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Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water

Water is Main stay for all living beings. There is no world without
water. Plant, Men and Live stock require water for their
existence on this earth. But unfortunately the ercentage of
sweet water out of the total quantity of water available in this
earth is only !."#. $o it is necessary that every erson has to
understand and rotect carefully this s%all quantity of water.
The concet of &ravity 'iversion of rivers refers to
changing the direction of rivers or taking surlus or excess water
fro% it to so%e suitable directions so that the areas which face
serious water scarcity or droughtness get benefitted.
(n the year !))), * co%%ittee headed by $ri &.$.
Para%asivaiya had roosed for &ravity diversion of two of the
rivers of +arnataka ,etravathy which is a west flowing river and
Tunga, an east flowing river.
-nly . states in our /ountry are 'rought affected. *bout
!# ercent of the country0s drought area is in +arnataka state
alone. 1ears of greatest distress in " districts of our state were
the years of considerable rainfall on the Western &hats.
Therefore heavy invest on this &ravity 'iversion ro2ect is a
worthy invest%ent, Benefits once achieved, last for centuries
and an insurance against shortfall in food also, in addition to
3echarge of ground water and there by assured suly of
drinking water to about 45 lakhs of oulation and 5. lakhs Live
stock. 6uture generation can concentrate on other roble%s and
achieve greater success without being constantly faced with the
necessity of urchasing food and cla%our for drinking water to
Men and Live stock.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
High Lights
*ny sche%e for utilisation of heavy quantity of water,
involves sub%ersion of large areas of fertile lands,
besides 3e7habilitation and 3e7settle%ent of nu%ber of
8illages9 Towns. But here it is roosed to %ake use of
existing tanks for storage. 3e7habilitation and 3e7
settle%ent roble%s, which are now rocking %any
irrigation ro2ects are not here.
*ssu%tions %ade here are on the safer side of utilising
surlus waters unlike in other ro2ects, where surlus
waters flows downstrea% for further utilisation.
The west flowing ,etravathy 3iver waters have been
draining to the $ea as a waste, and in conceiving this
water for beneficial use, %arks as the first ste in
harnessing further waters of west flowing rivers. (t aves
a way for utilising %ore waters of west flowing rivers to
drought affected area.
1ears of greatest distress in " districts na%ely
/hikka%agaluru, /hitradurga, 'avanagere, +olar,
Tu%kur : Bellary districts, were years of considerable
rainfall on the Western &hats. Therefore, any heavy
invest%ent on this ro2ect is a worthy invest%ent,
Benefits once achieved, last for centuries.
(t frees the eole fro% deendence on erratic rainfall,
and econo%y of the area gets a boost. (t checks the
%igration of rural eole to the cities.
;nlike other states of ,orthern arts of (ndia, our $tate
has li%ited water resources and therefore new technical
adventures are required to harness the west flowing
;ntil now <ngineers Task was to construct so%e
conventional structures like %asonry9concrete9earthen
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
obstacles across a well gauged defined river and %ake
use of the stored water for irrigation9drinking9ower
generation etc, through so%e well defined conveyance
syste%. This roosed &ravity 'iversion of ,etravathy
3iver water and Tunga 3iver surlus water is totally a
,ew /oncet.
This is altogether a ,ovel sche%e, not like other
sche%es. The concet of =&arland /anal0 is a new
thought. This na%e is chosen because the eak line of
the 3idge of the western ghat is the 3idge line >3ange of
catch%ent area ? and the align%ent of the canal below
this eak line, aears in the lan as a &arland worn by
the western sloe of the western ghat. @ence the na%e
A&*3L*,' /*,*LB, which is %eant to collect rain water
that reciitates on the western sloes of the western
ghat. The only disadvantage in this roosed garland
canal is the non7availability of sufficient storage
reservoirs, as they are not er%issible due to the
toograhy of the catch%ent area interceted.
(t is roosed to obtain 4#.C5 T.M./ water by &ravity
'iversion of ,etravathy basin water : 4).)) T.M./ water
by &ravity 'iversion out of Tunga river surlus water to
Bhadra Basin. @ence total utilisation will be #)#.C5 T.M./
This water will be used to fill u all the existing Tanks in
the co%%and area :also new Tanks being roosed to
have atleast one Tank er 8illage. Water will be sulied
twice a year so that there will be so%e standing water
even in su%%er %onths.
