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Submitted by
Jimit Shah ! A"#ee$ Ja%ed !!
Je$$y &a#e'h ( )i*h+aa Shah !(
A*h+i$ Wid,e - .a#a$ Sab$i* !-
.a/i0 Jadha% 1 Sha0a'a 2abh30'a# !1
Ni#a0i )ed 4 Ni'ita Si$,h !4
Mumbai Edu5ati3$a0 T#u*t
Ba$d#a 6We*t78 Mumbai9
&G2M e:Bu*i$e** ;!(:!<
!9 Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. Purpose of the Act
1.3. Things covered in the Act
;9 Amendment Act 2008
2.1. Need for Amendment
2.2. Structure of the Act
2.3. Appic!"iit#
(9 Terminoogies
<9 $#"er $rimes % T#pes
-9 $#"er $rime St!tistics in Indi!
>9 $#"er $!fe &!ws
19 Sections incuded under IT Act
?9 'oe of IT in (!n)ing Sector
49 NASS$O*
!9 $omp!rison "etween Indi!n $#"er &!ws !nd Phiippines $#"er &!ws
!!9 $!se studies
11.1. N*I*S
11.2. (A+,,.$O*
11.3. T'-,$A&&,'
11... /',,0 1A$0,'S
11.2. APP&,
!;9 News Artices
!(9 Surve# on $#"er !ws !nd $#"er Thre!ts
!<9 $oncerns of $#"er !ws
!-9 (i"iogr!ph#
New communic!tions s#stems !nd digit! technoog# h!ve m!de dr!m!tic ch!nges in w!# of
tr!ns!cting "usiness. *id 304s s!w !n impetus in go"!i5!tion !nd computeris!tion6 with
more !nd more n!tions computeri5ing their govern!nce6 !nd e7commerce seeing !n enormous
growth. -se of computers to cre!te6 tr!nsmit6 !nd store inform!tion is incre!sing. $omputers
h!ve m!n# !dv!nt!ges in e7commerce. It is difficut to shift "usiness from p!per to eectronic
form due to 2 eg! hurdes8
19 'e:uirements !s to writing6
29 Sign!ture for eg! recognition.
The -nited N!tions $ommission on Intern!tion! Tr!de &!w ;-N$IT'A&9 !dopted the
*ode &!w on e7commerce in 133<. The /ener! Assem"# of the -nited N!tions p!ssed !
resoutution on =!nu!r# 306 133>6 recommending ! St!tes in the -N to give f!vour!"e
consider!tions to the s!id *ode &!w6 which provides for recognition to eectronic records
!nd !ccording it the s!me tre!tment i)e ! p!per communic!tion !nd record.
&u#/3*e 3" the A5t
It is !g!inst this "!c)ground the /overnment of Indi! en!cted its Inform!tion Technoog# Act
2000 with the o"?ectives !s foows6 st!ted in the pref!ce to the Act itsef. The Act w!s p!ssed
to f!ciit!te eectronic fiing of documents with the /overnment !gencies !nd further to
!mend the Indi!n Pen! $ode6 the Indi!n ,vidence Act6 18>26 the (!n)ers@ (oo)s ,vidence
Act6 1831 !nd the 'eserve (!n) of Indi! Act6 133. !nd for m!tters connected therewith or
incident! thereto.A The Inform!tion Technoog# Act6 20006 w!s thus p!ssed !s the Act No.21
of 20006 got President Assent.
As per the pre!m"e to the !ct6 the purpose of the !ct is8
To gr!nt eg! recognitions for tr!ns!ctions c!rried out "# me!ns of eectronic d!t!6
interch!nge !nd other me!ns of eectronic communic!tion common# referred to !s
Beectronic commerceA in p!ce of p!per "!sed communic!tion methods.
To give eg! recognition to Cigit! Sign!ture for !uthentic!tion of !n# inform!tion or
m!tter th!t re:uires !uthentic!tion under !n# !w.
To f!ciit!te eectronic fiing of documents with /overnment dep!rtments.
To f!ciit!te eectronic stor!ge of d!t!.
To f!ciit!te !nd give eg! s!nction to eectronic fund tr!nsfers "etween "!n)s !nd
fin!nci! institutions.
To give eg! recognition for )eeping "oo)s of !ccount "# (!n)ers in eectronic form.
The !ct does not !pp# to
19 A negoti!"e instrument eDcept $he:ue
29 A power of !ttorne#
39 A trust
.9 A wi
29 An# contr!ct for the s!e or conve#!nce of immov!"e propert# or !n# interest in such
<9 An# such c!ss of documents or tr!ns!ctions !s m!# "e notified "# the centr!
government in the offici! g!5ette. (ro!d#6 documents which !re re:uired to "e
st!mped !re )ept out of the provisions of the !ct.
Thi$,* 53%e#ed i$ the a5t@
The Act essenti!# de!s with the foowing issues8
&eg! 'ecognition of ,ectronic Cocuments
&eg! 'ecognition of Cigit! Sign!tures
Offenses !nd $ontr!ventions
=ustice Cispens!tion S#stems for c#"er crimes.
Ame$dme$t A5t ;?
Need "3# Ame$dme$t*
Eith proifer!tion of inform!tion technoog# en!"ed services such !s e7govern!nce6 e7
commerce !nd e7tr!ns!ctionsF d!t! securit#6 d!t! priv!c# !nd impement!tion of securit#
pr!ctices !nd procedures re!ting to these !ppic!tions of eectronic communic!tions h!ve
!ssumed gre!ter import!nce !nd the# re:uired h!rmoni5!tion with the provisions of the
Inform!tion Technoog# Act. Gurther6 protection of $ritic! Inform!tion Infr!structure is
pivot! to n!tion! securit#6 econom#6 pu"ic he!th !nd s!fet#6 thus it h!d "ecome necess!r#
to dec!re such infr!structure !s protected s#stem6 so !s to restrict un!uthorised !ccess.
Gurther6 ! r!pid incre!se in the use of computer !nd Internet h!s given rise to new forms of
crimes i)e6 sending offensive em!is !nd mutimedi! mess!ges6 chid pornogr!ph#6 c#"er
terrorism6 pu"ishing seDu!# eDpicit m!teri!s in eectronic form6 video vo#eurism6 "re!ch
of confidenti!it# !nd e!)!ge of d!t! "# intermedi!r#6 e7commerce fr!uds i)e che!ting "#
person!tion 7 common# )nown !s phishing6 identit# theft6 fr!uds on onine !uction sites6 etc.
So6 pen! provisions were re:uired to "e incuded in the Inform!tion Technoog# Act6 2000.
Aso6 the Act needed to "e technoog#7neutr! to provide for !tern!tive technoog# of
eectronic sign!ture for "ringing h!rmoni5!tion with *ode &!w on ,ectronic Sign!tures
!dopted "# -nited N!tions $ommission on Intern!tion! Tr!de &!w ;-N$IT'A&9
0eeping in view the !"ove6 /overnment h!d introduced the Inform!tion Technoog#
;Amendment9 (i6 200< in the &o) S!"h! on 12th Cecem"er 200<. (oth 1ouses of
P!ri!ment p!ssed the (i on 23rd Cecem"er 2008. Su"se:uent# the Inform!tion
Technoog# ;Amendment9 Act6 2008 received the !ssent of President on 2th Ge"ru!r# 2003
!nd w!s notified in the /!5ette of Indi!.
Some of the not!"e fe!tures of the ITAA !re !s foows8
Gocussing on d!t! priv!c#
Gocussing on Inform!tion Securit#
Cefining c#"er c!fe
*!)ing digit! sign!ture technoog# neutr!
Cefining re!son!"e securit# pr!ctices to "e foowed "# corpor!te
'edefining the roe of intermedi!ries
'ecognising the roe of Indi!n $omputer ,mergenc# 'esponse Te!m
Incusion of some !ddition! c#"er crimes i)e chid pornogr!ph# !nd c#"er terrorism
Authori5ing !n Inspector to investig!te c#"er offences ;!s !g!inst the CSP e!rier9
St#u5tu#e 3" the A5t @
The Act "egins with preimin!r# !nd definitions !nd from there on the ch!pters th!t foow
de! with !uthentic!tion of eectronic records6 digit! sign!tures6 eectronic sign!tures etc.
,!"or!te procedures for certif#ing !uthorities ;for digit! certific!tes !s per IT Act 72000 !nd
since rep!ced "# eectronic sign!tures in the ITAA 720089 h!ve "een spet out. The civi
offence of d!t! theft !nd the process of !d?udic!tion !nd !ppe!te procedures h!ve "een
descri"ed. Then the Act goes on to define !nd descri"e some of the we7)nown c#"er crimes
!nd !#s down the punishments therefore.
Then the concept of due diigence6 roe of intermedi!ries !nd some misce!neous provisions
h!ve "een descri"ed. 'ues !nd procedures mentioned in the Act h!ve !so "een !id down in
! ph!sed m!nner6 with the !test one on the definition of priv!te !nd sensitive person! d!t!
!nd the roe of intermedi!ries6 due diigence etc.6 "eing defined !s recent# !s Apri 2011. Ee
wi "e discussing some of the import!nt.
The Act eDtends to the whoe of Indi! !nd eDcept !s otherwise provided6 it !ppies to !so
!n# offence or contr!vention there under committed outside Indi! "# !n# person. There is
some specific eDcusion to the Act ;i.e. where it is not !ppic!"e9 which is s!me !s
Inform!tion Technoog# Act 2000.
C3m/ute#8 It me!ns !n# eectronic m!gnetic6 optic! or other high7speed d!t!
processing device or s#stem which performs ogic!6 !rithmetic6 !nd memor#
functions "# m!nipu!tions of eectronic6 m!gnetic or optic! impuses6 !nd incudes
! input6 output6 processing6 stor!ge6 computer softw!re6 or communic!tion f!ciities
which !re connected or re!ted to the computer in ! computer s#stem or computer
C3m/ute# Sy*tem8 The word Hcomputer s#stem4 me!ns ! device or ! coection of
devices with input6 output !nd stor!ge c!p!"iities. Interesting#6 the word Hcomputer4
!nd Hcomputer s#stem4 h!ve "een so wide# defined to me!n !n# eectronic device
with d!t! processing c!p!"iit#6 performing computer functions i)e ogic!6
!rithmetic !nd memor# functions with input6 stor!ge !nd output c!p!"iities. A
c!refu re!ding of the words wi m!)e one underst!nd th!t ! high7end progr!mm!"e
g!dgets i)e even ! w!shing m!chine or switches !nd routers used in ! networ) c!n
! "e "rought under the definition.
C3mmu$i5ati3$ 2e%i5e*@ Simi!r# the word Hcommunic!tion devices4 inserted in
the ITAA72008 h!s "een given !n incusive definition6 t!)ing into its cover!ge ce
phones6 person! digit! !ssist!nce or such other devices used to tr!nsmit !n# teDt6
video etc i)e wh!t w!s !ter "eing m!r)eted !s iP!d or other simi!r devices on Ei7fi
!nd ceu!r modes.
2ata@ It me!ns ! represent!tion of inform!tion6 )nowedge6 f!cts6 concepts or
instructions which !re "eing prep!red or h!ve "een prep!red in ! form!ised m!nner6
!nd is intended to "e processed6 is "eing processed or h!s "een processed in !
computer s#stem or computer networ)6 !nd m!# "e in !n# form ;incuding computer
printouts m!gnetic or optic! stor!ge medi!6 punched c!rds6 punched t!pes9 or stored
intern!# in the memor# of the computer.
Cefinitions for some words i)e Hc#"er c!fI4 were !so !ter incorpor!ted in the ITAA
2008 when HIndi!n $omputer response ,mergenc# Te!m4 w!s incuded
2i,ita0 Si,$atu#e@ A digit! sign!ture is "!sic!# ! w!# to ensure th!t !n eectronic
document ;e7m!i6 spre!dsheet6 teDt fie6 etc.9 is !uthentic. Authentic me!ns th!t #ou
)now who cre!ted the document !nd #ou )now th!t it h!s not "een !tered in !n# w!#
since th!t person cre!ted it. Cigit! sign!tures re# on cert!in t#pes of encr#ption to
ensure !uthentic!tion. ,ncr#ption is the process of t!)ing ! the d!t! th!t one
computer is sending to !nother !nd encoding it into ! form th!t on# the other
computer wi "e !"e to decode. Authentic!tion is the process of verif#ing th!t
inform!tion is coming from ! trusted source. These two processes wor) h!nd in h!nd
for digit! sign!tures. There !re sever! w!#s to !uthentic!te ! person or inform!tion
on ! computer8
E0e5t#3$i5 Si,$atu#e@ An eectronic sign!ture c!n "e !s "!sic !s ! t#ped n!me or !
digiti5ed im!ge of ! h!ndwritten sign!ture. $onse:uent#6 e7sign!tures !re ver#
pro"em!tic with reg!rds to m!int!ining integrit# !nd securit#6 !s nothing prevents
one individu! from t#ping !nother individu!@s n!me. Cue to this re!it#6 !n eectronic
sign!ture th!t does not incorpor!te !ddition! me!sures of securit# ;the w!# digit!
sign!tures do6 !s descri"ed !"ove9 is considered !n insecure w!# of signing
document!tion. In ITAA 7 2008 thus introducing technoogic! neutr!it# "# !doption
of eectronic sign!tures !s ! eg!# v!id mode of eDecuting sign!tures. This incudes
digit! sign!tures !s one of the modes of sign!tures !nd is f!r "ro!der in !m"it
covering "iometrics !nd other new forms of cre!ting eectronic sign!tures not
confining the recognition to digit! sign!ture process !one. Ehie *Js. T$S6 *Js.
