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llrsL Clrcular

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ln Lhe lasL decades Lhere has been a slgnlflcanL lncrease ln Lhe use of envlronmenLal sLudles wlLhln urban
archaeologlcal conLexLs. An array of llnes of research and of pracLlce has emerged, prlmarlly on Lhe basls of
human, anlmal and planL remalns, focuslng on subslsLence, Lradlng, soclal sLaLus, healLh, hyglene, crafL
producLlon and polluLlon. 1here ls a growlng lnvolvemenL of geoarchaeologlsLs, declpherlng complex slLe
sLraLlgraphles and explalnlng Lhe spaLlal funcLlonlng of urban slLes. Moreover Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween
Lowns and Lhelr hlnLerland have also been lnvesLlgaLed from an envlronmenLal perspecLlve.
1oday, lL can be sLaLed LhaL Lhe full poLenLlal of Lhe exlsLlng envlronmenLal archaeologlcal approaches ls
noL yeL always reached. 1herefore, Lhe alm of Lhe presenL conference ls Lo assemble researchers
(archaeologlsLs, hlsLorlans, geoarchaeologlsLs, physlcal anLhropologlsLs, archaeozoologlsLs and
archaeoboLanlsLs) worklng on urban archaeology Lo share Lhelr experlences, Lo explore Lhe developmenL of
Lhelr dlsclpllnes and Lo dlscuss how resulLs from dlfferenL approaches can be more fully lnLegraLed.

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AB "#.50&C-)3D 4'E/$ 6-)& %#'./)-#$B 1he
challenges of envlronmenLal archaeologlcal
Lechnlques relevanL Lo urban archaeologlcal
sLudles wlll be consldered, as well as Lhe
advancemenLs LhaL have been made on Lhls
Loplc ln Lhe lasL decade ln Lurope. ln parLlcular
Lhe dlscusslon wlll focus on:
SlLe sLraLlgraphy and formaLlon, uark
LarLhs" and mlcro-sLraLlfled deposlLs (such
as floor levels), ofLen an lmporLanL parL of
Lhe urban sLraLlgraphy,
1he urbanlsaLlon process,
1he lnLegraLlon of new meLhods and Lools
lnLo Lhe archaeologlcal fleld work,
lrom mulLl-dlsclpllnarlLy Lo lnLegraLed

FB G'E/$ &(#$#.3. Lconomlc acLlvlLles and
Lhelr spaLlal dlsLrlbuLlon LhroughouL Lhe clLy
especlally conslderlng:
lood producLlon wlLhln Lhe clLy (exLenL of
agro-pasLoral acLlvlLles) and Lhe
exchanges wlLh Lhe hlnLerland,
1rade of planL and anlmal producLs,
ArLlsanal acLlvlLles and Lhe polluLlon Lhey
mlghL cause.

HB 8*& 5&'6#$/0 0-%&. Pow dld people llve ln Lhe
clLles? More speclflcally:
Lvldence of healLh, dleL, soclal sLaLus and
general quallLy of llfe,
Soclal sLraLlflcaLlon as lndlcaLed by dleL,
8urlal pracLlces.

IB 8*& 4'E/$ &$,-'#$.&$)B 1he physlcal urban
envlronmenL and lLs changes Lhrough Llme wlll
be explored:
hyslcal urban landscape and lLs changes
(e.g. changes ln rellef and Lopography),
8econsLrucLlon of Lhe local vegeLaLlon,
fauna and oLher aspecLs of Lhe
envlronmenL ln clLles,
1he evoluLlon of Lhe hydrographlc
neLwork assoclaLed wlLh clLles and lLs
lmpacL on Lhe formaLlon, developmenL
and funcLlonlng of Lhe urban
WasLe managemenL.

1he meeLlng wlll Lake place ln Lhe 8oyal 8elglan lnsLlLuLe of naLural Sclences, 8russels. More
lnformaLlon on : hLLp://

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1hls workshop ls organlzed by Lhe 8russels CaplLal 8eglon, Lhe 8oyal 8elglan lnsLlLuLe of naLural
Sclences, Lhe unlverslLe Llbre de 8ruxelles and Lhe kaLholleke unlverslLelL Leuven. 1he conference ls
also supporLed by Lhe Luropean 8esearch neLwork 8lCA8CP.

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LaurenL 8avay, C8eA-aLrlmolne, uL8, 8elglum
Ann uegraeve, 8russels CaplLal 8eglon, 8elglum
Chloe uellgne, uL8, 8elglum
AnLon Lrvynck, AgenLschap Cnroerend Lrfgoed, 8elglum
8oger Langohr, unlverslLelL CenL, 8elglum
8lchard Macphall, uC London, uk
uanlel Makowleckl, nlcolaus Copernlcus unlverslLy, 1orun, oland
Llena Marlnova, ku Leuven & 88lnS, 8elglum
ArLuro Morales Munlz, unlversldad AuLnoma de Madrld, Spaln
hlllppe 8enLzel, lnA - 8asel, SwlLzerland
Marle-lerre 8uas, Cn8S, arls, lrance
Wlm van neer, ku Leuven & 88lnS, 8elglum

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for Lhe 8russels CaplLal 8eglon: Ann uegraeve, SLephane uemeLer
for Lhe C8eA-aLrlmolne, uL8: LaurenL 8avay, ?annlck uevos, CrlsLlano nlcosla, Luc vrydaghs
for 88lnS-kuL: Wlm van neer, Llena Marlnova, Clara 8offln, Llen Speleers, klm CulnLeller

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1he lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe absLracL submlsslon, reglsLraLlon, accommodaLlon and soclal evenLs
wlll be publlshed ln Lhe 2
clrcular ln SepLember 2014

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?annlck uevos and Llena Marlnova

lease feel free Lo clrculaLe Lhls lnformaLlon among your colleagues or sLudenLs Lo whom you Lhlnk
Lhls conference would be of lnLeresL.

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