These tanks0 water will hel 3echarge of ground water on
a large scale : thereby assured suly of drinking water
will be available to all Towns : 8illages. By this rocess,
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
the fluoride contents in the 'rinking Water will get
considerably reduced.
Drought Conditions in the Command Areas
(rrigation /o%%ission #DC! 3eortE
F * G The following state%ent shows the drought7affected
areas in the country and in +arnataka as er (rrigation
/o%%ission 3eort #DC!.
'rought *reas
,o. of
,o. of
Land *reas
*ffected by
>Million @ectares?
Poulation in
#DC# !)))
H..# ..H4
#.#" !.))
F B G -nly . states in the /ountry are 'rought affected. *bout
!#I of the /ountry0s drought area is in +arnataka alone.
*s such the /entral &ovt. has to allot %ore waters fro%
the surlus resources of other states and %ore grants to
rovide assured drinking water and (rrigational facilities to
these areas.
8isit of $carcity /ondition $tudy Tea% fro% &ovt. of
(ndia to Tu%kurE
The scarcity condition /entral $tudy Tea% , &ovt. of (ndia
visited Tu%kur on #47H7D. to study the condition of the drought7
affected areas. The following state%ents were the result of their
*ll the !! Taluks in " districts are severely drought
affected. The state%ent of ground water develo%ent of
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
the Taluks which are considered as critical blocks is
reared by ,*B*3' >,ational Bank for *griculture and
3ural 'evelo%ent?. *s er this state%ent 5 Taluks co%e
under 'ark *rea, H taluks co%e under &rey *rea and .
Taluks are inter%ediate ones, which are on the verge of
beco%ing &rey *rea. Total #4 Taluks out of !! are
There are 6luoride contents in the drinking water in %ost
of the Taluks. (t is seen that #" Taluks out of !! reorted
has got fluoride contents in drinking water.
By careful study of Talukwise statistics, it is revealed that
these !! Taluks are very backward. The average annual
rainfall in this region is only "5" %%s : in %any Taluks it
is far below.
The 3un7off of rain water is being reduced year after
year, as %ost of the 3yots oted and oting for
develo%ent of coconut, areca, etc. gardens instead of
dry cros. They are constructing big bunds for their lands,
so that the rain water will not flow out of their lands. *s
such the tanks are not receiving water as in earlier years.
The tanks beco%e dry in su%%er. There will be no
recharge of ground water. /onsequently the eole in
%ost of the villages do not get drinking water.
$o%e areas of /., @ally, Madhugiri : $ira Taluks and full
area of Pavagada Tq of Tu%kur 't and so%e area of
&owribidanur Taluk of +olar 't are at lower elevation and
hence they are co%%anded by this ro2ect.
(n consideration of increasing i%ortance of ground water
resources for water suly, secifically for drinking water,
and in view of growing influence of hu%an activities on
the availability of ground water resources, both in quantity
and quality, is has beco%e an urgent necessity to
i%le%ent sche%es for recharging of ground water on a
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
larger scale for large areas, arranging the resources of
water fro% river basins also wherever feasible, and
articularly by diverting west flowing rivers by gravity,
which are now going to $ea.
+arnataka $tate &eograhical area is #,D!,!)H $q +%s,
nearly one third of this area is constantly affected by
drought. The drought is %ainly due to the shortage of
water resources on right ti%e in right quantity. The water
resources deend on the %onsoons, C)I of which occur
during June to ,ove%ber. 'rought in general %ay be
defined as ALack of 3ain fallB sufficiently large and
sufficiently long eriod, as to affect adversely the cro
and water suly for drinking and other uroses for Men
and Live $tock.
(n this roosal, in co%%and area, there are only #.HD
Tanks for !.). 8illages. $o in a view to rovide one tank
for each village, it is roosed to construct so%e #)))
,ew Tanks. $everal actions to %itigate the drought,
including utilisation of ground water, have been
insufficient and there is need for a better and long ter%
solution to avoid recurrence of drought, which has
beco%e a regular feature.
