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Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21

Feb, 2014
Master of Business dministration
MB 4054 ! Mana"in" #$an"e
Mana"in" #$an"e
A Case Study on Ashok Leyland, India Joint Venture with
Nissan Motor Company, Japan
Student%s &D: 1209675
Modu'e (utor: Dr)#$ris *rant
Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
+ord ,ount: -667 .ords

Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
(ab'e of #ontents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................
!. A"out the #r$ani%ation..........................................................................................&
!.1 Joint Venture.......................................................................................................'
. (ro"lems )aced durin$ and a*ter Joint Venture #perations.................................+
.1 (ower distance...................................................................................................,
.! Indi-idualism........................................................................................................
. Masculinity........................................................................................................../
.& 0ncertainty A-oidance......................................................................................11
.' (ra$matism.......................................................................................................11
.+ Indul$ence........................................................................................................1!
&. Critical Analysis 0sin$ 2o*stede3s Cultural Analysis............................................1!
'. Solution................................................................................................................1'
+. Conclusion...........................................................................................................1+
,. 4e*erences...........................................................................................................1,
.. Appendices..........................................................................................................1/

Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
1) &ntrodu,tion/
5urin$ a transition o* a company, or$ani%ational chan$e occurs *rom its e6istin$
position to a new chan$ed outlook. Any or$anisation when plannin$ *or a transition
need to $o throu$h a process where employee do resist *or any chan$e7 while
or$anisation will look *or minimi%in$ the cost and ma6imi%in$ it3s production and
market share *rom the chan$e e**ort.
Lookin$ in to present $lo"al "usiness settin$ chan$es is ine-ita"le and the
or$anisation needs to "e prepared *or the chan$e i* they want to "e competiti-e and
remain in the market. Many reason can "e said *or the chan$e7 like chan$e in
technolo$y and product7 $lo"ali%ation o* markets to which the or$anisation need to
"e prepared to respond in order to sur-i-e *rom their competitors etc (Burnes, B.,
In my report I ha-e taken Ashok Leyland o* India and Nissan Motors, Japan how they
mana$ed their or$anisational chan$e durin$ their 8oint -enture operation to de-elop
and manu*acture Li$ht Commercial Vehicles in India. 9he report will analysis the
challen$es o* mana$in$ chan$es that came across durin$ the transition period7 key
*acts were the attitude o* the employees to adapt to the chan$e, issues that relates
to di**erence in work en-ironment, communication and cultural di**erence that were
*ound durin$ the transition sta$e will play the key hi$hli$ht o* the report.
4eport will discuss a"out the cultural di**erences7 attitude towards the chan$e in
work style will "e analysin$ the e**ect "y makin$ use o* 2o*stedes cultural
dimensions. Last "ut not the least the report will hi$hli$ht on the issues *aced and
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
how the mana$ement minimised the issues throu$h proper mana$ement process
and its reportin$ approach.
2) bout t$e 0r"ani1ation/
:oth Ashok Leyland and Nissan Motors are "oth auto manu*acturin$ companies
producin$ -arious product line;ups.
4a$hunandan Saran esta"lished the Ashok Motors *or amassin$ Austin A&1 and
A,1 cars as a team with the Austin <n$ine Co. Ltd, <n$land in 1/&/ and the
(rocessin$ started in Septem"er at the industrial manu*acturin$ plant placed at
<nnore, Chennai =India>, also soon the *irst indi$enously amassed A&1 Austin car
was taken o** in 1/&/.Ashok motors and Leyland, 0? a$ree to work to$ether in
1/'1.Since *rom o-er the si6 decades we ha-e "een mo-in$ indi-iduals and $oods,
touchin$ millions o-er the *i*ty nations worldwide. (resently we are the leader o* the
2indu8a @roup, which is one o* the "i$$est -ehicles producer in India and with the
turno-er o* 0SA !. "illion =!11!;1> constantly con-eyed "ene*its to our
stakeholders since initiation =Ashok Leyland #-er-iew, !11> *or *urther details a"out
the company re*er Appendix1.
Nissan Motors, well;esta"lished in the Bokohama city, ?ana$awa (re*ecture in
1/, Nissan motor Co., Ltd. ri$ht now *a"ricates -ehicles in !1 nations and re$ions
around the $lo"e, incorporatin$ Japan. Nissan o**ers product and administrations in
more than 1+1 nations and ran$es worldwide. In !11!, we accomplished another
sales record o* 1,,111 units, an increment o* 1!C *rom the past monetary=*iscal>
year. In the 1+th Nikkei Natural Administration #-er-iew, Nissan was named *irst
around car or$ani%ations and second $enerally. DhatEs more Nissan has incredi"ly
e6panded its standin$ around F:est Dorldwide @reen :randsFG"ein$ named *i*th
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
around '1 top "rands =Nissan Motor Company Annual 4eport, !11>. )or *urther
details a"out the company re*er 22endi3 2)
2)1 4oint 5enture/
Ashok Leyland and Nissan Motors went into a 8oint -enture a$reement to e6plore
their opportunity in Indian market *or their Li$ht Commercial Vehicles7 with wide
network already created and esta"lished "y Ashok Leyland in the se$ment made
Nissan Motors to 8ointly work with them and produce new product line;ups and
deli-ery Huality product at a**orda"le price in India, since the manu*acturin$ cost is
lesser in India compare to Japan. It was a smart mo-e "y Nissan to colla"orate with
e6istin$ manu*acture in India rather than "uildin$ its own plant in India and start up
as a new *irm. So "oth Ashok Leyland and Nissan can $et to$ether and share their
e6pertise in Li$ht Commercial Vehicles and market the same throu$hout the world "y
which it will "e a win;win situation *or "oth the partners.