S!fescript !nd *Js. *TN& !re some of the digit! sign!ture certif#ing !uthorities in
Indi!6 IC'(T ;Institute for Ceveopment of 'ese!rch in (!n)ing Technoog# K the
rese!rch wing of '(I9 is the $ertif#ing Authorities ;$A9 for the Indi!n (!n)ing !nd
fin!nci! sector icensed "# the $ontroer of $ertif#ing Authorities6 /overnment of
A*e* 3" E0e5t#3$i5 Si,$atu#e* t3 the C3m/a$ie*
It is estim!ted th!t ever# #e!r6 30 "iion p!per documents !re copied or printed "# -S
comp!nies. Ehen f!ctoring the costs of cop#ing6 sc!nning6 !rchiving6 routing6 !nd retrieving
ost documents6 e!ch p!per7"!sed sign!ture is estim!ted to cost L<.20. The !ver!ge !uthori5ed
empo#ee signs 200 documents ! #e!r !t ! tot! cost of L36220. Org!ni5!tions !re
impementing digit! sign!ture soutions to8
Autom!te !nd eDpedite "usiness processes
$ut oper!tion! costs
Improve efficienc# !nd co!"or!tion
Address eg! compi!nce !nd imit i!"iit#
2i""e#e$5e bet+ee$ 2i,ita0 Si,$atu#e a$d E0e5t#3$i5 Si,$atu#e
A digit! sign!ture is often referred to !s !dv!nced or st!nd!rd eectronic sign!ture6 f!s
into ! su"7group of eectronic sign!tures th!t provides the highest eves of securit#
!nd univers! !ccept!nce. Cigit! sign!tures !re "!sed on Pu"ic 0e# Infr!structure ;P0I9
technoog#6 !nd gu!r!ntee signer identit# !nd intent6 d!t! integrit#6 !nd the non7repudi!tion of
signed documents. The digit! sign!ture c!nnot "e copied6 t!mpered with or !tered. In
!ddition6 "ec!use digit! sign!tures !re "!sed on st!nd!rd P0I technoog#6 the# c!n
"e v!id!ted "# !n#one without the need for propriet!r# verific!tion softw!re. On the other
h!nd6 !n eectronic sign!ture is ! propriet!r# form!t ;there is no st!nd!rd for eectronic
sign!tures9 th!t m!# "e ! digiti5ed im!ge of ! h!ndwritten sign!ture6 ! s#m"o6 voiceprint6
etc.6 used to identif# the !uthor;s9 of !n eectronic mess!ge. An eectronic sign!ture is
vuner!"e to cop#ing !nd t!mpering6 !nd invites forger#. In m!n# c!ses6 eectronic
sign!tures !re not eg!# "inding !nd wi re:uire propriet!r# softw!re to v!id!te the e7
&.I@ Pu"ic 0e# Infr!structure ;P0I9 is the "!sis for the digit! sign!ture ;st!nd!rd eectronic
sign!ture9 tod!#. P0I provides e!ch user with ! p!ir of )e#s6 ! priv!te )e#6 !nd ! pu"ic )e#6
used in ever# signed tr!ns!ction. The priv!te )e#6 !s the n!me impies6 is not sh!red !nd is
used on# "# the signer to eectronic!# sign documents. The pu"ic )e# is open# !v!i!"e
!nd used "# those th!t need to v!id!te the signer4s eectronic sign!ture. P0I encomp!sses
different components which incude ! $ertific!te Authorit# ;$A96 end7user enroment
softw!re6 !nd toos for m!n!ging6 renewing6 !nd revo)ing )e#s !nd certific!tes.
E0e5t#3$i5 G3%e#$a$5e@ The term ,ectronic /overn!nce refers to the !ppic!tion
of inform!tion technoog# to the processes of /overnment functioning in order to
"ring !"out Simpe6 *or!6 Account!"e6 'esponsive !nd Tr!nsp!rent ;S*A'T9. The
!ct provides for eg! recognitions of eectronic records !nd digit! sign!tures in
/overnment !nd its !gencies. ,ectronic /overn!nce is recognition "# /overnment to
!ccept communic!tion6 stor!ge of inform!tion6 !ccept!nce of digit! sign!ture in
eectronic form !nd retention of eectronic records !nd giving it ! eg! s!nctit#. ,7
/overn!nce is the future m!n# countries !re oo)ing forw!rd to for ! corruption free
government. ,7government is one7w!# communic!tion protoco where!s ,7
govern!nce is two7w!# communic!tion protoco. The essence of ,7govern!nce is to
re!ch the "enefici!r# !nd ensure th!t the services intended to re!ch the desired
individu! h!s "een met with. There shoud "e !n !uto7response s#stem to support the
essence of ,7govern!nce6 where"# the /overnment re!i5es the effic!c# of its
govern!nce. ,7govern!nce is "# the governed6 for the governed !nd of the governed.
,st!"ishing the identit# of the end "enefici!r# is ! true ch!enge in ! citi5en7centric
services. St!tistic! inform!tion pu"ished "# governments !nd word "odies do not
!w!#s reve! the f!cts. (est form of ,7govern!nce cuts down on unw!nted
interference of too m!n# !#ers whie deivering government! services. It depends on
good infr!structur! setup with the support of oc! processes !nd p!r!meters for
governments to re!ch their citi5ens or end "enefici!ries. (udget for p!nning6
deveopment !nd growth c!n "e derived from we !id out ,7govern!nce s#stems.
The word BeectronicA in the term e7/overn!nce impies technoog# driven
govern!nce. ,7/overn!nce is the !ppic!tion of Inform!tion !nd $ommunic!tion
Technoog# ;I$T9 for deivering government services6 eDch!nge of inform!tion
communic!tion tr!ns!ctions6 integr!tion of v!rious st!nd7!one s#stems !nd services
"etween /overnment7to7$iti5ens ;/2$96 /overnment7to7
(usiness;/2(96/overnment7to7/overnment; /2/9 !s we !s "!c) office processes
!nd inter!ctions within the entire government fr!me wor). Through the e7/overn!nce6
the government services wi "e m!de !v!i!"e to the citi5ens in ! convenient6
efficient !nd tr!nsp!rent m!nner. The three m!in t!rget groups th!t c!n "e
distinguished in govern!nce concepts !re /overnment6 citi5ens !nd
"usinessesJinterest groups. In e/overn!nce there !re no distinct "ound!ries.
/ener!# four "!sic modes !re !v!i!"e7/overnment to $ustomer ;$iti5en96
/overnment to ,mpo#ees6 /overnment to /overnment !nd /overnment to (usinessF
G3%e#$a$5e@ I$ IT "#ame+3#'
,Dp!nsion of Internet !nd eectronic commerce6 is redefining re!tionships !mong
v!rious st!)e hoders in the process of /overn!nce.
A new mode of govern!nce woud "e "!sed upon the tr!ns!ctions in virtu! sp!ce6
digit! econom# !nd de!ing with )nowedge oriented societies.
,ectronic /overn!nce is !n emerging trend to re7invent the w!# the /overnment
Cefining c#"er crimes6 !s M!cts th!t !re punish!"e "# the Inform!tion Technoog#
ActM woud "e unsuit!"e !s the Indi!n Pen! $ode !so covers m!n# c#"er crimes6 such !s
em!i spoofing !nd c#"er def!m!tion6 sending thre!tening em!is etc. A simpe #et sturd#
definition of c#"er crime woud "e Mun!wfu !cts wherein the computer is either ! too or !
t!rget or "othM.
$#"ercrime6 especi!# invoving the Internet6 represents !n eDtension of eDisting crimin!
"eh!viour !ongside some nove ieg! !ctivities.
*ost c#"ercrime is !n !tt!c) on inform!tion !"out individu!s6 corpor!tions6 or governments.
Athough the !tt!c)s do not t!)e p!ce on ! ph#sic! "od#6 the# do t!)e p!ce on the person!
or corpor!te virtu! "od#6 which is the set of inform!tion! !ttri"utes th!t define peope !nd
institutions on the Internet.
An import!nt !spect of c#"ercrime is its nonoc! ch!r!cter8 !ctions c!n occur in ?urisdictions
sep!r!ted "# v!st dist!nces. This poses severe pro"ems for !w enforcement since previous#
oc! or even n!tion! crimes now re:uire intern!tion! cooper!tion. Gor eD!mpe6 if ! person
!ccesses chid pornogr!ph# oc!ted on ! computer in ! countr# th!t does not "!n chid
pornogr!ph#6 is th!t individu! committing ! crime in ! n!tion where such m!teri!s !re
ieg!N Ehere eD!ct# does c#"ercrime t!)e p!ceN $#"ersp!ce is simp# ! richer version of
the sp!ce where ! teephone convers!tion t!)es p!ce6 somewhere "etween the two peope
h!ving the convers!tion. As ! p!net7sp!nning networ)6 the Internet offers crimin!s mutipe
hiding p!ces in the re! word !s we !s in the networ) itsef. 1owever6 ?ust !s individu!s
w!)ing on the ground e!ve m!r)s th!t ! s)ied tr!c)er c!n foow6 c#"ercrimin!s e!ve
cues !s to their identit# !nd oc!tion6 despite their "est efforts to cover their tr!c)s.
Ty/e* 3" Cybe# C#ime
!9 C3m/ute# I$t#u*i3$*
The !ct of intruding or g!ining un!uthori5ed !ccess to ! s#stem t#pic!# e!ves tr!ces th!t
c!n "e discovered "# intrusion detection s#stems. One of the go!s of intruders is to rem!in
undetected for !s ong !s possi"e so th!t the# c!n continue with their m!icious !ctivit#
Ha5'i$, is ! t#pe of computer intrusion. It is the !ct of g!ining un!uthori5ed !ccess to !
computer s#stem or networ) !nd in some c!ses m!)ing un!uthori5ed use of this !ccess.
1!c)ing is !so the !ct "# which other forms of c#"er7crime ;e.g.6 fr!ud6 terrorism6 etc.9 !re
committed. An# person who tresp!sses !n# computer6 computer s#stem6 computer networ) or
!n# p!rt thereof6 )nowing#6 with m!icious intentions to g!in !ccess or use or m!)es !n
!ttempt to !ccess or use6 is s!id to commit ! computer crime.
*!icious purpose m!# incude8
*one# !undering6 o"t!ining mone#6 theft.
Gr!uduent pretences or represent!tions
Gormu!ting !nd eDecuting !n# fr!uduent scheme
Pr!vin c!me !cross the net "!n)ing ogin Id !nd p!ssword of '!?!n6 stored on his des)top6 !s
he w!s tr!nsferring some fies from '!?!n4s computer to his &!ptop. 1e then used these
det!is to tr!nsfer mone# from '!?!n4s "!n) !ccount. This !ct of Pr!vin h!s ed to theft of
mone# from '!?!n4s !ccount "# !ccessing computer networ) !nd !ccount det!is. Thus6
Pr!vin h!s committed ! computer crime.
;9 I$te#$et "#aud
In this !ctivit#6 !n individu! receives !n e7m!i !sserting th!t the sender re:uires hep in
tr!nsferring ! !rge sum of mone# out of one countr# or !nother dist!nt countr#. -su!#6 this
mone# is in the form of !n !sset th!t is going to "e sod6 such !s oi6 or ! !rge !mount of c!sh
th!t re:uires B!underingA to conce! its sourceF the v!ri!tions !re endess6 !nd new specifics
!re const!nt# "eing deveoped. The mess!ge !s)s the recipient to cover some cost of moving
the funds out of the countr# in return for receiving ! much !rger sum of mone# in the ne!r
future. Shoud the recipient respond with ! chec) or mone# order6 he is tod th!t
compic!tions h!ve deveopedF more mone# is re:uired. Over time6 victims c!n ose
thous!nds of do!rs th!t !re utter# unrecover!"e.
In m!n# c!ses6 individu!s put products up for s!e on Internet !uction sites6 dem!nd mone#
"efore deiver#6 !nd never fufi their o"ig!tions to the consumer. Such sc!ms !ccount for
!"out h!f of the fr!ud c!ses e!ch #e!r. -ni)e identit# theft6 where the theft occurs without
the victim4s )nowedge6 these more tr!dition! forms of fr!ud occur in p!in sight. The victim
wiing# provides priv!te inform!tion th!t en!"es the crimeF hence6 these !re tr!ns!ction!
crimes. Cespite ! v!st !mount of consumer educ!tion6 Internet fr!ud rem!ins ! growth
industr# for crimin!s !nd prosecutors. ,urope !nd the -nited St!tes !re f!r from the on#
sites of c#"ercrime. South 0ore! is !mong the most wired countries in the word6 !nd its
c#"ercrime fr!ud st!tistics !re growing !t !n !!rming r!te. =!p!n h!s !so eDperienced !
r!pid growth in simi!r crimes.
(9 ATM F#aud
Autom!ted teer m!chine ;AT*9 through which m!n# peope now gets c!sh. In order to
!ccess !n !ccount6 ! user suppies ! c!rd !nd person! identific!tion num"er ;PIN9. $rimin!s
h!ve deveoped me!ns to intercept "oth the d!t! on the c!rd4s m!gnetic strip !s we !s the
user4s PIN. In turn6 the inform!tion is used to cre!te f!)e c!rds th!t !re then used to withdr!w
funds from the unsuspecting individu!4s !ccount.
Gor eD!mpe6 in 2002 the New York Times reported th!t more th!n 216000 Americ!n "!n)
!ccounts h!d "een s)immed "# ! singe group eng!ged in !c:uiring AT* inform!tion
ieg!#. A p!rticu!r# effective form of fr!ud h!s invoved the use of AT*s in shopping
centres !nd convenience stores. These m!chines !re free7st!nding !nd not ph#sic!# p!rt of !
"!n). $rimin!s c!n e!si# set up ! m!chine th!t oo)s i)e ! egitim!te m!chineF inste!d of
dispensing mone#6 however6 the m!chine g!thers inform!tion on users !nd on# tes them
th!t the m!chine is out of order !fter the# h!ve t#ped in their PINs. /iven th!t AT*s !re the
preferred method for dispensing currenc# ! over the word6 AT* fr!ud h!s "ecome !n
intern!tion! pro"em.
<9 I$te00e5tua0 &#3/e#ty F#aud
These incude softw!re pir!c#6 cop#right infringement6 tr!dem!r)s vio!tions6 theft of
computer source code etc.