@ence it is very necessary to i%le%ent this sche%e on
war footing, starting the execution of all works
si%ultaneously so that water of this sche%e will flow in
the canal and fill u all the Tanks twice in a year.
(n this roosal, in co%%and area, there are only #.HD Tanks for
!.). 8illages. $o in a view to rovide one tank for each village,
it is roosed to construct so%e #))) ,ew Tanks.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
Sources of Water and Head Works
&ravity 'iversion of water fro% ,etravathy 3iver basin can be
done by the construction of ! &arland canals na%ely &arland
/anal ,o.# and &arland canal ,o.#>a?. The yield of water fro%
both the &arland canals is calculated to be 4#.C5 T.M./. The
ridge line for the above two canals catch%ent area is the
garland canals of ,etravathy : Bhadra rivers 'iversion $che%e.
$i%ilarly, the &ravity diversion of Water fro% Tunga 3iver
basin to Bhadra basin is done through the construction of
&arland /anal ,o.! which is having a yield of "D.DH T.M./
@ence total quantity of water resources available for this
ro2ect is 4#.C5K4).)) L#)#.C5 T.M./ F4#.C5 T.M./ fro%
,etravathy Basin and 4).)) T.M./ fro% Tunga BasinG.
Scheme to Utilize Flood Water:
/alculations show that surlus water is found to be %ore
than the utilisation of water. -ur state is not afford to waste this
flood water, so it %ay be roosed to construct so%e Buffer
da%s on the ustrea% catch%ent, where the land which co%es
under sub%ersion is not develoed. The flood water can be
stored only after lower 3eservoirs are filled u. This stored water
can be utiliMed in lean years, by having Link canals fro% Buffer
da%s to existing canals.
6ro% flood da%ages by the rivers in Bihar state, #.#)
crores oulation : C,H5) villages of !5 districts were affected
during $ete%ber #DD.. *ccording to &ovt. reort the losses are
7 a? /ros of value 3s. !54.5C crores, b? 'a%ages valued at
3s. !!.!! crores for #,5D,"5) houses. The total loss was
esti%ated at H..5. crores. 3egarding da%ages in *ssa%, !#)
villages having total oulation of C",))) were in water. (n
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
addition !4) villages having #,"4,))) oulations in the basin of
the Ma2auli 3iver were affected. This is only one such case.
There are %any such rivers, which will be in heavy floods al%ost
every year. These da%ages are occurring now and then and it is
necessary to divert such surlus waters to the states suffering
for require%ents of water.
*rrange%ents are to be %ade to divert such flood waters
to south for drought affected areas of the country. By doing so
the flood da%ages in these rivers will have areciable control.
Submersion of Lands:
(f the esti%ated quantity of #)#.C5 T.M./ water is utiliMed
for irrigation of one +harif se%i7dry cro, in a year, 4,C),)))
hectares of land could have been irrigated. (t is seen that the
sub%ersion of lands is only ",.5! @ectares where areciable
area is only halla widths, halla %argins, 3ock outcros and
scrubs. ,o village will be sub%erged. Poulation is not affected.
These waters are roosed to be utiliMed only for ground water
recharge on a large scale and thereby suly of assured
drinking water to thousands of villages and Lakhs of oulation
and Live $tock as well. Water is roosed to be diverted fro%
west flowing hallas by gravity avoiding draining into the $ea.
(t is roosed to rovide nu%ber of 3elieving weirs all
along the garland canals wherever the sites are feasible, to
discharge heavy flash floods water. @owever to avoid heavy
discharge of water in the relieving weirs, higher caacity for the
canal than the required caacity as er design and extra free
board will also be rovided, so that the water available fro% the
catch%ent area is not allowed to go to sea as far as ossible.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
Demand for Water e!uirement
Water for @u%an 3equire%entE
@u%an beings require water for drinking, bathing, cleaning the
residential floors, washing clothes, utensils and sanitation etc.
The oulation has increased in the last decade by #DI in
these !! taluks of " 'istricts. $i%ilarly the Live $tock strength
has also increased. $o the require%ents of water during the
resent decade %ay increase by #DI. The available rain and
ground water is li%ited. $o there is urgent necessity to divert
west flowing river waters in large quantities to these areas. The
rural oulation of this area is .HI and hence this roosal to
fill u all the tanks, to increase the availability of both surface
and ground water.