9he new @reen*ield plant had acHuired !.1 acres near Chennai, India and o"tained
all clearances *or construction, "ut was waitin$ *or a more conduci-e timin$ *or
constructin$ it. #nce the new plant under the Joint Venture is completed, the
production lines o* 5ost *rom Ashok Leyland and Stile *rom Nissan would mo-e to
the new *acility, Seth said. A*ter the monetarily $reat 5ost and the currently launched
S9iL<, now (A49N<4 and Mi94 are the most recent o**erin$s *rom the Ashok
Leyland I Nissan Joint Venture =Ashok Leyland press;releases, !11&>. :y creatin$
new "rands and colla"oratin$ with each other3s technolo$y no;how ha-e created a
new concept o* 8oint -enture "usiness model doin$ well in the competiti-e market7
"ut on the other hand employees attitudes and their cultural di**erences are not
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
looked into it durin$ the transition process. I will "y hi$hli$htin$ the issues in the ne6t
session accordin$ly.
-) 6rob'ems Fa,ed durin" and after 4oint 5enture 02erations/
Ashok Leyland is Indian "ased company and Nissan Motors is Japanese "ased
company7 each one o* them is ha-in$ their own stren$th and weakness in their
respecti-e area o* e6pertise. ?ey reason *or 8oint -enture operation "etween the two
were Nissan want to -enture in to Indian automo"ile "usiness and e6pand its
operations in Asia paci*ic and as *ar Ashok Leyland is concern it wants new desi$n
and technolo$ical inno-ation it is li$ht commercial -ehicles se$ments and impro-e its
sales and its "rand ima$e. 5ue to market competition Ashok Leyland sales and its "rand
ima$e was minimi%in$ due to the old models J products they ha-e in the market which
was not more attracti-e *or the customers7 since customers now a days look into -arious
aspects in the -ehicle they purchase and now with many automo"ile manu*acturin$
"uildin$ Li$ht Commercial Vehicles7 Ashok Leyland need some creati-e and new desi$n
with uniHue "rand to market their product and as *ar Nissan is concern they want to
-enture in to Indian market with 8oinin$ partnership with ma8or automo"ile manu*actures
in India so they can use their *acilities and manu*acturin$ plants rather than settin$ up a
new plant in India "y themsel-es.Cost o* manu*acturin$ in India with 8oint colla"oration
will reduce their cost o* production and this will help "oth Ashok Leyland and Nissan to
capitali%e the market share in Li$ht Commercial Vehicles with "etter models at
a**orda"le price and capture a market share .
)or a smoother inte$ration o* two or$anisations *or 8oint -enture and manu*acture
and sell the product in the competiti-e market is not an easy process this will
reHuire to $i-e away some e6istin$ processes and "uild new process with respect to
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
structural chan$e in or$anisation hierarchy, ad8ustin$ with work en-ironment and to
make sure the employees attitudes towards the cultural chan$e is accepta"le and
they are com*orta"le in acceptin$ the chan$e =:urnes, :., !11/>. Any chan$e in
process will in-aria"le has an impact on the employees those who are $oin$ to
implement these chan$es. 5urin$ the inte$ration process de*initely there will "e
some kind o* o"structions will come across, which I ha-e mapped with 2o*stede
Model. )or *urther details re*er 22endi3 - *or 2o*stede Model.
India consists o* -ast tradition with di**erent lan$ua$es and with di**erent people
ha-in$ di**erent cultural "ack$rounds compared to Japan. I3m usin$ the +;5 Model
throu$h which I will "e illustratin$ the analysis o* what I ha-e *ound out.
-)1 distan,e/
9his measurement mana$es the way that all people in social orders are not
eHui-alent I it communicates the disposition o* the society towards these disparities
around us.power distance is characteri%ed as the de$ree to which the less capa"le
parts o* esta"lishments and or$anisations inside a nation want and acknowled$e
that power is appropriated uneHually =2o*stede, 1//,>.
In Ashok Leyland mana$ement structure the orders are *ollowed *rom top to "ottom
accordin$ to the hierarchy which is almost similar to Nissan Motors mana$ement
structure7 "ut the decision taken "y Nissan mana$ement takes more process and
sta$es *or any appro-al compare to the Ashok Leyland mana$ement takes7 *or
instance a middle le-el mana$er can take a certain decision under his team J
department le-el decisions "y himsel* "ut Nissan middle le-el mana$er need to ask
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
hisJher superior to take a decision7 this create time delay and decision makin$
process slower.
