520, 1997
3. Jensen, J.R., Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, 2

edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 318, 1996

GD 3133 Digital mapping (Mandatory, 3 SKS)

Course Description
This lecture aims to give experience and knowledge to the students concerning with digital
mapping system and digital spatial database.
Related Courses
1. GD2131 Kartography, Prerequisited
2. GD2132 Database System, Prerequisited
3. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
4. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisited
5. GD3232 Geographical Information System I, Prohibited


GD 3151 System and Coordinate Transformation (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers conversion of point coordinate by different methodes and different
references. Transformation principle will be applied into map transformation.

Related Courses

1. -------. Manual of the New South Wales Integrated Survey Grid, New South Wales.
Department of Land. Sydney.
2. Purworahardjo, U. Sistem dan Transformasi Koordinat. Lecture Notes. Penerbit ITB.
3. Erb, G. Concept of Mapping Precription for Topographical Surveying and Mapping.
Topographical. Batavia.
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GD 3152 Introduction to Engineering Survey (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers surveying principles, measurement errors, control network, map quality
control; arc geometry, earthworks; surveying for transportion, building/bridge/dam, housing,
airport, irrigation, mining, tunnel; measurement quality control; survey engineering technology

Related Courses
1. GD2111, Prerequisited
2. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
3. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
4. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisited
5. GD3211 Sattellite Surveying, Co-requisited
6. GD3212, Prerequisited
7. GD3222, Co-requisited

1. Arthur R. Benton, Jr., Philip J. Taetz. Elements of Plane Surveying. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
2. Jack McCormat. Surveying. Prentice Hall.
3. Barry F Kavanagh. Surveying with Construction Applications. Prentice Hall, Inc.

GD 3211 Satellite Surveying (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
The materials consist of characteristic of GPS satellite and its survey procedures, including
planning, observation and data processing.

Related Courses
1. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
2. GD2213 Satellite Geodesy, Prerequisited
3. GD3111 Adjustment Computation II, Prerequisited
4. GD3212 Horizontal Network, Prerequisted

1. Wongsotjitro, Soetomo, Ilmu ukur tanah
2. Hofmann-Wllenhof, B.H. Lichteneger, and J. Collins, GPS Theory and Practice, Springer-
Verlag, 4
edition, Wien..
3. Abidin, H.Z., A. Jones, J. Kahar., Survey dengan GPS, PT. Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.
ISBN 979-408-380-1, 1995
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GD 3212 Horizontal Network (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
Timeline of geodetic networks in Indonesia, reference systems and frames, local and global
datum definition, measures of accuracy in geodetic networks, geodetic network designs

Related Courses
1. GD2211 Fundamental of Geodetic Computation II, Prerequisited
2. GD2213 Satellite Geodesy, Prerequisited
3. GD3111 Adjustment Computation II, Prerequisited

1. Vanicek P. & Krakiwsky E. : Geodesy : The Concepts, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1982
2. Mikhail E.M. : Observations and Least Squares, IEP-A Dun-Donnelley Publisher, 1976
3. Kuang S.L. : Geodetic Network Analysis and Optimal Design, Ann Arbor Press, Inc., 1996
4. Hasanuddin Z.A., Jones A., Kahar J. : Survei dengan GPS, Pradnya Paramita, 2002

GD 3221 Hydrography II (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Ocean tide, depth sounding, detection of depth anomaly, hydrographic data management,
hydrographic project management.

Related Courses
1. GD3121, Hydrography II, Prerequisited
2. GD3222 Vertical Network System , Co-requisited

1. Springet-Verlag, Fourth,Revised Edition, Wien, ISBN 3-211-82839-7
2. KBK Kelautan, Kursus Pendidikan Hidrografi, Jurusan Teknik Geodesi-ITB
3. Ingham, A.E., Hydrography for the Surveyor and Engineer, Crossby Lockwood Staples

GD3222 Vertical Network (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Couse Description
Introduction, height system, precise levelling, GPS height determination, realization of vertical
network system, mean sea level determination.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
3. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited

1. IOC., Manual on Sea Level : Measurement and Interpretation, UNESCO
2. Purworahardjo, U., Ukuran Tinggi Teliti dan Sistem Tinggi Berdasarkan Gaya Berat,
Jurusan Teknik Geodesi FTSP-ITB
3. Jekeli, C. Height, the Geopotential and Vertical Datums, Department of Civil Engineering
and Environmental
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GD 3231 Photogrammetry II (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
This course covers the review of photogrametry I, analytical/ numerical photo restitution, block
adjustment, digital terrain modelling and digital photogrammetric system.The objective of this
course is to give the student a knowledge on digital photogrammetric approach and processing
toward digital mapping environment.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
3. GD3111 Adjustment Computation II, Prerequisited
4. GD3151 Coordinate System & Transformation, Prerequisited

1. Mikhail, Edward M, Bethel, James S., McGlone J. Chr, Introduction to Modern
Photogrammetry, John Wiley & Son, 2001
2. Schenk, Toni, Digital Photogrammetry, TerraScience, Ohio, 1999
3. Zhizhuo, Wang, Principles of Photogrammetry, Press of Wuhan TU of Survey and
Mapping, Beijing, 1990,
4. Lecture Note material.

GD 3232 Geographical Information System I (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
The topic gives in general knowledge and experience about GIS Technology, it development and

Related Courses
1. GD1231 Introduction to Spatial Data Programming, Prerequisite
2. GD2131 Cartography, Prerequisite
3. GD2132 Database System, Prerequisite

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GD 3252 Field Camp (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description:
This course delivers comprehensive abilities of integrating all lectures materials have been
gained in order to create topographic map.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
3. GD2212 Adjusment Computation I, Prerequisited
4. GD2241 Land Administration II, Prerequisited
5. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisited
6. GD3111 Adjustment Computation II, Prerequisited
7. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
8. GD 3221 Hydrography II, Co-requisited


GD 4111 Geodesy Gravimetry I (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Earths gravitation and gravity, gravity potential, Laplace differential equation and its solution,
geodetic boundary value problem, Poisson integral, Stokes integral, Vening-Meinesz integral,

Related Courses
1. GD2211 Fundamental of Geodetic Computation II, Prerequisited
2. GD3212 Horizontal Geodetic Networks, Prerequisited
3. GD3222 Vertical Geodetic Networks, Prerequisited

1. Heiskanen W. & Moritz H. : Physical Geodesy, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1967
2. Rummel R. : Fysische Geodesie I, Lecture Notes, Delft University of Technology, 1991
3. Torge, W. : Gravimetry, Walter de Gruyter, 1996

GD4121 Decision Support System (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Couse Description
Development planing, information system, decision theory, optimation, decision support,
fundamental of decision making, decision making framework, design of decision support system,
model development, database, technical application of decision support system.

Related Courses
1. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
2. GD3111 Adjusment Computation II, Prerequisited

1. Rao, S.S., Optimization Theory and Application
2. Bintoro Tjokroamidjojo, Perencanaan Pembangunan
3. Kadarsah Suryadi dan Ali Ramdhani, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan
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GD 40T1 Capita Selecta of Infrastructure (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
The students will be taught about the recent issues in the infrastructure environment. They can
know another materials taught in the Faculty of Civil and Planning.

Related Courses


GD 4221 Technical Aspect of Sea Law (Mandatory, 3 credits)

Course Description
Law of the Sea, history of National Law of the Sea, history of International Law of the Sea,
geodetic aspects of the Law of the Sea, national case studies, international case studies, marine
boundary delineation, implementation of the Law of the Sea.

Related Courses
1. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited

1. Departemen Luar Negeri RI, Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa tentang Hukum Laut,
2. IHO, A manual on Technical Aspects of the UNCLOS 1982, Special Publication No.51,
Third Edition, IHB, Monaco
3. Alexander, L.M., International Maritime Boundaries, National Legislative Series,
UN Doc. No. ST/LEG/SE, 1993

GD 4241 Basic Planning (Mandatory, 2 credits)

Course Description
This Course delivers theories and definition of planning, spatial development, spatial planning
concepts, modelling theories, spatial character identification and its spatial visualization.

