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Team Disha

Team Disha 2008 2008, IIM Lucknow

Campus Case Book
Campus Case Book
Class o 2009
Contact at:

Campus Case Book -
Class o 2009

Contact at:
- Summers
Class o 2009

Contact at:

Contact at:

Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:


1. Abhina Akhilesh ,2,
2. Akhilesh Gopal ,1,
3. Ankush Jain ,3,
4. Ritesh Nandwani ,3,
5. Anuj Lakhotia ,3,
6. Aditi Garg ,6,
. C.L. Naeen ,3,
8. Prashant Agarwal ,1,
9. Raghu Gorthi ,2,
10. 1anuj Johri ,3,
11. Gagan Chandak ,1,
12. Kshitij Ranjan ,2,
13. Aayush Killa ,1,
14. Priyam Aggarwal ,2,
15. Dhrua Garg ,3,
16. Abhishek Agrawal ,2,
1. Soura Roy ,4,
18. Sachin Bhatia ,2,
19. Rajat Kashyap ,3,

Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Name Abhina Akhilesh
Company McKinsey & Company
Name of Interviewer and
1oshan 1amhane ,Lngagement Manager,
lirst ,1
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
\hy MBA ater MBBS
Some questions about ashion ,I am an amateur designer,
Some questions about options structuring.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1he case I got was about an International brokerage irm trying to enter India.
It had three options to do so, Acquiring an Indian irm, JV, and entering alone.
Case inoled a lot o data. I took a good 2-3 minutes initially to come up with
a good MLCL ,Mutually exclusie, collectiely exhaustie, structure to work
with, which was appreciated by the interiewer. linally, he asked me to alue a
irm based on some data that he had gien me, as I was going along the
acquisition route.
What do you think went
right for you in this
I came up with a decent structure to the case. Asked or clariications at eery
point. I also kept on asking whether I was on the right path. 1hinking aloud
helped a lot.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
I could not go about aluing the target irm properly, it was almost a hal hour
and I was getting restless. It is ery important to maintain your calm.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
It is essential to go about getting the structure right. 1hink aloud, ask the
interiewer at eery point as to whether you are going on the right path, look
or subtle hints rom the interiewer.
Name Abhina Akhilesh
Company Interviewed
McKinsey and Company
Name of Interviewer and
Naeen 1ahilyani ,Partner,
lirst ,2
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
A lot o questions related to my CV were asked, rom positions o
responsibility to my social work initiaties. le also clariied a lot o my doubts
about the PMP Practice at McKinsey, which I intended to work or.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1he case was about a tractor irm, which was the market leader till about six
months back, but has lost market steadily since then. I used the Porter`s alue
chain ramework, which he was ery impressed with. le straightaway told me
to skip quite a ew analyses areas, and I quickly came with the problem as the
company was oering less margin to its non-exclusie retailers, as compared to
the competition. I triangulated my conclusion by asking as to what were the
margins oered beore the irm started losing market share, and the interiewer
was ery happy about this.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
right for you in this
I asked questions throughout the case discussion and triangulated my
conclusion in the end.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
I don`t think anything went wrong here, this probably was the best Interiew I
had eer appeared or.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1hinking aloud is something I cannot stress upon enough. Use the MLCL
approach to make your ramework water-proo. 1ry triangulating the
conclusions drawn, i any.
Name Abhina Akhilesh
Company Interviewed
McKinsey & Company
Name of Interviewer and
1. Venkatesh ,Associate Partner,
Second ,1
& Only Interiew,
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
1he was no case in this interiew, only a small chit-chat session.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)

What do you think went
right for you in this

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.

Name Akhilesh Gopal
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
\hy do u think we called you or the interiew ,I had not spoken in my GD,
\hy this speciic proile
\hy inance
Some in terms which I didn`t know...
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Interiewer: Gie me ie steps to estimate the number o traic lights in Bombay.
Me: ,I asked or some time and took a good 2-3 minutes, I will diide the city into
equidistant lines, both ertical and horizontal, sort o a mesh. 1hen I would take
ertical and horizontal rectangles ,not squares,, i.e., the rectangles which all on length
and breadth o the city. Starting with the horizontal ones I would try to estimate the
number o roads going rom east to west in each rectangle ,depending on the type o
area: residential, commercial or a highway,. Similarly, I would try to estimate the
number o roads going rom north to south in each ertical rectangle. Now I hae the
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

aerage number o roads per unit length and per unit breadth. Now, I can calculate the
aerage number o roads intersecting per rectangle. Now i I hae the data, I can also
use the traic density data to urther improe my estimate, i.e., whether the traic light
is required in that rectangle or not ,depending on the traic density,.

Interiewer 2: Let`s say that golden quadrilateral gets completed tomorrow. \hat
would be its impact on the sales o Ashok Leyland
Me: ,Instantly, Sir, they would increase, as more and more traic will shit rom
railways to roads as the aerage time taken by road will decrease.
Interiewer 2: I I say that the sales will decrease and I`m correct, can u justiy that
Me: ,Ater thinking or 2 min, No sir, I cannot.
Interiewer 2: I the aerage time taken decreases by road, the truck will make the
same number o trips in less amount o time, thereby rendering oercapacity in the
road transport market, thereore the sales will decrease.
Me: ,I actually didn`t let him complete, I interrupted him in between and said that I got
the logic,

What do you think went
right for you in this
Apart rom the cases, It was more o a chit chat on my career and goals. So I was clear
on that part and I told them clearly that summers is nothing more than an experiment
or me.
What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?
Should hae thought beore answering the second case
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.
Don`t try to oerstate acts and be practical
Name Ankush Jain
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
1, \ould you like to introduce yoursel
2, Interaction related to my hobby, that is, watching lormula1
3, lamily Business related questions, including how you eel the operations can
be scaled up
4, \hat,low would you adice Ronn Dennis, the Mclaren l1 chie, to go
about resoling the dierences between his team and Alonso