As *ar the Japan is concern it has the score o* &+, and it *alls in the "orderline
cate$ori%ed society. Japanese are always "ound to *ollow their hierarchical position
. As when compare to other Asian cultures it is not that much. 4eason *or not
ha-in$ a hi$her score *or Japan "ecause it is called meritocratic society were as
India e-en thou$h it *ollows the hierarchical mana$ement style its score is ,1 which
makes much "etter

-)2 &ndi7idua'ism/
9he ma8or issue tended to "y this measurement is the le-el o* reliance a social order
keeps up around its parts. It needs to do with i* indi-idualsE mental sel*;portrait is
characteri%ed re$ardin$ FIF or FDeF. In Independent social orders indi-iduals should care
*or themsel-es and their direct *amily only. In Collecti-ist social orderEs indi-iduals ha-e a
place with Ein $roupsE that deal with them in return *or honestyJloyalty =2o*stede, 1//,>.
Ashok Leyland and Nissan employees are almost o* same nature when it comes to
loyalty to their employers. And *rom 2o*stede study it is pro-en that "oth India and
Japan in terms o* Indi-idualism they score MJapan scores &, on the Indi-idualism
dimension and India scores &/N
Certainly "oth Japanese and India community shows more similar characteristics o*
"een a collecti-istic society7 "ut issue is Indian employee tends to "rin$ in hisJher
own relati-e or *riends into the or$anisation when any openin$s are created7 so they
ha-e their own *riendsJrelati-es and want to *orm a $roup amon$ themsel-es7 due to
his sometime misunderstandin$ and con*lict takes place durin$ the selection
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
process with other le-elsJdepartment were the middle mana$er may "e a Japanese
employee o* Nissan and he o"8ect the same and want to *ollow the proper
procedure o* recruitin$ throu$h 24 5epartment.
-)- Mas,u'init8/
In Ashok Leyland what I ha-e come across is the employee are -ery sincere and
hardworkin$ in nature and *ocus on their success and achie-ements as an indi-idual
rather than as a team7 whereas on the contrast Nissan employees work in as a team
and want to share the "ene*its amon$ the team and they *eel work in team and sharin$
knowled$e and e6plore new thin$s will help them to achie-e $reater hei$ht. In most o*
the pro8ect where "oth Ashok Leyland and Nissan employee ha-e to share their -iew
and work to$ether to achie-e the *inal outcome7 it takes lot o* attitude pro"lems amon$
them and that leads to delay in completion o* the work allocated. )or instance Middle
le-el employee =Indian, )emale> o* Ashok Leyland $i-es a work order to Nissan Middle
le-el employee =Japanese, Male> employee7 he is not com*orta"le in e6ecutin$ the order
due to Masculine nature they ha-e "een "ou$ht up in their society. Still in Japan it is
-ery di**icult *or a woman to "e in a senior position in any or$ani%ation. 9his attitude
sometime delays the work o* one department to another and creates a hu$e con*usion
amon$ the middle and senior le-el mana$ement sta** when it comes to take any
As *ar masculine society is concern India scores ', and whereas Japan scores 111.
Japan considered "ein$ the world most masculine society compared to any other
country, in case o* India it is shows its -isual display o* success and power. 2owe-er
Japan, tends to "e towards mild collecti-ism, and we don3t see a competiti-e nature o*
"eha-iors which in $eneral we e6pect *rom masculine culture
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
-)4 9n,ertaint8 7oidan,e/
9he de$ree to which the parts o* a culture *eel de"ilitated "y Huestiona"le or o"scure
circumstances and ha-e made con-ictions O or$ani%ations that attempt to dod$e this is
re*lected in the 0AI score =2o*stede, 1//,>.
Nissan Motors employees are more *ocused and calculati-e in risk assessment and also
plan well ahead o* any untoward instance take place and they strictly *ollow procedures
and rules7 whereas Ashok Leyland employee certain times "y pass the system and "e
more *le6i"le and ad8ust and keep a "lind eye to the rules. #*ten situation come up when
"oth the employees ha-e to work to$ether on a certain pro8ect and complete it on time
as per the process $i-en to them7 *or instance the pro8ect ha-e to complete on )riday at
+pm then Indian employee try to *inish on Saturday +pm statin$ it is o** day and we can
work it out and complete it7 this *riction creates a distur"in$ work en-ironment
sometimes. Another instance Nissan sta** will "e on time and lea-e on time7 whereas
Ashok Leyland sta** come late and lea-e late *rom the o**ice, Indian way o* workin$ style
they say. So a mismatch occurs in most o* the occasion.