Water for /attle and *ll -ther Live $tockE
*ll live stock require water for drinking and to wash their body
every day. There are %ore than 5. lakhs Live $tock including
cattle and buffaloes.
*ssess%ent of 3equire%ent of Water for Men and Live $tockE
(t is difficult to assess the require%ent of water for the above two
uses. @owever it is esti%ated that about H4 gallons >!)H.4C
liters? water er head er day for the oulation to be benefitted
will be sufficient for both Men and Live $tock.
Water for (ndustriesE
Water is also required for 'evelo%ent of (ndustries. $o !.H4
T.M./ of water is rovided under this ite%.
Water to 6ill u <xisting Tanks and Proosed ,ew TanksE
There are about #.HD tanks in the co%%and area. The total
caacity of all the existing tanks is about 5D.C) T.M./. *l%ost all
the tanks are silted u to the extent of 55.55I on an average
and the net caacity will be 5D.C)7#5.!5 L!".HC T.M./. it is
exected that 4)I of this will be received fro% rain water
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
during rainy season. (t is roosed to sule%ent about #5
T.M./ during rainy season and !) T.M./ >C4I of the reduced
caacity? during su%%er season.
(t is also roosed to suly about 4 T.M./ water to
8anivilasa $agar 3eservoir, as this reservoir is facing short
suly of water for a large nu%ber of years and the *tchkat
under this is suffering fro% want of water. By doing so the ryots
will grow sugarcane successfully each year.
*s the nu%ber of existing tanks are very less in the
roosed co%%and area it is necessary to have atleast one
Tank for each village for the benefit of Men : Live $tock, and
also to recharge ground water in all the village areas of this
co%%and area. *s such 5) T.M./ water in a year is %arked for
this urose. *s there will be no silt deosit in these new tanks
these require #) T.M./ water during rainy season assu%ing
other 4)I water will be received by rains and !) T.M./ during
su%%er season. By this total 5).)) T.M./ water is roosed for
new tanks.

The total quantity of water available fro% the two roosed
resources of water is #)#.C5 T.M./ and the de%and for suly
of water er year is #)#.!) T.M./.
Areas "ro#osed to be benefitted:
>*? /hikka%agaluru 'istrictE
a? Tarikere b? +adur 7 ! Taluks
>B? /hitradurga 'istrictE
a? /hitradurga b? @olalkere c?@osadurga
d? @iriyur e? /hallakere : f? %olakal%uru
7 " Taluks
>/? 'avanagere 'istrictE
a? Parts of 'avanagere b? Jagalur
c? Parts of /hannagiri : d?@araanahalli
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
7 H Taluks
>'? Bellary 'istrictE
a? @adagali b? @.B.@alli c? Bellary
d? $andar : e? +udligi 7 4 Taluks
><? Tu%kur 'istrictE
a? Parts of /.,.@ally b? Parts of $ira
c? Parts of Madhugiri :
d? Pavagada 7 H Taluks
>6? +olar 'istrictE
a? Part of &ouribidanur Taluk 7 # Taluk
Total N !! Taluks of " 'istricts.
<xisting Minor and %ediu% Tanks and new Tanks
There are about #.HD tanks under the control of &ovt.
and Oilla Panchayats in the co%%and area, having a total
caacity of about 5D T.M./. But it is esti%ated that silt deosit in
these tanks is in the order of about 55I on an average. *s
exlained earlier, the run7off of rain water is being reduced year
by year due to different reasons. *s such about 4)I of the
reduced caacity requires suly of water fro% this sche%e,
execting the balance 4)I will be received fro% rain water. (t is
necessary to restore all the above tanks in all resects, 'isilting
is also to be attended adoting the new concet roosed. *lso
existing Tanks caacity are to be increased wherever feasible.
The waste weirs are to be extended suitably and gates
are to be rovided wherever required to ass on flash flood
waters to the lower Tanks and finally on to the resective values
to rotect the tanks fro% water overflowing fro% the bund. *lso it
is roosed to raise the sluice levels of all the Tanks suitably to
%aintain water for an areciable deth in the Tank even in
su%%er %onths, avoiding the ryots of the Tanks atchkat taking
tank water to the last dro fro% the Tank. By doing so there will
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
be recharge of ground water activity throughout the year, for
which results this sche%e is being roosed.