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Case - A manuacturing Co. produces three products: A, B and C. Cost o
production o each is Rs 20. 1he SP o A ~ Rs 60, B ~ Rs 80 and C ~ Rs 100.
1he company produces the same amount o all the three products. In order to
earn more proits, the CLO o the company eels that the company should
concentrate on producing C, while the CA says that they should go or product
1he CLO, a riend o yours, comes to you or consultation. Can you help him

Proit ~ No. o units , Proit per unit ,
Proit per unit is ixed, hence the number o units is the ariable part.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

1hus the important actor is the time required or the production o each unit
o product A, B and C. In this case, the interiewer told me that the time o
production or C is 1 hr, while or A its 15 min and or B 30 min. 1hus, the
proit rom A will be larger compared to B and C

Other options explored :
1he market growth rate o the products
1he taxes on indiidual products, in case there are any , because o the
CA actor ,
Competitors or the gien products

What do you think went
right for you in this

1, \as able to arrie at the solution o the case
2, Lxplored many options and had a broader perspectie
3, lad a ery good interaction related to my hobby and amily business

What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?

I was not able to structure the analysis properly. 1his was probably because I
put a lot more emphasis on why a CA could hae adised so ,that`s why I
explored the options o taxes and inancial statements etc,, rather than the real
problem, situation, which would hae been a better approach.

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.

As with me, many people, or at least some, tend to gie importance to a
particular thing on which the interiewer would hae stressed on. \hile this
may be so, but it`s also possible that he`s trying to mislead you or gie you a
broader option. I beliee the appropriate approach would be to take a two way
approach, which in this case would hae been an accounting approach and
other an operational approach

Name Ankush Jain
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
1, low was the irst interiew
2, Interaction on some things related to my irst interiew
3, Another Interaction related to my hobby, that is, watching lormula1
4, low has your stay been at IIM Lucknow
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)

Case J - 1here is a X\Z rerigerator manuacturing Co. 1he company has only
one actory, in the centre o the country. lrom there, it distributes its products
throughout the country and hence, incurs some transportation costs. 1here is a
competitor, situated only about a km away. 1he management o the company
comes to know that the transportation costs o the competitor are considerably
less than theirs. In order to ind out the reason, they hae hired you. So how
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

will you go about it

1he total transportation costs o the company will depend on three actors.
1hese include:
1he distance traeled per trip
Cost per Km o distance
No o trips , which will depend on loading o the truck i.e. capacity

Since the competitor was also located in the same area, the distance traeled per
trip and the cost o trip per Km would hae been the same. 1his gets us to the
point o no. o trips. It might hae been possible that the X\Z company might
not be ully utilizing the capacity o the truck and hence, required more number
o trips to transport the same number o rerigerators as the competitor. 1hus,
they should be concentrating at maximum utilization o the capacity.

Other points that can be explored include:
Relationship with the transport dealer
\hether competitor had its own set o trucks or transportation
1he distribution area o the competitor

Case 2 Lstimation

\ou are the head o LSPN-S1AR. lormula1 is coming to India and you aim at
bidding or the teleision rights o the same. low would you go about doing it

1he estimation can be airly carried out by structuring the population,1.1 crore,
in two ways:
On the basis o cities: Diide into urban cities ,15,, satellite towns
,15, and illages ,0 ,
On the basis o age: Diide into three groups, 0-15,25,, 15-50 ,50,
and aboe 50 ,25,.

lor each o the city based population diide it into the three age groups. Now,
in cities, people in the age group o 15 - 50 are most likely to watch ormula1.
Let the number be 30 o them. lor below and aboe this age group, let the
number be 10 .

In case o satellite towns, the percentage o people in 15-50 age group can be
assumed to be 15 and 2-3 or people aboe and below this age group.

\hile in illages it can be saely assumed that nobody watches lormula1 in
those areas.1hus the estimation can be carried out in this way

What do you think went
right for you in this

1, I beliee that exploring the options o haing an own set o trucks and
relationship with dealer was credible in the irst case
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

2, Structured the estimation case well and analyzed it almost perectly
3, Another good interaction on my hobby

What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?

1, Didn`t hae a clear thought regarding the three main points
mentioned in the irst case. Lxplored them in rather ague manner
2, 1he question about the stay at IIM Lucknow was towards the end and
I beliee I didn`t answer it a preerable manner. lad an oer-cautious
attempt to it rather than being natural.

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.

Being a resher and not being used to interacting with high proile people was
at the back o my mind. Due to this, I had a ery cautious approach to my
interiew and probably hampered my natural thinking and low. Also, I laid
emphasis on interaction earlier because the interiewer expects you to be more
inoled in the discussion and how can you carry it orward with aplomb. So
or probable interiewees who might eel in the same way, it`s adisable to be as
natural as possible.

Name Ritesh Nandwani
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Mostly, they were the partners in the concerned irms.
1wo rounds in BCG, 1 round each in others
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
1here were some general questions like \hy consulting, \hy this company,
Other questions were speciically related to my proile, academic background,
work-experience and interests.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
,1, \our client wants to establish a cement actory. low would you
approach and what all actors would aect the location decision
,2, \our client has deeloped an eye solution, using which a customer can
do without spectacles. loweer, one unit works only or one day. So,
an user will hae to consume resh unit eeryday or soling same
problem. Assume that the cost o producing these units is negligible.
1he cost incurred so ar is on Research and Deelopment which is a
substantial amount. low should they market and price the product
,3, Lstimate the market or second hand cars in India
,4, Moser bear has launched DVD range at aordable prices o Rs. 30-40.
A music company, X has been in the market or last ew years & has
been selling DVDs or Rs. 250-300. low should they react to the
situation o continuously alling demand
,5, Lstimate the demand or cricket bats in India
,6, Lstimate the size o Surat textile Industry |It was a speciic question
or me as I belong to Surat|

Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
right for you in this
I had some basic idea about some o the industries because o my work
experience. I had also studied some rameworks and approaches or soling
dierent kind o problems. All these helped me to consider wider aspects while
analyzing the problem and giing a structure to my analysis.
What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?
In some cases, I orgot to take cues rom the interiewer. I inadertently
assumed something which was not consistent with the way he wanted me to
approach the case. I should hae interacted with him more to understand his
exact requirements.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.
Don`t unnecessary ocus more on getting the right solution. 1here is no single
right solution to any case. 1he only thing interiewer is interested to see is your
thinking process,Is it structured, Basic Understanding o any industry, Dierent
aspects you coer while diagnosing the case, \our common sense,etc.,
Name Anuj Lakhotia
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Lngagement Manager
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
-\hat did you do in your internship, I had a in internship,
-low will you do aluation or a bank \hat ratios will you use and why
-Puzzle: \ou hae lost your wallet containing 500 Rs. 1here is a similar wallet
with an unknown amount o money. \ou hae to bid highest amongst many
bidders to get the money in both wallets. \hat would be your bid
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
-Lstimate the demand or treadmills in India. \ou can assume that there is only
one ariety o treadmill costing 20k
What do you think went
right for you in this
-Lstimated the demand correctly, triangulated the inal results, ollowed the
correct approach o urban-rural classiication and then diiding into tier-1, tier-
2, tier-3 cities. Made sure I coered all possible demand options like corporate,
gyms and itness centers. Also took care o the stock demand due to
obsolescence and resh demand
What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?
llip lopped a little on structure while calculating the numbers at arious leels.
lor instance assumption or population o a tier-1 city.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.
Guesttimates hae some standard ways to proceed and are easily crack able.
Name Anuj Lakhotia
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Associate Manager
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
-1ell me something about your work experience
-\hy did you leae IIM oer or work 2 years back
-Anything you would like to ask us
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
-A PL irm wants to ealuate an opportunity or online DVD rental market in
India. Adise them.
- 1he sales cost,Acquisition o a certain credit card sales company has suddenly
increased. 1he number o conersions per employee though remains the same.
\hat can be the possible reasons

What do you think went
right for you in this
Case1: Looked at all possible dimensions, took care o issues like priacy,
demand driers, possible business model, segmented the customers, estimated
annual sales and costs. 1old that returns would be much lesser than what a PL
irm demands on an inestment
Case2: Gae a broad set o possibilities like inlation, market saturation, new
product arrial, competition etc. Diided into ixed and ariable costs and
indicated that employee cost would hae increased in ariable costs.
What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.
Be conident, take your time, and try to gauge the problem correctly beore
giing the answers. Interiews with Senior people are pretty inormal exercise.
Name Anuj Lakhotia
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
-low has been the day
-Anything you would like to ask us
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
SBI has 150 branches & ICICI has 50 in Mumbai. 1he home loan sales or the
two are though 50 cr. and 150 cr. Respectiely. \hat are the possible reasons
What do you think went
right for you in this
Initially checked whether there was a real problem or SBI by identiying no. o
employees in the home loan department or both , company ocus and years
since in the market
Identiied the ollowing reasons:
1. Marketing eort by ICICI
2. \ord o mouth approach to home loans
3. 1ie ups with Real estate guys
4. Lower home loan rates, less diligence
5. Customer riendly sta, Possible use o technology
6. Consumer proile incline towards priate banking
. Other VAS proided by ICICI
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
Wrong in this interview?
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
Interview experience.

Name Aditi Garg
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer and
Project Manager
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
1ell me something about yoursel
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1here is a shoe-making company in lrance. Inoled in making casual shoes
and saety shoes or industries. It wants to expand its market in terms o
geography. 1he durability, costs, proits, demand o both the product segments
is dierent. Lstimate the market demand or its products in the new geography
and adise in which product segment it should enter.

What do you think went
right for you in this
Did right classiication or casuals- men and women. Likely number o pair o
shoes purchased by both segments in a year, based on durability and liestyle.
Laluated raw material constraints, competition or both the products.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
1ook airly long time in initial part. So, could not conclude due to time crunch.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Seek as much clariications during the initial phase o the interiew. Keep a time
Name Aditi Garg
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1he city I belong to Is it the irst time I am staying away rom home My
initial experience o city Lucknow ,usual riendly chit-chat,. Interests \atching
discoery channel, esp. Construction marels. 1he interiewer had deep
knowledge o inrastructure sector. So, asked me about the upcoming trends
and requirements I oresee in global construction industry. Shared some
examples rom what I hae seen on 1V. Asked how construction industry
would change w.r.t. to global warming. Answered about green buildings, gae
some examples.
lairly interactie.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Case - A manuacturing Co. produces three products: A, B and
C. Cost o production o each is Rs 20. 1he SP o A ~ Rs 60, B ~
Rs 80 and C ~ Rs 100. 1he company produces the same amount
o all the three products. In order to earn more proits, the CLO
o the company eels that the company should concentrate on
producing C, while the CA says that they should go or product
1he CLO, a riend o yours, comes to you or consultation. Can
you help him out
Proit ~ No. o units , Proit per unit ,
Proit per unit is ixed, hence the number o units is the ariable
1hus the important actor is the time required or the production
o each unit o product A, B and C. In this case, the interiewer
told me that the time o production or C is 1 hr, while or A its
15 min and or B 30 min. 1hus, the proit rom A will be larger
compared to B and C

What do you think went
right for you in this
Did some contribution analysis and used limiting actor concept. Don`t know
whether it was right approach or not.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
\rote case details improperly. So, orgot to consider an important data point in
analysis. Could not analyze the case well.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
\rite whateer data is gien properly, and examine whether it is required or
the case or not.
Name Aditi Garg
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Lxplain in brie about your job proile
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A car serice company is planning to open a huge serice station
which will serice cars rom all the brands
Discuss the aspects that he should consider beore opening such a
What do you think went
right for you in this
Lxplored all issues like classiication o cars into sedan, hatchback and heay
ehicles. Considered aspects o requency o sericing based on usage, serice
requirement, maintenance, price per sericing, location etc. Coered all aspects
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Gae reerence o Mckinsey report on automotie parts in an appreciating tone.
Probably, it casted a negatie impression.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.

