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Class XI (Sample Question Papers with marking scheme)


English Core
Class XI

Time: 3 Hrs. Time: 80 Mts.

General Instructions:
(i) The paper is divided into four sections A, B, C and D. All the sections are

SECTION A : Reading - 15 Marks
SECTION B : Writing - 20 Marks
SECTION C : Grammar - 10 Marks
SECTION D : Textual Questions - 20 Marks
SECTION E : Novel 15 Marks

(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these
instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions. Marks will
be deducted if this limit is crossed.
(iv) Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer script before
attempting it.

Section A (READING) 15 Marks

Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 8

1. To make our life a meaningful one, we need to mind our thoughts, for our
thoughts are the foundation, the inspiration, and the motivating power of our
deeds. We create our entire world by the way we think. Thoughts are the causes
and the conditions are the effects.

2. Our circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the world outside; it is the
world inside us that creates the outside. Self-awareness comes from the mind,
which means soul. Mind is the sum total of the states of consciousness grouped
under thought, will and feeling. Besides self-consciousness we have the power to
choose and think. Krishna says: no man resteth a moment inactive. Even when
inactive on the bodily plane, we are all the time acting on the thought plane.
Therefore if we observe ourselves, we can easily mould our thoughts. If our
thoughts are pure and noble, naturally actions follow the same. If our thoughts are
filled with jealousy, hatred and greed, our actions will be the same.

3. Karmically, however, thought or intent is more responsible and dynamic than an
act. One may perform a charitable act, but if he does not think charitably and is
doing the act just for the sake of gain and glory, it is his thoughts that will
determine the result. Theosophy teaches us that every thought, no matter how
fleeting, leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker. These small seeds together go
to make up a large thought seed and determine ones general character. Our
thoughts affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out
becomes independent of the brain and mind and will live upon its own energy
depending upon its intensity.

4. Trying to keep a thought from our mind can produce the very state we are trying
to avoid. We can alter our environment to create the mood. When, for instance,
we are depressed, if we sit by ourselves trying to think cheerful thoughts, we often
do not succeed. But if we mix with people who are cheerful we can bring about
a change in our mood and thoughts. Every thought we think, every act we
perform, creates in us an impression, like everything else, is subject to cyclic law
and becomes repetitive in our mind. So, we alone have the choice to create our
thoughts and develop the kind of impressions that make our action more positive.

5. Let us choose the thought seeds of right ideas, noble and courageous aspirations
that will be received by minds of the same nature. Right introspection will be
required of us to determine what we really desire to effect. Everything in the
universe is inter-related and inter-dependent, that we live in one another and by
accepting the grand principle of universal brotherhood we shall be in a position
to appreciate what a heavy responsibility is ever ours to think right. Let us reflect
and send loving and helpful thoughts and lighten the load of the worlds suffering.

1.1 Choose the correct option to answer each question: 2

A. We create our entire world by the way:
a. we live.
b. we feel.
c. we think.
d. we like.

B. Theosophy teaches us that:
a. every thought leaves a mark in the mind of the thinker.
b. every thought leaves a virus in the mind of the thinker.
c. every thought leaves a question in the mind of the thinker.
d. every thought leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker.

1.2 Answer the following questions: 4
a. How can we make our life meaningful? 1 mark
b. How do our thoughts affect the whole body? 1 marks
c. How can we change our mood when we are depressed? 1 marks
d. How can we bring about the desired effect? 1 marks

1.3 Find the words from the passage which mean the same as: 2 marks
a. Full of activity (Para 3)
b. to look into ones own thoughts and feelings (Para 5)

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 7 marks

1. There are two problems that cause great worry to our educationists The problem
of religious and moral education in the land of many faiths and the problems arising
out of the large variety of languages.

2. Taking up the education of the children we see that they should be trained to live
one another, to be kind and helpful to all, to be tender to the lower animals and to
observe and think right. The task of teaching them how to read and write and to
count and to calculate is important but it should not make us lose sight of the primary
aim of moulding personality in the right way.

