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Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.

publishing as
Prentice Hall
Digital Planet:
and You
George Beekman Ben
Tenth Edition
Digital Planet:
o!orro"#s echnology and
%ppendi& %
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Hard"are 'asics
E%ery PC is !ui"t around a
microprocessor&the central
processing unit or CP'
'sua""y housed in system unit that a"so

Bui"t*in memory
ca""ed RAM

Hard disk +or

storage and retrie%a"
o+ in+ormation
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Hard"are 'asics (cont.)

Keyoard: type te,t and numerica" data

Mouse -or mouse a"ternati%e.( point to

te,t, graphica" o!/ects, menu commands,
and more

Display -or monitor.( %ie0 te,t, num!ers,

and pictures stored in the computer1s

!peakers: emit music, %oices, and other


Printer: generates printed "etters, papers,

transparencies, "a!e"s, and other hard
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Hard"are 'asics (cont.)
3emo%a!"e 4edia

D"D#$D%R& optica" dri%e

Can !oth read and 0rite data on C5s and


Common"y ca""ed 5657C5 !urners

'!( dri)e

8"so ca""ed thum! dri%e, key dri%e, or /ump


8 sma"" de%ice that p"ugs into '9B port on


Popu"ar +or transporting :"es !et0een

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
*sing a +eyboard
<hen you press keys on a computer key!oard,
the typed characters are disp"ayed on the
monitor screen at the position o+ the "ine ca""ed
the cursor
9ome keys on the key!oard&Enter, 5e"ete, the
arro0 keys, and the +unction keys -=*keys.&send
specia" commands to the computer
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
*sing a !ouse
The mouse ena!"es you to per+orm many
tasks ?uick"y
8s you s"ide the mouse across your
desktop, a pointer echoes your
mo%ements on the screen
Common mouse actions
Clic+ Drag
,ight-clic+ Double-clic+
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
.o/t"are 'asics
CP' is contro""ed !y so*tware:
instructions that te"" it 0hat to do
!ystem so*tware: inc"udes operating
system +,!-

Continuous"y 0orking in !ackground to

keep things running smooth"y

5etermines 0hat your screen disp"ay

0i"" "ook "ike

PCs use %ersion o+ 4icroso+t <indo0s

4ac computers use %ersion o+ 8pp"e1s 4ac

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
.o/t"are 'asics (cont.)
Applications: so+t0are too"s that ena!"e
you to use a computer +or speci:c
9ome are designed to accomp"ish 0e""*
de:ned, short*term goa"s

Interacti%e "anguage program

Athers ha%e more genera" and open*ended

<ord*processing program
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
.o/t"are 'asics (cont.)
Document: :"e created !y an app"ication
.ile: named co""ection o+ data
8pp"ications are sometimes ca""ed
e/ecutale 0les !ecause they contain
instructions that can !e e,ecuted !y the
5ocuments are sometimes ca""ed data
0les !ecause they contain passi%e data
rather than instructions
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Entering, Editing, and
0or!atting e&t
Te,t is disp"ayed on the screen and stored in
<ords appear on screen a"most e,act"y as
they 0i"" on printed page

&Y!1&Y2: D0hat you see is 0hat you getE

&ord wrap: mo%es 0ords that don1t :t to

ne,t "ine

$ut, copy, and paste: 0ords to other parts o+


Drag%and%drop: drag se"ected te,t to other


.ind%and%replace: make repetiti%e changes

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
0or!atting Characters
Printers can print te,t in a %ariety o+ point
siFes, type+aces, and sty"es

Characters measured in point si3e

Ane point G 17@2 inch or @2 points G 1 inch

Harger point siFe used +or tit"es and headings

9ma""er point siFe used +or te,t

.ont is a siFe and sty"e o+ type*ace

!eri* *onts: em!e""ished 0ith tiny "ines

ca""ed seri+s

!ans%seri* *onts: ha%e p"ainer, c"eaner

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
0or!atting Characters
9eri+ +onts




Times New Roman

9ans*seri+ +onts




Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
0or!atting Characters
Character 9pacing

Monospaced *onts: characters use the

same amount o+ space

Proportionally spaced *onts: 0ide

characters such as Ws take up more room
than narro0 characters
The World Wide Web makes the Internet accessible.
The <or"d <ide <e! makes the Internet
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
0ile 1anage!ent 'asics
8 :"e is represented !y a name and an
8 :"ename inc"udes an e/tension: three
or +our characters that +o""o0 a period -.
at end o+ :"ename
E,tension( in+ormation a!out :"e1s origin
or use

e,e( e,ecuta!"e :"es

doc,( 4icroso+t <ord documents

pd+( :"es in Porta!"e 5ocument =ormat

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
0ile 2rgani3ation 'asics
Computer :"es can !e organiFed into
*olders -sometimes ca""ed directories.
Can !e organiFed in hierarchies so +o"ders
can contain other +o"ders
!earch or .ind commands he"p "ocate
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
0ile Co!pression 'asics
Hargest :"es pro!a!"y contain music,
%ideos, and images
.ile compression: reduces siFe o+ :"es