Name Aditi Garg
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
MD, M&A Adisory
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Asked about job proile
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1here was a painting on wall. \ou hae to bid or it in an auction on behal o
your client. low will you do its aluation low will you justiy to your client in
case you are bidding or it in excess o Rs. 1 crore
A question on options.
What do you think went
right for you in this
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Name Aditi Garg
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
low was the day Ltc.

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
An lMCG company wants to enter into packaged ruit juice segment in India.
\hat all aspects should it take into account
Value proposition o ruit juices w.r.t. to its substitutes \hy dierent
packaging, pricing strategy
What do you think went
right for you in this
Analyzed it well. Starting rom qualitatie and quantitatie actors. Reenue
projections, costs etc. Competitors, lDA regulations.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1ry to coer as many aspects as possible. 1he interiewer in most likelihood
will direct towards the approach he is looking or.
Name Aditi Garg
Company Interviewed
Sabre Abraaj Priate Lquity
Name of Interviewer
Director, Senior Associate
Second ,lirst round was not case-based,
Personal interview
questions (with
answers if you choose
share them)
Lie at IIM Lucknow etc. Job proile. \ith work experience in inance, the
interiewer asked questions asking or more details about the analysis, about the
client`s business, kind o work done or him.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Sabre has to inest in a logistics company in India. 1ell the approach which it
would take beore making the decision whether to inest in it or not, rom a PL
What do you think went
right for you in this
Analyzed the case well considering growth potential o the industry, growth
potential o the company, key actors determining its success, like locations
sered, customers, oil prices etc. Combined learnings rom BCG, Mckinsey
with aluation aspects like DCl aluation ,ormula,, Relatie aluation
undamentals, and estimation o cost o equity.
Asked lot o releant questions about PL irm.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Change your perspectie according to the purpose or which the analysis is to
be carried out. lor example: PL irm looks at growth potential with long term
perspectie. Communicate to them that you hae understood this, and then
proceed urther.
Name Naeen Cheluka
Company Interviewed
McKinsey and Company
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Lngagement Manager
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Discussed some o my CV points. My internship during under graduation. ,I
had interned at Ga1ech, Atlanta,. 1alked about my paper and why MBA \hy

1he why consult` question is easily tackled i one has no unction speciic
background. Just bring out interest in eery ield. Another nice thing to do
would be to take` the interiewer through your CV.

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)

1he case was about declining proitability o an Italian restaurant in New Delhi.
Looked like a plain anilla proitability case to me. I did the clariication part
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

and gae him the standard cost-s.-reenue proit model as my structure. le
said the structure was ok and asked me to continue. I launched into the analysis
only to be stumped just 2 minutes later.

1he restaurant was not losing reenue and costs were the same. I asked him
three times to conirm this. I took time out and decided this structure would get
me nowhere. llipped a page and started on 4Ps. Product being irst. Asked
him about the items sold. asked him then or price o these items. le went
one step ahead and gae me proitability igures. Apparently alcohol had more
proitability than pasta and meats.

I asked i the product mix had changed oer the last 2 years when proits had
declined. 1he look on his ace told me the case was oer. loweer, he ollowed
it up with an interesting question about why this may hae happened. I gae
him two good reasons that were to do with outside enironment. regulation
o alcohol and some such thing.
le asked me to take some time to think what the owner o the restaurant may
hae done which made this happen. I took the customary one-minute and came
up with the idea that probably the owner had tried to increase turnoer, by
improing serice time and that the consumers all consumed alcohol while they
waited or the main course.

Case ended there and he gae me some numbers to work. Oerall it was a good

What do you think went
right for you in this
1he one-minute breaks came in ery ery handy. Lery time I was put in a
diicult situation I orced mysel to think through it.

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
I was a tad slow with the numbers as I was apprehensie about getting them
right. So he had to ask me to work some numbers to proe my quant skills
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Practice hard. Also make sure you are thinking about the case in the interiew
and are not thinking about how the interiew is proceeding.
Name Naeen Cheluka
Company Interviewed
McKinsey and Company
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Associate Partner
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
CV points again. why consult` again.
Same answers. I guess they were checking or consistency.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)

Inestment decision with limited budget about the creche business in Chennai.
Guesstimate about numbers o creches that can be opened in Chennai.

\as stopped halway through the case.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
right for you in this
One minute breaks again. Meandered a little but structure was again solid.

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
1he meandering bit. I was tired.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
\hen aced with a riendly interiewer you can aord to relax a bit but do not
let your guard down completely.
Name Naeen Cheluka
Company Interviewed
McKinsey and Company
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Lngagement Manager
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Gae me some gyaan about consult s. i-banks` proiles.
Asked i I wanted to clariy anything more.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)

Case was about a bank. big bank in India. \anted to tap rural market. Ater
initial clariication and structure building I identiied correctly the areas where
the bank had to apply eort to gain market share. \as stopped beore getting
in depth.
What do you think went
right for you in this
Structure. Logical thinking. My aorite one-minute breaks.

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Nothing I can think o.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
No more. Please see aboe.
Name Prashant Agarwal
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
So how are you inding college ater 4 years o job
Are you satisied with your decision o joining IIM L
\hat makes you to shit rom Ashok Leyland to Inosys and then coming back
to college in a span o just 4 years
1ell me something about your role in Inosys at client location
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1here is a tractor manuacturer. le is leader in market share across the country
but in one state he is not able to capture the market le is inding it diicult to
een ind good dealers or selling his tractors. \hat seems to be the problem