(n view of the resence of water in the Tanks throughout
the year large scale sweet water fishery develo%ent will take
lace. /onsequent to the above arrange%ent of 3echarge of
&round water, the ground water resources will be available in
al%ost all the villages at a shallow deth, there will be good
scoe for develo%ent of garden cros, $ericulture, 6loriculture,
etc. and cultivation of vegetables and fruits will have good
$round Water echarge
The areas where the ground water recharge is arranged
are as noted belowE
a? Two %ain canals for a total length of about 4)!.C4 +%s and "
branch canals of total length C44.C4 +%s for a width of wetted
cross section >Bed and side sloes?.
b? Tanks sub%ersion areas ".5! @ectares
c? Bed width and sloes of good nu%ber of Minor canals.
(t is difficult to assess the total water sread area of all
the Tanks. @owever the recharge will take lace in very large
areas and in each Taluk.
3e7charge of &round water (n the Water $read *reas
of <xisting and ,ew Tanks *nd in the ;nlined /analsE
*s it is roosed to fill u #.HD tanks in !! Taluks of "
'istricts, there will be standing water in the tanks for full water
sread areas for " %onths and in other " %onths, there will be
water for areciable deth. Thus large areas are created for
3echarge of &round Water. *art fro% these tanks, so%e new
tanks roosed will also hel for recharge of ground water to a
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
large extent. The unlined canals will also hel for recharge of
ground water.
Thus the require%ent of drinking water for hu%an beings
will be available, either in oen wells or in Bore wells deending
on the elevation of the lands, since the water table level rises, in
all the villages, the water required for hu%an beings for other
uroses and water required by all Livestock will also be
available in the Tanks.
De%elo#ment of Irrigation in the Second Stage:
There is a wide scoe for extending irrigational facilities
for so%e areas of this co%%and area in future also.
(t is exected that west flowing waters can be diverted to
east by installing reversible turbines. When this new concet to
our country is adoted, there will huge quantity of water
available to our state.
The total sown area of this region is #5.4H lakhs hectares
and the irrigation facilities are rovided for only !.5D lakhs
@ectares. The balance sown area of ##.#4 lakhs hectares are to
be rovided with irrigational facilities in the years to co%e as the
annual average rain fall in this region is only "5" %%. it can be
seen that so%e Taluks are having a rain fall as low as H)! %%.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
$ub%ersion *reas of 3eservoirs
The sub%ersion areas of Mini 3eservoirs and land
required for garland canals, though belong to 6orest
'eart%ent, so%e of these areas have only grass growth and
scrubs. There are rock outcros. The hallas and halla %argins
are encroached uon. ,o village will co%e under sub%ersion.
6ro% ##K## L!! 3eservoirs of both ,etravathy and Tunga sub7
basin !#""KH""" L".5! @ectares of land %ay get sub%erged.
6or this %agnitude of a sche%e to rovide 3echarge of
ground water on a large scale and assured suly of drinking
water to the acute drought areas of !! Taluks of " 'istricts. The
sub%ersion involved is very little, co%ared to irrigation or
ower generation sche%es, utilising this quantity of #)#.C5
T.M./ water. @ence this roosal has to be exe%ted and
er%ission given for sub%ersion of s%all forest areas.
Moisture in the $oil in the /o%%and *rea
This roosal for suly of drinking water to about 45 lakhs of
oulation : about 5. lakhs of Live stock and suly of water to
existing #.HD tanks and to the roosed new tanks on a large
scale sread over to !.). villages will kee the entire area cool
and there will be sufficient %oisture in the soil. This will hel the
afforestation work in the district forest areas which are in the
co%%and areas of this roosed ro2ect.
Afforestation of District Forests ) *arren Lands
There are %inor and district forest areas in the co%%and
area. These " districts have got about !."# lakhs hectares of
such %inor and s%all areas of forests. -ut of these areas, s%all
areas in %aidan forest lands have only s%all scrubs, excet in
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
so%e very s%all areas here and there, where the 6orest
deart%ent has lanted <ucalytus trees. $uch %aidan forest
lands have to be lanned for afforestation in a eriod of 4 to #)
years. Water %ay be sulied to these afforestation areas
during the first ! to 5 years of lanting to rotect their growth.