3. For this, it is necessary to call into aid culture, tradition and religion. But in our
country we have, in the same school, to look after boys and girls born in different
faiths and belonging to families that live diverse ways of life, easy path of evading
the difficulty by attending solely to physical culture and intellectual education. We
have to evolve a suitable technique and method for serving the spiritual needs of
school children professing different faiths. We should thereby promote an
atmosphere of mutual respect, a fuller understanding and helpful co-operation
among the different communities in our society. Again we must remain one people
and we have, therefore, to give basic training to our schools to speak and
understand more languages than one and to appreciate and respect the different
religions prevailing in India. It is not right for us in India to be overtaking the young
mind. What is necessary must be done. And it is not in fact the great a burden.

4. Any attempt to do away with a stream roll the differences through governmental
coercion and indirect pressure would be as futile as it would be unwise. Any
imposition of a single way of life and form of workshop on all children or neglect of a
section of the pupils in this respect, or barren secularization will lead to conflict
between school and home life which is harmful. On the other hand, if we give due
recognition to the different prevailing faiths in the educational institutions by
organizing suitable facilities for religious teaching for boys and girls of all
communities our problem will be solved to a larger extent. This may itself serve as a
broadening influence of great national values.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it, in points
only using headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations
wherever necessary. (Minimum 4). Supply a suitable title to it. 5

(b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 2

Section B (Writing) 20 marks

Q.3 Praveen Chandra of 38-G, Gokulpuri, Palam, New Delhi wants to let out a
portion of his house only to foreigners/ Central Govt. employees. Draft a suitable
advertisement to be published in the To-Let column of a national daily giving
necessary details. 5 Marks

3. Krishna Public School, Jagdish Nagar, Meerut is organizing a Health Exhibition on
and 16
Jan. 2013. The theme of the exhibition is Healthy Living Better Living.
As a principal, write a notice inviting charts, models, slogans and posters for the
exhibition from the students.

Q.4 Aarti Gupta, a social worker feels highly pained at the rampant corruption in social and political
life in our country. She decides to write an article on Corruption -The Cancer of Our Society for
The Times of India, New Delhi. Write her article in about 100-150 words.
8 Marks
In schools and the colleges, a great stress is laid on the importance of discipline in life. The previous
day your school principal delivered a lecture about discipline in life. You were greatly impressed by
him. You decided to reproduce his ideas in a form of a speech for your school magazine. Write his
ideas including your own in about 100-150 words on the Importance of discipline in life.
8 Marks

Q.5 You are Ravi / Rashi staying at 12, Vaibhav Apartments, Indore. Last month you purchased a
computer from R. K.Web Point, Gandhi market, Indore with a warranty of two years. All of a sudden it
has stopped functioning. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about it and requesting him to
replace it against the warranty that goes with it.
7 marks
You are Shubham/Shubhi, 132, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi. You have come across an advertisement in
the Hindustan Times for the post of the field supervisors in a private finance company. You consider
yourself suitable and eligible for the post. Write an application in response to the advertisement giving
your detailed resume to the Director, Hillex Finance Pvt. Ltd.20, Belly Road, Banglore.
7 Marks

Section- C (Grammar) 10

Q.6 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Underline
incorrect word and write the correction in the space provided. 3 marks

Thomas Edison is an American Scientist. a)_________
He have made many inventions. b)__________
Once he was worked on making an c)___________
electric bulb. He would sure that d)___________
his bulb is replace gas lights. e)___________
He want to give the people a safe gift. f)__________

Q.7. Correct the following sentences: 4
a. It was me who did it.
b. He is more cleverer than his brother.
c. She makes a little mistakes.
d. I saw alien flying in the sky.

Q.8 Rearrange the following words in meaningful sentences: 3 marks
(i) over/ crisis/ are/ is/ the/ saying/ they/ that.
(ii) fly / to escape / south / starvation / to / chill / they
(iii) training/ a/ undergo/ soldier/ to/ has/ hard/ a.

