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Lillybrook Orphanage

~Once alerted to the presence of intruders, she uses the secret passages around her mansion to
keep track of them and utilizes hit-and-run tactics to harrass and weaken the party. Whenever
possible, she will cast spells from inside of the secret passages, using cause fear, scare, and
sleep at random times in order to incite panic and paranoia as the Ps poke about her domicile. !f
the Ps are alone in an empty room ad"acent to one of her secret halls, she will use summon
swarm and summon monster I to spawn spiders amidst them, causing further distress and
~When and if a fight breaks out between the Ps and the house guardsmen, she will use daze at
a critical moment in the battle to neutralize the biggest threat to her guards in an attempt to turn
the tide.
~#ldara is sadistic to say the least, and en"oys watching her handiwork unfold, so it is possible
she may be cornered by $uick-thinking Ps. !f this happens she will first attempt to read her scroll
of obscuring mist to slip away if a swift escape is viable, if not, she will $uaff her Potion of Mage
Armor, then use ray of enfeeblement on the most immediate melee threat and hurl zombies from
her Robe of Bones to cover her tactical retreat.
~Once the Ps have located %lori the town-watchman, she will move to the bottom of the
staircase leading from the second floor to the third floor, and hurl the rest of her zombies from her
Robe of Bones behind the staircase, using command undead to order them to remain hidden until
she signals them, then read her Scroll of False Life and $uaff her Potion of Mage Armor if
available. Once the Ps come into view she will cheerfully monolouge about the futility of their
efforts, the power of &raz'zt, how they will all be sacrificial lambs on the altar, and proudly admit
to masterminding the funeral procession heist. (er tone will shift dark very suddenly and she'll
mention her )beautiful raven, so brutally cut down) and shriek bloody vengance, signalling her
zombie thralls to attack. *he will pull no punches and use any offensive spells she has remaining,
summoning fiendish monstrous spiders using her Wand of Summon Monster I as her zombies
are cut down. When it appears the fight will not be going her way, she will cast obscuring mist and
flee down through the first floor and off into the night, or if her way down is blocked she will dive
headlong through the glass windows behind her +taking ,d- falling damage and ,d. piercing
damage from glass shards/ and flee as best she can. !f capture appears imminent, she will
disembowel herself with her sacrificial dagger, spitting curses and blood in the face of anyone
0hrough the main doors +southwest/ a foyer e1tends toward the kitchen, a left turn leading to
two plush armchairs positioned facing out the tall, iron-framed windows that observe the path
leading up from the west. 0o the right, a staircase leads up to the second floor, and the hallway
continues past it, intersected by another hall to the north and the door that leads out onto the
breezeway. 2t night a single gaurdsman patrols this hall, often stopping to warm himself in the
lounge or secreting a draught of li$uor in the waiting room. (e yawns often and loudly, fighting off
the effects of the poisoned food which #ldara's antidote can't completely counteract.
~0he door on the left of the entrance hall opens into a lounge with a cushioned sofa and a small,
child-sized chair upholstered in green. 2 fireplace crackles merrily, set into the north wall, and
stained-glass windows give this room a serene, calm atmosphere.
~0he door on the right of the entrance hall leads into a waiting room where a cushioned couch
faces a crackling fireplace over a short wooden table. 2 cabinet immediately south of the door
displays a well-stocked supply of high-end spirits and li$uors, with beautiful crystal glasses and
tumblers +the ,3 bottles of alchohol are worth 4d,4gp apiece, the crystal glassware is worth a
total of 53gp/. 2 door to the east leads out.
~0hrough the waiting room, or through a small hallway by way of the first door on the right
beyond the staircase, lies the main office of the orphanage. (ere as well a healthy fire glows
warmly, faced by two upholsted chairs, and a large ornate desk and chair face westward. 0he
drawers of the desk are unlocked and contain various documents pertaining to the operation of
the orphanage, one of them has a false bottom +6 43 *earch to find/ that opens to reveal a
cruelly curved masterwork dagger with a skull-pommel atop a bundle of papers outlining rental
e1penses paid to an individual marked down as )sawfish). 2 floor-length portrait of the matron of
the orphanage, #ldara's mother 2udry, a severe-looking woman dressed in dark, flowing robes of
nobility, hides a secret door. 2 6 45 *earch locates a pair of tiny switches on the frame of the
painting that, when activiated simultaneously, release it to swing open revealing a dark passage
with a staircase leading upwards to the east.