Compress :"es using an app"ication, the

operating system, or another type o+
so+t0are program
.ile decompression: restores :"e to
origina" state

=i"es 0ith a .zip or .sitx e,tension need to

!e decompressed
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
'ac+up 'asics
Protect against
Backup data :"es
Ieep !ackup
copies on diJerent
de%ice +rom

C5*3s, 565*3s,
'9B Kash dri%es,

E,terna" hard
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
4et"or+ and Internet
Today1s PCs are po0er+u" too"s that can
per+orm a %ariety o+ tasks that go +ar
!eyond !asic 0ord processing e,amp"es
8 PC1s rea" po0er is un"eashed 0hen it1s
connected to other computers through a
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
PC 4et"or+ 'asics
Direct connection %ia ca!"es or a
remote access connection
1nternet: net0ork o+ interconnected
<i*=i techno"ogy( create 0ire"ess net0orks
ena!"ing users to connect to the Internet
0ithout ca!"es
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Internet 'asics
Internet can !e used to(

9end a message to 1 or 1,001 peop"e

E,p"ore %ast "i!raries o+ research materia"

=ind instant ans0ers to time*sensiti%e


Get medica", "ega", or technica" ad%ice

Histen to and 0atch "i%e !roadcasts

Get instant access to mi""ions o+ %ideo and

audio c"ips

Participate in discussions or p"ay games

0ith peop"e a"" o%er the g"o!e
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Internet 'asics (cont.)

9hop +or o!scure items, such as out*o+*print


5o0n"oad +ree so+t0are or music c"ips

Arder a custom*!ui"t computer, car, or


5e%e"op pang"o!a" +riendships, re"ationships,

and communities !ased on shared interests

Take a course +or co""ege credit

Pu!"ish your o0n 0ritings, dra0ings, photos,

and more

9tart your o0n !usiness and interact 0ith

c"ients around the 0or"d
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
5orld 5ide 5eb 'asics
&orld &ide &e: inc"udes mi""ions o+
inter"inked documents ca""ed &e pages
8 co""ection o+ re"ated pages stored on the
same computer is ca""ed a &e site
&e rowsers: used to access content
!y c"icking on hyperlinks
E%ery <e! page has a uni?ue address,
technica""y re+erred to as a uni*orm
resource locator +'R4-
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
5eb .earch 'asics
Biggest cha""enge is e,tracting use+u"
!earch engine: "ocates in+ormation

Type key0ord or key0ords into search :e"d

to disp"ay a "ist o+ hits
Larro0 a search using a directory or
su5ect tree&a hierarchica" cata"og o+
<e! sites compi"ed !y researchers

9creen presents menu o+ su!/ect choices

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
E!ail 'asics
<hen you sign up +or an emai" account,
you recei%e(

'ser name -a"so ca""ed login name or


9torage area +or messages -ca""ed a

8n Internet emai" address is made up o+
t0o parts separated !y an DatE sign -M.(

The person1s user name and the host name

The !asic +orm( usernameMhostnamecom

Lo spaces are a""o0ed in emai" address 2;

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
Internet .ecurity 'asics
Common +orms o+ Internet security risks(



Pass0ord the+t

Identity the+t
Take proper precautions
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
PCs are made o+ hard0are and so+t0are
The CP' contro"s components such as
memory, disk dri%es, and monitor screens
Aperating system so+t0are contro"s the
computer1s operation
8pp"ication so+t0are pro%ides speci:c
8 hierarchica" system o+ +o"ders organiFes
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
.u!!ary (cont.)
PCs can !e net0orked to other computers
Internet is a g"o!a" net0ork o+ computer
<e! !ro0ser pro%ides access to <or"d <ide
0hich uses hyper"inks to +o""o0 in+ormation
E"ectronic mai" ena!"es a"most instant
communication among Internet users
Internet users may need to dea" 0ith
unso"icited emai", computer %iruses, identity
the+t, and more
Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc pu!"ishing as Prentice #a""
8"" rights reser%ed Lo part o+ this pu!"ication may !e
reproduced, stored in a retrie%a" system, or transmitted,
in any +orm or !y any means, e"ectronic, mechanica",
photocopying, recording, or other0ise, 0ithout the prior
0ritten permission o+ the pu!"isher Printed in the
'nited 9tates o+ 8merica

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