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Power of 16 MahaVastu Zones

The 16 MahaVastu Zones govern each and every aspect of our exi stence. They act as a
bl uepri nt for our wel l -bei ng.

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"Each and every emoti on and thought that appears i nsi de you i s generated by the 16
MahaVastu Zones (i n your home) onl y."
These MahaVastu Zones have been adapted from Vedi c Vastu Shastra and have been
modi fi ed to sui t the contemporary needs of today' s bui l di ngs.
Each of the 16 MahaVastu Zones has i ts own attri butes and effects. Each Zone i s
governed by i ts speci fi c el ement. These Zonal powers may be overacti ve or i nacti ve,
pri mari l y because of the i mbal ance of Panchtattva (Fi ve El ements), thus adversel y
affecti ng the l i ves of the peopl e occupyi ng that bui l di ng. Wi th the hel p of appropri ate
col ours, metal s, shapes, symbol s and vari ous other techni ques of MahaVastu, these
Zones can be bal anced and programmed to generate the desi red resul ts i n l i fe.
Furthermore the ki nd of objects pl aced i n a Zone affects your correspondi ng emoti on. If
you have a bedroom i n the Zone of Anxi ety (East -South-East), you wi l l never feel
rel axed i n i t; rather you wi l l have frequent di sagreements wi th your spouse. Si mi l arl y,
your chi l dren get natural l y i ncl i ned towards thei r studi es and do wel l academi cal l y i f
thei r study tabl e i s pl aced i n the Zone of Educati on (West -South-West). Li kewi se, i f a
toi l et i s there i n the Zone of Gai ns (West), you do not get the expected resul ts. Let us
now take a l ook at these MahaVastu Zones and thei r i nfl uence on your l i fe.
North-East (NE)
It i s the Zone of Wi sdom, Medi tati on and Inspi rati on. Thi s Zone i s i deal for Medi tati on.
East of North-East (ENE)
It governs Fun and Refreshment i n your l i fe. It i s the i deal Zone for a Fami l y Lounge.
East (E)
The energy generated by East Zone faci l i tates the Soci al Connecti vi ty. It i s the i deal
Zone for a Drawi ng Room.
East of South-East (ESE)
The bal anced state of thi s Zone i mparts depth to your thought and gi ves you a deeper
understandi ng of l i fe' s processes.
South-East (SE)
Al so known as the Fi re Zone, i t i s the Zone of Money.
South of South-East (SSE)
If i n a bui l di ng thi s Zone i s depressed, i ts occupants wi l l l ack Strength and Confi dence.
South (S)
Most i mportantl y, thi s i s the Zone of Fame, Recogni ti on and Soci al Reputati on.
South of South-West (SSW)
The energy of thi s Zone removes al l that i s ' waste' and usel ess i n your l i fe. A l ack of thi s
energy resul ts i n a l ot of ti me, money and effort bei ng wasted on uni mportant thi ngs,
frui tl ess thoughts, uni mportant di scussi ons etc.
South-West (SW)
It i s the Zone of Ski l l , Marri age, Fami l y Harmony, Bondi ng, Stabi l i ty i n l i fe and
Rel ati onshi ps.
West of South-West (WSW)
The West of South-West i s the Zone of Studi es, of repeated Practi ce or vi dya abhyaas,
knowl edge and educati on.
West (W)
The energy of thi s Zone ensures that no acti on or effort made by you goes waste.
West of North-West (WNW)
It i s the Zone of rodhan i .e. stress and depressi on.
North-West (NW)
The North-West Zone generates the energy that attracts Supporti ve and Hel pful peopl e
for any cause you pursue.
North of North-West (NNW)
Thi s i s the Zone of attracti on and sex, sensual enj oyment and sens e of ful fi l l ment.
North (N)
As North Zone represents Money or Treasure, i ts energy hel ps you to generate New
Opportuni ti es to earn money.
North of North-East (NNE)
If thi s Zone i s di sturbed, your Body-Resi stance and Immune System weakens, maki ng
you prone to i l l nesses from whi ch recovery i s sl ow.

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