*traight ahead through the entrance hall is the kitchen, with two fully-stocked pantries on either
side of the door leading in. 0he kitchen features a large t-shaped prep table and three stoves,
which are used to cook the large $uantities of food needed to feed the residents daily. !t bustles
with life from early in the morning until "ust after dinnertime, but lies $uiet and cold during the
night. 2 secret door disguised as a tall spice rack is used by #ldara and her cultists to sneak into
the kitchen in the dead of night and coat the pots and pans with sleeping poison brewed upstairs.
~2 right-hand turn through the entry hall, and a left-hand turn "ust past the stairs leads to a door
on the right which opens in a large dining room. Wooden cabinets on either side of the door hold
utensils and dinnerware, and the fireplace here is lit during mealtimes.
~7ust up the hall from the dining room is another good wooden door on the right, this one locked
+Open 8ock 6 43/. !t opens into a private library with large bookshelves brimming with a vast
collection of tomes on various topics, a plush red reading chair, and a smoldering fire in the
fireplace. 0all windows looking onto the deck and courtyard line the circular room around a spiral
staircase which leads up to the second floor. 2 6 43 *earch can locate the original floorplans to
this mansion, with a 6 ,5 %nowledge+2rchitecture/ one could discover evidence of the secret
passages that criss-cross this building +identifies only the rooms which have secret doors, not the
location of the doors themselves, but still giving a 95 circumstance bonus on search checks to
find those doors/.
Ser!an"#' $%ar"er#
~0hrough the breezeway, the eastern door opens up into the servants' $uarters. 2 large wardrobe
sits ne1t to the door, containing various cleaning supplies and some dinnerware, and the room
beyond features a simple wooden table surrounded by four chairs which sit before a stone
fireplace that blazes warmly. 2 spiral staircase on the west side of the room leads up to the ne1t
floor, and a door in the northeast corner opens into a hallway with two doors on its western side. 2
trapdoor with a heavy iron ring sits in the floor on the southwest corner, opening on a ladder down
to the basement.
~0he two rooms connected to the north:south hallway are bedrooms, each with two simple beds
underneath which are large drawers that contain the servants' personal belongings. 2 measly
.d,4cp and ,d;-<sp can be scrounged from each drawer.
~2 small wooden outhouse sits behind the east wing of the mansion, with nothing of interest
inside. !t contains two wash basins and a small separate room with three wasteholes. 0he smell
is not pleasant, but also not overpowering.
&i''en Area#
~0he hidden areas on this floor are used primarly for spying and clandestine movement by #ldara
and her cultists. 2t various places within the hidden halls are small holes from which one may
peer out to observe the ad"acent rooms without being seen. 0he passage leading into the kitchen
is used to deliver mild sleeping poisons into the pots and pans to be used the ne1t day,
contributing to a generally lethargic and heavy-sleeping population of this mansion, all the better
to prevent interference in or discovery of #ldara's plans.
~0he staircase from the main entrance hall reaches a landing 4:< of the way up then turns north
to arrive in the main hallway of the second floor. Westward, four large armchairs are set in a
semicircle backed by large iron-framed windows and facing a double-wide staircase which leads
up into the top floor, while two locked doors +Open 8ock 6 43/ occupy the north side of this
area, and two unlocked doors lead south. #astward the hallway ends with a door leading north
into the guard captain's chamber, and a door opening east into the hallway which connects with
the servants' $uarters. =orthward the hallway features two doors on the west side and one locked
+Open 8ock 6 43/ door on the east side.
~0he southwestern room is a study-room in which the resident orphans are tutored, featuring a
wooden table whose surface is marked with ink stains and four rough wooden chairs. 2 set of
shelves along the east wall hold books on basic arithmatic and writing, and disguise an eastward-
swinging secret door set in the southeastern corner +*earch 6 45/. 2 door leads out onto a
south-facing balcony.
~0he rooms ad"acent through the eastern unlocked door are $uarters for the youngest orphans,
featuring two bunkbeds and a warm fireplace each. 2 secret door in the northwest corner +*earch
6 45/ connects the first of these two rooms with a secret passage between it and the study-
room. Orphans here sleep very soundly due to #ldara's sleeping poison, and nothing short of
shaking them or yelling into their ears would wake them. 2 door in the first room leads out onto a
south-facing balcony.