Japan score .1
and India scored 1
under this dimension. 4eason in Japan *ear o*
earthHuakes are certain and they always take pre-enti-e measures well ahead, and
their "rou$ht culture *rom school well that they always reluctant to do thin$s without
precedence. Nissan Mana$er ask all the *acts and details "e*ore takin$ any decision "ut
Indian mana$er with their e6perience they take the decision and this has positi-e as well
ne$ati-e impact in some cases.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
-)5 6ra"matism/
Ashok Leyland employee are more reli$ious and culturally "ounded in tradition and
mostly *ollow 2induism and the mana$ement looks into -ery Huarter pro*its and what the
shareholders can $et at the end o* each Huarter7 it is Indian mind *rame they think *or
short term $ains whereas Nissan employee are not so reli$ious minded they are Huite
practical minded and they think on lon$ term. <-en in the di**icult market situation they
want to in-est more on 4O5 and e6plore new product desi$n and prepare *or the ne6t
years do "etter, "ut Ashok Leyland wants a *aster $rowth rate at the minimum possi"le
time *rame. Some o* the in-estment pro8ect are waitin$ *or $o-ernment appro-al to clear
*rom the state $o-ernment o* 9amilnadu, India "ut due to political issues it is $ettin$
delayed and as *ar Nissan is concern they are ready to wait and $et the appro-al "ut the
delay is creatin$ a hu$e cost *or Ashok Leyland in the short term and their annual
turno-er *or the year !11 is not so $ood. Joint -enture will do well in lon$ run and it
need some time to click up.
Japan has a hi$h score o* =.1> whereas India has an intermediate score ='!>
this dimension
Concept o* li-in$ li*e *rom person to person -aries and the cultures o*
one3s country play a -ital role in the mana$ement decision process.
-)6 &ndu'"en,e/
9his measurement is characteri%ed as the de$ree to which indi-iduals attempt to control
their cra-in$s and dri-in$ *orces, in li$ht o* the way they were raised. @enerally week
control is called Findul$enceF and moderately solid control is called FrestraintF. Culture
can, thusly, "e portrayed as li"eral or limited =2o*stede, 1//,>.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
)rom analysis "oth Ashok Leyland and Nissan Motors employees it seems their posses3
relati-ely stron$ control o-er their desires. 9his aspect o* Indul$ence more or else
matches the employee3s attitude and no much issue in these re$ards.
India $ot a scored !+ in this dimension, and Japan with score o* &! this re*lect Japan
*alls under the cultural restraint
. 0nder this dimension ha-in$ a low score means
tendency to cynicism and pessimism
4) #riti,a' na'8sis 9sin" :ofstede%s #u'tura' na'8sis/
A meanin$ o* culture as $i-en "y 2o*stede may "e FA $roup modi*yin$ o* the mind
which reco$ni%es one assem"ly *rom an alternateF =2o*stede,1/.1>. Also there are
numerous de*initions to culture yet in strai$ht*orward terms it mi$ht "e seen as the
con-ictions, standards, Hualities and attitudes o* the indi-iduals.FCulture is a situated
o* *undamental suppositions imparted answers *or $eneral issues o* outer
accommodation =how to sur-i-e> and inside incorporation =how to stay to$ether>;
which ha-e ad-anced o-er the lon$ haul and passed on startin$ with one era then
onto the ne6tF =Schein ,1/.'>.
Culture o* one3s country plays a -ital role in today3s modern day mana$ement
techniHues. Since now a days ma8or companies are either 8oinin$ hands with each
other in 8oint -enture or acHuisitionJmer$er take place considerin$ the e6pansion in
mind and keep also they are -ery particular to reduce the cost and increase the
producti-ity. Many multinational or$anisations *rom <urope, 0S, 0? are plannin$ to
open up their o**ice in Asia paci*ic and Asian countries are key in acHuirin$ ma8or
companies in <urope, 0S, 0? -ice -ersa since the Asian market is doin$ well.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
Dhile analysin$ the two or$anisations Ashok Leyland and Nissan Motors on the
Joint -enture it is *ound that cultural di**erences takes a hi$her precedence and
accordin$ly the e6planation was pro-ided in the earlier section. )urther to "e more
precise *rom the latest research studies o* 2ostede3s Si6 5imensions o* culture
please see the $raph. )urther details re*er 22endi3 -)
Sour,e: $tt2:;;"eert/$ofstede),om;<a2an)$tm'
)rom the physical *indin$ and the research studies conducted "y 2ostede3s on
comparison Japan and India the a"o-e $raph ha-e $i-en a clear scores that almost
matches the *indin$ o"tained *rom "oth the or$anisation Ashok Leyland and Nissan
Motors on their 8oint -enture operations in India. #nly two dimension scores o*
Indi-idualism and Indul$ence are more or else matchin$ with each other3s culture
and in line with the -alues o* the employee o* "oth the or$anisation in reality as well.
:ut other dimension scores are Huite di**erent and -ary a lot with attitudes o* the two
nationalities di**ers a lot in their cultural "eha-iour at work.