Related Courses
1. GD3232 Geographic Information System, Prerequisited
2. GD4121 Decision Support System, Prerequisited

1. Dirjen Cipta Karya, Pedoman Penataan Ruang, Dep. PU.
2. Birkin, M.,G. Clarke, M. Clarke and A. Wilson, Intelegence GIS, Location Decisions and
Strategic Planning. GeoInformation International, Cambridge.
3. Oppenheim, N. Applied Models in Urban Regional Analysis. Prenctice Hall, New Jersey.
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GD 40Z1 Final Project (Mandatory, 5 credits)

Course Description
Final report is taken at the end of undergraduate studies at the Department of Geodesy. The
course is aimed to lead the student how to formulate the idea and then represent it in a good
manner both in the technical report and the oral presentation. The students should also know how
to defense their idea in the examination.

Related Courses


GD 4112 Adjustment III (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
In this course, the students will learn the materials by which they would be able to understand the
sequential least squares and collocation techniques as well as Kalman filtering.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD 2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
3. GD3111 Adjustment Computation II, Prerequisited
4. GD3212 Horizontal Network, Prerequisted
5. GD3222 Vertical Network, Prerequisted


GD 4113 Spasial Statistics (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
This course focuses on combining the information in the form of map associated with statistic and
a powerful visualization to show, to explore and to analyze geo-reference data for studying spatial
association and spatial autocorrelation.

Related Courses
1. GD1111 Introduction to Geodesy and Geomatics , Prerequisited
2. GD 1231 Introduction to Spatial Programming, Prerequisited
3. GD2111 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
4. GD3133 Digital Mapping, Prerequisted

1. Cressie, N.A.C., Statistics for Spatial Data, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York

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GD 4114 Boundary Survey (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
Materials in this course consist of various topics on geodetic surveying for boundary delineation.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisted
3. GD3211 Satellite Surveying, Prerequisted


GD 4115 Deformation and Geodynamics Survey (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
In this course, introduction of deformation and geodynamics phenomena due to the earths
dynamic as well as their monitoring and analysis will be described.

Related Courses
1. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
2. GD2212 Adjustment Computation I, Prerequisited
3. GD2213 Satellite Geodesy, Prerequisted
4. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisted
5. GD3111 Adjustment Computation II, Prerequisited
6. GD3211 Satellite Surveying, Prerequisted

1. Fowler, C.M., The Solid Earth: Introduction to Global Geophysisc, Cambridge University
2. Kuang, S., Geodetic Network Analysis and Optimal Design: Concepts and Applications,
Ann Arbor Press, Inc
3. Lambeck, K., Geophysical Geodesy: The Slow Deformation of the Earth, Claredon Press,

GD 4116 Capita Selecta of Geodesy I (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
Materials in this course consist of various topics on applied and advanced geodesy.

Related Courses


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GD 4211 Geodesy Gravimetry II (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
Geodetic boundary value problems, combination solution : earth gravitational model and gravity
anomaly, Molodenskys problem, airborne gravity, satellite altimetry, satellite gravity.

Related Courses
1. GD4111 Gravimetric Geodesy I, Prerequisited

1. Heiskanen W. & Moritz H. Physical Geodesy, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1967
2. Rummel R., Fysische Geodesie I, Lecture Notes, Delft University of Technology, 1991
3. Torge, W., Gravimetry, Walter de Gruyter, 1996

GD 4212 Marine Geodesy (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
Positioning at the ocean. Satellite Altimetry and its development (Seasat, GEOS, Topex Poseidon,
Jason). Applications of Satellite Altimetry in Geodesy. Geoid contribution in Sea Surface
Topography (SST) determination

Related Courses
1. GD2213 Satellite Geodesy, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hidrography II, Prerequisted
3. GD4112 Theory of Adjustment III, Prerequisted
4. GD4211 Geodesy Gravimetry II, Co-requisted

1. Heiskanen, W.A. & H. Moritz:, Physical Geodesy., W.H. Freeman and Co, San Francisco
2. Moritz, H:, Least Square Collocation, Deutsche Geodatische Commission Nr. 75, Munchen
3. Torge, W.,Gravimetry, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin

GD 4213 Capita Selecta of Geodesy II (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
Materials in this course consist of various topics on applied and advanced geodesy.

