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PED 171 Alternative Fitness

Submission Sheet
Topic: Pilates____________________________________
Description of Activity
Pilates is an alternative method that focuses on total-body ftness. That
is to say, in addition to physical ftness, it strives to help bring out the
potential in the mind. Focus, willpower, and overall body awareness are all
large factors in this method.
ody awareness refers to recogni!ing and correcting the way each part
of your body wor"s together, in all things. #hether actively wor"ing out or
even $ust sitting and watching television, one should be aware of their
posture. %&' (n doing this, pilates strives to build a strong )trun") or )core). (t
does not emphasi!e muscle mass as much as body tone, *e+ibility, and
coordination throughout movements. %,'
-any muscles are involved in pilates e+cercises. Pilates focuses
especially on the )trun"), referred to by him as the powerhouse. This includes
the spine and bac" muscles, obli.ues, abdominis muscles, and hip *e+ors.
%/' Pilates believed that the powerhouse was the center and foundation for
movement, and thus a strong powerhouse was "ey to a strong physical form.
Pilates also focuses on using aparatus to achieve ftness. 1everal
pieces of e.uipment, ranging from things as simple as the e+ercise mat, ball,
and bands, to other more speciali!ed e.uipment li"e the reformer, and
Pilates chair. %0' -any of these pieces of e.uipment were actually invented
by Pilates specifcally for this method, including, but not limited to, the 1pine
2orrector, -agic 3ing, and 4adder arrel. %0' %5'
History of Activity:
Pilates originated in 6ermany, designed by and named after 7oseph
Pilates. 7oseph pilates was a physical culturist, and came from a very ftness-
and health oriented family 8 his father was a gymnast, and his mother
practiced alternative medicine. 9e originally called his method 2ontrology.
Pilates sculpted his method from many other systems available in
6ermany. :riginally, it was developed to help with rehabilitation, especially
for 6erman soldiers. %/' ;s Pilates continued to practice and refne his
method, he wrote and published two boo"s on it. These boo"s were
published in the early twentieth century. %0'
To this day, much of the original principle set of the Pilates method still
stand intact. The original si+ principles set forth were 2oncentration, 2ontrol,
2entering, Flow of -ovement, Precision, and reathing. %0, ,' These are used
in many of today)s other e+ercises. (n the current day, there is <-odern
Pilates=, which includes wor" of some of Pilates) frst generation students, as
well as <2lassical Pilates=, which holds most true to Pilates) original
teachings. %0'
Expected ene!ts:
:ne of the biggest benefts of pilates is also one of its) main focuses 8
body awareness. (t teaches students proper posture for everyday life. (t
teaches grace and e>ciency of movement that carries over outside of class.
:ne becomes aware of their )normal) actions that can a?ect ftness, and thus
can correct them or improve them. %&'
Pilates will also improve core function. #ith the strengthening of the
core, many other benefts will come to be, including straighter posture and
increased *e+ibility. ; stronger core will also yield fner, more deliberate body
control. %0'
Pilates can also help treat and prevent pains, especially bac" pain. (t
can be especially helpful for vertebrae disc problems. The reduction in pain
happens for a few reasons. For one, since pilates increases *e+ibility, it can
help relieve tensions in bac" muscles causing pain. ;nother reason for pain
reduction is that through body awareness, one can improve posture and thus
avoid incorrect and pain-inducing stances@positions. %&, ,'.
Elements of Fitness "e#uired$%rained:
Pilates re.uires many elements of ftness to be performed properly and
safely. 1ince it focuses on deliberate, well-formed movements over .uantity
of movements, coordination is a large component. %0' 1trength, to a lesser
e+tent, is another important aspect, to lift and accurately control oneself.
alance comes from having good posture and a strong trun", so balance is
also a trained element of ftness.
Fle+ibility is another large element of pilates. 1ince pilates encourages
*e+ibility more than muscle mass, pilates students are generally very
*e+ibleA thus why professional dancers do pilates. %0' Pilates also encourages
a very lean body composition.

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