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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

(English Edition, Vol.8, No.9, Sep 1987)

Published by SUT,
Shanghai, China
Wang Hong-lan (7: ~ ~. )
(Shandong Mining Institute, Tai'an, Shangdong)
(Received June 5, 1986; Communicated by Zhu Zao-xuan)
Abs t ract
With the method of analytical mechanics, this paper studies the motions of a gyro-
theodolite under the action of ( l ) the torque of gravity only, (2) the torque applied by the
band suspension, (3) the torque of the band suspension with air damping considered, t he
equations of motion are then established and their solutions are found. Furthermore,
analysis of the law of motion and the behaviour of gyro-theodolite during the orientation is
Gyro-theodolite is a main instrument for orientation in mine surveying. An analysis about the
dynamics of orientation in Refs. [5], [6], [10] are not quite rigorous, or even involve mistakes. With
the met hod of analytical mechanics, this paper studies the motions of gyro-theodolite under the
action of (1) the t orque of gravity only, (2) the t orque applied by the band suspension, (3) the t orque
of the band suspension with air damping considered, the equations of mot i on are then established
and their solutions are found. Furthermore, analysis of law of mot i on and the behavi our of gyro-
theodolite during the orientation is made. The results analysed in this paper may be useful to correct
the errors in some literature, to improve the comput at i onal met hod about the orientation o f a gyro-
theodolite and to make the comput at i on more accurate. Moreover, they may be valuable for
analysing the structure and the quality of a gyro-theodolite.
I. A Me c hani c al Model and Ki ne mat i c al Anal ys i s
A gyro-theodolite is composed of two parts, a gyroscope used as the sensitive element and a
theodolite which orientated byt he sensitive element. It can be simplified as a mechanical model as
follows: a rot or of the gyroscope is installed in a rot or casing, on which.the rot or axis and a
suspending pole is fixed. The casing is freely suspended under the box of the instrument with a
flexible metal band through the.pole. We denote the distance of the centre of gravity of the casing
from the suspension point O by a, and assume this instrument to be fixed to the surface of the earth
at latitude ~v, for operating.
We choose three coordi nat e systems described below (Fig. 1, Fig. 2):
1. a translatory coordi nat e system O~r/~ , with the suspension point O as the origin and
translating in an inertial reference frame;
2. a directing coordinate system O~0.r/,~, , fixed on the earth, with poi nt O as the origin, and
rotating with angular velocity no of the earth' s rotation in the translatory coordinate system;
3. a Resal' s coordi nat e system Ox y z , fixed on the casing, with poi nt O as the origin, its axis
Oy having the same direction as the angular moment um H of the rot or rotation. Wi t h this system, it
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
890 Wang Hong-lan
is possibie to separate the rotation of the rot or about its axis, so that we can devote our attention to
study the motion of the rotor axis in the directing coordinate system O~Qr/0~0 fixed on the earth.
This motion can be indicated by the ruie of the change of the Resal' s angles a, f l , with which the
Resai' s system turns about the directing coordinate system. We consider that the true north Oft0 in
directing system is the direction which the rotor axis should be orientated.