~0he locked door to the northwest open into #ldara's personal $uarters, featuring a bookshelf
stocked with novels, travelogs, and treatises on magical theory, a simple wooden desk and chair,
and an ornate four-poster bed with down-stuffed mattress and red silk sheets. 0he desk's drawers
are unlocked and contain letter-writing materials, pens and ink, and a few baubles and silver
"ewelry +worth 53gp/. 0wo doors lead north out of this room, the western one opening into a
personal washroom that smells of roses, where a masterfully wrought silver hairbrush +<5gp/ silts
on the counter ne1t to some makeup vials and a bar of pink herbal soap, and the eastern one
opening into a walk-in closet hung with various pieces of e1pensive clothing made mostly of black
lace. 2 secret door is hidden behind some of the hanging clothes in the northeast corner +6 45
~0he locked door "ust east of #ldara's room contains three locked chests +Open 8ock 6 43/
whose locks are coated with not-so-fresh sassone leaf residue>
(eak Sa##one Lea) Re#i'%e* ontact 6 ,. ?ort, ,d,4 (P : ,d< on, metabolized at
2top the northern-most of these chest lies a pair of skintight, black leather gloves sized for a
woman. 0he chests are packed to the brim with necromantically-focused arcane writings and
esoteric spell components clearly stolen from libraries in @autis and %ilne astle, still bearing the
seals of those kingdoms. 2 wizard with the time to study these writings could discover and copy
any necromancy spell of up to 4nd-level into his spellbook, with a %nowledge+2rcana/ check of ,5
941+spell level9,/ every ,d-1+spell level9,/ hours or study. 0he full chests weigh <5lb each.
2 secret door is hidden in the masory of the northeast corner of this room +6 45 *earch to find/.
~0he door "ust north of the far eastern end of the hall opens into the gaurd captain's chamber, a
simply appointed room with a thin-mattressed bed, a crude wooden desk and chair, and a
smoldering fireplace. 2top the desk lies a masterwork longsword, and in its drawers are a few
whetstones, weapon oils, and a stack of steel plates designed to be insterted into leather armor to
effectively make it scale mail +. shaped plates worth ;gp apiece/. 0he armor must be specially
modified to accept these plates +avg mod cost 5gp/.
~0he two unlocked doors on the west side of the north hallway lead to the older orphans'
dormitories, these without fireplaces. On the two bunkbeds in each room rest orphans who sleep
e$ually as soundly as their younger counterparts due to the sleeping poison. !n the northernmost
room, however, a tiny girl of about ; years old is deleriously fighting the urge to sleep as she
reads an adventure novel stolen from the house library. When the Ps enter, she stares at them
with a confused look, not $uite sure if she is dreaming or not. *he responds sleepily to $uestions
put forth, and constantly asks if they're here to take her away on an adventure, if they're her new
parents, if they're faires or spirits, and if they're the ghost she's been hearing lately underneath
the courtyard and in the basement. 2fter a few minutes of increasingly nonsensical and slurred
banter, she drifts away to sleep with her book tucked under her pillow.
0he locked door on the east side of the north hallway opens into a writing room above the
library, with a simple wooden desk and a warm fireplace occupying the southern end, while a
spiral staircase leads down into the library below. 8arge windows encircle the staircase, looking
down on the courtyard and deck below. 0he desk contains nothing but writing supplies, scrap
paper, envelopes, ink vails, and pens. 2 6 ,5 *earch discovers an ornate silver inkpen forgotten
in the back of on of the drawers +worth ,3gp/.
Ser!an"#' $%ar"er#
~0he hallway from the main building has two large french-style doors that open onto a long
balcony from which the sea can been seen beyond the smithy's smokestack and the city wall to
the south. 2 door at the eastern end opens into the guards' $uarters.
~0he spiral staircase to the south of the door entering from the western hall descends into the
servants' $uarters, and around the corner northward stands an armory shelf holding a half-dozen
longspears, two heavy crossbows, . cases of ,3 bolts, 4 short swords, 4 heavy wooden shields,
and 4 neatly folded sets of leather armor. 2 door leads south, and three lead east from this hall.
~0he southern door opens on the guards' lounge, where two rough wooden chairs sit against the
south wall and a fire burns briskly in the fireplace. 2 guardsman in usually sitting here on-call,
napping in a chair propped up against the wall. (e takes a -,3 to 8isten checks due to the effects
of the sleeping poison.