Dhen we take the score o* 0ncertainty a-oidance =0A>, Japan scorin$ a relati-ely
hi$her -alue =.1> compared to India =1> seems Huite a lar$e di**erence o* "eha-iour
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
demonstrated "y Ashok Leyland -s. Nisan Motors employees. Japan employee
always *ollow strict rules and o"ey the procedure that is laid out "y their superior or
the mana$ement and they act only on that7 they do $i-e hi$h respect to the rule and
procedures7 on the other hand Ashok Leyland employees tend to "e more in*ormal
rather than *ormal approach and they to ad8ust easily within their collea$ues and
they ha-e $reater tolerance to no-el and a"stract ideas or concepts. Nissan
employee ha-e hierarchy order and they strictly *ollow the same and $o with
centrali%ed decision makin$ compared to Ashok Leyland where hierarchy was
*ollowed "ut not to the e6tent o* Nissan. In Ashok Leyland more $roup participation
and one3s sel* thou$hts are -alued.
)rom the *indin$ it was clear that Nissan employees were -ery well prepared *or the
*uture risk and they are ready to wait and later accept the chan$e7 "ut Ashok
Leyland employees work on the present outcome and immediate return rather than
wait *or the lon$ term "ene*its. 9his was mainly due to the cultural di**erence and the
"rou$ht up o* their indi-idual countries culture.
2u$e di**erence was also *ound *rom the 2ostede3s sur-ey on the scores o*
masculine with Japan score with 111 and India score only ',. It was due to the
cultural acceptance o* the tradition they "een "rou$ht up *rom $enerations. Domen
in $eneral "een kept "elow the men in corporate Japan compare to India7 where the
emer$in$ market in Asia paci*ic more women entrepreneur are comin$ up and they
do well a"o-e men in most o* the case.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
5) So'ution/
Ashok Leyland has its own employee reco$nition and continuous impro-ement
pro$rammes which internally takes care o* its employee. Some o* the initiati-e take
"y the mana$ement ha-e shown positi-e outcome *or the employees. )ew schemes
are MISSI#N @<M:A, IM(4#V<, )uture Leader (ro$ramme =)L(>, Mission B<s I
(owered "y Bouth, :L<SSIN@,F4IS<F, 111C Clu", @reen Shield =)or *urther details
re*er 22endi3 4>. Initiati-e like @em"a makes the team as well the indi-idual
employee to per*orm well and it reco$nise their potential and creates a "ondin$ with
the or$anisation to $row *urther in their carrier. Bouth pro$rammes and team "uildin$
e**orts are all well;structured in the 24 policy. Ashok Leyland employees are not
trained in cross cultural trainin$ as compare to Nissan Motors. At Nissan Cultural
5i-ersity 9rainin$ are conducted to support smooth cross;cultural communications
amon$ di**erent nationality thus ena"lin$ them to ad8ust to di**erent work
en-ironment world;wide.=)or *urther details re*er 22endi3 5>.
Dhat la$ in the issue that I come across is the cross cultural co;ordination and how
to ad8ust and understand the di**erent country culture and their people so that the
employee can work in a cordial and *riendly work en-ironment with no attitude
issues and misunderstandin$. A cross cultural trainin$ *or "oth Ashok Leyland and
Nissan Motor employee need to "e done7 so that they understand each other3s
culture "etter and know how to respond and act durin$ their 8o". :y doin$ this it will
"e "etter *or "oth the countries employee to know each other well and they can take
action appropriately and wise decision can "e o"tained at a *aster rate rather than
attitude J e$o etc. can "e easily sorted out at the earliest. ?ey concept o* 8oint
-enture is to make sure they o"tain the ma6imum "ene*its *rom one another and
share their thou$hts and $row *urther.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
6) #on,'usion/
MCulture is the $roup modi*yin$ o* the mind which reco$ni%es the parts o* one class
o* indi-iduals *rom an alternateF=2o*stede, @., 1/.&>.
)rom the analysis and the steps taken "y the or$anisation to inte$rate with one
another seems that the 8oint -enture partnership "etween "oth the or$anisation will
lead li$ht -ehicle se$ments in a lon$ run in $lo"al market and their employees
stren$th to "ack up their mana$ement will de*initely "oost the or$anisation turn o-er
at a tremendous $rowth in the ne6t *ew years. ?ey stren$th *or "oth the or$anisation
is their loyal and dedicated employees7 only think they need to do his trainin$ them
to understand each other3s culture and workin$ style7 once they $et used to it than
nothin$ can stop them.

Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
7) =eferen,es/
>1? Ashok Leyland #-er-iew, !11 K#nlineL a-aila"le httpPJJ www .ashokleyland
.comJo-er-iew =Accessed 1/J1!J!11>
>2? Ashok Leyland press;releases, !11& K#nlineL a-aila"le httpPJJwww.ashokleyl a
nd .comJpress;releases;list =Accessed 11J1!J!11>
>-? :rowaeys O (rice M0nderstandin$ cross cultural Mana$ement, !nd <dition
(earson <ducation Limited !111
>4? :urnes, :, =!11/>, Mana$in$ Chan$e, 'th <d, (earson 0? @eert 2o*stede
=1/.1>. CultureEs ConseHuencesP International 5i**erences in Dork;4elated
Values =Cross Cultural 4esearch and Methodolo$y> K(aper"ackL
>5? 2idden 5i**erencesP 5oin$ :usiness with 9he Japanese :y <dward 9. 2all
and Mildred 4eed 2all K#nlineL a-aila"le*orum.comJ
ArticlesJhiddenQdi**erencesC!1"yC!12all.htm =Accessed 1/J11J!11&>
>6? 2o*stede, @eert, @ert Jan 2o*stede and Michael Minko-. Cultures and
#r$ani%ationsP So*tware o* the Mind, rd ed. New BorkP Mc@raw;2ill. !111.
>7? In-estorwords, !11& K#nlineL a-aila"le!+,1J8ointQ-enture.html =Accessed 1&J1!J!11>
>@? John 4. Schermerhorn Jr. =!11/>. <6plorin$ Mana$ement K(aper"ackL
Septem"er 1, !11
>9? Lewin, ?. =1/&,a>, )rontiers in @roup 5ynamics, In 5.Cartwri$ht =ed> =1/'!>P
)ield 9heory in Social Science. Social Science paper"acksP London
>10? Mc Shane S, Von @linow A M#r$ani%ational :eha-iourN =!111>
(u"lished "y Mc@raw;2ill Companies and printed in the 0nited States o*
>11? Maurer, 4. =1//+>. 0sin$ resistance to "uild support *or chan$e.
Journal *or Ruality O (articipation, pp. '+;+.
>12? Nissan Motors @lo"al, !11 K#nlineL a-aila"le;$lo"al.comJ<NJN<DSJ!11.JQS9#4BJ1.1'!+;11;e.html
=Accessed 1/J1!J!11>.
>1-? NISSAN M#9#4 C#M(ANB Annual 4eport !11 K#nlineL a-aila"le;$lo"al.comJ<NJ5#C0M<N9J(5)JA4J!11Jp1/Qe.pd*
(Accessed 1/J1!J!11>.
>14? 2o*stede, @., 1/.& National cultures and corporate cultures. In L.A.
Samo-ar O 4.<. (orter =<ds.>, Communication :etween Cultures. :elmont,
CAP Dadsworth.
>15? 9he 2o*stede Center, @eert 2o*stede, K#nlineL a-aila"le httpPJJ$eert;
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
ho*stede.comJ8apan.html =Accessed 1/J11J!11&>
@) 22endi,es/
66AND&B 1: #om2an8 6rofi'e s$oC De8'and/
Ashok Leyland, *or o-er si6 decades, we ha-e "een mo-in$ indi-iduals and
products, touchin$ you and millions o-er '1 nations worldwide.
#ur "uses securely con-ey ,1 million tra-elers to their ends consistently. Shut
,11,111 o* our -ehicles keep the wheels o* economies turnin$ and, as the "i$$est
supplier o* lo$istics -ehicles to the Indian Armed *orce, we assume a discriminatin$
part in keepin$ our outskirts sa*e.
)or our clients, we are resol-ed to $i-e transport results that o**er the "est workin$
matters o* trade and pro*it while *or clients o* our -ehicles, solace and security. 9his
has dri-en us to pioneer thou$hts that ha-e $otten to "e industry standards powered
"oth "y our hearty characteristic 4esearch and de-elopment competencies and the
Huality o* -ital partnerships manu*actured with worldwide inno-ation $uides.
2eadHuartered in Chennai, India, our manu*acturin$ *ootprint is pan;India with two
*acilities in (ra$ue =C%ech 4epu"lic> and 4as Al ?haimah =0A<>.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
9o o**er you more *rom our sta"le o* o**erin$s, we ha-e inked '1P'1 Joint Ventures
=JV> with Nissan motor #r$ani%ation =Japan> *or Li$ht Commercial Vehicles and John
5eere =0SA> *or de-elopment supplies. #ur JV with Mainland A@ =@ermany> is *or
creatin$ auto In*otronics while the uni*ied with the AL teams @atherin$ is *or
preparin$ hi$h press pass on throwin$ e6pelled aluminium parts *or "oth the car and
telecommunication di-isions.
>Sour,e: $tt2:;;...)as$oC'e8'and),om;o7er7ie.?
($e s$are$o'din" stru,tures of t$e t$ree <oint 7entures are as under:
Ashok Leyland Nissan Vehicles Pvt. Ltd., the vehicle manufacturing
company will be owned 51% by Ashok Leyland and 49% by Nissan
Nissan Ashok Leyland Powertrain Pvt. Ltd., the powertrain manufacturing
company will be owned 51% by Nissan and 49% by Ashok Leyland
Nissan Ashok Leyland Technologies Pvt. Ltd., the technology
development company will be owned 5!"5! by the two partners#
Ashok Leyland, *la$ship o* the 2indu8a @roup, launched two new Li$ht Commercial
Vehicles =LCV> ; 6=(NA= tru,C, India3s *irst air;conditioned LCV $oods -ehicle
and Mi(= bus, a LCV "us with "est;in;class com*ort. A*ter the commercially
success*ul 5ost and the recently launched S9iL<, now (A49N<4 and Mi94 are the
latest o**erin$s *rom the Ashok Leyland I Nissan Joint Venture.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
66AND&B 2: #om2an8 6rofi'e Nissan Motors/
>Sour,e: $tt2:;;...)nissan/"'oba'),om;AN;NA+S;200@;ES(0=F;0@0526/01/e)$tm'?
