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Directives for pressure testing of HOBAS pipelines

HOBAS pipeline pressure testing is done by basic requirements for pressure testing of water
or other pressure pipelines (for D! "#$% or &S! $' '%(().
Basic conditions and requirements*
() Before pressure testing all supporting and footing constructions must be completed +
designed for gi,en testing pressure.-ursuing of the pressure testing only by liquid
( many often by water). During water fulfilment of test part it.s necessary to assure
bleeding of test part (either instaled automatic bleeding ,al,es appointed by designer
or manual control).
#) HOBAS pipe /oints (0123 D2) don.t retain any inch forces de,eloped by fluid
pressure inside pipeline. HOBAS /oints are spigot and soc4et type of connection (as
for ex. Ductil iron or -52 ppipes).
6) -ressure test si7e is assigned by designer and it often is*
a) Operating pressure 8 936 :-a
b) Operating pressure 8 93' :-a
c) Operating pressure x (3'
HOBAS pipes deli,ery in pressure class -! (for ex. -! (9 or -! ; or -! ") allows
the pressure tests always by possibility c)
") Duration of pressure test is assigned by designer and it often is*
a) (' minutes after attainment of testing pressure
b) 69 minutes after attainment of testing pressure
c) < hours after attainment of testing pressure
During pressure test it.s possibility of testing pressure ,alue reduction by (9 = from
maximal ,alue (possibility c)). >he water loos cann.t be noticeable3allowable lea4age
can be max 939( l?m
pipeline surface ( poss.c) ).
@ecommendation for pressure testing of HOBAS pipeline*
>o do pressure test on bac4filled pipeline (without unco,ered /oints).>he reason is relati,ely
high ,alue of forces from D! ("99 and test pressure (3' :-a ( by pipeline -! (9 and
operating pressure si7e (39 :-a). 1ith unco,ered /oints the pipeline isn.t weight enough3
disconnection of constructed pipeline is possible. >est pressure cann.t be better than (3'
multiple deli,ered nominal pressure class -!.
Aoc4 stoppers are possible to /oint with HOBAS pipes by means of installation
couplings.Aoc4 stoppers ha,e identical outside diameter with HOBAS pipe.s outside
diameter.Aoc4 stoppers are as blan4 flanges.>he design of blan4 flanges the designer must
re,iew and assign in accordance with real test pressure for testing.>he supports for blan4
flanges must be proped to the construction which + for resultant force gi,en by inner
pressure B guarantees stable position of blan4 flanges against mo,ing from installation
coupling.nstallation coupling ha,e to be designed so as holds out testing pressure (it.s
gi,en by producer ).Blan4 flages can be sol,ed also by closing bottom of pressure /ars armed
panel for prop to support ( see picture ).
0or pressure testing is necessary to calculate with sufficient quantity of water for filling testing
part and for accomplishment of required pressure.>he accomplishment of required pressure
is doing by manual or automatic pump.After accomplishment of testing pressure. s ,alue the
sluice ,al,es are closed.>his ,al,es are often on blan4 flange.
About pressure test the protocol is made out.>he protocol is a part of hando,er documents of
>he way3process and si7e of testing pressure are assigned by designer in documentation
for pressure testing which is indi,isible part of construction.

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