Soln: 1he approach which I took was reenue and proit margin. But orgot to
consider the olume part in the reenue and that was where I got stuck. 1he
problem was related to the olume not getting generated in the state because o
the requirement o high power tractors which the company was not capable o
What do you think went
right for you in this
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Nothing went right I messed up at the ery beginning
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Cases are normally simple and based on common sense only. I tried to make it
a big thing during my irst case and messed up in the beginning itsel. 1ry to be
cool-headed and think logically and structurally. Start rom the ery basics i
you can,should. 1here are there to help you and thus don`t be araid.
Name Raghu Gorthi
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1.Most Signiicant achieement in lie
2. \hy consulting
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
. .vcce..fvt vav ravt. to oev a re.tavravt iv a aorvtorv of a vetro. !bat .bovta be bi.
.trateg, ava bor .bovta be e.tivate bi. re.ovrce..
I started by clariying the successul part and what does the interiewer mean by
resources. I was told that the successul part was to block my analysis along
cost part and the resources was limited to number o chairs and tables.
Ater I told about how he might chose the demographics o the downtown area
and how he should chose the type o restaurant, the interiewer said to take the
restaurant to cater lunch to oice goers and is o Italian type
My numeric analyses started with a clariied assumption that Italian restaurants
are expensie and are isited by rich executies on an occasional lunch basis.
1hen came the assumption to numbers and diision to age group, income
group, gender etc and arried at a decent number which was ok to the
What do you think went
right for you in this
I was good at taking hints about words like Italian and downtown in my
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Ater I arried at the maximum number o people that can come to the
restaurant on a daily basis, I jumped to the number o chairs and tables by
doing simple diision and multiplication. 1here was urther analysis to be done
in the line that a 4 seated table might only chair 2 persons who came together
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

and the rest 2 go waste.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
One deinite thing is that the interiewer wants to look at how we were
choosing each step. So think aloud and take it slow because they neer urge you
to take it ast and you don`t hae o either

Name Raghu Gorthi
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1.One point that I would want to point out as my biggest highlight rom my CV
2. Couple o other CV related questions

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
.tivate tbe vvvber of treaavitt. iv Detbi
1he interiewer clariied straightaway that he was looking at a quick and airly
accurate estimate
So I started along the traditional path o diiding the population into amilies
and amilies into rich and poor ,I was asked to deine in terms o amily salary
here,. And then rich to amilies with health conscious people.
part was about number o gyms and other health centers where a treadmill
might be there. lere the analysis was in terms o number o gyms and ag.
number o treadmills in each gym ,took some help in this part rom the
interiewer on multiple occasions,

An Analytical question: . er.ov to.e. bi. vr.e ritb 1000 bvc/. iv it ava tbere i. a
.ecova er.ov rbo at.o to.e. bi. vr.e ritb vv/vorv avovvt iv it. . tbira er.ov fiva. tbe
vr.e. ava a./. botb of tbev to bia attervatet, ava rboerer bia. tbe bigbe.t riv. botb tbe
vr.e.. f ,ov are tbat fir.t er.ov rbo to.t a vr.e ritb 1000 bvc/. iv it, bor vvcb rovta
be ,ovr bigbe.t bia.
I was conused with the question because I thought it was a onetime bid and
told him that we cannot ind the answer. le ound out why I was saying that
and told that the bid continues till one o them stops.
lrom here on I took some time to arrie at the solution but it needed decent bit
o help.
1he answer is 2000 because that will take the irst person to at least the same
state as he was without his purse i.e. -1000 state.
What do you think went
right for you in this
I soled the guesstimate pretty accurately because the interiewer said it was
ery close to the number they gae to their client.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
1he second question was actually tricky but quite simple i I had thought
properly. I wasted a lot o time in arriing at the solution
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1here is nothing wrong in asking or help and in act it is ery well appreciated
in most o the cases. O course oerdoing this must be aoided
Name 1anuj Johri
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
None due to lack o time
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Lstimate the sales o old teleision sets ater 5 years. Nothing else was gien.
loweer, releant data was being proided when I asked or it.
What do you think went
right for you in this
Started well by asking the right questions.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Got stuck somewhere in between and couldn`t ind an answer
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Name 1anuj Johri
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
About my extracurricular actiities
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A company wants to enter into the business o buying and selling old cars.
Lstimate the market potential in terms o the total sales o old cars in India
What do you think went
right for you in this
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Couldn`t ind the right approach to proceed.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Name 1anuj Johri
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
About my hobbies
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A company produces 3 products. 1he cost and the proits per unit were gien
or indiidual products. 1he accountant oers a proposal to produce only the
product that gies the highest proit per unit. Laluate the proposal.
What do you think went
right for you in this
Proceeded with the right approach and also ound the answer in the end.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Got stuck once and the interiewer had to gie a hint.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Name Gagan Chandak
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1ell me something about yoursel
\hy Consulting
About a project on \ireless Communications ,included some technical
questions also as the interiewer had experience in that ield,
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Nokia is currently the leader in the market or mobile phones in India.
Motorola is ar behind it and wants to increase its market share by around 10
,some igure,. Gie three suggestions or doing the same

I started o by asking about the price segments in which the mobile phones are
sold. 1hese were sold in all categories rom low price to the ery expensie
ones. 1hen I inquired i the eatures aailable in similarly priced models o
other co.s diered, but the answer was no.
So basically price was not the issue.
1hen I inquired i the expenditure on adertising was comparable to the other
co.s, to which the answer was yes.
I suggested that probably the people were skeptical about certain eatures o the
mobile sets, like their durability etc. upon which the company neer ocused in
adertisements. So probably a surey could be conducted to ind i there is
anything particular that the people are skeptical about.
Also the company could hae a tie up with CDMA endors like Reliance or
1A1A Indicom, where the mobile sets are proided along with the connection.

What do you think went
right for you in this

Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Probably was a bit slow in coming up with the inal solution and did not ollow
a ery structured approach.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
\ou should be thorough with your resume and study the sectors related to your
past projects pretty well.
Name Kshitij Ranjan
Company Interviewed
Mc Kinsey
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
\hy consulting
1ell me about yoursel.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1he case was about a priate equity irm which had to take a decision to buy a
wine company. I you are the irm how would you proceed
1he interiewer wanted to see the approach and he was willing to gie data as
required to make a decision.
What do you think went
right for you in this
I was able to structure the process and he was coninced o my approach.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Be ready to explain each o your assumption.
Practice ew calculations as it is also important while soling case.
Name Kshitij Ranjan
Company Interviewed
Mc Kinsey
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1ell me something which is not on your resume.
1ell about the subjects which you are studying here.