The position of the Resal' s system Oxyz is obtained by turning the directing coordinate system
O~0r/0~0in such a way:
( O ~ o r l o G ) - - ~ ~ - ( Ox ~ o )
(OxnCo) '~p -> ( Ox y z )
Fig. 1
~o ~r
J - \ / \
Fig. 2
The transformation matrices are
= . t = ( s i n =
s l 0
, r ~ = ( 0 c o s B
0 s i z ~ f i
9 ~ 0
--siac 0
cos a 0 )
0 1
0 ~
- - s i n f l )
- s i a a c o s f l
.C0$C COS#
s i n f l
s i n a s i a f l
- - c o s a s i n f l )
COSf l
The angular velocity with which the Resal' s system rotates in the directing system is:
o = a L , + f l x
--'/~X q' ~ si nf l y + ~ c o s B z
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
Analysis of the Motion of a Gyro-Theodolite 891
The angular ve]ocity of the directing system in the trans!atory system is:
=co, c os ~( s i na x + cosaeosfl y- - cosasi nfl z)
+ co~sincp(sinfl y + eosfl z)
Thus the angular velocity of the Resal' s system in the translatory system is:
P. =.o.0 + (o
= ( ~eos r + ,g ) x
+ (co,cos~0cosacosB+ co~si.-.r + dsi nfl ) y
+ ( -- s~pcosasinfl + c_o~sinq0eos,8 + d eosfl) Z
Supposing the angular velocity of the rot or about its axis is
the rotor in the trans!atory system is:
( 1. 2)
( ! . 3)
q; , then the angular velocity of
I I . Mo t i o n u n d e r t h e Ac r of t, h e To r q u e o f Gr a v i t y Onl y
Taking angles / ~, fl , ~ as generalized coordin_~tes, and supposing that the casing's
principal moment of inertial are A, B, C, about axis x, y, z, and the rotor' s Principal moment s of
inertial J~, Jg, J. about ~xes x, y, z, then the kinetic energy of this system is:
T 1 A~ , , 1 - - , 1 - - , a - l a " = 1 9 ~ 1 ,
+ Jo c + + e ) ,
Z " ~ . . . . g L '
= 1 (A-}- r =) (co~eos~sina+/~)z
+' ~r + .l , ) ( --co~eosopeosa, sin f l + o)osinqgcosfl-k, d cosf l ) z
l e 9
+- ~- B( cooeOSmeo.aeosB + co~siaq~sinfl + ds i n8) "
c" "1
+ - ~ L j ( co~e o, ~e os ac osfl + co, sinq~sin f l + a si n f l - r . ~ ) z
Next we determine the generalized forces of this system.
the total torque act i ng on the gyroscope is:
m=m, x+rngy +m~z
( v . . ! )
In the translatory system, suppose
as the generalized coordinates have a certain virtual displacement, then the virtual work is
3.A_= (ra, x -t-rr~y -I-re, z ) . [3fix + (sinfld}a+ ~r q- cosfl~3az ]
= (mvsi nfl + m~cos0g) 3a + m, c3 f l + m~3r
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
892 Wang Hong-lan
so that
Q,,=ra~sinfl+ra~cost~ , Qp=ra,, Q,=-.m w ( 2. 2)
Substituting the kinetic energy and generalized forces into the Lagrange' s equation of the
second kind, we obtain the dynamical equation of the gyroscope. To this end, some assumptions
should be made:
(1) the two angles .a, fl with which the rotor axis deflects from the directing coordinate
system are small quantities, and ~i, ff are also small;
(2) the angular momentum H of the rotor is sufficiently largy;
.(3) when the gyroscope is running steadily, the driving t orque of the gyro mot or is balanced by
the torque due to friction at the bearings of the rotor, so neither of the torques is taken into account
in the following.
Now we study the case that the moment of gravity is the only external moment acting on the
system, i,e. we can temporarily ignore the action of the moment of the band suspension and the air
We have coordinates of the centre of gravity in the Resal' s system: xq= 0, ya----0, za=--a,
gravity force: P = - - Pt , o = - - P( s i n f l y + cosfl z)
moment of external Iorces: M,,xt = Mv = OG x P = --Pasinfl x ( 2 . 3 )
generalized forces: Q, = 0 , Qp = - P a s i n f l , 9 ..
We notice that OT/Or , and -Q~-----0, and ~0 is a cyclic coordinate.
