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The Spiritual Law of PRAYER

Prayer is communicating with God (Higher Source,

Universal Energy, however or whatever you wish to refer to
it ) Every word and every thought is actually a rayer!

"orry is a negative rayer!
#t is telling the Universe how frightened you may $e feeling!
#t also reinforces your %fear vi$ration and may $ring a$out
e&actly what you fear!

"e must direct our thoughts in a ositive and focused
The Law of Prayer is as'ing and $elieving!
(aith is an active ingredient in $ringing your rayers a$out!
)he moment you have offered your rayer, start than'ing
the Universe for it!
)hen reare to receive what you have as'ed for!
*our faith will reciitate the arrival of your wish!

+ften eole ray without really e&ecting the rayer to $e
granted, so they ta'e no action!
"hat they do not reali,e is that faith activates a resonse
from the Universe!
-any eole ray for something, $ut are then not reared
to receive what they as'ed for!

"hen you offer a rayer, 'ee holding the vision of
#f you ray for eace, icture and feel eace coming a$out!
#f you ray for healing for someone, visuali,e that erson
healthy and strong!
.lways ray for the highest good for all to haen!
Prayer is simle, sincere, authentic and from the heart!

)o activate the Law of Prayer /
01etach from the result
0)han' the Universe for resonding
0Hold your faith
0Preare for it to $e granted
#f you wish to draw something to yourself, you must as' in
the right way and the divine current will $ring it to you!
*ou must $e sure that you are really ready for it!

.s'ing is rayer!
"hen you ray for something and really $elieve that it will
$e granted, your energy lin's to the divine current and the
Universe sends a resonse!
)he faith you have is what aligns your re2uest to the
Universal current!
)o %as' is to centre yourself in the radiant light and ro3ect
your clear divine thought into the mind of the
"hen your thought5vi$rations align with the cosmic thought
5 that is as'ing! )he divine current must answer and ull
you into itself so that the situation moves and transforms!

)o as' in such a way is always to receive a resonse from
the Universe!

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