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The Spiritual Law of REINCARNATION

The word carne means flesh.

Incarnation is when our spirit enters a physical body.
Reincarnation is the principle of returning into a physical
body, more than once.
Under the Law of Reincarnation, if there is anything
unresolved or incomplete at the end of a lifetime, your soul
is allowed an opportunity to return in human form to resolve
or complete it.

If you cheat someone in one lifetime, your soul will wish to
make amends by returning to help that person in another

here one person has consistently hurt another !eg. a
husband harming his wife", they will wish to return together
so that the soul of the perpetrator can repay.

If a parent dies leaving his children feeling angry, confused
or misunderstood, under the #aw of Reincarnation those
spirits will choose to come back together to try to relate
hole families often return at the same time in an effort to
work things out.
$ommunities who are in conflict or at war will come back to
%arth together to see if their souls can find peace together
instead of battle and conflict.

&ften we reincarnate again and again into similar
circumstances because of the souls desire to put the past to

&nce we are on the earthplane, in this material place of
free'will and choice, it is all too easy to forget the ideals and
perspective of the spiritual world.
&nce again we make the same mistakes and are trapped in
the cycle of reincarnation.

%arth is a learning establishment in which our lessons are
presented to us in the form of e(periences.
&nce we die and leave behind the physical body, our souls
report card is scrutini)ed and reviewed with the help of our
guides, angels and spiritual mentors, known as the #ords of
e then decide which lesson we need to brush up on and
which classes we need to redo in order to accomplish our
goal of ascension.

here we have done well, our soul learns new lessons in
the following incarnation+s.

,ouls will e(perience lives in every religion, have lives as
peasants, merchants, soldiers, medics and artists ' every
conceivable life style and area they can learn from.
These souls will incarnate again and again to perfect
lessons and repay karma.
These souls will e(perience all polarities, such as
student+teacher, rich+poor, male+female, service+selfishness,

The -.kashic Records are kept by the #ords of *arma.
/ood and bad are credits and debits. In future lifetimes we
can call on our credit, but we must also re'pay our debts.

There are many reasons why a soul may wish to
,ome may include0
1 to put right past wrongs !to repay our debts"
1 to e(perience and strengthen ourselves
1 to learn more about our emotions, se(uality and other
lessons e(clusive to the earthplane
1 to serve on this planet, to teach, to help, to be a light
to others.
%arth is a planet of free'will and choice.
%very thought, word or deed eventually manifests into your
2our mindsets and emotions build your physical body and
provide you with opportunities to have different e(periences.
Ultimately, there is a spiritual working'out of all things.

It is not up to us to 3udge what somebody else is doing or
how they are handling the lessons of their incarnation.
4ust be aware that every single soul is on a 3ourney over
many lifetimes, and they are continuously learning on that

The greatest way of helping another is to demonstrate by
e(ample that there is another way of living.
*Akashic Records -
The ma3ority of the worlds cultures, faiths and philosophers generally agree that the
.kashic Records e(ist.
The 5indus believe in a universal substance call akasha 6 from which the natural
elements of water, fire, earth and air were created.

The .kashic Records are perceived to be the collective memories and histories of every
thought, physical and emotional vibration, sound, ma3or event, minor incident and all
movement in eternity.
The .kashic Records are the entire history of everything that ever has been, and
everything that ever will be.
They could be looked upon as a memory bank containing details about everything that
happens in the Universe, and information about every spirit and the many lives they have

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