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
66AND&B -: :ofstede Mode' /
1G Distan,e H6D&G /
9his e6tent communicates the de$ree to which the less power*ul parts o* a social
order acknowled$e and need that power is disseminated uneHually. 9he crucial issue
here is the way a social order handles im"alances around indi-iduals. Indi-iduals in
social orders showin$ a -ast le-el o* power separation acknowled$e a pro$ressi-e
reHuest in which e-eryone has a spot and which needs no *urther support. In social
orders with low power separation, indi-iduals stri-e to eHualise the dispersion o*
power and interest a-ocation *or im"alances o* power.
2G &ndi7idua'ism 7ersus ,o''e,ti7ism H&D5G /
9he hi$h side o* this e6tent, called indi-idualism, mi$ht "e characteri%ed as an
inclination *or an ine6actly wea-e social schema in which people are relied upon to
deal with 8ust themsel-es and their Huick *amilies. Its in-erse, socialism, speaks to an
inclination *or a *irmly wea-e schema in the pu"lic eye in which people can want their
relati-es or parts o* a speci*ic in;$atherin$ to take care o* them in return *or
unHuestionin$ de-otion. A social orderEs position on this si%e is re*lected in i*
indi-idualsE mental sel* portrait is characteri%ed as *ar as FIF or Fwe.F
-G Mas,u'init8 7ersus femininit8 HMSG/
9he masculinity side o* this measurement speaks to an inclination in the pu"lic eye
*or accomplishment, -alor, sel*;assuredness and material pri%es *or -ictory. Social
order in Huestion is more a$$ressi-e. Its in-erse, womanliness, remains *or an
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
inclination *or colla"oration, humility, lookin$ a*ter the *ee"le and personal
satis*action. Social order in Huestion is more a$reement arran$ed.
4G 9n,ertaint8 a7oidan,e H9&G /
9he uncertainty a-oidance dimension communicates the de$ree to which the parts o*
a social order *eel uncom*orta"le with uncertainty and -a$ueness. 9he crucial issue
here is the way a social order mana$es the way that whatEs to come can ne-er "e
knownP would it "e a $ood idea *or us to attempt to control whatEs to come or simply
$i-en it a chance to happenS Nations displayin$ solid 0AI uphold in*le6i"le codes o*
con-iction and conduct and are pre8udiced o* stran$e conduct and thou$hts. )ee"le
0AI social orders keep up a more loose mentality in which practice num"ers more
than standards.
5G 6ra"mati, 5ersus Normati7e H6=G /
9his dimension depicts how indi-iduals pre-iously, and in addition today, identi*y with
the way that so much that happens around us canEt "e demonstrated.
In social orders with a standardi%in$ introduction most indi-iduals ha-e an in num"er
yearnin$ to demonstrate howe-er much as could reasona"ly "e e6pected.
Indi-iduals in such social orders ha-e an in num"er concern with securin$
unHuestiona"ly 4eality7 they are re$ulatin$ in their reasonin$. 9hey display
e6traordinary appreciation *or con-entions, a $enerally little penchant to put
somethin$ aside *or whatEs to come and a concentrate on attainin$ speedy
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
In social orders with a commonsense introduction, most indi-iduals donEt ha-e a
necessity to illustrate e-erythin$, as they accept that it is di**icult to see completely
the unpredicta"ility o* li*e. 9he test is not to know reality yet to carry on with a
temperate li*e. In social orders with a so"er minded introduction, indi-iduals accept
that truth depends truly on circumstance, settin$ and time. 9hey demonstrate a
capa"ility to ad8ust customs e**ortlessly to chan$ed conditions, an in num"er a**inity
to spare and put thri*tiness and dili$ence in accomplishin$ e**ects.
6G &ndu'"en,e 7ersus =estraint H&NDG !
Indul$ence remains *or a social order that permits moderately *ree satis*action o*
essential and characteristic human dri-es identi*ied with appreciatin$ li*e and ha-in$
a ton o* *un. Control remains *or a social order that sti*les satis*action o*
reHuirements and mana$es it "y method o* strict social standards.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
66AND&B 4: s$oC De8'and Am2'o8ee =e,o"nition 6ro"rammes/
A @reat (lace 9o Dork )orT
<6emplary work deser-es rewards and reco$nition and we ha-e a num"er o*
continuous impro-ement acti-ities.