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
le told me to select one area and the case will be on that. I told him whateer
he likes. le then said that there is a company in Arica which manuactures
papers. lrom past three years its proit has been declining. Suggest ways to
improe it.
What do you think went
right for you in this
I was able to reach to the reason as to why it was happening. It was because o
the regulations regarding trees. Also the electricity was more costly now.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
In the recommendations as to how to oercome I could come up with ew
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Relax and draw structures which helps him understand how you are working.
Name Aayush Killa
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Naeen, Partner
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
It was more o a chit chat inoling Kolkata and ootball.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1he market share o the tractor major A` was 25 last year and that o its
nearest competitor B` was 20. loweer, this year the market shares o both
the players are 23. .1he tractor major is concerned as the adantage o 5
has been wiped out in a year. \hat can be the possible reasons or such a
drastic reduction in the market share

What do you think went
right for you in this
Structured the case properly.

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Missed one o the critical links at irst but was able to backtrack quickly.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Do any make any unnecessary assumptions.

Name Priyam Agarwal
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Asked in the second round
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Case J: X\Z co. wants to introduce shampoo or the rural market. It has come
to you or consulting to test whether the product will be proitable and how to
best launch the product, along with its marketing and promotion strategies.

1o test the easibility and proitability the market can be analyzed on the basis
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

o the ollowing actors:
Substitutes: bathing soaps, present shampoo
Consumer preerences: or the rural consumer price will be the most
important actor when considering a product or purchase.
Competition: or this I asked questions on the present market share o
the company and the degree o competition in the market and then
analyzed the same.

lor the marketing and promotion strategies I suggested the ollowing:
1he price should be in competition with the substitutes as the consumer
is price sensitie.
Retailer recommendation plays an important role in selling products in
the rural market.
Introduce the product in small sachets as the rural consumer buys small
packs as they don`t hae lot o money at their disposal

Case 2: IIML is currently at number 50 position in the world, what actors
need to be emphasized on to bring it among the top 5 institutes.

1he arious actors to be improed on will be:
Credentials o the aculty
Courses oered
Qualiication o students

1hese would be some o the actors. 1hen I ealuated how each o these would
be an important actor in the ealuation criteria. Ater that how each o these
could be improed upon.

What do you think went
right for you in this
Regarding the irst case I had a project on rural marketing on my CV so the
case was gien related to that, o which I had a air idea. I went about soling
the case in a structured manner, which was the best part and was able to come
up with good solutions
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
A case might be gien relating to an industry or a project which you hae on
your CV, so you should hae basic knowledge about that. Sole the case in a
structured manner, inole the interiewer and take his iews ,let it not be a
one side thing,. \our approach in soling the case is ery important
Name Dhrua
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1ell me something about yoursel.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1here is a finance department with a car dealer. 1he other executives in
the office question the use of finance department. Discuss.

Me: \hat are the current unctions o inance department
vterrierer: Normal operations o inance desks at a car dealer.

Me: So, they proide loan to customers
vterrierer: \es

Me: Does other banks also hae desks at the car dealer` showroom.
vterrierer: \es, 5-6 other banks also sit there.

Me: \hat percentage o customers get loan rom our inance department
vterrierer: Around 10, or less than that.

Me: \hat are our loan rates like
vterrierer: 1hey are a little higher than other banks.

Me: Summarized the indings till now and stated the question
that we need to explore. (not much of a value addition, but helps in keeping a track
of the facts and the target question)

Me: I would like to explore the act that why would een 10 o people get
their loans rom the in. Dept.
vterrierer: \a, what can be the possible reasons

Me: May be, they are not getting loans rom other banks. i.e. they are not that
credit worthy.
vterrierer: \es, but why in that case a inance dept. bear the risk that a bank
doesn`t want to.

Me: Because, the inance dept. is internal to the car dealer, so they can charge
higher rates and higher down payments. 1his can help the inance dept. in
reducing the risk o non-payment.
vterrierer: Ok, and what can be the other way in which an internal inance dept.
help the car dealer.

Me: 1he inance dept. can oer the customers to sell back their old car and buy
a new car again ater 2-3 years and the inance dept will renew the loan.
vterrierer: Ok, why wouldn`t a bank do that

Me: Because banks loose their interest on the remaining loan. But an internal
inance dept. can aord to loose some interest on the context o selling a new
car and making proit on it.
vterrierer: line

Me: I would like to summarize the case once.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

vterrierer: \a, Go ahead
Summary o the case
What do you think went
right for you in this
\ith help o clues I could dele deep into the issues o the case.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1. Listening is a ery important component o case interiew. Listen to
clues well.
2. Summarizing the case, and data once or twice in between the case at
times help, when you hae lots o data and you eel that you may hae
lost your ocus.
3. Summarizing at the end o case interiew in ery important ,also known
as eleator test,
Name Dhrua
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1ell me about some problems you aced working in a team in your preious
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A car service company is planning to open a huge service station which
will service cars from all/major car companies.
Discuss the aspects that he should consider before opening such a

I started with one or two enquiries about the serice station to gauge the scope
o the case.
I came to know that we need to ind out what cars will the station serice, what
are the serices that we will oer etc.
I suggested that I will ocus on one particular city and then start with the
discussion. Interiewer was ine with it.

Key aspects that came out o the case:
1. Station should ocus on ew brands only which could help the station
capture a high percentage o market ,80-20 principle,
2. Station can oer three kind o serices:
Regular repair serices: ligh olume, low proit
Periodic car serice: Mid olume, mid proit, regular customers
Accidental serices: Low olume, high proit
I oered to proide last two serices and orgo the irst serice.

lew more points were discussed related to a station in Delhi, where I talked
about purchasing & driing patterns particular to Delhi and how ew
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

specialized serices can help in generating more proit there.