-9 &ay &e# C0i5' F#aud
$ic) fr!ud ;!so )nown !s p!# per cic) fr!ud9 is ! t#pe of fr!ud th!t occurs on the Internet
in p!# per cic) onine !dvertising when ! person6 !utom!ted script or computer progr!m
imit!tes ! egitim!te user of ! we" "rowser cic)ing on !n !d6 for the purpose of gener!ting !
ch!rge per cic) without h!ving !ctu! interest in the t!rget of the !d@s in). $ic) fr!ud is the
su"?ect of some controvers# !nd incre!sing itig!tion due to the !dvertising networ)s "eing !
)e# "enefici!r# of the fr!ud.
P!# per cic) !dvertising6 or PP$ !dvertising6 is !n !rr!ngement in which we"m!sters
;oper!tors of Ee" sites96 !cting !s pu"ishers6 disp!# cic)!"e in)s from !dvertisers in
eDch!nge for ! ch!rge per cic). ,!ch time ! ;"eieved to "e9 v!id Ee" user cic)s on !n !d6
the !dvertiser p!#s the !dvertising networ)6 who in turn p!#s the pu"isher ! sh!re of this
mone#. This revenue7sh!ring s#stem is seen !s !n incentive for cic) fr!ud.
The !rgest of the !dvertising networ)s6 /ooge@s AdEordsJAdSense !nd O!hooP Se!rch
*!r)eting6 !ct in ! du! roe6 since the# !re !so pu"ishers themseves ;on their se!rch
Proving cic) fr!ud c!n "e ver# difficut6 since it is h!rd to )now who is "ehind ! computer
!nd wh!t their intentions !re. Often the "est !n !dvertising networ) c!n do is to identif#
which cic)s !re most i)e# fr!uduent !nd not ch!rge the !ccount of the !dvertiser.
Cisputes over the issue h!ve resuted in ! num"er of !wsuits. In one c!se6 /ooge ;!cting !s
"oth !n !dvertiser !nd !dvertising networ)9 won ! !wsuit !g!inst ! TeD!s comp!n# c!ed
Auction ,Dperts ;!cting !s ! pu"isher96 which /ooge !ccused of p!#ing peope to cic) on
!ds th!t !ppe!red on Auction ,Dperts@ site6 costing !dvertisers L206000. Cespite networ)s@
efforts to stop it6 pu"ishers !re suspicious of the motives of the !dvertising networ)s6
"ec!use the !dvertising networ) receives mone# for e!ch cic)6 even if it is fr!uduent.
>9 &hi*hi$,CCa#di$, a$d M3$ey Lau$de#i$,
In computing6 phishing ;!so )nown !s c!rding !nd spoofing9 is ! form of soci! engineering6
ch!r!cteri5ed "# !ttempts to fr!uduent# !c:uire sensitive inform!tion6 such !s p!sswords
!nd credit c!rd det!is6 "# m!s:uer!ding !s ! trustworth# person or "usiness in !n !pp!rent#
offici! eectronic communic!tion6 such !s !n em!i spoofing or !n inst!nt mess!ge. The term
phishing !rises from the use of incre!sing# sophistic!ted ures to MfishM for users@ fin!nci!
inform!tion !nd p!sswords. It often directs users to enter det!is !t ! f!)e we"site whose oo)
!nd fee !re !most identic! to the egitim!te one. /ener!#6 the# !so cre!te ! Moo)7!7i)eM
we"site th!t is designed to cose# resem"e the t!rget comp!n#@s offici! site.
This f!)e we"site m!# present ! form which m!# re:uest the user to fi in priv!te
inform!tion such !s credit c!rd det!is !nd "!n)ing det!is. These det!is !re then misused "#
the sc!mmers.
,D!mpe8 In 20117126 em!is were received on "eh!f of &!rsen !nd Tou"ro reg!rding
recruitments which !s)ed the receiver to su"mit credit c!rd det!is !nd tr!nsfer ! cert!in
!mount to ! "!n) !ccount to !pp# for the process. This w!s ! ce!r c!se of phishing sc!m.
Ca*e 3" &hi*hi$,

One fin!nci! Institute registered ! crime st!ting th!t some persons ;Bperpetr!torsA9 h!ve
perpetr!ted cert!in !cts through mise!ding em!is ostensi"# em!n!ting from I$I$I (!n)4s
em!i IC. Such !cts h!ve "een perpetr!ted with !n intent to defr!ud the $ustomers.
The Investig!tion w!s c!rried out with hep of those em!is received "# the customers of th!t
fin!nci! Institute !nd !rrested the !ccused 6 the p!ce of offence !t Qi?!#w!d! w!s se!rched
for the evidence . There one &!p Top !nd *o"ie Phone w!s sei5ed which w!s used for the
commission of the crime
The !rrested !ccused h!d used open source code em!i !ppic!tion softw!re for sending sp!m
em!is. 1e h!s down o!ded the s!me softw!re from net !nd then used it !s it is.
1e used on# QSN& em!is to sp!m the em!i to customers of fin!nci! Institute "ec!use
QSN& em!i service provider do not h!ve sp!m "oD to "oc) the unsoicited em!is.
After sp!mming em!is to fin!nci! Institute customers he got the response from !round 120
customers of which 80 !re genuine !nd others !re not correct "ec!use it do not h!ve de"it
c!rd det!is !s re:uired for e7"!n)ing.
The fin!nci! Institute customers those who h!ve received his em!i fet th!t the em!i w!s
origin!ted from the fin!nci! Institute "!n). Ehen the# fied the confidenti! inform!tion !nd
su"mitted th!t time s!id inform!tion w!s directed to !ccused. This w!s possi"e "ec!use the
d#n!mic in) w!s given in the first p!ge ;1ome p!ge9 of the f!)e we" site. The d#n!mic in)
me!ns when peope cic) on the in) provided in sp!mming em!i th!t time on# the in) wi
"e !ctiv!ted. The d#n!mic in) w!s coded "# h!nding the Internet ,Dporer oncic);9 event
!nd the inform!tion of the form wi "e su"mitted to the we" server ;Ehere the f!)e we" site
is hosted9. Then server wi send he d!t! to configured em!i !ddress !nd in this c!se em!i
configured w!s to the !ccused em!i . So on su"mission of the confidenti! inform!tion the
inform!tion w!s directed to em!i IC !ccused em!i .The ! the inform!tion !fter fishing
;user n!me6 p!ssword6 Tr!ns!ction p!ssword6 Ce"it c!rd Num"er !nd PIN6 mothers m!iden
n!me9 which he h!d received through Ei7Gi internet connectivit# of 'ei! which w!s
!v!i!"e on his Acer &!p Top. This crime !ttr!cts punishment of 3 #e!rs imprisonment !nd
fine up to 2 !cs rupees.

Cybe# C#ime Stati*ti5*
Ca*e* #e,i*te#ed u$de# the I9T A5t
State +i*e C#ime Re53#ded
Cate,3#ie* 3" C#ime*
Cybe# Ca"e La+*
These rues !re c!ed the Inform!tion Technoog# ;/uideines for $#"er $!fe9 'ues6 2011.
The Act defines ! 5ybe# 5a"e !s me!ning B!n# f!ciit# from where !ccess to the internet is
offered "# !n# person in the ordin!r# course of "usiness to the mem"ers of the pu"icA. This
woud incude internet !ccess provided in !irports6 in rest!ur!nts6 !nd in m!n# other p!ces
where the provisions of these rues ;such !s those !"out height of p!rtitions6 etc.9 ?ust wi not
"e pr!ctic!"e. Thus6 this provision wi h!ve unintended conse:uences.
B'egistr!tion Agenc#A me!ns !n !genc# design!ted "# the Appropri!te /overnment to
register c#"er c!fI for their oper!tionF

B&og 'egisterA me!ns ! register m!int!ined "# the $#"er $!fI for !ccess !nd use of
computer resourceF

B-serA me!ns ! person who !v!is or !ccess the computer resource !nd incudes other
persons ?oint# p!rticip!ting in !v!iing or !ccessing the computer resource in ! c#"er c!fI.

A c#"er c!fes sh! "e registered with ! uni:ue registr!tion num"er with !n !genc# c!ed !s
registr!tion !genc# !s notified "# the Appropri!te /overnment in this reg!rd.
Ide$ti"i5ati3$ 3" A*e#

;19 The $#"er $!fI sh! not !ow !n# user to use its computer resource without the identit#
of the user "eing est!"ished. The intending user m!# est!"ish his identif# "# producing !
document which sh! identif# the users to the s!tisf!ction of the $#"er $!fI.

;29 The $#"er $!fe sh! )eep ! record of the user identific!tion document "# either storing !
photocop# or ! sc!nned cop# of the document du# !uthentic!ted "# the user !nd !uthorised
represent!tive of c#"er c!fe. Such record sh! "e secure# m!int!ined for ! period of !t e!st
one #e!r.

;39 In !ddition to the identit# est!"ished "# ! user6 he m!# "e photogr!phed "# the $#"er
$!fe using ! we" c!mer! inst!ed on one of the computers in the $#"er $!fe for est!"ishing
the identit# of the user. Such we" c!mer! photogr!phs6 du# !uthentic!ted "# the user !nd
!uthorised represent!tive of c#"er c!fe6 sh! "e p!rt of the og register which m!# "e
m!int!ined in ph#sic! or eectronic form.

;.9 A minor without photo Identit# c!rd sh! "e !ccomp!nied "# !n !dut with !n# of the
documents !s re:uired under su"7rue ;19.

;29 A person !ccomp!n#ing ! user sh! "e !owed to enter c#"er c!fI !fter he h!s est!"ished
his identit# "# producing ! document isted in su"7rue ;19 !nd record of s!me sh! "e )ept in
!ccord!nce with su"7rue ;29.

;<9 The $#"er c!fe sh! immedi!te# report to the concerned poice6 if the# h!ve re!son!"e
dou"t or suspicion reg!rding !n# user.
Se5ti3$ <(:A 6C3m/e$*ati3$ "3# "ai0u#e t3 /#3te5t data7
New Section .37de!ing with compens!tion for f!iure to protect d!t! w!s introduced in the
ITAA 72008. This is !nother w!tershed in the !re! of d!t! protection especi!# !t the
corpor!te eve.
As per this Section6 where ! "od# corpor!te is negigent in impementing re!son!"e securit#
pr!ctices !nd there"# c!uses wrongfu oss or g!in to !n# person6 such "od# corpor!te sh!
"e i!"e to p!# d!m!ges "# w!# of compens!tion to the person so !ffected.
The Section further eDp!ins the phr!se H"od# corpor!te4 !nd :uite signific!nt# the phr!ses
Hre!son!"e securit# pr!ctices !nd procedures4 !nd Hsensitive person! d!t! or inform!tion4.
;need eDp!n!tion of the !"ove phr!ses9
Thus the corpor!te responsi"iit# for d!t! protection is gre!t# emph!si5ed "# inserting
Section .3A where"# corpor!tes !re under !n o"ig!tion to ensure !doption of re!son!"e
securit# pr!ctices. Gurther wh!t is sensitive person! d!t! h!s since "een c!rified "# the
centr! government vide its Notific!tion d!ted 11 Apri 2011 giving the ist of ! such d!t!
which incudes p!ssword6 det!is of "!n) !ccounts or c!rd det!is6 medic! records etc. After
this notific!tion6 the IT industr# in the n!tion incuding techs!vv# !nd wide# technoog#7
"!sed "!n)ing !nd other sectors "ec!me sudden# !w!re of the responsi"iit# of d!t!
protection !nd ! gener! !w!reness incre!sed on wh!t is d!t! priv!c# !nd wh!t is
the roe of top m!n!gement !nd the Inform!tion Securit# Cep!rtment in org!nis!tions in
ensuring d!t! protection6 especi!# whie h!nding the customers4 !nd other third p!rt# d!t!.
'e!son!"e Securit# Pr!ctices
Site certific!tion
Securit# initi!tives
Aw!reness Tr!ining
$onform!nce to St!nd!rds6 certific!tion
Poicies !nd !dherence to poicies
Poicies i)e p!ssword poic#6 Access $ontro6 em!i Poic# etc
Periodic monitoring !nd review.
The Inform!tion Technoog# ;'e!son!"e securit# pr!ctices !nd procedures !nd sensitive
person! d!t! or inform!tion9 'ues h!ve since "een notified "# the /overnment of Indi!6
Cept of I.T. on 11 Apri 2011. An#"od# corpor!te or ! person on its "eh!f sh! "e
considered to h!ve compied with re!son!"e securit# pr!ctices !nd procedures6 if the# h!ve
impemented such securit# pr!ctices !nd st!nd!rds !nd h!ve ! comprehensive documented
inform!tion securit# progr!mme !nd inform!tion securit# poicies cont!ining m!n!geri!6
technic!6 oper!tion! !nd ph#sic! securit# contro me!sures commensur!te with the
inform!tion !ssets "eing protected with the n!ture of "usiness.
In the event of !n inform!tion securit# "re!ch6 the "od# corpor!te or ! person on its "eh!f
sh! "e re:uired to demonstr!te6 !s !nd when c!ed upon to do so "# the !genc# m!nd!ted
under the !w6 th!t the# h!ve impemented securit# contro me!sures !s per their documented
inform!tion securit# progr!mme !nd inform!tion securit# poicies.
In view of the foregoing6 it h!s now "ecome ! m!?or compi!nce issue on the p!rt of not on#
IT comp!nies "ut !so those in the (!n)ing !nd Gin!nci! Sector especi!# those "!n)s with
huge computerised oper!tions de!ing with pu"ic d!t! !nd depending he!vi# on technoog#.
In times of ! itig!tion or !n# securit# "re!ch resuting in ! c!im of compens!tion of
fin!nci! oss !mount or d!m!ges6 it woud "e the huge responsi"iit# on the p!rt of those
"od# corpor!te to prove th!t th!t s!id B'e!son!"e Securit# Pr!ctices !nd ProceduresA were
!ctu!# in p!ce !nd ! the steps mentioned in the 'ues p!ssed in Apri 2011 st!ted !"ove6
h!ve "een t!)en.