$i%ilarly the Barren lands of about #.54 lakhs hectares will have
to be lanned for afforestation.
"lanting of +rees all along the ,ain- *ranch ) ,inor canals
on both sides for a good number of ro.s:
This sche%e will have 4)!.C4 +%s of %ain canals and
C44.C4 branch and %inor canals, total length will be #!4..4)
+%s. *ssu%ing only two rows of fruit bearing trees on either
side of the canal at #) %eters aart, about 4 lakhs trees can
lanted. Provision will have to be %ade for the cost and
%aintenance of trees.
De%elo#ment of +anks *eds eclaimed Land as $ardens:
(n the reclai%ed land area of Tank beds, urchasers will
develo lakhs of areas of land as gardens having coconut, areca
nut, %ango, etc. lantations. 6urther for a loss of only s%all area
of forest land, several lakhs of hectares of forest waste lands
can be develoed as 3ich lantations. The reclai%ed lands will
also have %illions of trees.
&/#ert '#inion egarding +eak "lantations in ,aidan
(n the %inor forests, teak, rose and sandal wood
lantation can be develoed. *ccording to a scientist of
Bangalore *gricultural ;niversity, one hectare of teak lantation
will yield in a year of #4 years 5,C4) cft teak ti%ber of value 3s.
5.4 Lakhs. $o considering only Tu%kur district %inor forest
areas, the value of teak ti%ber yield %ay be several thousands
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
of crores of ruees, in a eriod of #4 years, though not in #4
$o it is necessary to take u a suitable sche%e in a
%aidan area of about #)) acres to lant teak wood trees. (f the
result of such a sche%e is favourable, afforestation in all such
%aidan forest areas can be taken u.
Affect on Do.nstream of 0etra%ath1 Due to +his
"ro#osed Scheme
$o%e <cologists exress that if the roosed sche%e is
taken u following roble%s will rise uE
a? The %arine creatures in the $ea shore will be affected.
b? $%all creatures in the earth crevices in the land area between
this ro2ect head works site and the $ea shore will get affected.
c? There will be roble% for 'rinking water in 8illages
downstrea% in this valley and in Mangalore /ity.
The answers for these three doubts are as followsE
a? The total yield water of ,etravathy river as %easured at Pane
Mangalore is H"H.!) T.M./. 6urther, there is areciable yield of
water between Pane Mangalore and the $ea shore. This
sche%e and the other roosed sche%e together were
roosed for utilisation of #H!.H" T.M./ water. $o there is still a
large quantity of water of this river 2oins the $ea. *art fro% this
+ollur 3iver and so%e %ore hallas carrying sweet water are also
2oining the $ea round about Mangalore.
b? $i%ilarly there is large nu%ber of hallas water downstrea% of
this roosed site. Thus these waters will be resent in the
crevices downstrea% and hence the creatures referred to will
not suffer.
c? 3egarding 'rinking water7 Two reservoirs across $hishila
3iver and ,eriya 3iver are roosed to store enough water both
for drinking and irrigation during su%%er. The feasibility reorts
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
are ending sanction since nu%ber of years. $o if there is any
scarcity in this field these two ro2ects can be i%le%ented.
&colog1 ,o%ement 2 De%elo#ment:
(n the na%e of %aintenance of <cology, there shall not be
obstruction for 'evelo%ental activities. $i%ilarly, the
%aintenance of <arth in good condition is also i%ortant to
%aintain <cology.
*s such on i%le%enting this ro2ect <cology is not
disturbed. -n the other hand the ecology is i%roved.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
Cost of the Scheme ) Finance:
The esti%ate cost of this $che%e will be very %oderate
and reasonable for adotion when co%ared to various
other 'rinking water suly ro2ects and in addition other
benefits will be derived.
The entire cost of desilting : 3estoration of Tanks, and
art of the cost of this sche%e can be had by adoting
new concet for desilting of tank beds.