Related Courses


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GD 4131 Spatial Data Programming (Elective, 4 credits)

Course Description
This lecture gives the knowledge about computer program as a tool for data entry, data processing
and analysis, and data representation, especially for georeference spatial data.
Related Courses
1. GD1231 Introduction to spatial data programming, Co-requisited
2. GD2132 Database system, c0-requisited
3. GD3151 System and Coordinate Transformation, Prerequisited
4. GD3232 Geographic Information Systems I, Prerequisited
1. AHO, Hopcroft, Ullman, Data structures and Algorithm, Prentice Hall, 1987
2. Englander, I.R.V., The Architecture of Computer, Hardware and System Software, 1996
3. Tanebaum, Modern Operating System, Prentice Hall, 1996

GD 4132 Geographical Information System II (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
The topic gives knowledge and experience about application and the trend of GIS Technology
development particularly for those who choose Geomatics as a minor study.
Related Courses
1. GD1231 - Introduction to Spatial Data Programming, Prerequisited
2. GD3132 - Remote Sensing I, Prerequisited
3. GD3232 - Geographical Information System I, Prerequisited
4. GD4121 - Decision Support System, Co-requisited
5. GD4133 Remote Sensing II, Co-requisited

GD 4133 Remote Sensing II (Elective, 3 credits)

Course description
This lecture provides science and technology about remotely sensed data processing especially
satellite data, combination with other data, and its applications as well.
Related Courses
1. GD1231 Introduction to Spatial Data Programming, Prerequisited
2. GD3132 Remote Sensing I, Prerequisited
3. GD4132 Geographical Information System II, Co-requisited

1. Lillesand and Kiefer, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 4
edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., pp. 710, 1998
2. Schowengerdt, R.A., Remote Sensing: Models and Methods for Image Processing, 2

edition, Academic Press, pp. 522, 1997
3. Oliver and Quegan, Understanding Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, Artech House,
London, pp. 479
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GD 4134 Geography II (Elective, 2 credits)

Course description
This lecture gives the understanding and comprehension of human spatial patterns in the view of
environment and landscape based on demographic, social-economic and political conditions.

Related Courses
GD2133 Geography I: Prerequisite

1. Dicken, P. dan P.E. Llyod, Location in Space : Theoritical Perspectives in Economy
Geography, Harper, 1990
2. Dickenson, J.P., Geografi Negara Berkembang, terj. Suharyono dan Harimulyono, IKIP
Press, Semarang, 1992
3. Dicken, S.N., Introduction to Human Geography, Blaisdel Publ. London, 1963
4. Waugh, D., Geography, An Integrated Approach, 2nd edition, Nelson, Thames, 1995
5. Wheeler, J.O. dan P.O. Muller, Economy Geography 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1986

GD 4231 Utility Information System (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
The subject will give student some view and knowledge about Utility Information System which
include mapping and management of AM/FM (Automated Mapping / Facility Management)

Related Courses
1. GD3232 Geographic Information System I, Prerequisited
2. GD4132 Deographuc Information System II, Prerequisited


GD 4232 Capita Selecta of Geomatics (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
This topic gives the knowledge for research preparation , analysis and giving the skills to the
students how to do research presentation and motivated the students to look for the
developments of Remote Sensing and GIS by internet.

Related Courses
1. GD3132 Remote Sensing I, Prerequisited
2. GD3232 Geographic Information Systems I, Prerequisited
3. GD4132 Geographic Information Systems II, Prerequisited
4. GD4133 Remote Sensing II, Prerequisited

1. Gulo, Metodologi Penelitian, pp.262., 2002
Curriculum Programs: Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering Page 134

GD 4122 Water Environmental System and Watershed Management
(Elective, 3 credits)

Course description
Introduction, marine meteorology, introductory notes on hydrology, erosion, deposition and
sedimentation, watershed management and sediment transport modelling.