It is possible to establish the dynamical equations without the cyclic coordinate by using the
Rout h' s equation. For this purpose, it is necessary to find the integral of cyclic moment um:
P~= #~ =J ,( co.cosqocosacosB
+ WoSin~0sinfl+ 5sinfl r =H
= - ~ , - - (w, cosq~cosacosfl+ co. si ngsi nf l + a sin/~)
The Rout h' s function is
R=T- - P, ~
= ~-(.,4 + 1 . ) (co, co s~psina + / ~ 2
+--~ ( C q- J , ) ( - c0. co s(pcosasi ni l + co, sin q~cos~6+ 6 cosfl ) 2
1 2
+TB( w0cos ~pcos acos f l + co+sinq~sinfl+ r
+H( c oe c os ~c os a c os , 6+ co. sincpsinfl+c?sinfl) 1" H 2
2 lw ( 2 . 4 )
We substitute the Rout h' s function and generalized forces the Rout h' s equation:
d [ 8 R ~ OR (3
aa = " " ]
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
Analysis of the Motion of a Gyro-Theodolite 893
to obtain dynamical equations free from cyclic coordinate, if H is large enough, all the terms in the
left-hand side of the equation not including H can be neglected, as they are much smaller than those
including H. The simplified dynamic equation is then
H (co,cosq0sina +/ ~) = 0
2. 6
- - H ( - COoeOsq~eosasinfl + co, sinqgeosfl + ti cosfl) = - Pasi nf l J
This set of equations can be directly obtained from the simplified precession equation
f l x H = M , , , , ,
x y z
Q x H = S 3 , . O , . 0 =
0 H 0
= - - ~=H x + O,,H z
we have:
HD, =M=
- - HO==M, } (2.7)
Substituting the angular velocity indicated by Eq. (1.3) and the moment of external forces
indicated by Eq. (2.3) into the above equation, we can also obtain Eq. (2.6). This set of equations
discribes the main feature of the mot i on of the rot or a xi s - - a precession, with nutation neglected.
Because of a ~ 0 , fl~-,0 , Eq. (2.6) can be simplified to:
/ ~+ co, c o s ~ 9 a = 0
z aP
h = (co,cosq9 + ~ ) c o , cos~0
f f ~= COoCOs~+aP/ H
eliminating ~ , ~ , we have
a + h = a = O
+h=Pfh= } (2.8)
whose solution is
a=c c o s ( h t + e )
fl-----~*-- b s i n ( ~ - t - e) }
( 2 . 9 )
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
894 Wang Hong- l an
Thi s sol ut i on can be descri bed wi t h t he gr aph in Fig. 3: wken viewed in t he di rect i on f r om t he
sout h t o t he nor t h, a poi nt of t he r ot or axis t races out an ellipse with its cent re at (0 , i f ") . Thi s
sol ut i on indicates the undamped oscillation of t he r ot or axis. The r ot or axis oscillates wi t h a
defl ect i on angle a (~) about t he meri di an, but onl y t he t wo ext reum, posi t i ons of t he a = c and
a =- c are needed to determ,.'ns t he t rue meri di an.
/ / ' + b
F i g . 3
Subst i t ut i ng Eq. (2.9) back i nt o Eq. (2.7), we have:
b cooeos~
~- = k = J
whe r e j i~ usually ver y small, whi ch means t hat t he shape of t he above el ! i p~ is ver y fiat~ and t he
change of angle fl is difficult to observe.
The ci rcul ar f r equency of this oscillation is
9 ~ p - ~
and its per i od is
9 r 2~ _ / H
-, =- - - r - - - =z~r . d . . . . . ( 2 1 O)
, o ) , e o s ~ P o " -
We have anal ysed t he mot i on of t he r ot or axis in t he i.n.ertial coor di nat e syst em, next we shall
anal yse it in the non-i nert i al coor di nat e syst em with t he ear t h as reference body. The eonvect ed
mot i on is a r ot at i on with t he angul ar vel oci t y o~, of t he ear t h' s r ot at i on. Now let us i nt r oduce t he
inertial gyr oscope t or que Ms,. ! t is conveni ent t o resolve e% i nt o t hree component s :
a ) , = ~ , s i n g ) L o
C % ~ a)~cos~psisa X
0" 4--'- o.)seo~0cof,~ On
a n d to resolve correspondingly the inertial gyroscope t o r q u c M#. into three c o m p o n e n t s :
M ,~ = M , , 2 + M s ~ +'M e,
M~2= H X e~=Hr~=sing~cosfl x .
M~s=H x o~= v - Ho ~ c o s 4 ~ . n a z
9 - M~. , =H X.r - - H r o , cosg~c.osasinr x
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
Analysis of the Mot i on of a Gyr o- Theodol i t e 895
so we have
i l f l t = H w~=Maz+Mas+Mv4
= ( Hc o ~ x
- - H c o , c o s ~ o s i n a z ( 2: 11)
This inertial gyroscope t orque shoul d be t hought to be really acting on the r ot or axis. The t ot al
moment of external forces is:
M~, =M, +Mr
= ( Hc a ~ s i ~ q ~ c o s f l - - Hc o , c o s q a c o s a s i n f l - - P a s i n f l ) x
- - Hc o, c os ~s i na z ( 2. 12)
Subst i t ut i ng this t ot al moment of external forces and the angul ar velocity ~ of the Resal' s
system relative to the directing system i nt o the precession equat i on
Hoe,,.--- M. ~
we car, obt ai n the same set of dyna~n~cal equat i ons of gyroscope as Eq. (2.6).