What do you think went
right for you in this
I talked about all the issues well and didn`t need many clues also.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1ake some time and explore all possible options. A ree and open mind is ery
important in a case interiew.
Name Dhrua
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Asked me some points related to my CV
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A manuacturer produces 3 products A, B & C. le currently concentrates more
on A. But, his inancial manager says that he should concentrate on C. 1he
reenue, proit, units sold, time taken to produce a unit o A, B & C etc was all

What do you think went
right for you in this
1here was a lot o data. And what helped me was to get back and think or
sometime about the releant data.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Do not get bogged down by too much data. See what is important or you.
Name Dhrua
Company Interviewed
Mock case interiew by BCG or Mckinsey mentor
Name of Interviewer
and designation


Personal interview
questions (with
answers if you choose
share them)

Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A telecom service operator incurs huge cost in communicating one-2-one
with its customers. Help the firm in reducing its cost.

1he irm may be communicating with its customers using three possible
Serice Calls

It looked obious that costliest medium was Postal medium, because SMS
and serice calls are internal to the company, and it may not be incurring huge
costs in communicating using it sown network. I decided to ocus on postal

locusing on Postal:
Postal billing is aected by ew actors, such as:
1. Distance o communication
2. lrequency o communication
3. Number o customers to communicate with

Di.tavce of covvvvicatiov
Ater ew questions, we came to know that the company sends all letters rom a
central hub. So distance can be reduced by sending the bills rom each city
oice. A printing setup can be established in each city oice and bills can be
dispatched locally.

reqvevc, of covvvvicatiov
\e can explore the option o not sending the bills each month. But, in that case
customers won`t be paying their bills also each month.
Suppose, cost o a post in Rs 10.
12 annual interest rate, or a bill o amount less than 500Rs, interest lost
or two months will be less than Rs 10.
1hereore, or bills less than 500 amount, bills can be sent once in two months.

^vvber of cv.tover.
Customers can be asked or an option i they actually want paper bill or not.
But this option was rejected by interiewer on account that ideally all customers
will want a paper bill.

1he interiewer also agreed about the assumption that cost o sms or calls
won`t be that signiicant.
What do you think went
right for you in this

What do you think went
wrong in this interview?

Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
I didn`t come up with the interest rate and loss o interest concept on my own.
I thought about it but rejected it thinking that it may be out o scope o the
case. But then the interiewer had to gie me direct hints about this.
Do not reject any idea on your own. Discuss it with interiewer and gie him
the option o rejecting or exploring it urther. 1hey would like to see the
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

breadth o your thinking. So, any out o the box` idea can actually help during
the interiew.
Name Abhishek Agrawal
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Dont remember
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
All consulting interiews ,mine at least, started with the question: or ra. ,ovr
reriov. ivterrier and then comes the statement vv.t be a tovgb aa, for ,ov. Still
clueless abt what to say
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A company situated in North India sources its raw material rom the western
part. It is concerned with the high transport costs it is incurring as compared to
its competitors.
What do you think went
right for you in this
1he interiewer had a certain ramework in his mind or the analysis ,it sure
was his preious assignment,, which he hinted quite early. Latched on it soon
and it was easy then.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Not much
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Listen to the interiewer careully and try to latch on the hints ,know it sounds
too clichd but then true anyways,
Name Abhishek Agrawal
Company Interviewed
Name of Interviewer
and designation
Do not remember
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
Same as earlier
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A company wants to enter into the market o Second land cars. Lstimate the
size o the market and adise the company about the decision ,to enter or to
What do you think went
right for you in this
Not much
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
1ook the adice o .ea/ ,ovr viva too seriously and in the process was a bit
unstructured in what i said.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Don`t talk unstructured
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Name Soura Roy
Company Interviewed
Personal interview
questions (with
answers if you choose
share them)
1ell me something about yoursel.
\hat makes you dierent rom other students in IIM Lucknow
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Lstimate the size o the coaching industry ,in alue terms, in India. 1his was
directly related to my work experience
What do you think went
right for you in this
I kept my calm
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
I started the wrong way and soon was lost
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1ake sometime to think beore you start approaching the solution
Name Soura Roy
Company Interviewed
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
1ell me something about yoursel.
\hy do you want a career in consulting
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A company wants to enture into the selling used cars. Describe the market
,1alk about the constraints and serices you would proide,
What do you think went
right for you in this
I was conident and actually cracked the case
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1he key is asking lots o questions.
Name Soura Roy
Company Interviewed
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if
you choose to share
\hat do you think went good , bad in the other interiews
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Lstimate the size o auto repair market in India.
What do you think went
right for you in this
Kept asking the igures, soled them quickly. \as inally able to come up with
an estimate
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Practice quick calculations. Lot o us get used to the calculator
Name Soura Roy
Company Interviewed
lirst , 1wo cases,
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
Are you nerous
\hat are your expectations rom us
\hat are you extra-curricular actiities in campus
CV based questions
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Case 1: \ou are the owner o a theater. \ou hae contracted a troop to
perorm two shows eeryday. 1he show is a big success and has been running
houseul or the last two months. loweer, you are still making losses.