In the ne!r future6 this is one of the sections th!t is going to cre!te much noise !nd "e the
su"?ect of much de"!tes in the event of itig!tions6 i)e in re7defining the roe of !n empo#ee6
the responsi"iit# of !n empo#er or the top m!n!gement in d!t! protection !nd issues i)e the
!ctu! !nd vic!rious responsi"iit#6 the !ctu! !nd contri"utor# negigence of ! st!)e hoders
invoved etc.
The issue h!s wider r!mific!tions especi!# in the c!se of ! coud computing scen!rio. $oud
$omputing is the pr!ctice of using ! networ) of remote servers hosted on the Internet to
store6 m!n!ge6 !nd process d!t!6 r!ther th!n ! oc! server6 with the services m!n!ged "# the
provider sod on dem!nd6 for the !mount of time used. In coud computing where more !nd
more org!nis!tions h!nde the d!t! of others !nd the inform!tion is stored esewhere !nd not
in the owners4 s#stem. Possi"#6 more de"!tes wi em!n!te on the :uestion of inform!tion
owners vis ! vis the inform!tion cont!iner !nd the inform!tion custodi!ns !nd the Service
&eve Agreements of ! p!rties invoved wi !ssume ! gre!ter signific!nce.
1!ving de!t with civi offences6 the Act then goes on to descri"e civi remed# to such
offences. Ad?udic!tion powers !nd procedures h!ve "een e!"or!te# !id down in Sections .<
!nd there!fter. The $entr! /overnment m!# !ppoint !n# officer not "eow the r!n) of !
director to the /overnment of Indi! or ! st!te /overnment !s the !d?udic!tor.
;'oe of !d?udic!tor9
In the first ten #e!rs of eDistence of the ITA6 there h!ve "een on# ! ver# few !ppic!tions
m!de in the n!tion6 th!t too in the m!?or metros !most ! of which !re under different st!ges
of ?udici! process !nd !d?udic!tions h!ve "een o"t!ined in possi"# ess th!n five c!ses. The
first !d?udic!tion o"t!ined under this provision w!s in $henn!i6 T!mi N!du6 in ! c!se
invoving I$I$I (!n) in which the "!n) w!s tod to compens!te the !ppic!nt with the
!mount wrongfu# de"ited in Internet (!n)ing6 !ong with cost !nd d!m!ges in Apri 2010.
This section shoud "e given much popu!rit# !nd !w!reness shoud "e spre!d !mong the
pu"ic especi!# the victims of c#"er crimes !nd d!t! theft th!t such ! procedure does eDist
without recourse to going to the poice !nd fiing ! c!se. It is time the st!te spends some time
!nd thought in enh!ncing !w!reness on the provision of !d?udic!tion for civi offences in
c#"er itig!tions i)e d!t! theft etc so th!t the purpose for which such usefu provisions h!ve
"een m!de6 !re effective# utii5ed "# the itig!nt pu"ic.
Se5ti3$ >- 6Tam/e#i$, +ith 53m/ute# *3u#5e d35ume$t*7
Ehoever )nowing# or intention!# conce!s6 destro#6 or !ter !n# computer source code
used for ! computer6 computer progr!mme6 computer s#stem or computer networ)6 when the
computer source code is re:uired to "e )ept or m!int!ined "# !w for the time "eing in force6
sh! "e punish!"e with imprisonment up to three #e!rs6 or with fine which m!# eDtend up to
two !)h rupees6 or with "oth.
,Dp!n!tion K Gor the purposes of this section6 Bcomputer source codeA me!ns the isting of
progr!mmes6 computer comm!nds6 design !nd !#out !nd progr!mmes !n!#sis of computer
resource in !n# form.
Se5ti3$ >> 6Ha5'i$, +ith C3m/ute# Sy*tem7
;19 Ehoever with the intent of c!use or )nowing th!t is i)e# to c!use wrongfu oss or
d!m!ge to the pu"ic or !n# person destro#s or deetes or !ters !n# inform!tion residing in !
computer resource or diminishes its v!ue or utiit# or !ffects it in?urious# "# !n# me!ns6
commits h!c)ing.
;29 Ehoever commits h!c)ing sh! "e punished with imprisonment up to three #e!rs6 or with
fine which m!# eDtend up to two !)h rupees6 or with "oth.
Se5ti3$ >>A 6&u$i*hme$t "3# *e$di$, 3""e$*i%e me**a,e* th#3u,h 53mmu$i5ati3$
An# person who sends6 "# me!ns of ! computer resource or ! communic!tion device
!9 !n# inform!tion th!t is gross# offensive or h!s men!cing ch!r!cterF or
"9 !n# inform!tion which he )nows to "e f!se6 "ut for the purpose of c!using !nno#!nce6
inconvenience6 d!nger6 o"struction6 insut6 in?ur#6 crimin! intimid!tion6 enmit#6 h!tred6 or i
wi6 persistent# m!)es "# m!)ing use of such computer resource or ! communic!tion
c9 !n# eectronic m!i or eectronic m!i mess!ge for the purpose of c!using !nno#!nce or
inconvenience or deceive or to mise!d the !ddressee or recipient such mess!ges sh! "e
punish!"e with imprisonment for ! term which m!# eDtend to two three #e!rs !nd with fine.
EB/0a$ati3$8 Gor the purposes of this section6 terms M,ectronic m!iM !nd M,ectronic *!i
*ess!geM me!ns ! mess!ge or inform!tion cre!ted or tr!nsmitted or received on ! computer6
computer s#stem6 computer resource or communic!tion device incuding !tt!chments in teDt6
im!ge6 !udio6 video !nd !n# other eectronic record6 which m!# "e tr!nsmitted with the
Se5ti3$ >>B 6&u$i*hme$t* "3# di*h3$e*t0y #e5ei%i$, *t30e$ 53m/ute# #e*3u#5e 3#
53mmu$i5ati3$ de%i5e7
Ehoever6 dishonest# receives or ret!ins !n# stoen computer resource or communic!tion
device )nowing or h!ving re!son to "eieve the s!me to "e stoen computer resource or
communic!tion device6 sh! "e punished with imprisonment of either description for ! term
which m!# eDtend to three #e!rs or with fine which m!# eDtend to rupees one !)h or with
Se5ti3$ >>C 6&u$i*hme$t "3# ide$tity the"t7
Ehoever6 "# fr!uduent# or dishonest# m!)e use of the eectronic sign!ture6 p!ssword or
!n# other uni:ue identific!tion fe!ture of !n# other person6 sh! "e punished with
imprisonment of either description for ! term which m!# eDtend to three #e!rs !nd sh! !so
"e i!"e to fine which m!# eDtend to rupees one !)h.
Se5ti3$ >>2 6&u$i*hme$t "3# 5heati$, by /e#*3$ati3$ by u*i$, 53m/ute# #e*3u#5e7
Ehoever6 "# me!ns of !n# communic!tion device or computer resource che!ts "#
person!tion6 sh! "e punished with imprisonment of either description for ! term which m!#
eDtend to three #e!rs !nd sh! !so "e i!"e to fine which m!# eDtend to one !)h rupees.
Se5ti3$ >> E 6&u$i*hme$t "3# %i30ati3$ 3" /#i%a5y7
Ehoever6 intention!# or )nowing# c!ptures6 pu"ishes or tr!nsmits the im!ge of ! priv!te
!re! of !n# person without his or her consent6 under circumst!nces vio!ting the priv!c# of
th!t person6 sh! "e punished with imprisonment which m!# eDtend to three #e!rs or with
fine not eDceeding two !)h rupees6 or with "oth.
EB/0a$ati3$ 7
Gor the purposes of this section
tr!nsmit me!ns to eectronic!# send ! visu! im!ge with the intent th!t it "e viewed
"# ! person or persons
c!pture6 with respect to !n im!ge6 me!ns to videot!pe6 photogr!ph6 fim or record "#
!n# me!nsF
priv!te !re! me!ns the n!)ed or underg!rment c!d genit!s6 pu"ic !re!6 "uttoc)s or
fem!e "re!stF
pu"ishes me!ns reproduction in the printed or eectronic form !nd m!)ing it !v!i!"e
for pu"icF
under circumst!nces vio!ting priv!c# me!ns circumst!nces in which ! person c!n
h!ve ! re!son!"e eDpect!tion th!t
he or she coud disro"e in priv!c#6 without "eing concerned th!t !n im!ge of his
priv!te !re! w!s "eing c!pturedF or
!n# p!rt of his or her priv!te !re! woud not "e visi"e to the pu"ic6 reg!rdess of
whether th!t person is in ! pu"ic or priv!te p!ce.
Se5ti3$ >>F 6&u$i*hme$t "3# 5ybe# te##3#i*m7
;19 Ehoever6
;A9 with intent to thre!ten the unit#6 integrit#6 securit# or sovereignt# of Indi! or to stri)e
terror in the peope or !n# section of the peope "#R
;i9 den#ing or c!use the deni! of !ccess to !n# person !uthorised to !ccess computer
resourceF or
;ii9 !ttempting to penetr!te or !ccess ! computer resource without !uthoris!tion or eDceeding
!uthorised !ccessF or
;iii9 introducing or c!using to introduce !n# computer cont!min!nt6
!nd "# me!ns of such conduct c!uses or is i)e# to c!use de!th or in?uries to persons or
d!m!ge to or destruction of propert# or disrupts or )nowing th!t it is i)e# to c!use d!m!ge
or disruption of suppies or services essenti! to the ife of the communit# or !dverse# !ffect
the critic! inform!tion infr!structure specified under Section >0F or
;(9 )nowing# or intention!# penetr!tes or !ccesses ! computer resource without
!uthoris!tion or eDceeding !uthorised !ccess6 !nd "# me!ns of such conduct o"t!ins !ccess to
inform!tion6 d!t! or computer d!t!"!se th!t is restricted for re!sons of the securit# of the
St!te or foreign re!tionsF or !n# restricted inform!tion6 d!t! or computer d!t!"!se6 with
re!sons to "eieve th!t such inform!tion6 d!t! or computer d!t!"!se so o"t!ined m!# "e used
to c!use or i)e# to c!use in?ur# to the interests of the sovereignt# !nd integrit# of Indi!6 the
securit# of the St!te6 friend# re!tions with foreign St!tes6 pu"ic order6 decenc# or mor!it#6
or in re!tion to contempt of court6 def!m!tion or incitement to !n offence6 or to the
!dv!nt!ge of !n# foreign n!tion6 group of individu!s or otherwise6 commits
the offence of c#"er terrorism.
;29 Ehoever commits or conspires to commit c#"er terrorism sh! "e punish!"e with
imprisonment which m!# eDtend to imprisonment for ife.
Se5ti3$ >1
Section <> de!s with pu"ishing or tr!nsmitting o"scene m!teri! in eectronic form. The
e!rier Section in ITA w!s !ter widened !s per ITAA 2008 in which chid pornogr!ph# !nd
retention of records "# intermedi!ries were ! incuded.
Pu"ishing or tr!nsmitting o"scene m!teri! in eectronic form is de!t with here. Ehoever
pu"ishes or tr!nsmits !n# m!teri! which is !scivious or !ppe!s to the prurient interest or if
its effect is such !s to tend to depr!ve !nd corrupt persons who !re i)e# to re!d the m!tter
cont!ined in it6 sh! "e punished with first conviction for ! term upto three #e!rs !nd fine of
five !)h rupees !nd in second conviction for ! term of five #e!rs !nd fine of ten !)h rupees
or "oth.
&3#$3,#a/hy a$d D3b*5e$e i$"3#mati3$8 An !ddition to the $#"er $!fe rues is th!t !
computers h!ve to "e e:uipped with the Bcommerci!# !v!i!"e s!fet# or fitering softw!re
so !s to the !void6 !s f!r !s possi"e6 !ccess to the we"sites re!ting to pornogr!ph# incuding
chid pornogr!ph# or o"scene inform!tion.
The other p!rt is th!t B$#"er $!fe4s !re m!nd!ted to disp!# ! "o!rd6 ce!r# visi"e to the
users6 prohi"iting them from viewing pornogr!phic sites !s we !s cop#ing or downo!ding
inform!tion which is prohi"ited under the !w.A Ehich rest!ur!nt which gives users Internet
!ccess wi w!nt to do thisN
One positive ch!nge in the rues is th!t of inspection. In the e!rier rues6 !n office not "eow
the r!n) of Poice Officer w!s !uthori5ed to inspect the $#"er $!fe !nd networ)F in the
ch!nged rues6 !n officer of the registr!tion !genc# wi "e !uthori5ed. This me!ns th!t the
h!r!ssment of $#"er $!fe ownersJm!n!gers woud pro"!"# not "e done "# ! poice officer.
Im!gine ! rest!ur!nt with EiGi6 s!#6 the *!r)et $!fe in 0h!n *!r)et6 Cehi6 h!ving to
conform to these rues. Or im!gine us w!nting to give EiGi !ccess !t ! conference K wi we
need to register !s ! $#"er $!feN It ?ust won4t h!ppen. As with most other rues6 these rues
wi pro"!"# not "e enforced6 "ut the pro"em is in the eDception! c!ses6 when the# !re used
in order to h!r!ss est!"ishments. *ost of us re!ding this thin) th!t it c!n4t h!ppen to us6 "ut
the f!ct is th!t it c!n. I4ve he!rd ! c!se of "i5!rre re:uests "eing m!de of ! we"site owner
"ec!use of something he pu"ished !nd !ter retr!cted6 !s ong !s four #e!rs !fter the
The provisions in the !w need to "e more i"er! in order to prevent its misuse "# !wm!)ers6
!nd in our opinion6 these $#"er$!fe guideines h!ve cre!ted the found!tion for further
Rea*3$* "3# &3#$3,#a/hy bei$, $3t i00e,a0
P!w!n Cugg!6 ! !w#er who speci!i5es in IT !ws6 s!id the new guideines were !r"itr!r#.