M&SS&0N *AMB ! launched in !11', is one o* our most success*ul initiati-es
aimed at in*ormation spread, de-elopin$ skills, empowerin$ employees to reach
world;class le-els o* Huality, cost and deli-ery with reco$nition and reward *or
per*ormance. U@em"a3 means Ureal place3 in Japanese, re*ers to the shop *loor. 9he
manu*acturin$ units are di-ided into *unction;"ased U@em"as3, totally o-er 111 now,
and each U@em"a3 is run as an independent U"usiness3 "y empowered U@em"a 0nit
Leaders =@0Ls> chosen "ased on their per*ormance track record. UMission @<M:AN
has tri$$ered an attitudinal trans*ormation o* the work*orce, operational e6cellence to
decon$est "ottlenecks and continual impro-ements in se-eral core areas.
&M6=05A ; a home;$rown employee en$a$ement pro$ramme now into its 1'th
success*ul year,it has emer$ed as a plat*orm to showcase the "est pro8ects "y our
employees on producti-ity impro-ement, e**iciency enhancement and cost cuttin$.
An annual, company;wide contest, it $oes "eyond the e6istin$ Ruality Circles =RCs>
to include new cross *unctional employee teams too. 2a-in$ assumed the
proportions o* a mass employee mo-ement, Impro-e sees more than '1C o* our
employees participatin$ and the impact o* these pro8ects to the "ottom line till date
has "een to the tune o* o-er 4s. &11 million.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
Future Deader 6ro"ramme HFD6GIClass will tell and this is a systematic attempt at
identi*yin$ and nurturin$ *uture leaders.
Mission FAs ! 6o.ered b8 Fout$P is a pro$ramme aimed to en$a$e and harness
the su"stantial Fyouth powerF a-aila"le amon$st us to meet the emer$in$ "usiness
challen$es in a -i"rant and ener$etic culture *ocused on competiti-e attri"utes o*
Speed, Inno-ation and Attitude
BDASS&N* I #pportunities *or the discernin$ is the credo o* this uniHue 24 initiati-e
that we ha-e introduced in our (antna$ar 0nit. Aimed at de-elopin$ shop *loor skills,
youth who ha-e passed 1!
$rade are recruited and educated or trained "y us, at
our e6pense, in partnership with a renowned technical and trainin$ institute. Isn3t this
a no-el way to earn while you learn on the shop *loorS
F=&SAF =4eward *or Indi-idual Search *or <6cellence>
100I #'ub our hi$hest reward *or e6emplary indi-idual or team per*ormance
*reen S$ie'd ="est unit *or en-ironmental sustenance>
"reat 2'a,e to 'earn
Drapped in lush $reenery, the Mana$ement 5e-elopment Centre =M5C> at 2osur
e-okes a sense o* calm and peace o* mind that is ideal *or a seat o* leanin$. Neatly
appointed, it is eHuipped with all the reHuisite in*rastructure like air;conditioned
classrooms, a well;stocked li"rary, a computer la", a multi;purpose con-ention hall
and e6cellent "oardin$, lod$in$ and leisure *acilities. So whether you would like to
hone your creati-e a"ilities or de-elop your personality or 8ust learn a little more, the
M5C is where you should head *or where till date, more than 1,111 =includin$ !11
non;Ashok Leyland> pro$rammes ha-e "een conducted.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
66AND&B 5: Nissan Motors 4a2an #ross #u'ture 6ro"rammes/
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
#u'tura' Di7ersit8 (rainin" H4a2anG
Nissan o**ers preparin$ sessions to match di-erse social *oundations to help smooth
multi*aceted correspondences. 9here are )rench, Chinese, Indian, @erman and
Japanese preparin$ sessions accessi"le. 4enault representati-es take part in the
Japanese social trainin$s to encoura$e "etter cooperation with their Japanese
associates. Social di**erin$ Hualities is the esta"lishment o* our corporate society.
A7ents on #u'tura' Di7ersit8 H4a2anG
De compose social occasions where Japanese and non;Japanese workers can
e6amine issues and look *or FDIN;DINF results. #**erin$ o* oneEs thou$hts and
encounters can prompt new "its o* knowled$e and de-elops the comprehension
around others.
Student No: 1209675 Submission Date: 21
Feb, 2014
#ross/,u'tura' e/'earnin" 2ro"ram H4a2anG
NissanEs cross;cultural e;learnin$ in pro$ram tar$ets Japanese workers. It comprises
o* an essential course a"out key contrasts with di**erent societies and how to con-ey
"oth e**ecti-ely and success*ully in an all the more all inclusi-e situated nature, and
in addition a pro$ressed course that uses care*ul in-esti$ations *rom workin$
to$ether in such de-elopin$ nations as India, China and :ra%il to help mem"ers
distin$uish social contrasts and uno"trusi-e implications *rom <n$lish statements.
:oth pro8ects help Nissan representati-es to $row their comprehension o* the world
and impro-e their relational a"ilities.
>Sour,e: $tt2:;;...)nissan/"'oba'),om;AN;#0M6NF;D&5A=S&(F;#9D(9=A;?

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