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5 Answer Key A

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

1 1 was
2 was
3 wasnt
4 Were
5 did you
6 werent
2 1 studied
2 did / finish
3 didnt like
4 Did / watch
5 lived
6 didnt close
7 didnt smoke
did / arrive
3 1 didnt
2 wore
3 had / ate
4 left
5 saw
6 !et
4 1 !ets
2 !o
3 have
4 !et
5 !o
6 !et
5 1 drove
2 thou!ht
3 heard
4 wrote
5 s"oke
6 read
7 took
# sat
1$ wore
11 !ot
12 went
6 1 have
2 !o
5 Answer Key A
3 !o
4 !et
5 have
6 !et
7 !o
7 1 wanted / waited
2 waited / wanted
3 chan!ed
4 checked / looked
5 looked / checked
8 1 writer
2 musician
3 "ainter
4 music
5 "olitics
Readin$ and %ritin$
1 1 %
2 %
3 &
4 %
5 '
6 '
7 &
2 1 (
2 (
3 )
4 (
5 )
6 (
7 (
*tudents own answers+
Task completion: )he task is fully com"leted and the answer easy to understand+
,4 marks-
5 Answer Key A
Grammar: )he student uses a""ro"riate structures to achieve the task+ .inor errors do not
o/scure the meanin!+ ,3 marks-
Vocabulary: )he student uses a sufficient ran!e of words and "hrases to communicate the
messa!e clearly+ ,3 marks-
Listenin$ and ()ea*in$
1 1 '
2 %
3 &
4 &
5 %
2 1 'ustralia
2 0amaica
3 'merica
4 'r!entina
5 1n!land
Interactive communication an oral prouction: )he student communicates effectively
with his / her "artner2 askin! and answerin! sim"le 3uestions2 and where necessary
initiatin! conversation2 and res"ondin!+ )he student uses a""ro"riate strate!ies to com"lete
the task successfully+ ,5 marks-
Grammar an Vocabulary: )he student uses a sufficient ran!e of voca/ulary and
structure to communicate clearly+ .inor occasional errors do not im"ede communication+
,5 marks-
!ronunciation: )he students intonation2 stress2 and articulation of sounds make the
messa!e clear and com"rehensi/le+ ,5 marks-
5 Answer Key B
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
1 1 didnt like
2 lived
3 did / finish
4 did / arrive
5 didnt close
6 worked
7 Did / watch
didnt smoke
2 1 didnt
2 wore
3 ate / had
4 left
5 saw
6 !et
3 1 werent
2 Were
3 wasnt
4 were
5 was
6 did you
4 1 wore
2 drove
3 went
4 wrote
5 read
6 heard
7 took
# said
1$ sat
11 s"oke
12 !ot
5 1 !o
2 have
3 !et
4 !ets
5 have
6 !o
6 1 !o
2 !o
5 Answer Key B
3 have
4 !et
5 !et
6 !et
7 have
7 1 "ainter
2 writer
3 "olitics
4 musician
5 music
8 1 waited / wanted
2 wanted / waited
3 showed
4 looked / checked
5 checked / looked
Readin$ and %ritin$
1 1 '
2 &
3 '
4 &
5 %
6 &
7 '
2 1 )
2 )
3 (
4 )
5 (
6 (
7 )
*tudents own answers+
Task completion: )he task is fully com"leted and the answer easy to understand+
,4 marks-
5 Answer Key B
Grammar: )he student uses a""ro"riate structures to achieve the task+ .inor errors do not
o/scure the meanin!+ ,3 marks-
Vocabulary: )he student uses a sufficient ran!e of words and "hrases to communicate the
messa!e clearly+ ,3 marks-
Listenin$ and ()ea*in$
1 1 %
2 '
3 %
4 %
5 '
2 1 4reland
2 .orocco
3 0amaica
4 %u/a
5 (rance
Interactive communication an oral prouction: )he student communicates effectively
with his / her "artner2 askin! and answerin! sim"le 3uestions2 and where necessary
initiatin! conversation2 and res"ondin!+ )he student uses a""ro"riate strate!ies to com"lete
the task successfully+ ,5 marks-
Grammar an Vocabulary: )he student uses a sufficient ran!e of voca/ulary and
structure to communicate clearly+ .inor occasional errors do not im"ede communication+
,5 marks-
!ronunciation: )he students intonation2 stress2 and articulation of sounds make the
messa!e clear and com"rehensi/le+ ,5 marks-

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