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I love to be introduced to various technologies, the way they change our lives. Eager to
learn newer platforms, know about their strengths and exploit them to the maximum.
Believe in simpler solutions to any kind of problems. Challenges are always pleasing and
love to work towards them with the same above faith in providing simpler and elegant
I would love to work as a software developer in an organization that is
progressive intellectually and technically and would make me comfortable in fulfilling
my desires while making the company benefit from my work at the same time.

resently pursuing !. "ech in Computational #cience at #E$C, II#c. %#E$C &
#uperComputer Education and $esearch Centre, II#c & Indian Institute of
(orking on a pro)ect at *umerical !athematics and #cientific Computing +ab. at
#E$C, II#c under the guidance of ,r. #ashikumaar -aneshan.
Qualification Board/ Univr!it"
#ar Of
Indian Institute of #cience ./01 %due' 2..34./
5aculty of Engineering and
%6adavpur 7niversity'
./0. 8.4930/./
;endriya <idyalaya
%:.-.C.$., ,elhi'
.//8 4=.=>
?oly Child English :cademy
%!alda, (.B.'
.//1 90.=>
ost -raduation ro)ect3"hesis @
Efficient 5#I solver for largeAscale problems and arallelization of the 5#I solver
using !I B !I C./
D5luidA#tructure Interaction %5#I' problems are encountered in many scientific, industrial
and engineering applications. 5or instance, the numerical simulation of 5#I problems are
highly demanded in flutter analysis, parachute dynamics, hemodynamics, etc. "hus, the
development of efficient and reliable 5#I solvers received a lot of attention in recent
times. !odeling of 5#I consist fluid dynamics and structure mechanics models that
describe the fluid flow and the deformation of the structures, respectively. In this pro)ect,
an efficient monolithic 5#I solver for the largeAscale system arising from the finite
element discretization has to be developed. 5urther the 5#I solver code is to be
parallelized using hybrid programming model %!IB!IAC./' effieciently.E
7nder -raduation ro)ect @
D#tudy of linear sdof and mdof %single and multi degree of freedom' structure for
different shock loading and the calculation of different parameters of the absorber
Fther ro)ect @
Efficient :nd 5ast ,etermination Ff !ass roperties of :ny :rbitrary #haped
Body using !I programming model.
DComputing the mass, the centre of mass and the products of inertia of the body about
any axis of interest is an essential part in studying solid dynamics of a body. : new
algorithm is proposed on !I to compute the mass properties of any general shaped body
and try to minimize computations compared to existing methods by using additive nature
of mass properties. "he algorithm has four important stages viz. finding a new body
related to our ob)ective body, minimizing computations on this new body compared to
our ob)ective body, calculating the mass properties of this new body and relating it back
to our ob)ective body. By using -ausss ,ivergence "heorem we can relate the volume
integral into surface integral, and apply same to compute mass properties of any convex,
non laminar arbitrary shaped body.E
,r. #ashikumaar -aneshan, *umerical !athematics and #cientific Computing
+ab., #E$C, II#c'
,r. #athish <adhiyar, !iddleware and $untime #ystems +ab., #E$C, II#c'

M Tc) COUR(E( *II(c+ :
*umerical !ethods
*umerical +inear :lgebra
*umerical #olutions of ,ifferential EHuations
!ultigrid !ethods
!odelling and #imulation
Computational !ethods of Fptimization
,ata :nalysis and <isualization
?igh erformance Computing
,esign and :nalysis of :lgorithms
arallel rogramming
(orked as a part of #amsung Engineering India +td. as a -raduate Engineer "rainee in
!echanical %$otating' department for a period of one year.
C 3 CBB, ython
!I, C7,:, Fpen! %arallel rogramming'
!:"+:B, $
Fpen-+, <";
:uto C:,, :utolisp, araview
articipated in ;#?I"I6 ./0/, the annual technoAmanagement fest of II"
;haragpur in the event explore %built a underwater robot' and got a certificate of
(as a part of the 6adavpur 7niversity !echanical :rena (inning Cricket team.
(as a part of the core organizing committee of #anskriti ./0., an annual cultural
fest of 6adavpur 7niversity.
"rained in ":E ;F* ,F practices.
laying acoustic guitar and bass guitar.
(as a part of the band called DB:I$F7"EE and peformed at II" Bhubaneshwar,
I#! ,hanbad and 6adavpur 7niversity.
,ate of Birth @ .0
!ay, 0949
Contact :ddress @ #uperComputer Education and $esearch Centre %#E$C', Indian
%"emporary' Institute of #cience, Bengaluru, 12//0.
Contact :ddress @ CA82, "A1, $amprastha Colony, -haziabad, 7A./0/00

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