ME!tching pornogr!ph# is not ieg! in Indi!6M he s!id. MIt@s !"surd to !s) c#"er c!fe owners
to te their customers not to !ccess pornogr!phic m!teri! even !s !w !ows individu!s to
!ccess !dut we"sites uness it@s not chid pornogr!ph#. The new rues re:uire ! second oo).M
The new rues suggest c!fe owners inst! fitering softw!re !nd )eep ! og of ! we"sites
!ccessed "# customers for !t e!st one #e!r. $!fe owners h!ve !so "een !s)ed not to "uid !
c!"inJcu"ice with ! height of more th!n four !nd h!f feet. In ! c#"er c!fe where there !re no
cu"ices6 Mowners wi h!ve to p!ce computers with the screens f!cing outw!rdM or tow!rds
open sp!ce. The move is !imed !t reducing priv!c# ! c#"er c!fe user c!n get.
Cugg! s!id if impemented e!rnest#6 the new rues wi put most of c#"er c!fe owners out of
Internet !ctivists termed the guideines Munconstitution!M. Pr!nesh Pr!)!sh6 ! progr!mme
m!n!ger with $entre of Internet !nd Societ#6 s!id the rues wi vio!te priv!c# !nd wi
h!mper internet users@ !"iit# to free# eDpress themseves.
The new rues m!)e it m!nd!tor# for user to c!rr# !n identit# c!rd. $#"er c!fe owners h!ve
"een !s)ed to give user ogs to the Mregistr!tion !genc#M ever# month !s we )eep these
records !ong with the og of we"sites !ccessed !t the c#"er c!fe s!fe for ! period of one #e!r.
A few c!fe owners s!id th!t technic!#6 it woud "e ! d!unting t!s) to )eep ! record of ever#
we"site !ccessed using their computers for ! #e!r.
Ehie minors6 if c!rr#ing identit# c!rds h!ve "een permitted to use computers in ! c#"er c!fe6
the# won@t "e !owed inside cu"ices if not !ccomp!nied "# gu!rdi!ns or p!rents. There is
!so provision of photogr!phing c#"er c!fe users using ! we"c!m or other device. The
photogr!phs wi h!ve to "e !uthentic!ted "# the user. Pr!)!sh s!id th!t photogr!phing users
r!ises serious priv!c# :uestions6 especi!# in the c!se of chidren.
Se5ti3$ >4
This section empowers the /overnment or !gencies !s stipu!ted in the Section6 to intercept6
monitor or decr#pt !n# inform!tion gener!ted6 tr!nsmitted6 received or stored in !n#
computer resource6 su"?ect to compi!nce of procedure !s !id down here.
This power c!n "e eDercised if the $entr! /overnment or the St!te /overnment6 !s the c!se
m!# "e6 is s!tisfied th!t it is necess!r# or eDpedient in the interest of sovereignt# or integrit#
of Indi!6 defence of Indi!6 securit# of the St!te6 friend# re!tions with foreign St!tes or pu"ic
order or for preventing incitement to the commission of !n# cogni5!"e offence re!ting to
!"ove or for investig!tion of !n# offence.
;19 Adv!ncement in technoog# h!s ventured new products6 new services6 new m!r)ets
!nd h!s ch!nged the entire deiver# ch!nne for the "!n)ing industr#.
;29 Inform!tion Technoog# h!s !so provided "!n)ing industr# new me!ns to de! with
the ch!enges posed "# the ch!nging econom#. Inform!tion technoog# h!s !imed !t
the incre!sing the speed !nd rei!"iit# of fin!nci! oper!tions !nd h!s further
strengthen the "!n)ing sector.
;39 The progress of technoog# !nd the deveopment of wordwide networ) h!ve
signific!nt# reduced the cost of go"! fund tr!nsfer.
;.9 IT h!s en!"ed "!n)s to s!tisf# the ever incre!sing dem!nds of the customers who !re
;29 IT h!s "een providing soutions to "!n)s for the !ccounting !nd "!n) office
;<9 IT h!s !so f!ciit!ted the introductions of new deiver# ch!nnes7 in the Autom!ted
Teer *!chines6 Net (!n)ing6 *o"ie (!n)ing.
Products offered to J offered "# "!n)s to customers !re8
1 Net (!n)ing J An#where (!n)ing A few of the technoogic!
2 $redit $!rd Onine
3 One Qiew
. Inst!Aerts
2 Phone (!n)ing J *o"ie (!n)ing
< NetS!fe
> e7*onies ,ectronic Gund Tr!nsfer J e$he:ues
8 Onine P!#ment of ,Dcise % Service T!D
3 (i P!#ments
10 $!rd to $!rd Gunds Tr!nsfer
11 (!n)S1ome ;i9 ,Dpress Ceiver#
12 $!sh on T!p8 ;ii9 Norm! Ceiver#
13 Sm!rt *one# Order
Some products c!n "e eDp!ined !s foows8
!9 Aut3mati5 Te00e# Ma5hi$e 6ATM7
An AT* is ! computeri5ed teecommunic!tions device th!t provides ! customers ! secure
method of performing fin!nci! tr!ns!ctions in ! pu"ic sp!ce without the need for ! hum!n
cer) or "!n) teer. AT*s !re in)ed to "!n)4s centr! computer !nd identif# the customer
through m!gnetic coding on the c!rd provided to customer !nd Person! Identific!tion
Num"er ;PIN96 )e#ed in "# the customer. It upd!tes the !ccount of the customer !fter the
competion of the tr!ns!ction. This !so proves to "e !n !dvertising !gent for the comp!n#.
The tr!ns!ction using AT* c!n r!nge from simpe tr!ns!ctions invoving c!sh withdr!w!s
!nd deposits to m!)ing hote reserv!tions etc.
;9 E0e5t#3$i5 Fu$d* T#a$*"e# 6EFT7
To tr!nsfer funds inst!nt# !mong v!rious "r!nches !t v!rious oc!tions in the countr#F "#
connecting these "r!nches through ! networ) using the !test communic!tion technoog#
which incudes s!teite6 e!sed ines6 di!7up ines etc.
(9 SMS Ba$'i$,
It is ! technoog#7en!"ed service offering from "!n)s to its customers6 permitting them to
oper!te seected "!n)ing services over their mo"ie phones using S*S mess!ging.S*S
(!n)ing services !re oper!ted using "oth Push !nd Pu *ess!ges8
Push mess!ges !re those th!t the "!n) chooses to send out to ! customer4s mo"ie phone6
without the customer initi!ting ! re:uest for the inform!tion6 these !re either *o"ie
*!r)eting mess!ges or mess!ges !erting !n event which h!ppens in the customer4s "!n)
!ccount6 such !s ! !rge p!#ment using the customer4s credit c!rd6 etc.
Pu mess!ges !re those th!t !re initi!ted "# the customer6 using ! mo"ie phone6 for o"t!ining
inform!tion or performing ! tr!ns!ction in the "!n) !ccount.Pu mess!ges incude !n !ccount
"!!nce en:uir#6 or re:uests for current inform!tion i)e deposit interest r!tes6 !s pu"ished
!nd upd!ted "# the "!n).
<9 I$te#$et Ba$'i$,
(!n)s !nd fin!nci! services firms !re now w!)ing up to the tremendous potenti! of
internet. Internet "!n)ing m!# "e done through ! "!n)4s we"site where "!n) !so h!s !
ph#sic! structure or user c!n choose ! Bvirtu!A "!n) or fin!nci! institution th!t h!s no
pu"ic "uiding !nd eDists on# onine. Internet "!n)ing is usu!# conducted through !
person! computer ;P$9 th!t connects to ! "!n)ing we" site vi! the Internet. Internet "!n)ing
!so c!n "e conducted vi! wireess technoog# through "oth Person! Cigit! Assist!nts
;PCAs9 !nd $eu!r Phones. Internet "!n)ing6 !p!rt from providing gener! "!n)ing
f!ciities to customers6 provides foowing !ddition! services 87
a9 eTA=
(!n)s i)e IC(I h!ve e!sed the process of t!D p!#ment "# impementing the eTAT
pro?ect. P!#ment of eDcise !nd customs dut# over the Internet is !so possi"e.S(I e7
t!D is !n onine p!#ment f!ciit#. This f!ciit# s!ves time6 is convenient6 h!sse free
!nd p!peress. It is !v!i!"e on ! 2. D > "!sis !nd en!"es user to p!# t!Des onine6
with e!se !nd simpicit#.
b9 O$0i$e Remitta$5e*
Another eD!mpe of how we IT h!s "een !igned with "!n)ing6 !nd is providing
v!ue to customers6 is "etter onine remitt!nces from !round the word. (enefici!ries
in Indi! !re credited with remitt!nce mone# within hours.
59 O$0i$e Ba$5a**u#a$5e
It is ! p!c)!ge of fin!nci! services invoving distri"ution of insur!nce products
through "!n)4s "r!nch networ). Onine (!nc!ssur!nce f!ciit!tes customer to p!#
insur!nce premium6 !t ! ow cost6 "# visiting the concerned "!n)4s we"site. This h!s6
ed to the migr!tion of customers from high cost "r!nch tr!ns!ction to ow7cost onine
interf!ces6 "ringing down the tot! cost per tr!ns!ction.
d9 Bi00 &ayme$t*
,ectronic "i p!#ment is ! fe!ture of onine "!n)ing6 !owing ! depositor to send
mone# from his dem!nd !ccount to ! creditor or vendor such !s ! pu"ic utiit# or !
dep!rtment store to "e credited !g!inst ! specific !ccount.The p!#ment is optim!#
eDecuted eectronic!# in re! time6 though some fin!nci! institutions or p!#ment
services wi w!it unti the neDt "usiness d!# to send out the p!#ment.
e9 Othe# )a0ue Added Se#%i5e*
Some "!n)s !so offer v!ue !dded services in the !re!s of '!iw!# reserv!tion. The f!ciit#
h!s "een !unched w.e.f. Septem"er 16 2003 in !ssoci!tion with I'$T$. The scheme
f!ciit!tes (oo)ing of '!iw!#s Tic)et Onine. Thus6 customer doesn4t h!ve to their entr# into
the soci! networ)ing sites. Athough the# h!ve not "een entire# successfu !s of now6 there
is ! good ch!nce th!t the# coud wrec) h!voc on th!t sp!ce.
The N!tion! Associ!tion of Softw!re !nd Services $omp!nies ;NASS$O*9 is ! tr!de
!ssoci!tion of Indi!n Inform!tion Technoog# ;IT9 !nd (usiness Process Outsourcing ;(PO9
industr#. ,st!"ished in 13886 NASS$O* is ! non7profit org!ni5!tion.
It is the go"! tr!de "od# with over 1200 mem"ers6 of which 220 !re go"! comp!nies6
form -S6 -06 ,-6 =!p!n !nd $hin!. The mem"ers !re "!sic!# in the "usiness of softw!re
deveopment6 softw!re services6 softw!re products6 IT7en!"edJ(PO services !nd e7
commerce. NASS$O* w!s set up in 1388 to f!ciit!te "usiness !nd tr!de in softw!re !nd
services !nd to encour!ge !dv!ncement of rese!rch in softw!re technoog#.
It is the strongest proponent of go"! free tr!de6 !nd is committed to wor) pro!ctive# to
encour!ge its mem"ers to !dopt word c!ss m!n!gement pr!ctices6 "uid !nd uphod highest
st!nd!rds in :u!it#6 securit# !nd innov!tion !nd rem!in competitive in tod!#4s r!pid#
ch!nging technoog# !ndsc!pe. It is the most rei!"e source of d!t! !nd inform!tion in the
Indi! Softw!re Industr#.
In Indi! !nd !round the word6 NASS$O* mem"ers !re p!rticip!nts in the new go"!
econom# !nd !re reputed for their cutting7edge "usiness pr!ctices !nd soci! initi!tives.
Na**53mE* )i*i3$@
NASS$O*@s vision is to est!"ish Indi! !s the 21st centur#@s softw!re powerhouse !nd
position the countr# !s the go"! sourcing hu" for softw!re !nd services.
*em"ers en?o# sever! "enefits incuding inform!tion on ch!nges in poicies of the
/overnment of Indi! with reg!rds to computer softw!re !nd IT services.
Aim* a$d ObFe5ti%e*@
The prim!r# o"?ective of NASS$O* is to !ct !s ! c!t!#st for the growth of the softw!re
driven IT industr# in Indi!. Other go!s incude f!ciit!tion of tr!de !nd "usiness in softw!re
!nd services6 encour!gement !nd !dv!ncement of rese!rch6 prop!g!tion of educ!tion !nd
empo#ment6 en!"ing the growth of the Indi!n econom# !nd provide compeing "usiness
"enefits to go"! economies "# go"! sourcing.
NASS$O* !so ende!vors to ever!ge IT !nd n!rrow the digit! divide in Indi! !nd en!"e
her citi5ens to en?o# the "enefits of IT. It !so "oosts the process of Innov!tionF IT wor)force
deveopment !nd enh!nce c#"er securit#.
&a#t$e#*hi/ +ith the G3%e#$me$t
NASS$O* !cts !s !n !dvisor6 consut!nt !nd coordin!ting "od# for the softw!re !nd
services industr# in Indi!.
NASS$O* h!s p!#ed ! )e# roe in en!"ing the government in Indi! to deveop industr#
friend# poicies. It h!s "een ! proponent of free tr!de6 !rguing for 5ero t!riff protection6
strong inteectu! propert# !nd d!t! protection !ws6 deregu!tion of the teecom m!r)et !nd
the cre!tion of softw!re technoog# p!r)s !nd priv!te sector p!rticip!tion in the educ!tion
s#stem 7 me!sures which h!ve resuted in signific!nt growth of the industr#.
NASS$O* !so p!#s ! roe in eng!ging with go"! !i!nces on softw!re :u!it# st!nd!rds6
immigr!tion poicies6 ETO !nd free tr!de in services6 !nd neDt7gener!tion "est pr!ctices in
go"! sourcing of services.