Elective Courses
1. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited

1. Kowalik, Z., and Murti, T.S.,Numerical Modelling of Ocean Dynamics, Advances Series on
OceanEngineering, Volume 5, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore
2. Van Rijn, Principles of Fluid Flow and Surface Waves in Rivers, Estuaries, Seas and
Oceans, Aqua Publications, Netherlands
3. McDowell, DM., and B.A. Connor, Hydraulic Behaviour of Estuaries, The Mac Millan
Press Ltd

GD 4123 Harbour and Nearshore Survey (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
Introduction, coastal topography, navigation, port survey, dredging survey, hydraulics survey,
coastal monitoring survey and early warning system.

Related Courses
1. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited

1. Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, Vol. I, Defence Mapping Agency, USA
2. Knauss, Introduction to Physical Oceanography, Prentice Hall
3. Sosrodarsono, Suyono dan Takasaki Masayoshi., Pengukuran Topografi dan Teknik
Curriculum Programs: Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering Page 135

GD 4124 Capita Selecta of Hydrography (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
Introduction, decision support system, gravimetric geodesy, water environmental system,
watershed management, coastal and port surveys, coastal and estuarine oceanography,
infrastructure within built environment, technical aspects of the Law of the Sea, fundamentals of
regional planning, offshore survey, integrated coastal zone management.

Related Courses
1. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited

1. Kissam, Philip., Surveying for Civil Engineers
2. Suryadi, K, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan
3. Ingham, A.W., Sea Surveying, John Wiley and Sons, London

GD 4125 Estuary and Coastal Oceanography (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
Coasts and estuaries, waves and currents, estuarine hydrodynamics, modelling of coastal
processes, oceanographic measurements.

Related Courses
1. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited
3. GD4122 Water Environmental System and Watershed Management, Co-requisited

1. Ippen, A.T.,The Estuary and Coastline Hydrodynamics, Mc Graw-Hill, New York
2. Van Rijn, Principles of Fluid Flow and Surface Waves in Rivers, Estuaries,
Seas and Oceans, Aqua Publications, Netherlands
3. Mc Dowell, DM., and B.A. Connor, Hydraulic Behaviour of stuaries, The Mac Millan
Press Ltd

GD 4222 Offshore Survey (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
Introdution, geomagnetic survey, gravity survey, seismic survey, geotechnical survey, rig
positioning, underwater survey, Remotely Operated Vehicle.

Related Courses
1. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
2. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited

1. Habert, F., Manual of Hydrography, Vol.2, service Hydrographicque et Oseanographycque
De la Marine, Brest Ce
2. Kavanach, Surveying with Construction Application, 1987
3. Ingham, A.E.,Sea Surveying, John Wiley and Sons, London
Curriculum Programs: Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering Page 136

GD 4223 Integrated Marine and Coastal Development (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
Definition, coastal and marine resources, elements of coastal and marine development,
characteristics of coastal community, mapping of coastal resources, coastal and marine
ecosystem, watershed management, coastal and estuarine oceanography, interaction among
coastal and marine development elements.

Related Courses
1. GD2133 Geography I, Prerequisited
2. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisited
3. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited
4. GD3132 Remote Sensing I, Prerequisited
5. GD3221 Hydrography II, Prerequisited
6. GD3232 Geographical Information System I, Prerequisited
7. GD4132 Geographical Information System II, Prerequisited
8. GD4133 Remote Sensing II, Prerequisited
9. GD4134 Geography II, Prerequisited

1. Widyo Nugroho SULASDI.,Indikator-indikator Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Laut
2. Zoeraini Djamal Irwan.,Prinsip-prinsip Ekologi dan Organisasi Ekosistem Komunitas dan
3. Bruce Mitchell, B.Setiawan, Dwita Hadi Rahmi, Pengelolaan Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan

GD 4141 Cadastral Network (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
This course delivers geodetic network survey principle, accuration and precision control, geodetic
control network design and its optimization for cadastral purposes.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2241 Land Administration II, Prerequisited
3. GD4142 Parcel-Based Mapping, Co-requisited

1. Wongsotjitro, Soetomo, Ilmu Ukur Tanah, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 1979
2. TIM BPN, Petunjuk Pendaftaran Tanah di Indonesia.
3. TIM BPN, Petunjuk Teknis Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Pendaftaran Tanah, 1998

Curriculum Programs: Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering Page 137

GD 4142 Parcel Based Mapping (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description
This Course delivers large-scale mapping application, land law and land regulation in Indonesia,
land related problem issues, high-end technology utilized to support survey and mapping aspects.