The inertial moment ~a3----- --Hc0ocosq~sin~zz makes the rot or axis to oscillate in a ve~i cal -
plane and aiagie fi to change, when poi nt G of the centre of gravi t y is deflectieg from the vertical
line which passes t hr ough poi nt O, tb_ere ~ u s t be a moment ~ of gravity, w~c h makes the r ot or
axis to precess to the r, ae~di an in the hor/ zonml . In Refs. [5], [6], [I0] etc., the inertial moment ~as
was known as "t he di rect mg mo~nent ' , it was said to be "t he moment which makes Lhe r ot or axis
movi ng to the mer i di an", but this is not exact, t hus causi ng some mistkes and confusi ons.
iiT~. Mo t i o n u n d e r ~he Ac~i~xa o~ t h e ' ~ o r q u e o f t h e Gr a - r a n d o f t h e Ba n d
S u s p e n s i o n
Suppose the rigid twiszing coefficient of the band suspension is DB, the t orque of the band
suspensi on is directly pr opor t i onal to the angle of t or si on,
The external moment is
MD = r - DB(~Z
~i e,, ~= Mr + M~= - - P asi nf l x- - Daaz
Subst i t ut i ng it i nt o the precession Eq. (2.7), we obt ai n
H (co, eos~psi na+/ ~) ----- - - D p a
- - H ( - - co, cosr pcosasi af l + COosinq~eosfl+Seosfl)---- - - P asi n f l
which may be simplified as
( 3. z )
/ ] + H ~ , c o ~ + D~a=O 1
v B-m - - - - - - 0 J
( 3 . 2 )
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
896 Wang Hong-lan
where k, /3" are the same as were difined. Eq. (3.2) can be changed into
~ + Hcooeosq~+DB ~ = 0
/i /~=0
Eliminating cL /~ , we have:
/~ + Hco.cosep+ DB Mfl-- Hco. eos~p+DB Mfl*
- ~ e e o s ~ p ' - - H o ~ , e o s ~ p 9
~ + H c o . e o s ~ o + D B , kZfl=O
kl Hco, c o ~ + D8
= " Hco,cos~p
we have
~+kl p- - - - kl f f ~
~+k| a=O } ( 3. 3)
and its solution is
a- ~ci cos( ktt-t- e 1)
f l = f l ~- - bl si n ( ktt-t- el )
( 3. 4)
bl - - h t
It is obvious that the rotor axis has still a periodic oscillation tracing out an ellipse, but there is
some change in the ellipse's parameters and in the period of oscillation. The long-to-short axis ratio
of the ellipse is now
J l ~ b , - - - - c o . c o s ~
c , k ,
the circular frequency is
D jL ' aP 'L co, co (aP~-lJs)'
and the period is
I V.