NASS$O* undert!)es rese!rch on the I$T industr# in Indi! !nd the word in order to
continuous# educ!te its mem"ers of new "usiness opportunities6 "usiness pr!ctices in go"!
m!r)ets6 potenti! thre!ts to industr# growth !nd !ttr!ct !ddition! investments in Indi!.
Gua0ity 3" &#3du5t* a$d Se#%i5e*
NASS$O* strong# "eieves in encour!ging its mem"ers to provide go"! :u!it# products
!nd services. The !ssoci!tion provides !ssist!nce to its mem"ers in !chieving intern!tion!
:u!it# certific!tions "# org!ni5ing semin!rs !nd re!ted progr!ms on :u!it# st!nd!rds !nd
dissemin!ting reev!nt inform!tion.
I$te00e5tua0 &#3/e#ty Ri,ht*
NASS$O* is !n !rdent supporter of strong inteectu! propert# !ws in Indi!.
NASS$O* !so !unched the countr#@s first !nti7pir!c# hotine !nd Indi!@s first !nti7pir!c#
to7free hotine. NASS$O* h!s !so successfu# f!ciit!ted enforcement !ws !g!inst
softw!re pir!c# in Indi! !nd heped introduce $#"er &!ws.
&a#t$e#*hi/ +ith Membe#*@
The org!ni5!tion provides v!rious services to its mem"ers such !s the foowing8
$re!ting "usiness opportunities !nd sh!ring of "est pr!ctices )nowedge through
forums6 semin!rs !nd conferences
Pu"ishing rese!rch reports th!t provide the mem"ers counse from e!ding industr#
!n!#sts. The org!ni5!tion !so m!int!ins ! d!t!"!se of mem"er comp!nies specif#ing
their !re!s of eDpertise.
Providing inform!tion on go"! "usiness norms on t!D!tion6 regu!tions6 recruitment6
The Comestic *!r)et Initi!tive6 cre!ted to integr!te the IT !nd non7IT sectors !nd to
p!n for continued IT industr# growth.
The Innov!tion Initi!tive6 cre!ted to foster !n environment th!t meets the specific
needs of Indi!n "usinesses of ! si5es.
The ,duc!tion Initi!tive6 cre!ted to provide !ddition! tr!ining !nd s)i enh!ncement
to improve gr!du!te empo#!"iit#. This initi!tive !so interf!ces "etween industr#6
!c!demi! !nd government.
The Eomen in &e!dership7IT Initi!tive6 cre!ted to incre!se the num"er of women
entering the IT7(PO industr# !nd enh!nce the c!reer prospects for those women in the
The Securit# Initi!tive6 cre!ted to promote inform!tion securit# !nd compi!nce
through pu"ic educ!tion !nd cre!tion of ! securit#7!w!re environment.
I$itiati%e by NASSCOM & Nati3$a0 C#ime Re53#d* Bu#eau8 Mi$i*t#y 3" H3me A""ai#* 8
Eith the $$TNS in p!ce6 ! inform!tion wi "e !v!i!"e onine. Inform!tion reg!rding
fingerprints6 unidentified "odies6 missing persons6 stoen vehices6 stoen !rms6 etc.6 wi "e
?ust ! cic) !w!#.
G!ciit!te coection6 stor!ge6 retriev!6 !n!#sis6 tr!nsfer !nd sh!ring of d!t! !nd Inform!tion
!mong Poice St!tions6 Cistrict6 St!te he!d:u!rters !nd other org!ni5!tionJ!gencies6 incuding
those !t /overnment of Indi! eve.
1ep in en!"ing !nd !ssisting the senior Poice Officers in "etter m!n!gement of
Poice Gorce
0eeping tr!c) of the progress of the crime !nd crimin! investig!tion !nd prosecution
c!ses6 incuding progress of c!ses in the court
1ep in reducing the m!nu! !nd redund!nt record )eeping.
C3m/a#i*3$ bet+ee$ I$dia$ Cybe# 0a+ & &hi0i//i$e* Cybe# La+
$iti5ens c!n !v!i wider freedom of Greedom of eDpression is restricted due to
eDpression sternness of the !w
The punishments under this !w !re ess
The punishments !re h!rsh. Onine crimes !re
punished more severe# th!n the re! crime
which incudes fine of miion "uc)s or up to
12 #e!rs in ?!i.
$hid pornogr!ph# % c#"er s:u!tting is
punish!"e under this !w.
The !mendment under this !w on 3
2012 proposed to remove chid pornogr!ph#
% c#"er s:u!tting.
There is no such provision under this !w. This !w m!nd!tes N!tion! (ure!u of
investig!tion % Phiippine n!tion! poice to
org!ni5e c#"er crime units st!ffed "# speci!
investig!tors who !re soe# responsi"e to
h!nde c#"ercrime c!ses.
Person! d!t! of citi5ens is e!si# !ccessi"e. Person! d!t! of citi5ens is )ept high#
In ! m!?or educ!tion7re!ted r!c)et "ust6 siD persons h!ve "een identified for h!ving
imperson!ted 8> c!ndid!tes in the N!rsee *on?ee *!n!gement Aptitude Test ;N*AT9 which
w!s hed from Octo"er 11 to Cecem"er 136 2012. A ?oint te!m of the c#"er7crime poice !nd
-nit 86 $rime (r!nch6 *um"!i h!s !rrested one of these imperson!tors whie the rem!ining
five !re #et to "e c!ught6 c!imed the *um"!i7"!sed N!rsee *on?ee Institute of *!n!gement
Studies ;N*I*S9 -niversit#6 which conducts the N*AT for !dmissiSons to its *(A
The !eged imperson!tor c!ught unti now is n!med Ao) 0um!r. In !ddition6 the poice
c!imed to h!ve !rrested five other peope who were org!nising the
m!pr!ctice. (r!?endr!pr!t!p Singh6 one of these !ccused6 h!d promised one student of
securing him p!ssing m!r)s in the N*AT through m!n!gement :uot! for 's 12 !)h.
There!fter6 the !ccused too) 's >.2 !)h !s !dv!nce from the student !nd empo#ed ! dumm#
c!ndid!te to t!)e the test in p!ce of the student. The !ccused then informed the student th!t
he h!d p!ssed the N*AT eD!m !nd h!d "een shortisted for the group discussion !nd
interview. The student woud then "e !s)ed to p!# up the rem!ining 's >.2 !)h.
The other !ccused h!ve "een tr!ced !nd !rrested from Cehi6 -tt!r Pr!desh !nd
Pune. 1!num!nt Singh /u?!r@s credit c!rd w!s used to p!# the !dmission fees for some of the
students whie his "rother Sugriv Singh /u?!r used to medi!te "etween the students !nd
dumm# test t!)ers. P!v!n 0um!r !nd 1im!nshu She)h!r were "oth !so middemen who
used to ure N*I*S !spir!nts into p!#ing mone# on the preteDt of !dmission through
m!n!gement :uot! !nd then p!ss them on to consut!nts. Such w!s the efficienc# of the
ieg! service th!t most of these students scored 220 m!r)s or !"ove in N*AT6 ! ver# high
score for the test.
Ehie the imperson!tors m!n!ged to get p!st the N*AT verific!tion s#stems using forged
prim!r# !nd second!r# identit# proofs6 the students "enefitting from the m!pr!ctice were
n!ied "# N*I*S during the group discussion !nd interview st!ge !fter their photogr!phs
were found to "e not m!tching those given !t the time of the test. Among the 8> students who
!eged# !v!ied of this m!pr!ctice6 on# <1 c!ndid!tes turned up for !dmission !t the
institute. The# wi now "e de"!rred from the process6 to the "enefit of students who !re
current# w!itisted for !dmissions !t the institute.
The poice h!d !re!d# identified the oc!tion of the other five imperson!tors !nd woud "e
n!""ing them soon. *ost of them h!ied from the north of Indi!. The poice h!ve !so
identified two comp!nies6 $!reer /u!rdi!n from /h!5i!"!d !nd *et! $onsut!nc# from New
Cehi which were !eged# invoved in these crimin! pr!ctices.
In ! press conference hed tod!# !t the N*I*S *um"!i c!mpus6 vice7ch!nceor Cr '!?!n
S!Den! s!id th!t the schoo h!d fied !n GI' !"out the imperson!tion on Apri 2.6 2013.
Ehen !s)ed if chec)s !nd "!!nces coud h!ve "een stronger during the N*AT st!ge itsef to
f!g such imperson!tion he s!id6 BIn hindsight6 it coud h!ve "een "ut it is on# "ec!use of the
:u!it# of the !dmission process th!t this h!s "een detected.A As)ed if the test woud "e m!de
more secure neDt #e!r he repied6 MIt woud "e difficut to s!# now. Ee wi oo) !t it.M -ni)e
the $ommon Admissions Test ;$AT9 !nd the /r!du!te *!n!gement Admission Test ;/*AT9
6 the N*AT does not empo# "iometric sc!nning me!sures such !s fingerprint or p!m7vein
profiing6 used to prevent imperson!tion6 during the test chec)7in process. Cespite !rgu!"#
we!)er securit# me!sures6 the N*AT costs 's 16<206 higher th!n the $AT which costs 's
This incident coud !so "e ! "ow to the credi"iit# to Pe!rson Que6 the test service provider
for N*AT which !so conducts the /*AT wordwide. 'epresent!tives of Pe!rson Que were
not !v!i!"e for comment !t the time of writing this stor#.
The sc!e of the crime is mind"ogging in itsef. According to the poice6 on# siD peope
imperson!ted for 8> students !cross the countr#. The# shunted cities6 time sots !nd test
st!ges to c!rr# out the !eged su"terfuge. *ore th!n 's 13 crore ch!nged h!nds in the
process. Aso6 this might on# "e the tip of the ice"erg !s preimin!r# investig!tions reve!ed
th!t this g!ng might "e invoved in simi!r m!pr!ctices !t other m!n!gement entr!nce eD!ms
!s we.
Avnish (!?!? Qs. St!te ;N.$.T.9 of Cehi
Avnish (!?!? K $,O of (!!5ee.com6 ! customer7to7customer we"site6 which f!ciit!tes the
onine s!e of propert#. (!! receives commission from such s!es !nd !so gener!tes
revenue from !dvertisements c!rried on its we" p!ges.
An o"scene **S cipping w!s isted for s!e on (!! on 2>th Novem"er6 200. in the
n!me of BCPS /ir h!ving funA. Some copies of the cipping were sod through (!!
!nd the seer received the mone# for the s!e.
Avnish (!?!? w!s !rrested under section <> of the Inform!tion Technoog# Act6 2000 !nd his
"!i !ppic!tion w!s re?ected "# the tri! court. 1e then !ppro!ched the Cehi 1igh $ourt for
A#,ume$t* by the /#3*e5uti3$
1. The !ccused did not stop p!#ment through "!n)ing ch!nnes !fter e!rning of the
ieg! n!ture of the tr!ns!ction.
2. The item description BCPS /ir h!ving funA shoud h!ve r!ised !n !!rm.
A#,ume$t* by the de"e$da$t*
1. Section <> of the Inform!tion Technoog# Act re!tes to pu"ic!tion of o"scene
m!teri!. It does not re!te to tr!nsmission of such m!teri!.
2. On coming to e!rn of the ieg! ch!r!cter of the s!e6 remedi! steps were t!)en
within 38 hours6 since the intervening period w!s ! wee)end.
Fi$di$,* 3" the 53u#t
1. It h!s not "een est!"ished from the evidence th!t !n# pu"ic!tion too) p!ce "# the
!ccused6 direct# or indirect#.
2. The !ctu! o"scene recordingJcip coud not "e viewed on the port! of (!!
3. The s!e consider!tion w!s not routed through the !ccused.
.. Prim! f!cie (!! h!d ende!vored to pug the oophoe.
2. The !ccused h!d !ctive# p!rticip!ted in the investig!tions.
<. The n!ture of the !eged offence is such th!t the evidence h!s !re!d# cr#st!i5ed !nd
m!# even "e t!mper proof.
>. ,ven though the !ccused is ! foreign citi5en6 he is of Indi!n origin with f!mi# roots
in Indi!.
8. The evidence th!t h!s "een coected indic!tes on# th!t the o"scene m!teri! m!#
h!ve "een unwitting# offered for s!e on the we"site.
3. The evidence th!t h!s "een coected indic!tes th!t the heinous n!ture of the !eged
crime m!# "e !ttri"ut!"e to some other person.
2e5i*i3$ 3" the 53u#t
1. The court gr!nted "!i to *r. (!?!? su"?ect to furnishing two sureties of 's. 1 !)h
2. The court ordered *r. (!?!? to surrender his p!ssport !nd not to e!ve Indi! without
the permission of the $ourt.
3. The court !so ordered *r. (!?!? to p!rticip!te !nd !ssist in the investig!tion.
Ju0y !?8 ;!(@ Sweden7"!sed go"! phone director# service True$!erHs d!t!"!se h!s "een
h!c)ed "# S#ri!n ,ectronic Arm# h!c)ers compromising on miions of phone "oo) records
!v!i!"e in their d!t!"!se.
According to the report6 Truec!er4s we"site w!s "!sed on !n outd!ted version of "ogging
softw!re EordPress Q3.2.1. It s!ved phone"oo) records upo!ded "# Truec!er users to this
d!t!"!se. 1!c)ers seemed to h!ve downo!ded more th!n > d!t!"!ses of .20/( in si5e from
Truec!er servers. At the time of writing this !rtice it4s not ce!r whether the entire d!t!"!se
h!s "een stoen or on# p!rti!. The d!t!"!se !so !pp!rent# cont!ins !ccess codes to user4s
G!ce"oo)6 Twitter6 /m!i6 !nd &in)edIn !ccounts6 !owing h!c)ers to su"mit !n upd!te from
Truec!er users !ccount who h!ve connected these networ)s to their !ccount6 !s per the
report. Ee !dvise users to immedi!te# remove Truec!er from giving !ccess to Truec!er
(esides ste!ing the d!t!"!se6 the h!c)ers !so posted !dmin ogin credenti!s to Truec!er4s
d!t!"!se on Twitter. At the time of writing this !rtice the d!t!"!se w!s not !ccessi"e6
however6 we c!n4t rue out the possi"iit# of d!t!"!se re!ching in wrong h!nds.