This is %ainly a drinking water sche%e for hu%an beings
and all Live $tock and for ground water recharge on a
large scale. 6urther this sche%e will avoid 6lood
da%ages, ro%otes fishery develo%ent on a large
scale. @ence the /entral &ovt. will have to be
aroached for financial assistance, under various heads
of accounts.
(t is learnt that loans are available fro% ,.3.(., *%erican
Trusts :Trusts in Middle <ast countries at low interest
rates for this tye of sche%es, on a long eriod of
reay%ent for such loans. *ny one of these loans can be
+arnataka $tate has got drought affected ! crores
oulation : #).54 Million hectares geograhical area of
#C taluks of #" districts which will be about !#I of the
entire country0s drought area. @ence the /entral &ovt.
has to grant %ore finance liberally to overco%e drought in
this $tate.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
Field Sur%e1s:
The Traditional %ethod of conducting 6ield $urveys for
@ead Works and canals will require %ore ti%e and also costly.
$o it is roosed to entrust this work to the 3e%ote
$ensing Technology 'eart%ent under $tate &ovt. for suly of
Block level lans for all da% sites, Longitudinal and /ross
sections of canals and Block level lans for all /.'. works etc.
By doing so, this work can be co%leted %ore accurately in a
less eriod of ti%e with less cost. @ence it is reco%%ended to
entrust this work to the above deart%ent.
Summar1 of Se%eral *enefits A%ailable b1 this
#. *ssured Per%anent 'rinking and other require%ents
of water for 4!.#5 lakhs oulation residing in drought
affected areas of !.). villages and !! towns of !!
Taluks of " 'istricts.
!. 6illing u of water to existing #.HD tanks and the
roosed new tanks twice a year.
5. *rrange%ents are %ade to have water in all the Tanks
during su%%er %onths also.
H. *ssured suly of water required for all Live $tock of
5C..! lakhs in this area, even in su%%er %onths.
4. $uly of H.)) T.M./ water to 8anivilasa $agar
reservoir in @iriyur Taluk.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
". There is scoe for large scale 6ishery develo%ent in
tanks throughout the year.
C. By utilising about "D.DH T.M./ Tunga 3iver water for
this sche%e, the da%ages occurring near $hi%oga
and other laces will be avoided.
.. *ll tanks will be restored to original caacity and
strengthened and also desilted.
D. ,ew tanks are roosed to be constructed and so%e
tanks caacities will be increased. (f favourable sites
are available then without required catch%ent area
and yield of water, new tanks %ay be constructed, so
that there will be one tank to each village.
#). Tanks bed waste land area is reclai%ed for
*gricultural oerations by desilting.
##. &ovt. will get several thousands of crores of ruees
by selling the reclai%ed land of the tanks beds by
Public *uction.
#!. 3echarge of ground water will be in oeration
throughout the year, without extra cost fro% large
areas of tanks water sreads and wetted areas of
4)!.C4 +%s %ain canals and C4H +%s branch :
%inor canals.
#5. The at%oshere of !.). 8illages will be cool, since all
the tanks will have water throughout the year.
#H. By decreasing the starting bed levels of garland
canals, it is ossible to have %ore catch%ent area
and consequent yield. By reducing the bed fall of both
the service canals, %ore area can be co%%anded.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
-nly . states in our /ountry are 'rought affected. *bout
!# ercent of the country0s drought area is in +arnataka state
alone. 1ears of greatest distress in " districts of our state were
the years of considerable rainfall on the Western &hats.
Therefore heavy invest on this roosed &ravity 'iversion
ro2ect is a worthy invest%ent, Benefits once achieved, last for
centuries and an insurance against shortfall in food also, in
addition to 3echarge of ground water and there by assured
suly of drinking water to about 45 lakhs of oulation and 5.
lakhs Live stock. 6uture generation can concentrate on other
roble%s and achieve greater success without being constantly
faced with the necessity of urchasing food and cla%our for
drinking water to Men and Live stock.
Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water
% Modified Preli%inary 3eort 6or 'iversion of ,etravathy
and Tunga 3ivers $urlus Water by &ravity for *ssured
$uly of 'rinking Water : &round Water 3echarge for
!! drought affected Taluks of " districts : 8.8.$agar
% &oogle.
% Wiki edia.

Proposal for the Gravity Diversion of Netravathy and Tunga Rivers water


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