Related Courses
1. GD2241 Land Administration II, Prerequisited
2. GD3212 Horizontal Geodetic Network, Prerequisited
3. GD4141 Cadastral Geodetic Network, Co-requisited

1. Wongsotjitro, Soetomo, Ilmu Ukur Tanah, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 1979
2. TIM BPN, Petunjuk Pendaftaran Tanah di Indonesia.
3. TIM BPN, Petunjuk Teknis Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Pendaftaran Tanah, 1998

GD 4143 Marine Cadaster (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description:
This course delivers objectives and purposes of marine cadastre, subject & object of marine
cadastre, components of marine cadastre (legislation, technical, institutional), concept of coastal
zone development.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2241 Land Administration II, Prerequisited
3. GD3121 Hydrography I, Prerequisited

1. Nganga, Sam, Nicholas, Sue, Sutherland, Michael, Toward a Multidimensional Marine
Cadastre in Support of Good Ocen Governance, Sara, 2001
2. Lo, CP, Albert KW Yeung, Concepts and Techniques of Geographical Information System,
Prentice Hall, India, 2002

GD4144 Land Sertification (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description:
This course intented to develop students knowledge on land certification system procedure that
applied in Indonesia and its comparison with other countries.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2241 Land Admnisitration II, Prerequisited.

1. Zevenbergen, Jaap, System of Land Registration: Aspects and Effects, ITC Enschede
Netherland, 2002
2. Larson, Gerhard, Land Registration and Cadastral System, Tool for Land Information and
Management, Longman, Scientific & Technical, 1991
3. BPN, Petunjuk Pendaftaran Tanah di daerah pedesaan/perkotaan di seluruh Indonesia.
Curriculum Programs: Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering Page 138

GD 4145 Land Information System / LIS (Elective, 3 credits)

Course Description:
This Course delivers theories of database management system, land information management and
visualization, land information system application (legal, fiscal, multipurpose), cost-benefit
analysis, scripting and programing in LIS, prototyping LIS.

Related Courses
1. GD2132 Database System, Prerequisited
2. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
3. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
4. GD2241 Land Admnisitration II, Prerequisited.
5. GD3133 Digital Mapping, Prerequisited

1. BPN, Petunjuk Pendaftaran Tanah di Daerah Pedesaan/Perkotaan di Seluruh Indonesia.
2. Dale, Peter F., John D. McLaughlin, Land Administration, Oxford University Press, 1998
3. Lo, CP, Albert KW Yeung, Concepts and Techniques of Geographical Information System,
Prentice Hall, India, 2002

GD 4242 Capita Selecta of Cadaster (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
Land Issues in local autonomy era, spatial planning policy, local economy potention
identification, housing and infrastructure regional survey and analysis, spatial agglomeration and
cluster, rural-based land administration, land administration system development, vision cadastre

Related Courses


Curriculum Programs: Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering Page 139

GD 4243 Land Administration (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
This Course delivers principle and objectives of land registration, land registration procedures,
adjudication, physical and jurudical data management, certification issuance, title registration,
deeds registration.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2151 Surveying I, Prerequisited
3. GD2241 Land Administration II, Prerequisited
4. GD2251 Surveying II, Prerequisited

1. Larson, Gerhard, Land Registration and Cadastral System, Tool for Land Information and
Management, Longman, Scientific & Technical, 1991
2. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 24 tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah, 1997
3. Dale, Peter F., John D. McLaughlin. Land Registration, Oxford University Press, 1998

GD 4244 Land Economy (Elective, 2 credits)

Course Description
This Course delivers spatial interaction model, land economics, linier programming for land
economic activities, property valuation and taxation, input output theories.

Related Courses
1. GD2141 Land Administration I, Prerequisited
2. GD2241 Land Administration II, Prerequisited

1. Wilson, Land Surveying, 1971
2. Nazara, Suahasil, Analisis Input Output, Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas UI, 1997
3. Eckert, J.K., Property Appraisal and Assessment Administration, The International
Association of Appraisal Officer, 1990.

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