True$!er !ows users to oo) up for !non#mous mo"ie !nd !ndine num"ers on the we"
or on their Internet7en!"ed mo"ie phone !nd "rowse through cont!ct inform!tion of the
owner of th!t mo"ie or !ndine num"er. (esides this6 it !so !ows users to view c!er IC
inform!tion of the current c!er6 "oc) unw!nted c!s !nd connect their G!ce"oo) or
&in)edIn !ccount to view the !test mess!ges from their connections.
The issue with the !pp is th!t a /e#*3$ i* $3t i$ 53$t#30 i" thei# $umbe# i* bei$, *ha#ed 3$
the *e#%i5e by 3$e 3" thei# 53$ta5t. Ehie the service does offer !n option to unist !
num"er6 we !re not sure how m!n# peope !re !w!re th!t their num"er is !re!d# sh!red on
the service !nd then go !"out unisting their num"er on the service. (esides th!t6 it4s !so
unce!r whether Truec!er !ctu!# deetes ! records from their d!t!"!se !fter one deists
their num"ers. Grom their GAU8
BGor the respect of #our securit#6 #our num"er wi "e immedi!te# !nd perm!nent# removed
from !n# se!rch resut. Oou c!nnot su"mit #our num"er !g!in. Pe!se go
to http8JJwww.truec!er.comJunist to unist #our num"er perm!nent#.A
Ehie it st!tes th!t it removes one4s num"er from se!rch resuts it4s not !pp!rent th!t the
records !re perm!nent# deeted. So even if one h!s unisted their num"er6 we !re not :uite
sure whether their d!t! h!s "een compromised !s it might sti "e stored in Truec!er4s
&!st month6 Truec!er h!d c!imed to h!ve coc)ed 20 miion users go"!# !st month6 up
from 10 miion users in =!nu!r# 2013. Truec!er h!d previous# c!imed th!t m!?orit# of its
users !re from Indi!6 !though it h!dn4t discosed !n# specific inform!tion on its Indi!n user
"!se. An ,T report suggests th!t the comp!n# h!d 1.< miion users in Indi! !s of =une 2012
!nd !ccounted for h!f of the comp!n#4s user"!se. Aso note th!t6 these 1.< miion users th!t
the report suggests !re the ones th!t use the !ppic!tion6 which me!ns th!t the a5tua0 $umbe#
3" /h3$e b33' #e53#d* "#3m I$dia 3$ T#ue5a00e#I* *e#%e#* 53u0d be mu5h hi,he#.
G#ee' ha5'e#* *tea0 R* !( 0a'h "#3m ABi* Ba$' a553u$t* u*i$, 503$ed debit 5a#d*
=o"ess /ree)s stoe mone# from *um"!i poicemen@s ADis (!n) !ccounts using coned
de"it c!rds6 eDposing the vuner!"iit# of !ccount hoders in Indi! to rising crime !cross
,urope !nd the -S.
,uro tr!ns!ctions in the !utom!ted teer m!chines ;AT*s9 in /reece ed to !"out 23 Indi!ns6
incuding peope from the poice dept6 osing !n e:uiv!ent of !"out 's 13 !)h6 s!id *um"!i
poice. The "!n) h!s suspected th!t this might h!ve "een done "# some org!nised g!ng th!t is
we versed with forger#6 h!c)ing !nd dupic!tion methods6M Ceput# $ommissioner of Poice
S!t#! N!r!#!n tod ,T. MThis coud "e ! c!se of coning of de"it c!rds6 "ut we !re not sure
!"out the method used #et. Ee !re investig!ting the m!tter.M
Poor# secured c!rds from Indi!n "!n)s !nd crimin! eements eDpoiting unprofession! w!#
of using de"it !nd credit c!rds !re r!ising the num"er of fin!nci! crimes "oth oc!# !nd
!"ro!d. At e!st 's 30 crore worth of tr!ns!ctions were done !st Cecem"er !nd =!nu!r#
using stoen credit c!rd identit#. MEe h!ve reversed the imp!ct in ! such customers@ !ccounts
with immedi!te effect6 to ensure the# !re not inconvenienced6@@ s!id !n ADis (!n) spo)esm!n.
The intern!tion! s#ndic!te of crimin!s w!s !ccessing inform!tion !"out c!rd hoders !t
ret!i est!"ishments. These were done most# "# coning c!rds during intern!tion! tr!ve.
Some of the countries such !s South Afric! !nd Th!i!nd !re notorious for th!t.
(!n)s !re enh!ncing the securit# to prevent misuse of eectronic p!#ments6 which h!s now
"ecome the preferred mode of tr!ns!ction for customers. MIf the# profie customers !nd
determine vectors correct# then !n !"norm! us!ge woud cre!te ! red f!g 7 i)e the oc!tion
where the mone# is withdr!wn6M S!?!n P!u6 director7 s#stems engineering 7 Indi! % SAA'$
for =uniper Networ)s tod ,T.
In Cecem"er6 Pune7"!sed p!#ment processor ,ectr!$!rd Services w!s h!c)ed "# ! go"!
c#"er7crime ring6 which !so "ro)e into the s#stems of (!ng!ore7"!sed ,nSt!ge Inc.
compens!ted the victims.
A//0e "iBi$, bu, that a003+* "a'e 5ha#,i$, *tati3$* t3 ha5' i&h3$e*
&AS Q,/AS8 Appe Inc@s neDt softw!re upd!te for its iPhones !nd iP!ds wi fiD ! securit#
f!w th!t !ows h!c)ers to eng!ge in sp#ing !nd c#"er crimes when the victim connects the
device to ! f!)e ch!rging st!tion6 the comp!n# s!id on Eednesd!#.Appe@s devices !re
vuner!"e to !tt!c)s unti the comp!n# ree!ses its iOS > softw!re upd!te6 which is s!ted for
this f!.
Three computer scientists6 who !erted Appe to the pro"em e!rier this #e!r6 demonstr!ted
the securit# vuner!"iit# !t the (!c) 1!t h!c)ing convention in &!s Qeg!s on Eednesd!#
where some >6000 securit# profession!s !re e!rning !"out the !test thre!ts posed "#
computer h!c)ing.
Appe s!id the issue h!d "een fiDed in the !test "et! of iOS >6 which h!s !re!d# "een
ree!sed to softw!re deveopers.
MEe woud i)e to th!n) the rese!rchers for their v!u!"e input6M Appe spo)esm!n Tom
Neum!#r s!id.
The wor) w!s done "# (i# &!u6 ! rese!rch scientist !t the /eorgi! Institute of Technoog#6
!nd gr!du!te students Oeong?in =!ng !nd $heng#u Song.
In ! demonstr!tion !t the h!c)ing conference6 the# pugged !n iPhone into ! custom7"uit
ch!rger the# e:uipped with ! tin# &inuD computer th!t w!s progr!mmed to !tt!c) iOS
devices. The# s!id it cost !"out L.2 to "u# !nd ! wee) to design.
It infected the phone with ! computer virus designed to di! the phone of one of the
rese!rchers6 which it did.
The# s!id th!t re!7word c#"er crimin!s might "uid viruses th!t woud give them remote
contro of the devices. Th!t woud en!"e them to t!)e screen shots for ste!ing "!n)ing
p!sswords !nd credit c!rd num"ers. The# coud !so !ccess em!is6 teDts !nd cont!ct
inform!tion or tr!c) the oc!tion of the phone@s owner6 &!u s!id.MIt c!n "ecome ! sp#ing
too6M s!id &!u.
&!u s!id the# were pu"ici5ing the issue in the spirit of Mwhite h!tM h!c)ing6 which is finding
securit# "ugs so th!t m!nuf!cturers c!n fiD them "efore crimin!s eDpoit them.
MSecurit# doesn@t wor) if #ou "ur# pro"ems6M he tod 'euters on the sideines of the press
&!u s!id th!t devices running /ooge Inc@s Android oper!ting s#stem !re not vuner!"e to
the s!me t#pes of !tt!c) "ec!use the# w!rn users if the# pug devices into ! computer6 even
one posing !s ! ch!rging st!tion.After Appe@s iOS > softw!re upd!te6 ! mess!ge wi pop up
to !ert the user th!t the# !re connecting to ! computer6 not !n ordin!r# ch!rger6 he s!id.
M3*t *t35' eB5ha$,e* *ee 5ybe#:5#ime a* *y*temi5 #i*'@
N,E C,&1I8 A m!?orit# of stoc) eDch!nges wordwide c!me under c#"er !tt!c)s !st #e!r
!nd !most 30 per cent of them perceive such !ctivities to "e ! potenti! s#stemic ris)6
!ccording to ! surve#.
Gor the "ourses6 c#"er7crimes 77 whose n!ture is "ecoming more compeD 77 coud resut in
Mm!ssive fin!nci! !nd reput!tion! imp!ct6M !mong other !dverse f!outs.
The findings !re p!rt of the 2012713 $#"er7$rime Surve# ?oint# conducted "# the IOS$O
'ese!rch Cep!rtment !nd the Eord Geder!tion of ,Dch!nges. It covered v!rious eDch!nges
!nd centr! counterp!rt# ce!ring houses !cross the word.
The Intern!tion! Org!nis!tion of Securities $ommissions ;IOS$O9 is ! grouping of c!pit!
m!r)et regu!tors6 incuding the Securities !nd ,Dch!nge (o!rd of Indi!; Se"i9.
MA m!?orit# of eDch!nges ;83 per cent9 view c#"er7crime in securities m!r)ets !s ! potenti!
s#stemic ris)6M the report s!id.
*ore th!n h!f of the eDch!nges surve#ed s!id the# h!d suffered ! c#"er !tt!c) in 2012.
M,Dch!nges from the Americ!s were more i)e# to report h!ving suffered !n !tt!c) ;<> per
cent96M it !dded.
$#"er7crimes in the securities m!r)ets !re gener!# disruptive in n!ture !nd coud neg!tive#
imp!ct m!r)et integrit# !nd efficienc#.
Gurther6 the surve# showed th!t eDch!nges empo# sever! prevent!tive !nd detection
mech!nisms to t!c)e c#"er7crimes.
M...Ne!r# ! ;3. per cent9 of eDch!nges surve#ed report th!t dis!ster7recover# protocos !re
in p!ce in their org!nis!tion6M it !dded.
1owever6 !"out ! :u!rter of the p!rticip!ting "ourses s!id th!t current prevent!tive !nd
recover# mech!nisms m!# not "e sufficient in the f!ce of ! !rge7sc!e6 coordin!ted c#"er7
*e!nwhie6 ! st!ff wor)ing p!per pu"ished on =u# 1< "# IOS$O s!id inst!nces of !tt!c)s
!g!inst eDch!nges me!ns th!t c#"er7crime is !re!d# t!rgeting securities m!r)ets@ core
infr!structures !nd providers of essenti! ;!nd non7su"stitut!"e services9.
MAt this st!ge6 these c#"er7!tt!c)s h!ve not imp!cted core s#stems or m!r)et integrit# !nd
efficienc#. 1owever6 some eDch!nges surve#ed suggest th!t ! !rge7sc!e6 successfu !tt!c)
m!# h!ve the potenti! to do so6M the p!per s!id.
Cybe# 5#ime@ Ea*y m3$ey8 0a5' 3" dete##e$t* amid *03+ F3b ma#'et 0u#e I$dia$* i$t3
ha5'i$, *e#%i5e*
*-*(AI8 Indi! is f!st emerging !s ! t!ent hotspot for the go"! c#"er7crime industr# !mid
sow hiring in the tr!dition! softw!re industr#6 the ure of e!s# mone#6 !nd !c) of !w
enforcement6 !ccording to computer securit# eDperts.
Eor) such !s h!c)ing into computer networ)s !nd cre!tion of m!w!re is "eing outsourced to
c#"er7mercen!ries in Indi! through underground m!r)etp!ces. It is possi"e to rent "otnets 7
computers controed "# ! h!c)er 7 to !unch dis!"ing !tt!c)s to "ring down we"sites for !s
itte !s MIncre!sing#6 Indi! is "ecoming not ?ust the victim "ut the host countr# with reg!rd
to c#"er !tt!c)s6M =!gdish *!h!p!tr!6 m!n!ging director for Indi! !nd SAA'$ !t !nti7virus
m!)er *cAfee6 tod ,T. The process h!s "ecome so org!nised th!t some of these h!c)ing
services come with &ive $h!t customer support6 !ccording to *cAfee.
In 20126 *cAfee &!"s identified !t e!st 820 sep!r!te "its of re!d#7to7downo!d m!w!re
hosted on computers in Indi!. In the first :u!rter of 20136 the num"er h!d ?umped to 16100.
Indi! is r!n)ed eighth in the word in terms of num"er of !tt!c)s origin!ting here6 ! report "#
A)!m!i Technoogies in *!# s!id.
M(!c)h!ts c!n m!)e ! ot of mone#6 so I@m not surprised th!t we@re "eginning to see c#"er7
crime m!r)ets emerge in Indi!6M s!id OD"ood 'uffin6 ! $!n!di!n h!c)tivist "!sed in
(!ng!ore. In Internet securit# !ngu!ge6 ! "!c)h!t refers to someone who eDpoits
vuner!"iities in computers with m!icious intent or person! g!in. In *!rch6 Norwegi!n
teecommunic!tions services provider Teenor reported !n intrusion into its computer
networ)s. $#"er7securit# comp!n# Norm!n Sh!r) tr!ced th!t !tt!c) to Indi! !nd documented
it in ! whitep!per tited @-nveiing !n Indi!n $#"er7!tt!c) Infr!structure@.
I$dia Ha* the ES'i00*E
MOou h!ve underground h!c)er forums where peope post their h!c)ing re:uirement !nd #ou
c!n "id for them !nd h!ve the mone# tr!nsferred to ! P!#P! !ccount vi! ! service c!ed
Perfect *one#6M S!rv!i#! s!id. Ehie ethic! h!c)ers coud e!rn 306000 ! mon7th eg!#6
c#"er crime fetches mo7re th!n L26000 ; 163060009 ! month.