~0he eastern doors open into the guards' sleeping $uarters. 0he first two leading into the same
room where spartan wooden beds sag under the weight of their snoring, heavily-sleeping
occupants. 0he northernmost door opens into a small room in which one bed sits unoccupied.
Ander each bed is a sack or wooden bo1 of personal effects, mostly worthless, but ,d-gp and
4d,4sp can be looted from each, and a set of si1 carved marble dice in a velvet bag can be found
under the middle bed +worth ,4gp/. 0he sleeping guards take a -,3 on 8isten checks due to the
sleeping poison in their system.
&i''en Area#
~0he southwestern hidden hallway connecting the study-room with the orphans' bedroom is very
dusty and hasn't been used lately, but there are several small peepholes in the walls which allow
clandestine viewing of each ad"acent room and the main hallway outside.
~0he northwestern secret room that is connected to #ldara's closet features a small north-facing
window and contains a small cushioned chair and a long bookshelf packed with her research
material on necromancy and alchemy. 2mong the tomes are a few scrolls, there is a 45B chance
that each of the level , and 4 spells in her spellbook has a scroll inscribed with it +6 ,5 *earch
to find them/. *pell list>
8C8, - cause fear identify !ump mage armor obscuring mist ray of enfeeblement sleep
8C84 - command undead false life g"oul touc" #noc# scare summon swarm
~0he secret room behind the treasure-chest room has a staircase that leads up into the coffin
~0he northeastern secret hallway contains a staircase south leading up to the coffin room, a
staircase east leading down into the hallway overlooking the dining room and library, and a
scecret door poorly hidden in the discolored masonry wall +6 ,5 *earch/ at the northwest end
that leads down into the secret hallway that runs alongside the kitchen.
~0he southeastern secret hallway overlooking the eastern orphans' bedroom has a staircase at
the south which leads down to the main office, and two poorly hidden doors that look like
discolored portions of the wall at its northern end +6 ,5 *earch/. 0he western secret door opens
on a staircase leading up into the coffin room, while the northern door opens into a small bunker-
like room. ?rom this bunker one can see down the main stairs leading up from the main-floor
hallway, as well as north and east along the second floor hallway. #ldara and her cultists use this
room to monitor the rest of the mansion, and can slide open hidden panels in the walls to fire
crossbows through or even cast spells at intruders. 2t any given time there are two elite cultists
stationed here with light crossbows keeping a close eye on the house and ready to cast message
to alert her of any intruders. 0hey will monitor the intruders without interference until #ldara
directs otherwise. 0hey may use g"ost sound or sleep to cause confusion among the Ps and
alert the guards without revealing their position, or fire upon intruders directly if an outright battle
ensues in their line-of-sight. !f surprised from behind, they fight ferociously and to the death. !t
takes a 6 ,; *pot to notice an open sliding panel from outside the bunker, while being fired
upon grants a 9. circumstance bonus to this check.
~0he double-wide staircase leads to an empty landing with one east-facing window and a door to
the south that is locked. +&ood wooden door, Open 8ock 6 43/
~!nside the room beyond are two cultists sitting immediately across from the door, playing dice,
and one elite cultist sitting in the upholstered chair reading a book. 0hey get a listen check if
someone attempts to pick the lock, and are automatically alerted if someone makes multiple
attempts to break the door down, drawing weapons and prepping spells. 0he door they gaurd is
also a good wooden door with the same Open 8ock 6.
~Dehind this locked door is a cell-like room whose windows are barred, containing a bed and two
rough wooden chairs. 8ying in the bed moaning softly, chained to the wall with an iron collar
locked around his neck and hands manacled to the collar is %lori, the town-watchman abducted
from the slaughterhouse. (e shows signs of abuse and torture, with unholy symbols cut into his
skin, the wounds crusted in coarse salt and ashes. Once he realizes rescue is at hand he begins
to sob pitifully in relief, and tells the Ps how he was posted outside the slaughterhouse two
nights ago when he was bludgeoned from behind and hauled off to awake chained here. (e
describes the past .; hours of taunts and abuse at the hands of the cultists, being promised an
agonizing death on &raz'zt's altar as they flensed him with knives and agonizingly ground salt
and ashes into his wounds to )prepare him for the slaughter.) (e has never heard of &raz'zt
before, but the name terrifies him nonetheless. (e is no condition to fight, and needs swift
medical attention to prevent infection and disfiguring scars. !f returned safe to the barracks, the
town-watch will reward the Ps with 533gp, while information regarding his whereabouts yields
,33gp. 0he manacles and neck collar share a lock +Open 8ock 6 ,5/ and the chains attaching
them to the wall have (ardness ,3, (P 5, Dreak 6 4-.