9= _ 9 / b/ "
T -
- k , - x , q o~ . c o~ ( a P' + ' D' m) ' ( 3 . 5 )
Mot i on u n d e r t h e Ae t i p n o f t h e T o r q u e o f t h e Gr a v i t y a n d o f t h e Ba nd
S u s p e n s i o n wi t h Ai r Da mp i n g Cons i dered
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
Anal ysi s o f t he Mot i on o f a Gyr o- Theodol i t e 897
Suppose t he coeffi ci ent of ai r resistance is n, t he mo me n t of resistance is directly pr opor t i onal
t o t he oscillating angul ar velocity, t hus t he mol he nt of ai r resistance is
= - n B x - n~sinB y - - n3reosfl z
Negl ect i ng t he second or der small quant i t i es, we may simplify it t o
M x = - . a z - n B x
T h e m o m e n t o f e x t e r n a l f o r c e s i s
M,~,,, 2 = M p + MD+ M~
=( - - Pa s i n f l - - n ~ ) x + ( - D s a - - n a ) z
Subst i t ut i ng it i nt o t he precessi on Eq. (2.7), we obt ai n
H ( cg, eosq~sina + /3 ) = -- Dna--n~
- H ( -co~ + COosinqgeosfl + + dt eosfl) = - Pa s i n f l - n~
H/ ~ + m~ + (H~oeOS~p+ Ds)a---- 0 T
Ha - n B - (Hco, eoscp+ Pa) f l + Hco,sinq~=O ~
{ = - - - H ' - B - ( c o . e o s Pa
9 n q~ + ' ~ - - ) f l + cg, si mp = 0
e + - m + ( .eos = 0
The sol ut i on f or Eq. (4.4) is
( 4 . i )
( 4. 2)
( 4 . 3 )
( 4. 4)
( 4 . 5 )
( 4 . 6 )
~4 . 7 )
n ~ Ds
/~---- - - ~ r - - (co. cos q~ + - - ~ ) a
( 4 . 8 )
The sol ut i on f or Eq. ( 4. 6) i s
n = D
Subst i t ut i ng t he m i nt o Eq. (4.7), we have
n* n Os
r , = i P a Ds \ Pa Ds 7 .
+ L ~ , eos ~+~, . ~os ~1,-=~
+ - - ~ ) +---ar-.l~=o
Since H is very large, a nd n, D a a r e qui t e small, it ma y be simplified as
~ _ 2 n " + c o , c o s ~ ( w , c o s q ~ + + ~--~---~ ) a = - t - - - ~ - c o , c o s ~ = - - - ~ 0 ,
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
8 9 8 Wang Hong- l an
i f we let
we have
n Pa
/J = - ~ c ~ , e o s ~ o , k | =a~, cos <p(co.eos ~0 + - - ~ + - - ~ - )
t ~ + 2 / ~ +k| a - - - - 0 ( 4 . 9 )
We onl y consi der t he case under t he ai r dampi ng, i.e. t he Case of small dampi ng. Due t o # ( ( k ~ , t he
sol ut i on of this equat i on is
a = c2exp [ - - # t ] s i n ( d k | - - #2 t + e2) ( 4 . I 0 )
Thi s sol ut i on indicates t hat the ampl i t ut e of t he da mpe d osci l l at i on of t he r ot or axis is at t enuat ed
accor di nt ot o a geomet ri cal progressi on with time. Its mot i on is shown in Fig. 4. The per i od of
oscillation is
T 2 z
Because of t he air dampi ng, t he peri od o f osci l l at i on becomes l onger, but due t o /z r k s , t he per i od
changes onl y weakly.
Fr o m Eq. (4.10), we have
c~ - - czexp [ - - # t ] [ d " k | - - ~ e o s ( , , / ~ t + e2)
--# s i n ( , , / k - - ~ " ~ - - # ~ f + e ~ ) ] ( 4 . 1 2 )
Subst i t ut i ng E q (4.8) i nt o Eq. (4.5), we obt ai n
. ~o + - ~ - - ) a - - (co. cos~p + - - - - ~ ) f l + co~ n~p = O
1 n 2 . n
whi ch may be simplified as
+ - - ~ ~ . c o s ~ . a - - ( c ~ . c o s ~ + ~ ) f l + c o . s i m p = 0 P a
Subst i t ut i ng Eq. (4.10) and Eq. (4.12) i nt o this equat i on, we have
c2exp [" - - # t ] ~/'~2 - - ff~cos ( , v/ hl - #2 t + e 2 ) + co, s i n ~
whose sol ut i on is
f l = f l * + b2 e x p [ - - / Jt ] cos ( ~ / k | - - #2 t + e2)
c o o s i n ~ c2~/ k| _ #2
fl*= co.eosq~+ Pa/ H b' = co, cos~+ Pa/ H
( 4 . 1 4 )
The sol ut i ons for angles a and fl express t he rule o f t h e mo t i o n of t he r ot or axis under t he
act i on of dampi ng. I t can be descri bed by t he gr aph in Fig. 4: When vi ewed i n t he di r ect i on f r om t he
s out h t o t he nor t h, a poi nt on t he r ot or axis traces out a spiral pa t h wi t h t he poi nt ( 0 , f i x ) as its
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
Analysis of the Motion of a Gyro-Theodolite 899
centre, as shown in Fig. 5.