SECTION D: (Text Books) 20 Marks

Q.9 (A) Read the following extract and write the option you consider the most appropriate in
your answer sheet. 4 Marks

I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,
upward to heaven, whence, vaguely formd, altogether changed, and yet the same,

(a) Who is the poem of Earth? 1
(i) Cloud (ii) Poet (iii) Rain (iv) Music

(b) Where from does it rise? 1
(i) Sky (ii) land and seas (iii) Mountains (iv) Shower

(c) Where does it go then? 1`
(i) Hell (ii) Fields (iii) God (iv) Sky

(d) What happens to it there? 1
(i) takes a dim shape (ii) disappears (iii) plays music (iv) produces electricity


Now shes been dead nearly as many years
As that girl lived. And of this circumstance
There is nothing to say at all.
Its silence silences.

(a) Who is that girl referred to in these lines? 1
(i) Poets cousin (ii) poets mother (iii) poets grandmother (iv) poets aunt

(b) How old is the girl in the photograph? 1
(i) twelve (ii) ten (iii) sixteen (iv) eleven

(c) What has happened to the girl? 1
(i) has died long ago (ii) has gone on tour with her uncle(iii) has scolded the poet (iv) has met an
(d) Its silence means: 1
(i) silence of the poet (ii) silence of sea (iii) silence of uncle
(iv) silence of death

10 Answer any five of the following in about 30 words. 5 x 2 = 10 marks

(a) What are the principal biological systems of the earth? How are they useful to us? 2
(b) How did the childrens presence and behavior during the crisis affect the narrator? 2
(c) What made Carter chisel away the solidified resins to raise the kings remains? 2
(d) What was the outcome of the interview between Mrs. Dorling and the narrator? 2
(e) Why did Aram find it hard to believe that Murad had stolen the horse? 2
(f) Why did Einstein consider the school hateful place? 2

11. Answer the following in about 100-125 words. 6 marks

We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.


Mrs. Annie Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald are totally opposite to each other in their
attitudes. Show the difference between their personalities.

Section E: (Novel) 15 Marks

12. Answer any one of the following in about 150 words. 8 Marks

(a) Describe the first encounter of Mr. Otis with the ghost.
(b) Why did the Canterville ghost kill his wife? Can it be justified?

13. Answer any one of the following in about 130 words. 7 Marks

(a) Give a character-sketch of Mr. Otis.
(b) The twins play a significant role in the novel. They pave the way for the redemption of the ghost.


English Core
Class XI
Marking Scheme

Section A

1. Comprehension Passage

Note: - No mark(s) should be deducted for mistakes of grammar, spelling, or word limit. Full marks
may be awarded if a student has been able to identify the core ideas.

1.1 a. we think
b. every thought leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker.

1. 2 a. to mind our thoughts, for our thoughts are the foundation, the inspiration, the
motivating power of our deeds, and are the causes and the conditions of the effects.

b. our thoughts affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out
becomes independent of the brain and mind and we live upon its energy depending
upon its intensity

c. We can change our mood by mixing with people who are cheerful.

d. Right introspection will be required of us to determine what we really desire to effect.

a. Dynamic
b. introspection

Q2. Note-making (1+3+1)

Notes: 3
1. Worry of our educationists
1.1 problem of relig. And moral edn.
1.2 innum. faiths & variety of langs.

2. Task of teaching
2.1 moulding right personality
2.2 loving one another
2.3 being kind & helpful to all
2.4 tender to lower animals
2.5 observing & thinking right

3. Spiritual needs of school children
3.1 teaching mutual respect
3.2 co-operation among diff. communities
3.3 speaking & understanding more langs. than one


Key to Abbreviations:
1. education = edn.
2. languages = langs.
3. innumerable = innum.
4. and = &
5. different = diff.
6. religious = relig.

Summary: 2

Generally school children face two types of problems. There is a problem of religions
and moral education since there are innumerable faiths and languages as well. The
task of teaching involves moulding right personality and that will give them love.
They should learn to be kind and helpful. They should be tender to lower animals.
There are certain techniques which can achieve the spiritual needs. They can learn
mutual respect and cooperate with the children of different communities. It is
important that they should cooperate and understand the others as well.

Section B (Advance Writing Skill) 20 marks

To-Let: A well-furnished two bed room flat in Gokulpuri, Palam only for foreigners/
Central Govt. employees, ground floor, excellent location, car parking space, school
and market at walk able distance, reasonable rent. Contact: Praveen Chandra of 38-
G, Gokulpuri, Palam, New Delhi. Mob. No. 92007132XX.


