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Application for Teaching Post

Post Applied For FORMTEXT

Closing Date
Incomplete application forms will not be considered. London Enterprise Academy does not
accept CVs alone t!e" will onl" be considered as part of t!e additional information on a f#ll"
completed application form$
1. Personal details
%ame &#rname
'ome address
&treet address

Post code
Co#ntr" of
residence )* Ot!er If ot!er please state
Do "o# re+#ire a
wor, permit or
VI&A- .E& %O If "es please gi/e details
%ational Ins#rance
Teac!er reference
If "o#r postal
address is
different to abo/e
please insert !ere
&treet address
Post code
n#mbers 0please
onl" list n#mbers
we s!o#ld call to
contact "o#2

E5mail address

Date of 6irt! 0optional2

7ondon Enterprise Academ"
7ondon Enterprise Academ"
Ane#rin 6e/an 'o#se
895:9 Commercial Road
7ondon E9 9RD
Tele4 ;<; =<>= 8;8;
Email4 infoAlondonenterpriseacadem"$org
2. Current Employment
Do "o# !old B#alified Teac!er
.es %o In w!ic! "ear did "o# gain BT&-
C#rrent emplo"er 0%ame and f#ll
Cobs !eld and main
From To &alar" Reason for lea/ing

3. Please give details of relevant previous employment
Pre/io#s emplo"er 0%ame and
f#ll address2
Cobs !eld and main
From To &alar" Reason for lea/ing

7ondon Enterprise Academ"
4. Continuing Professional and Personal Development
Co#rses attended 0d#ring last D "ears2
%ame of co#rse and
Award(+#alification gained F#ll or part time From To

7ondon Enterprise Academ"
5. Education istory
!Please list your education attainment" igest #ualification first$
0Please indicate bot! name E address2
From To
B#alification attained ( s#bFect(s
and grades

%. &no'ledge" e(perience and s)ills
a2 *sing no more tan 2 A4 pages descri+e o' you meet te re#uirements of te ,o+

7ondon Enterprise Academ"
-. Personal data
6asic &alar"
Additional salar" 0please indicate management points
or 7ondon allowance etc2

Total salar"
Please declare if "o# !a/e an" famil" member or close relations!ip to an eGisting 7ondon Enterprise
Academ" emplo"ee or 1o/ernor$ If so please gi/e details$

.. /eferees
!Please note references 'ill +e re#uested prior to your intervie'" unless stated oter'ise.$
Please pro/ide t!e contact details of two referees 0co/ering t!e last t!ree "ears2 one of w!om s!o#ld be
"o#r c#rrent emplo"er$
%ame %ame
Cob title Cob title
Organisation Organisation
Address Address
Telep!one n#mber Telep!one n#mber
Mobile n#mber Mobile n#mber
Email Email
0.Confidential 1nformation
London Enterprise Academy re#uires all employees to underta)e an enanced D23 cec). 4ou are re#uired" +efore
appointment" to disclose any conviction" caution or +inding over including 5spent convictions6 under te /ea+ilitation of
7ffenders Act 10-4 !E(emptions$ 7rder 10-5. Disclosure of a criminal +ac)ground 'ill not necessarily de+ar you from
employment 8 tis 'ill depend upon te nature of te offence!s$ and 'en tey occurred.
9on:disclosure may lead to termination of your employment
In relation to t!e abo/e if "o# !a/e an" con/ictions or ca#tions 0incl#ding spent con/ictions2 "o# are obliged
to detail t!ese below4
Do "o# !a/e an" con/ictions 0incl#ding ca#tions E bind5o/ers2 .es %o
If "es gi/e details$
7ondon Enterprise Academ"
I can confirm t!at I am not on 7ist :: dis+#alified from wor,ing wit! c!ildren or s#bFect to sanctions imposed
b" a reg#lator" bod" s#c! as t!e 1eneral Teac!ing Co#ncil$
&I1%ED 0t"ped signat#res are accepted24 DATE4
7ondon Enterprise Academ"
1;. <ere did you ear a+out te vacancy
TE& paper TE& online Academ" website 3ord of mo#t! %ewspaper4
11. Declaration
In s#bmitting t!is form to 7ondon Enterprise Academ" I declare t!at t!e information pro/ided b" me on t!is
application form are correct to t!e best of m" ,nowledge and belief
I #nderstand t!at if I gi/e an" information w!ic! is later fo#nd to be false or I wit!!old an" rele/ant
information t!is ma" lead to m" application being reFected or if alread" appointed to termination of
I #nderstand t!at information gi/en on t!is form will be processed b" and #sed for registration p#rposes #nder
t!e Data Protection Acts 9:8> and 9::8
Please tic, t!e boG and sign below or t"pe "o#r
name to agree to confirm t!at "o# !a/e read
#nderstood and agree wit! t!e abo/e
.es Date4
7ondon Enterprise Academ"
Equality and Diversity Monitoring
>irst name
&treet address
Co#nt" Post code
In order to monitor o#r E+#alit" and Di/ersit" Polic" and to enable #s to ens#re o#r compliance
wit! t!is polic" we wo#ld be gratef#l if "o# wo#ld complete t!e following tables for monitoring
@enderA !please tic) appropriate +o($
Male Female
Etnic 7riginA !please tic) appropriate +o($
%ort!ern Iris!(
6ritis! Iris!
1"ps" or Iris!
An" ot!er 3!ite
Bultiple Etnic
3!ite E 6lac,
3!ite E 6lac,
African 3!ite E Asian
An" ot!er MiGed(
M#ltiple Et!nic
Asian 2ritisA
Indian Pa,istani 6anglades!i C!inese
An" ot!er Asian
2lac) 2ritisA
African Caribbean
An" ot!er
7ter Etnic
An" ot!er et!nic
This section will not be seen by the shortlisting panel
7ondon Enterprise Academ"
Post Applied For4 FORMTEXT
/eligionA !please tic) appropriate +o($
6a!aHi 6#dd!ism C!ristian 'ind#ism %one
Islam Cain C#daism &i,!ism Ot!er
Age +andA !please tic) appropriate +o($
)nder 98 98 I <? <@ 5 D? D@ 5 >? >@ 5 ??
?@ 5 @? O/er @?
Disa+ilitiesA !please tic) appropriate +o($
Do "o# consider "o#rself to !a/e a disabilit" 5 a physical or mental
impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on
your ability to carry out normal day to day activities-
.es %o Prefer not to sa"
If .es please describe t!e nat#re of "o#r disabilit"4
If "o# !a/e an" disabilities please let #s ,now if we need to ma,e special arrangements for "o# if "o# are in/ited for

I #nderstand t!at information gi/en on t!is form will be processed b" and #sed for registration and e+#alit"
monitoring p#rposes #nder t!e Data Protection Acts 9:8> and 9::8
Please tic, t!e boG and sign below or t"pe "o#r name to agree
to confirm t!at "o# !a/e read #nderstood and agree wit! t!e
abo/e declaration4
.es Date4
This section will not be seen by the shortlisting panel
7ondon Enterprise Academ"

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