References [6], [10] etc. Said that "The friction in the bearings of the sensitive element makes
the amplitude gradually attenuated in azimuth and in altitude, the degree ofattenuationdepends on
the moment of friction force, the characteristics of oscillation depends on whether the moment of
friction forces is constant or not. If the value and the direction of the moment of friction force are
constant, the weakly attenuated oscillation of the rotor axis Possesses the followinf Property: the
ratio of any amplitude to the succeeding one, i.e. attenuate coefficient f, is a constant
f ~ _ a t ~ t l ~ ~ . . . a n _ l c o n s t .
a 2 ~ a 3 a n *
c~ ~. a C~exp[ ~t]
~ i / , j \ , / ! ~ x , d /
I k l Z ~ l / 1 1 3 d ' Z " ~ - - - - - '~
J,," a---- --c2exp[--pt]
--.c2. / [ _ T
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
From the structure of gyroscope, we know that fiJction exists only in the bearings between the
rotor and the rotor axis. When this instrument is operating normally, the rotor rotates steadily, the
angular velocity of rotor is constant, the friction moment in the bearings is balanced with the driving
moment of the gyro motor and furthermore we know that the friction moment vector is always in
the direction of the rotor axis, therefore, the friction moment does not influence the oscillation of the
rotor axis. Besides, there is the action of the torque supplied by the band suspension~ but from the
above derivation, we know that when the rotor axis oscillates periodically around an ellipse, the
torque of the band suspension only makes the parameters of the ellipse and the period of oscillation
to change, hut does not make the amplitude to attenuate. The main cause of amplitude attenuation
is the damping of air which causes the amplitude to attenuate according to the exponential law, as
shown in Fig. 4. The ratios of amplitude are
f____ a~ a~ a. _ 1
== . ---- . . . . - =- exp [/~T ]
0~2 ~S t / n
We have analysed thirty groups of data determined by the gyro-theodolite of model J6-J60, and
found that the main feature are coincides with the property analysed above in this paper.
Re f e r e nc e s
[ l ] Cheng Bin, Analytical Dynamics, Peking University Publishing House. (in press)
[ 2 ] Zhu Zhao-xuan, Zhou Qi-zhao and Yin Jin-shcng, Theoretical Mechanics, Peking University
Publishing House 0982), 217-255. (in Chinese)
[ 3 ] Nikolai, Ye.L. The Theory about Gyroscope,The Science Publishing House (1956), 84-93.
(Chinese Version)
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
Wang Hong-l an , ..
Xi ao Shang-bin and Dong Qi n-quan, Gyro Mechanics,The People' s Educat i on Publishing
House (1980), 5 9 - 6 1 . (in Chinese)
[ 5 ] The gyro-t heodol i t e group, Tangshan Institute of the Coal Mi ne Academy, The Basic Theory,
Construction and Orientation about Gyro-Theodolite, The Coal I ndust r y Publishing House
(1982), 7 7 - 84. (in Chinese)
[ 6 ] The teaching and research section about surveying, Chi na Mi ni ng Institute, The Mine
Surveying, The Coal Indust ry Publishing House (1979), 159- 180. (in Chinese)
[ 7 ] Li Qing-yue, Engineering Surveying, The Survey and Dr awi ng Publishing House, (1984),
2 4 5 - 272. (in Chinese)
[ 8 ] Liu Yan-bo, Engineering Surveying, The Metallurgical I ndust r y Publishing House (1984),
2 4 8 - 272. (in Chinese)
[ 9 ] Wang Hong-l an, A dynami cal t heory o f the ori ent at i on o f a gyro-t heodol i t e, Mine Surveying,
3 (1985), 4 3 - 46. (in Chinese)
[10] Kazakovskii, D. A. , The Mine Surveying, Moscow Publishing House (1959), 4 6 1 - 4 7 0 . (in
[11] Arnol d N. N. and L. Maunder , Gyrodynamics, Academi c Press, New Yor k and London
Abs t r act
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
1. I nt r oduc t i on
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
a p +u_~_xp + au
--ff =o,
au au 1
y =0,
aS a s
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),
( i . 0
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products

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