Krishna Public School, Jagdish Nagar, Meerut
Health Exhibition 201X
June, 201X
A Health Exhibition is being organized in the school on 15
and 16
Jan. 201X. The
theme of the Exhibition is Healthy Living Better Living. All students are requested
to contribute through charts, models, slogans and posters depicting the idea of
celebrating life with good health. Contact the undersigned for more details.


Q4. Article Writing - 8 marks
Format - 1 mark = Title + Writers Name ( + )
Expression - 4 marks = Grammatical accuracy, language,
Spellings (2 marks)
Coherence and Relevance of ideas (2 marks)
Content - 3 marks

Speech Writing - 8 marks
Format - 1 mark = Title + Writers Name ( + )
Expression - 4 marks = Grammatical accuracy, language,
Spellings (2 marks)
Coherence and Relevance of ideas (2 marks)
Content - 3 marks

Q5. Letter Writing - 8 marks
Format - 2 marks
Expression - 3 marks = Grammatical accuracy (1 marks)
Coherence, Fluency (1 marks)
Content - 3 marks

Letter Writing - 8 marks
Format - 2 marks
Expression - 3 marks = Grammatical accuracy (1 marks)
Coherence, Fluency (1 marks)
Content - 3 marks
Bio-Data enclosed.

Section C (Grammar) 10 marks

Incorrect Correct
(a) is was
(b) have had
(c) worked working
(d) would was
(e) is would
(f) want wanted

Q.7. Correct the following sentences: 4
a. It was I who did it.
b. He is cleverer than his brother.
c. She makes a few mistakes.
d. I saw an alien/ aliens flying in the sky.

Q.8 Rearrange the following words in meaningful sentences: 3 marks
(i) over/ crisis/ are/ is/ the/ saying/ they/ that.
(ii) fly / to escape / south / starvation / to / chill / and /
(iii) training/ a/ undergo/ soldier/ to/ has/ hard/ a.

Q9) (i) They are saying that the crisis is over.
(ii) They fly south to escape chill and starvation.
(iii) A soldier has to undergo a hard training.

SECTION D (Text books) 40 marks

9. (a) rain (b) land and seas (c) sky (d) takes a dim shape
(a) poets mother (b) twelve (c) had died long ago (d) silence of death

10. Any two (3 marks for each answer)

(a)The poet here brings out a similarity between the face of her mother her own face. Both the face
had turned wry due to the intense feeling of their great loss. The mother had lost the joys of her
childhood. The poet had lost the laughter of her mother who was now dead.

(b) not the voice of rain poet draws a similarity between song and rain - no relation with the main
thought of the poem.

(c) to wash the droughts, tiny particles and layers of dust of the globe, to give life to the hidden ,
ungerminated seeds in dust.

11. Any five (2 marks for each answer)
(a) Fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They supply food to us. They provide all the raw
material for our industry.
(b) Jonathans statement about not being afraid to die and Sues card of love and hope.
(c) ritual resins hardened , cementing Tuts mummy - mere damaged by thieves.
(d) Interview was flopped Mrs. Dorling refused to see her in spite of narrators request.
(e) Because their tribe GAROGHLANIAN had an unshakeable reputation for honesty, no member of
their tribe could steal.
(f) Most of the days were filled with unpleasant experiences. He did not like to learn things by heart.
The teachers were unsympathetic and sarcastic.

12. Answer anyone (6 marks)

This earth supplies all our needs but we dont have a freehold on it. We are not its masters. We have
not inherited it from our forefathers. Rather we have borrowed it from our children. And we have to
give it back to them in good form. We should take from it as much as we give back to it. If we cut
down forests for our use, we should plant new trees to replace them. To meet our needs, we should
not make an overuse of our natural resources. We should always keep in mind the needs of the future
generations also we have to see that this earth remains livable for our children also.


Annie Pearson- Quiet, Submissive, Priority to family, sufferer, hates unpleasantness.
Fitzgerald Strong, domineering, demands respect, establishes identity of woman as
important person, assertive.

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