Case 2: \ou are a security company and proide sae-boxes or bank to
transer the cash. \ou hae three types o ehicles and rate o depreciation was
gien. \ou other cost include security personnel. Ignore other cost. \ou hae
been operation in two cities. Same business rom both, but making losses in
one and proits in the other one. Inestigate. ,orgotten the details o this one,
What do you think went
right for you in this
Cracked the case, but with a lot o hints.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Slow with calculations
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Knowledge o in, specially MANAC I, is ery important or Mckinsey een i
they don`t say so
Name Sachin Bhatia
Company Interviewed
Mckinsey & Co.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Name of Interviewer and
Associate Consultant
lirst ,1
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
\hy Consulting
\ou hae ClA on your CV. low will that help you in Consult ,1hough the
answer was obious but I suppose interiewer wanted to test my ocus,

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
Cement manuacturer has to set up a plant in south India. low should he

My Approach:
Check or the iability o the plant in terms o break-een and proitability.
Other actors where 1hreats o competitors, 1hreats o suppliers and power
o customers which will inluence my pricing.
What do you think went
right for you in this
My initial practice o soling similar cases helped me a lot. Structured approach
was well appreciated by the interiewer.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
My initial knowledge about the industry. So I made some assumption and told
the interiewer about it, so he questioned me how I know this and my only
reply was I hae done some research on this industry`
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
State your assumptions to the interiewer and don`t superimpose your prior
knowledge on the case. 1reat eery case as a new challenge and think
structurally breaking down the cases into parts.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Name Sachin Bhatia
Company Interviewed
Mckinsey & Co.
Name of Interviewer and
Associate Consultant
lirst ,2
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
\hat are your three most important strength and weakness
Leadership positions and problem aced

Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
A moie theatre is running house ull but still making losses.
low to trim losses

Approach: Proitability issue, so break down into Reenue and Cost.
Reenue: lactors like ticket prices, reenue rom ood stores etc was
Cost: Salaries o the actors, Cost o maintenance etc was important and we
discussed or a while on how to reduce them.
What do you think went
right for you in this
Again Structured approach.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
I quickly came to the solution.
Personal Interiew part was not so conincing.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Ask the interiewer in case o any doubt or in case you get stuck somewhere.
Prepare well or your case as well as PI part.
Name Rajat Kashyap
Company Interviewed
McKinsey & Co. Ltd.
Name of Interviewer and
Senior Associate. 1his guy was rom N\ oice and had joined India oice just
ew weeks back
Round lirst
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
le started with a short introduction about himsel. 1he irst ew questions
were ice-breakers. lirst he asked me to take him through my resume. I
mentioned ew points and there were some cross-questioning based on that.
Next he asked about my workex and what I did there. le dug into dierent
CV points and asked reasons or dierent decision. All questions were CV
based and general questions like why consulting why Mck etc were not asked.
1he personal questions lasted or around 15 minutes.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
I beliee that Pankaj was asking the same case rom eeryone.
1here are three wine manuacturer had three products o wine A, B & C with
40 percent, 30 percent and 30percent market share. A had three
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

What do you think went
right for you in this
I made ew remarks during the initial personal questions that made the
enironment light and established a connection between me and Pankaj.
During the case I suggested ew points like changing the design o bottle,
making associations etc. on which Pankaj seemed happy o the innoatieness
o my solution.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
I sort o dragged the answers o ew question during the initial phase o the
interiew. During the case I made a silly mistake o answering 14 million
bottles instead o 1.4 million bottles that he later commented upon.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
According to me, the irst interiew is the most important or making to the
second round. In case you screw your irst interiew, chances o making to the
second round become ery less. 1ry to connect with the interiewer and do
not make any silly mistakes. A great perormance is not compulsory but do not
try to screw anything.
Name Rajat Kashyap
Company Interviewed
McKinsey & Co. Ltd.
Name of Interviewer and
Associate Partner
(Iirst/Second round)
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
Venky was ocused rom the beginning. I beliee he was looking or speciic
points on which the interiew was concentrated. le asked two personal
1. 1ell me something interesting about yoursel.
2. low does McK come in what you want to do.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1he case was a ery short one. le told me that I was a consultant or a
lospital which is concerned with its lower reenue in cardiac operations. 1he
number o doctors, acilities, and charges were all same. 1he key was to
identiy the operation run time and actiities that can be done outside the
operation theatre.
What do you think went
right for you in this
1he answers to the personal questions were pretty good and he looked
impressed by that.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
Again did a silly mistake o not digging into quality leel o sta & doctors
being employed by the hospital.
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
1ry to igure out eerything that can aect a particular situation,scenario.
1hey might not be the things being looked by the interiewer, but it shows the
breadth o your knowledge to him.
Team Disha 2008, IIM Lucknow Contact at:

Name Rajat Kashyap
Company Interviewed
McKinsey & Co. Ltd.
Name of Interviewer and
Associate Partner
Personal interview
questions (with
indicative answers if you
choose to share them)
1oshan gae a brie oeriew about his role and experience at McKinsey. le
gae the case that was being gien to others and asked me i I knew the case.
Due to other process I was unaware o the case and told him so. 1here were
only two personal questions that too were asked out o curiosity.
During the interiew and ater the interiew, 1oshan and I discussed a lot
about his diision and his career growth. le talked about the arious
opportunities at McKinsey and why he hasn`t let it till now.
Narration of the case
interview (please be as
descriptive as possible)
1oshan gae me details ,linancials, o two companies and asked me the
dierence in their aluation by two methods and the reason behind that. 1hen
he asked to choose one company in which I would inest as an Industry player
and as a PL inestor. I was a bit intimidated in the beginning when he was
giing me the inancials or the two companies ,took 4 minutes to copy the
huge dataset!!, and took some time to get back rom the state o shock.
1he key aspect was identiying the dierence in moties or an inestor and
an industry player. I was able to coney that to him. le was okay with the case
response and told me so. le helped at one point in identiying one o the
dierences in the aluations by two methods.
1he second case was a logical puzzle which was asked to many ,I again did not
hae prior knowledge o the puzzle and he reconirmed it,. 1he puzzle was
that I and my riend hae lost their wallets. I had 1000 Rs. in the wallet and I
am unaware about the amount in my riend`s wallet. A person inds both and
asks to bid or both the wallets. \hosoeer bid maximum would get both the
wallets. \hat maximum bid should I make
I was able to sole the puzzle with a little help rom him. le complemented
me or the same.
What do you think went
right for you in this
1he connection with the interiewer and the solution to the logical puzzle.
1oshan called me ater the process and talked again about my process.
What do you think went
wrong in this interview?
1he initial shock o noting down inancial igures in a consult interiew!!
Any tips for the future
batches based on this
interview experience.
Maintain your calm. 1here might be cases where you need to do a lot o
calculations. Knowledge about inancials deinitely helps.

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