&i''en Area#
~*ecret stairways from the second floor lead to a dark, windowless area of the top floor, the first
room containing three coffins and a small wooden altar. 0he coffins contain necromantic
e1periments of #ldara's, remaining inert until her command causes them to awaken. 0hey are
three ghouls, and are awoken if anyone tries to attack them where they lie, or once the party has
moved on from this room and into the ne1t. 0hey attack any stragglers first, attempting to
paralyze and drag them back into their chamber to be hurled into a coffin and locked in. +Dreak
6 43 from inside, or a 6isable 6evice 6 ,5 to use a thin tool to trip the e1terior latch/
0he second hidden room is bare, but the remains of a ,3ft-diameter magic circle inscribed from
blood can be made out with sufficient light. Dits of splintered bone, insect parts, and ashes are
scattered about the floor.
~0he final room is a tiny alchemy lab, with two burners that smolder beneath pots of a foul-
smelling brew. Carious chemicals and components in containers line the shelf beneath where the
burners sit, while sitting prominently atop it are> a large glass "ar in which dozens of crickets crawl
over and around each other, a set of glass vials containing what appears to be a very finely
ground sand, and a ceramic bowl in which lie $uickly-wilting rose petals. 2n arcane scroll +of
sleep/ is unrolled alongside, paper-weighted with a raven's skull that still sports rotting flesh and
blood-matted feathers.
~0he trapdoor opens to reveal a ladder leading down into a storeroom with a wooden table in its
center. Preserved foodstuffs in "ars and sacks of drygoods rest on dusty shelves that line the
walls. 2 second, hidden trapdoor is set in the ceiling in between the table and the shelves on the
west wall. 2 6 ,5 *earch reveals signs on the floor that the table has been dragged a few feet
to the west and then back to the center at least a few times, but only by climbing up to feel the
ceiling above allows a 6 43 *earch to discover the secret trapdoor which is not locked, but is
disguised to match the masonry-block of the rest of the ceiling.
~0he second storeroom is stocked with bo1es and barrels of various shapes. One barrel contains
wine, the other, vinegar. 0he bo1es are filled mostly with linens, bedsheets, curtians, and the like.
One iron-banded chest is well-locked +Open 8ock 6 45/ and holds a stockpile of valuable
silverware and china, weighing upwards of 45lbs and valued at <45gp +453gp for the silverware -
,3lbs, and E5gp for the china - ,5lbs/. 0he door west is a 4in-thick, windowless iron door whose
frame is caulked for soundproofing, locked with three separate padlocks +Open 8ock 6 43
each/. One of these is trapped with a poison needle trap>
Poi#on Nee'le Trap* mechanicalF touch triggerF manual resetF 2tk 9; ranged +,d, 9
giant wasp poisonG/F
*earch 6 44F 6isable 6evice 6 43.
,-ian" (a#p Poi#on* !n"ury 6 ,; ?ort, ,d-:,d- 6e1, metabolized at 4pt:hr.
~0he final room in the basement is a short hallway leading to a tiny room positioned directly
beneath the crystal pedestal in the courtyard above. 0he focusing lens inside the pedestal directs
a concentrated beam of sunlight and moonlight down onto the chair below, in which is chained a
naked and horrifically sun-burned man, barely recognizable as 0orkan 2nderhoff. (e is weak from
dehydration and hunger and nearly catatonic, his skin impossibly red all over, and his upper
thighs almost completely covered with oozing, bleeding blisters. 2 wooden pail of water sits "ust
out of reach on the floor in front of him while a bloody riding crop hangs from a hook on the west
wall, and he weeps pitifully if the Ps can bring him back to a coherent state, only able to beg for
mercy and release, and babbling nosensically about the )witch) who betrayed him and dragged
him down to this hell. 2 6 ,5 6iplomacy check can get him to reveal that when he first arrived
he was "ailed in a cell the top floor, and that is where the witch likes to keep her prisoners.

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