Perfect *one# functions !s !n e7currenc#. The currenc# units c!n "e tr!nsferred "etween
customers6 whose identities c!n "e hidden. The units c!n "e redeemed for c!sh 7 in do!rs or
euros 7 or god "# third7p!rt# eDch!nge services.
The h!c)er forums c!nnot "e !ccessed vi! st!nd!rd we" "rowsers 7 wh!t is re:uired is !
speci! "rowser c!ed ! Tor (rowser th!t !ows !ccess to the @hidden we"@ where these
"!c)h!t h!c)ers oper!te.
The forums oo) i)e ! soci! networ)ing site designed "# de!th7met! f!ns. Attempts "# ,T
to cont!ct h!c)ers on these forums were not successfu. Some of the tr!its th!t m!de Indi! the
hu" for sourcing technoog# services !re !so contri"uting to the rise of this new du"ious
tr!de. MOou need softw!re s)isF the countr# h!s th!t c!p!"iit#. Then #ou need motiv!tion6
which is the mone#6 !nd the )nowedge th!t the Indi!n eg! s#stem is i)e# to not "e !"e to
prosecute #ou. These !re cross7"order computer crimes6 our !ws h!ve not re!ched th!t
point6M s!id Cinesh Pi!i6 $,O of *!hindr! Speci! Services /roup.
There is no estim!te of the num"er of Indi!n h!c)ers for hire. And securit# industr#
profession!s s!id whie the# )new the num"er of !tt!c)s from Indi! w!s rising6 the# coud
not pinpoint individu! !tt!c)s th!t coud "e !ttri"uted to Indi!n h!c)ers L2 ; 1229 per hour.
I$dia I$5 *h3u0d +a'e u/ t3 the 5ybe# th#eat*
The recent incident of c#"er theft !t ADis (!n) shoud serve !s ! w!)e7up c! for Indi!n
industr#. Ee !re vuner!"e.
Cem!teri!ised sh!res hed in eectronic !ccounts6 "!n)s !nd pension funds6 power
tr!nsmission !nd distri"ution s#stems6 tr!in sign!ing s#stems6 he!th c!re s#stems !nd
records6 w!ter distri"ution s#stems6 the A!dh!!r d!t!"!se6 pr!ctic!# ever#thing is tod!#
controed in c#"er sp!ce.
If th!t contro does not wor) !s it is supposed to6 or gets hi?!c)ed "# crimin!s or hostie st!te
!gencies6 ch!os wi resut. Indi! needs to put in p!ce s#stems to gu!rd !g!inst !rge7sc!e
disruption !nd oss !s ! resut of c#"er !tt!c)s. And this goes "e#ond form! !dherence to
ISO st!nd!rds.
The government is re!d#ing ! c#"er securit# fr!mewor)6 ! c#"er securit# poic# !nd !
N!tion! $#"er $oordin!tion $entre ;N$$$9 th!t wi monitor met!d!t! on c#"er tr!ffic
fows. 1owever6 it is "e#ond the government@s prowess to ensure securit# on its own.
On# strong pu"ic7priv!te p!rtnership c!n secure the n!tion !nd its vit! functions. This c!s
for coordin!ted !ction on mutipe fronts. One is poic# !nd egis!tion6 to ensure integrit#
!nd !ccount!"iit# to c#"er monitoring.
The government proceeds !s if one c!use in the Inform!tion Technoog# Act is enough to
protect Indi!ns@ priv!c#. Ee need ! sep!r!te !nd we7thought7out !w on the su"?ect.
Procedures for "re!ching it when necess!r# must "e rigorous6 tr!nsp!rent !nd !men!"e to
!udit. A second front is technoogic! c!p!"iit#. Grom setting st!nd!rds !nd testing of
e:uipment to !dv!nces in cr#ptogr!ph#6 !rge !re!s c! for institutions to "e set up !nd
hum!n c!p!"iit# "uit up.
A strong domestic m!nuf!cturing "!se woud "e ! gre!t hep. Pu"ic !w!reness !nd
invovement is the third !re! of !ction. Grom p!ssive securing of individu! phones !nd
computers to !ctive rese!rch in com"!ting c#"er !tt!c)s !nd snooping6 ! r!nge of !ctivit#
c!s for vigorous p!rticip!tion "# Indi!@s #outh. The# must "e enthused !nd motiv!ted. The
c#"er !gend! is !rge !nd urgent.
.e#a0a t3 *et u/ !4 5ybe# 5e00* t3 ta5'0e 5ybe# 5#ime*
T1I'-QANANT1AP-'A*8 The 0er!! government wi set up 13 c#"er ces to t!c)e the
growing incidence of c#"er7re!ted crimes in the st!te6 $hief *inister Oommen $h!nd# s!id
here tod!#.
Spe!)ing to reporters !fter ! c!"inet meeting6 he s!id the c#"er ces woud "e set up in poice
district he!d:u!rters6 for which seven new posts h!ve "een s!nctioned.
Su#%ey 3$ 5ybe# 0a+* & 5ybe# th#eat*
In the p!st 12 months6 c#"er crime cost ever# Indi!n net worth victim 's. 10622 on !n
!ver!ge. Indi! is emerging !s the go"! hot spot of c#"er croo)s.
Su#%ey A$a0y*i* IN2IA GLOBAL
Numbe# 3" 5ybe# 5#ime %i5tim* .2 miion 23 miion
Th3*e de"#auded 3$5e i$ thei# 0i"etime <<V <>V
Th3*e +h3 be5ame %i5tim i$ /a*t !; m3$th* 2<V .<V
T3ta0 Net 53*t 3" 5ybe# 5#ime L 8 "iion L . "iion
A%e#a,e di#e5t 53*t /e# 5ybe#:5#ime %i5tim i$
the /a*t !; m3$th*
L132 L 13>
Adu0t %i5tim* 3" *35ia0Cm3bi0e "#aud i$ the
/a*t !; m3$th*
32V 21V
A*e#* +h3 ha%e had *3me3$e ha5' i$t3 thei#
/#3"i0e a$d /#ete$d t3 be them
22V 12V
S35ia0 $et+3#' u*e#* +h3 ha%e "a00e$ %i5tim
t3 5ybe#5#ime
21V 33V
M3bi0e u*e#* +h3 ,3t SMS "#3m u$'$3+$
/e#*3$ #eJue*ti$, they 50i5' 3$ a$ embedded
0i$' 3# dia0 5e#tai$ $umbe# t3 #et#ie%e a
..V 31V
S35ia0 media u*e#* +h3 d3e*$It 5he5' 0i$'*
be"3#e *ha#i$,
1.V 20V
A*e#* +h3 em/03y *e5u#ity t330* t3 53u$te#
*35ia0 $et+3#'i$, th#eat*
2>V ..V
1. Eh!t "est descri"es #our preferenceN
2. 1!ve #ou ever tried the foowing !ctivitiesN
3. Co #ou )now how !nd where to report c#"er7crime re!ted !ctivitiesN
.. An eectronic sign!ture is used for !uthentic!ting !n onine document. 1ow s!fe do
#ou thin) it isN '!te on ! sc!e of 172. ;17ver# uns!fe6 27 ver# s!fe9
2. Eh!t do #ou thin) the IT Act is forN
1!ving discussed in det!i ! the provisions of ITA !nd ITAA6 et us now oo) !t some of the
"ro!der !re!s of omissions !nd commissions in the Act !nd the gener! criticism the Acts
h!ve f!ced over the #e!rs.
A7 A+a#e$e**@ There is no serious provision for cre!ting !w!reness !nd putting such
initi!tives in p!ce in the Act. The government or the investig!ting !gencies i)e the
Poice dep!rtment ;whose ?o" h!s "een m!de comp!r!tive# e!sier !nd focused6
th!n)s to the p!ssing of the IT Act96 h!ve t!)en !n# serious step to cre!te pu"ic
!w!reness !"out the provisions in these egis!tions6 which is !"soute# essenti!
considering the f!ct th!t this is ! new !re! !nd technoog# h!s to "e e!rnt "# ! the
st!)e7hoders i)e the ?udici! officers6 eg! profession!s6 itig!nt pu"ic !nd the
pu"ic or users !t !rge. ,speci!# provisions i)e scope for !d?udic!tion process is
never )nown to m!n# incuding those in the investig!ting !gencies.
B7 Ju#i*di5ti3$@ This is ! m!?or issue which is not s!tisf!ctori# !ddressed in the ITA or
=urisdiction h!s "een mentioned in Sections .<6 .86 2> !nd <1 in the conteDt of
!d?udic!tion process !nd the !ppe!te procedure connected with !nd !g!in in Section
80 !nd !s p!rt of the poice officers4 powers to enter6 se!rch ! pu"ic p!ce for ! c#"er
crime etc. In the conteDt of eectronic record6 Section 13 ;39 !nd ;.9 discuss the p!ce
of disp!tch !nd receipt of eectronic record which m!# "e t!)en !s ?urisprudence
issues. 1owever some fund!ment! issues i)e if the m!i of someone is h!c)ed !nd
the !ccused is ! resident of ! cit# in some st!te coming to )now of it in ! different
cit#6 which poice st!tion does he go toN
C7 E%ide$5e*@ ,vidences !re ! m!?or concern in c#"er crimes. P!t of evidences is the
Hcrime scene4 issues. In c#"er crime6 there is no c#"er crime. Ee c!nnot m!r) ! p!ce
nor ! computer nor ! networ)6 nor sei5e the h!rd7dis) immedi!te# !nd )eep it under
oc) !nd )e# )eep it !s !n eDhi"it t!)en from the crime scene.
Qer# often6 nothing coud "e seen !s ! scene in c#"er crimeP The evidences6 the d!t!6
the networ) !nd the re!ted g!dgets !ong with of course the og fies !nd tr!i of
events em!n!ting or recorded in the s#stem !re !ctu!# the crime scene. Ehie fiing
c!ses under IT Act6 "e it !s ! civi c!se in the !d?udic!tion process or ! crimin!
comp!int fied with the poice6 m!n# often6 evidences m!# ie in some s#stem i)e the
intermedi!ries4 computers or some times in the opponent4s computer s#stem too. In !
such c!ses6 uness the poice swing into !ction swift# !nd sei5e the s#stems !nd
c!pture the evidences6 such vit! evidences coud "e e!si# destro#ed. In f!ct6 if one
)nows th!t his computer is going to "e sei5ed6 he woud immedi!te# go for
destruction of evidences ;form!tting6 removing the histor#6 removing the coo)ies6
ch!nging the registr# !nd user ogin set ups6 reconfiguring the s#stem fies etc9 since
most of the computer histor# !nd og fies !re vo!tie in n!ture.
N3$ 53%e#a,e 3" ma$y 5#ime*
Ehie there !re m!n# egis!tion in not on# m!n# Eestern countries "ut !so some
sm!er n!tions in the ,!st6 Indi! h!s on# one egis!tion 77 the ITA !nd ITAA. 1ence
it is :uite n!tur! th!t m!n# issues on c#"er crimes !nd m!n# crimes per se !re eft
uncovered. *!n# c#"er crimes i)e c#"er s:u!tting with !n evi !ttention to eDtort
mone#. Sp!m m!is6 ISP4s i!"iit# in cop#right infringement6 d!t! priv!c# issues h!ve
not "een given !de:u!te cover!ge.
(esides6 most of the Indi!n corpor!te incuding some Pu"ic Sector undert!)ings use
Oper!ting S#stems th!t !re from the Eest especi!# the -S !nd m!n# softw!re
utiities !nd h!rdw!re items !nd sometimes firmw!re !re from !"ro!d. In such c!ses6
the !ctu! re!ch !nd import of IT Act Sections de!ing with ! utiit# softw!re or !
s#stem softw!re or !n Oper!ting S#stem upgr!de or upd!te used for downo!ding the
softw!re utiit#6 is to "e specific!# !ddressed6 !s otherwise ! pecui!r situ!tion m!#
come6 when the user m!# not )now whether the upgr!de or the p!tch is getting
downo!ded or !n# sp#w!re getting inst!ed. The Act does not !ddress the
government4s poic# on )eeping the "!c)up of corpor!tes incuding the PS-s !nd
PS(s in our count# or !"ro!d !nd if )ept !"ro!d6 the su"?ective eg! ?urisprudence on
such softw!re "!c)ups. *ost of the c#"er crimes in the n!tion !re sti "rought under
the reev!nt sections of IP$ re!d with the comp!r!tive sections of ITA or the ITAA
which gives ! comfort f!ctor to the investig!ting !gencies th!t even if the ITA p!rt of
the c!se is ost6 the !ccused c!nnot esc!pe from the IP$ p!rt.
To :uote the noted c#"er !w eDpert in the n!tion !nd Supreme $ourt !dvoc!te Shri
P!v!n Cugg!6 BEhie the !wm!)ers h!ve to "e compemented for their !dmir!"e
wor) removing v!rious deficiencies in the Indi!n $#"er!w !nd m!)ing it
technoogic!# neutr!6 #et it !ppe!rs th!t there h!s "een ! m!?or mism!tch "etween
the eDpect!tion of the n!tion !nd the resut!nt effect of the !mended egis!tion. The
most "i5!rre !nd st!rting !spect of the new !mendments is th!t these !mendments
see) to m!)e the Indi!n c#"er!w ! c#"er crime friend# egis!tion th!t chooses to
encour!ge c#"er crimin!s "# essening the :u!ntum of punishment !ccorded to them
under the eDisting !wF W.. ! egis!tion which m!)es ! m!?orit# of c#"ercrimes
stipu!ted under the IT Act !s "!i!"e offencesF ! egis!tion th!t is i)e# to p!ve w!#
for Indi! to "ecome the potenti! c#"er crime c!pit! of the wordWWA
Bu*i$e** 0a+ by
+++9mit9,3%9i$C53$te$tCi$"3#mati3$:te5h$303,y: a5t:;

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